Sondra Faccio

Professore associato

Facoltà di Giurisprudenza

Professore associato: Scuola di Studi Internazionali - SSI

Via Tommaso Gar, 14 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 283121
sondra.faccio[at]unitn [dot] it
Settore scientifico disciplinare: GIUR-09/A - Diritto internazionale (GIUR-09/A)

  • Ph.D. in law and economics of enterprises – Doctor Europaeus, University of Verona (2013)
  • Master degree in law, University of Verona (2008)


  • Visiting scholar, University of Cincinnati, United States (UC Int. Visiting Scholar Grant 2023)
  • Visiting research fellow, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom (2019)
  • Ernst Mach fellow, University of Vienna, Austria (Ernst Mach Grant Worldwide 2013)
  • Visiting PhD student, Columbia University-New York, United States (2011)
Premi e riconoscimenti

Grant from the Italian Ministry of University and Research for the project “Arms, Peace and Sustainability” (Prin 2023), Principal Investigator: Sondra Faccio

UC International Visiting Scholar Grant 2023 (University of Cincinnati (US))

UniTrento Short Term Programs 4 International Students (STP4IS) - Winter School on Arms transfers and control 2022 (University of Trento)

Caritro Post-doc Fellowship 2020 (Fondazione Caritro - Trento (Italy))

Starting Grant 2018/2019 (University of Trento) 

Ernst Mach Grant Worldwide 2012/2013 (OeAD - Austria)

Convegni e conferenze
  • 06/12/2023: Faccio, “Il percorso delle imprese verso la sostenibilità nell’epoca del greenwashing”, Seminar: “Greenwashing e sostenibilità” (translation: Faccio, “Companies and the path towards sustainability in times of greenwashing”, Seminar: “Greenwashing and sustainability), University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 11-12/11/2023: Faccio, Pertile “Putting Permanent Sovereignty to the Test of Investment Contracts: The Quest for a Balance between the Protection of FDIs and the Emancipation of African Peoples”, International conference: “The African Renaissance in the Age of Globalization. What Role for International Investment Law?”, University of Padua (Padua, Italy)
  • 20/10/2023: Faccio, “La reciprocità e i trattati internazionali: focus sul trattato sugli investimenti UE-Singapore”, Convegno: “La reciprocità: un principio che ha fatto il suo tempo” (translation: Faccio, “Reciprocity and international treaties: focus on the EU-Singapore Agreement on Investments”, Conference: “Reciprocity: an outdated principle”), Federnotizie presso il Consiglio Notarile di Milano (Milan, Italy)
  • 18/9/2023: Faccio, “Introduction to EU Law”, Guest lecture at the University of Cincinnati, College of Law (Cincinnati, US)
  • 13/9/2023: Faccio, “The Impact of Public International Law on the Regulation of Private Law Matters: Focus on the Duty of Non-Recognition”, Seminar at the University of Cincinnati, College of Law (Cincinnati, US)
  • 21/11/2022: Faccio, “Expropriation and Legal Security”, Workshop: “Legal Security and Regulatory Discretion in International Investment Law”, Universidad de La Sabana/online (Chía, Colombia).
  • 30/5/2022: Faccio, “Intellectual Property Rights and COVID-19. Which Strategy to Guarantee Equal Access to Vaccines?”, Research seminar: “The Future of Global Health Architecture-Legal and Institutional Tools”, University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 31/8/2022: Faccio, “Local Communities in Investment Contracts: towards a more Inclusive Investment Law and Arbitration Regime?”, ESIL 2022 Annual Conference workshop organized by the International Economic Law Interest Group “Civil Society and International Economic Law”, Utrecht University/online (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • 10/6/2022: participation to the roundtable: “The Future of Europe as a Global Actor”, University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 07/4/2022: Faccio, “The application of domestic laws on investments in cases of 
    inter-state contestations of sovereignty and de facto entities: 
    private international law issues”, Seminar: “Conflict of laws in conflict areas”, University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 7-8/2/2022: Faccio, “EU Sustainable Corporate Governance 
    towards the Promotion of the Rule of Law”, International conference: “The Rule of Law in the EU and the Consequences of its Violations”, University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 17/12/2021: Faccio, “The Foreign Investment Contract”, Annual Conference of the Society of Law and Economics, University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 30/11-1/12/2021, Faccio, “Scientific Knowledge and Domestic Regulatory Measures. Perspectives from the Covid Pandemic”, 8th Expert Seminar: “International Investment Law and the Pandemic. New Trends and Old Standards”, University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 5/11/2021, Faccio, “Il quadro normativo europeo per un investimento estero diretto sostenibile”, Seminar: “Fondi di investimento e imprese: nuove prospettive e investimento sostenibile in Trentino” (translation:Faccio, “The EU Legal Framework for sustainable foreign direct investment”, Seminar: “Investment Funds and Companies: New Perspectives and Sustainable investment”), University of Trento, in partnership with General Confederation of Italian Industry (Trento, Italy)
  • 11/6/2021, Faccio, “La forza maggiore e trattati in materia di investimento”, Seminar: “Contratti e trattati bilaterali in materia di investimento. Focus sulla forza maggiore” (translation: Faccio, “Force Majeure and International Investment Agreements”, Seminar: “Contracts and International Investment Agreements. Focus on Force Majeure”), University of Trento, in partnership with the Bar Association of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 11/5/2021: Book launch, “Sondra Faccio, Indirect Expropriation in International Investment Law. Between State Regulatory Powers and Investor Protection - Editoriale Scientifica 2020”, Society of International Economic Law (online)
  • 18-20/3/2021: Faccio, “International Investment Law after the Covid-19 Emergency. The Way through Investment Contracts”, 10th Annual Cambridge International Law Conference: “National Sovereignty and International Co-operation: The Challenges of Navigating Global Crises” (online)
  • 23/11/2020: Faccio, “Corporations’ Obligations and Responsibilities Concerning International Transfers of Conventional Arms”, Seminar “Humanitarian crises and open source investigation”, Club Alpbach, Lighthouse Reports, University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 09/09/2020, Faccio: “International Investment Law after the Covid-19 Emergency: What Role for the Foreign Investment Contract?”, ESIL 2020 Annual Conference workshop organized by the International Economic Law Interest Group “International economic law between emergencies and reforms” (online)
  • 11/5/2020: Faccio, “Investimenti esteri dopo l’emergenza Covid-19. Quale ruolo per le zone economiche speciali e per i contratti di investimento?” (translation: Faccio, “Foreign Direct Investment after the Covid-19 Emergency. What Role for Special Economic Zones and Investment Contracts?”), Jean Monnet Webinar, Italian Society of International Law (online)
  • 21/11/2019: Faccio, “Human Habitation or Economic Life. The Definition of an Island between Law, History and Technology”, International Conference “Island and Remoteness in Geography, Law and Fiction”, University of Verona (Verona, Italy)
  • 20/9/2019: Faccio, “The Effects of Sanctions on the Investments in Crimea/Ukraine/Russia”, International Conference "EU Sanctions against the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran in a Comparative Perspective", University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 23/5/2019: Faccio, “Investing in Disputed Territories”, #Tilt Young Academic Colloquium, University of Verona (Verona, Italy)
  • 15/11/2018: “La promozione e la protezione degli investimenti attraverso i trattati bilaterali. L’Italia e i Paesi dell’America Latina”, University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 23/11/2018: “Practical challenges of the EU Social Market Economy”, Book Launch Event “The EU Social Market Economy and the Law”, Maynooth University (Maynooth, Ireland)
  • 30/10/2018: Faccio, “Investing in disputed territories. The Application of BITs in Crimea and other cases”, Guest Lecture Series, University of Trento (Trento, Italy)
  • 03/03/2017: “Dispute Resolution Options for Current Islands Disputes in East Asia”, International Workshop.Invited participants only, Royal Society of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK)
  • 10/06/2016 “TTIP e Diritti Umani: Rischi e Opportunità. Il Caso dei Diritti delle Persone con Disabilità”,Convegno Il Trattato Transatlantico UE/USA: Cosa Cambia per le Persone e l'Economia?, University of Verona (Vicenza, Italy)
  • 14-15/04/2016: Faccio, “Energy Reforms in Europe as a Source of International Investment Disputes”, 5thConference of the Postgraduate and Early Professionals/Academics Network of the Society of International Economic Law, Luxembourg
  • 10/06/2014: Faccio, “Le zone economiche speciali e gli incentivi in Russia e Turchia: opportunità di investimento per leimprese italiane”, General Confederation of Italian Industry (Venice, Italy)
  • 24-25/04/2014: Faccio, “Rebalancing International Investment Law and the Application of the Principle of proportionality in the Quantum Phase”, 3rd Conference of the Postgraduate and Early Professionals/AcademicsNetwork of the Society of International Economic Law, San Paolo (Brazil)
  • 3-7/09/2012: “Non-State Actors and Sovereign States in International Investment Law: Balancing Conflicting Interests before International Tribunals”, Centre de Recherche Franco - Italien en Droit International et Européen, Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France)
Altre attività
  • Attorney admitted to the Bar Association of Verona, Italy
  • Arbitrator in the list of the Chamber of Arbitration and Conciliation (Camera Arbitrale e di Conciliazione della Cooperazione)-Rome, Italy
  • Arbitrator in the list of the Chamber of Commerce of Verona, Italy
  • Expert in the list of the Milan Chamber of Arbitration (Camera Arbitrale di Milano), Italy