KEY NOTES - Chaotic behaviour of Gravel Bed Rivers morphological trajectories: analysis and implications for modeling predictions. Gravel Bed Rivers: Processes, resilience and management in a changing environment (Gravel Bed Rivers 9), Chile, January 2023.
- Modeling of mixed-sediment morphodynamics in gravel bed rivers using the active layer approach: insights from mathematical and numerical analysis. Gravel-bed Rivers: Processes and Disasters (GBR8), Japan, 2015.
INVITED SEMINARS (last four years) - Eco-Morfodinamica fluviale: uno spostamento di paradigma. Accademia dei Lincei, World Water Day 2021, Rome.
- Modeling vegetation controls on gravel bed river morphodynamics. Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Hydraulic and Morphodynamic Problems, Deltares (Delft), 2019.
- Riverbed and surface composition adjustments in a gravel-bed river subject to repeated sediment bypass tunnel operations. Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research Suply and Electricity (SCCER- SoE) Annual Conference, Luzern 14th September, 2018
- Feedbacks between plant roots and river morphodynamics: a modelling appraoch. Pre-conference short course of River Costal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM) conference, Padova, Italy (2017)
- Modelling the interactions between vegetation and morphodynamics in gravel bed rivers. EDF, Laboratoire d’Hydraulique Saint-Venant, France (2017).
Recent contributions to conferences - Massera G., Siviglia A, Tubino M., Cohen T., Laronne J.B., Dorman M., Reid I, Powel M.D. (2022) Formation of repeating bedforms (bars-flats) in ephemeral channels: from field observations to modelling. River Flow 2022
- Cunico I., Caponi F., Bertoldi W., Siviglia A. (2022). Butterfly effect in a deterministic ecomorphodynamic model. River Flow 2022.
- Müller L., Spilimbergo A, Siviglia A., Toro E.F., (2022). Splitting methods for a generalized blood flow equation model applied on networks. xviii i nternational conference on hyperbolic problems theory , numerics, applications Málaga, June 20-24.
- Casalucci A, Müller L, Siviglia A., Toro E.F., Repetto R. (2022) Computational study of retinal blood flow coupled to a global circulation model. 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, June 26-29, 2022, Porto, Portugal
- Colombo C. , Siviglia A. , Toro E.F. , Müller L. (2022). Tube law parameter estimation using ovine and human in vitro data: a mathematical properties-preserving approach. 7th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering - CMBE2021
- Cunico, I., Siviglia, A., Bertoldi, W., & Caponi, F. (2022). Intermediate hydro-morphodynamic disturbances amplify riparian vegetation dynamics (No. EGU22-8495). Copernicus Meetings.
- Salerno, L., Moreno-Martínez, A., Izquierdo-Verdiguier, E., Clinton, N., Siviglia, A., & Camporeale, C. (2022). The long-term floodplain forest modifications of a regulated tropical river (No. EGU22-13063). Copernicus Meetings.
- Caponi, F., Vetsch, D. F., Siviglia, A., & Vanzo, D. (2022). BASEveg: A modelling framework integrating vegetation dynamics and river hydro-morphodynamic processes (No. EGU22-8683). Copernicus Meetings.
- Salerno, L., Moreno-Martínez, Á., Izquierdo-Verdiguier, E., Clinton, N., Siviglia, A., and Camporeale, C.: High-resolution mapping of floodplain vegetation changes in large tropical rivers, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12994, 2021.
- Fink, S., van Rooijen, E., Vanzo, D., Vetsch, D. F., Siviglia, A., and Scheidegger, C.: A hierarchical approach linking hydraulic and ecological modeling for habitat predictions for riverine pioneer vegetation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6450, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6450, 2021.
- Cunico, I., Fantin, D., Siviglia, A., Bertoldi, W., Bätz, N., and Caponi, F.: Modeling groundwater-driven morphodynamic evolution of a gravel bed river in presence of riparian vegetation, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-10083, 2021.
- van Rooijen, E., Toma, L., Vetsch, D. F., Boes, R., Siviglia, A., & Vanzo, D. (2020, December). Quantification of Flood Induced Fish Habitat Changes in an Alpine River. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.
- Caponi, F., Wild, P., Vetsch, D. F., Boes, R., Siviglia, A., & Vanzo, D. (2020, December). Quantifying the Role of Hydropeaking Regimes on Reach-Scale Vegetation Recruitment in a Gravel Bed River. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.
- Caponi, F., Vetsch, D. F., & Siviglia, A. (2020, May). Influence of plant traits on biogeomorphic patterns of gravel bed rivers. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 11453).
- Siviglia, A., & Caponi, F. (2019, January). Modeling the effects of plant allometry on biogeomorphic feedbacks in gravel-bed rivers. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21).
- Siviglia, A., & Caponi, F. (2018, December). Plant root controls on riverbed evolution: a numerical modeling study. In AGU Fall Meeting 2018. AGU.
- Facchini, M., Bertoldi, W., Boes, R., Vetsch, D. F., & Siviglia, A. (2018, December). Effects of natural and anthropogenic repeated water and sediment inputs to gravel-bed rivers: a numerical study. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2018, pp. EP31A-05).
- Caponi, F., Koch, A., Siviglia, A., Vetsch, D. F., & Bertoldi, W. (2018, December). Vegetation Pattern Evolution on the Alternate Bars in the Alpine Rhine River: Image Analysis and Numerical Modelling. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2018, pp. EP41D-2708).