Gianluca Esposito

Corso Bettini, 31 - 38068 Rovereto
tel. 0464 808643
gianluca.esposito[at]unitn [dot] it
Area CUN: Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche (11)


2006. Ph.D in Cognitive Science and Education, University of Trento, Italy. Thesis: “Analysis of movement in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder during the first 2 years of age” (M-PSI08).

2002. BS Clinical Psychology (summa cum laude), University of Naples, Italy. Thesis: “Walking Observation Scale: A Tool for Early Diagnosis of Autism” (M-PSI08).

2011. Winter School on Systems Neuroscience of primate hand function: models, mechanisms, rehabilitation and mirror systems. FEN & IBRO, Obergurgl, Austria.

2009. Specialization course on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA.

2008. Summer program on Developmental Foundations of Brain Function and Dysfunction, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan.

2006. Specialization course on Gait Analysis, Vrije University, Amsterdam, Holland.

2006. Summer program on Advanced Technologies in Brain Functions and Dysfunctions. Federation European of Neuroscience, Neurotrain, Vienna, Austria.

2005. Summer program on Neurobiology of Mental Disorders and Mind, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan

2004. Specialization course on General Linear Model, University of Bologna, Italy.

2004. Specialization course on Sequential Analysis, University of Milan, Italy.

2003. Specialization course on Computational Statistics, University of Trento, Italy.

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

Developmental Clinical Psychologist qualified to advance the ongoing investigations on child psychopathology contributing strengths in human electrophysiology and neuroimaging, complex data modeling, and comparative physiological assessment with the aim of studying typical and atypical development. His specific focus is on the comparative physiology across mammalian species of mother-offspring interactions and their implication on psychopathology. 

He has worked in the last years applying physiological, genetic, neuroimaging and behavioral protocols in the context of infant socio-cognitive development, always comparing typical and atypical development. At the same time, he has gained proficient clinical skills in the early assessment, detection and treatment of infants with special needs. He has worked both at a clinical and research level on recognizing early indicators of autism specifically where concerning social development and expressions of distress evidenced in infants and children afflicted with Autistic Spectrum Disorder  (ASD). Since 2010, he is working on comparative neuro-behavioral analysis of mother-infant interaction across mammalian species in mice and humans, and its implication to psychopathology. His work has produced publications, collaborations and has been recognized several times by a number of agencies from Europe, Japan, USA and UAE. Publication overview: > 60 Peer review papers, 19 book chapters, and 1 co-edited book.

Teaching Experiences: As Professor

2014. Clinical Psychology, University of Trento, Italy

2013. Comparative Physiology of Mother-Infant Interaction, University of Trento, Italy

2010. Behavioral Observation, University of Ferrara and University of Trento, Italy

2009. Behavioral Observation, University of Ferrara and University of Trento, Italy

2009. Child Psychopathology, Zayed Higher Organization for Humanitarian Care, UAE

2008. Behavioral Observation, University of Ferrara and University of Trento, Italy (MED/48, corso di laurea in Educatore Professionale Sanitario, 4 credits)

2006. Integrative Physiological Psychology (PSB 4823), University of Florida, USA

Teaching Experiences: As Assistant

2010. Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders, University of Trento, Italy   

2010. Observation in Clinical Context, University of Trento, Italy

2009. Psychopathology, University of Trento, Italy

2009. Data Analysis with R, University of Trento, Italy

2008. Psychopathology, University of Trento, Italy

2008. Data Analysis with R, University of Trento, Italy

2008. Clinical Psychology, University of Trento, Italy

2007. Developmental Psychopathology, University of Trento, Italy                                                                                                      

2006. Developmental Psychopathology, University of Trento, Italy

Interessi di ricerca
  1. Comparative Physiology of Mother- Infant Interaction across mammalian Species and implication for atypical development. From an evolutionary point of view, mother-infant interaction is essential for the survival of mammalian infants. Therefore both mothers and infants are equipped with neural mechanisms that favor mother-infant interaction and are paramount for the development of mammalian infants. This study using genetic and pharmacological manipulations in rodents as well as physiological and behavioral testing in humans, aims to investigate the neural basis of early social interaction.
  2. Parenting across Cultures and MindsAlthough basic physiology of parental behavior is shared across mammalian species, higher cognition about parenting is culturally based. Aim of this research is to investigate employing behavioral protocols and neuroimaging techniques, intra and cross-cultural differences about human parenting.
  3. Early Bio-Markers of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) represents a complex group of behaviorally defined conditions with core deficits in social communication. At present there remains a disconnection between the complex clinical aspects of ASD and the underlying neurobiology. Using retrospective and prospective analysis, aim of this study is to define bio-markers that can be used for early screening and diagnosis of ASD.
Attività di ricerca

Research Experiences

2014- present. Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Trento, Italy.

2011-2014. Independent FP Researcher, Unit for Affiliative Social Behavior, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan.

2008-present. Collaborator, Child and Family Research, NICHD-NIH, USA.

2010. JSPS Fellowship, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan.

2006-2010. Post-Doc, Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of Trento, Italy.

2008 Jan. Visiting Scientist, Child and Family research, NICHD-NIH, USA.

2007 Dec. Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, USA.

2007 Nov. Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Miami, USA.

2007 Sep-Oct. Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Florida, USA.

2005-2006. Aug-May. Visiting PhD student, Department of Psychology, University of Florida, USA.

2003-2005. Research Assistant, Observational and Functional Diagnosis Lab, University of Trento, Italy. 

Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Editorial Board: Parenting: Science & Practice; Guest Editor: Sage Open- Psychology

Ad-hoc Reviewer for the following journals and foundations: (1) Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology; (2) Journal of Pediatric Genetics; (3) Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders; (4) Autism Research; (5) Acta Paediatrica; (6) Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry; (7) Biological Psychology; (8) Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders; (9) Research in Developmental Disabilities; (10) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; (11) Infant Behavior and Development; (12) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; (13) Perceptual & Motor Skills Journal; (14) Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo [Italian]; (15) Channel 7- Children Research Foundation, Australia.

Premi e riconoscimenti

Funded Research

2014-2016. Infant Responses to Maternal Carrying in Human as Early Biomarker and Prognosis Estimator of Child Psychopathology: a Study on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Perinatal Brain Disorders in Early Infancy. FP7 PEOPLE - Marie Curie Career Integration Grants (PCIG14-GA-2013-630166, 101K US$)

2012-14. Carrying soothes a baby: a comparative physio-behavioral analysis in human and mouse infants. Wakate B, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (B10618341, 50K US$).

2011-14. Comparative neuro-behavioral analysis of infantile attachment behavior in mice and humans, and its implication to Autism. FPR Initiative, RIKEN (255K US$).

2010. Quantitative behavioural analysis of Transport Response in Mouse. Short Term Applied Science Funds, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (PE09064, 50K US$).

Awards and Grant (<10K US$)

2013. Grant for the organization of the International Symposium, Forum Support Program for Young RIKEN Staff (President's Discretionary Fund), Wakoshi, Japan. Title of the Initiative: “Parent-Infant Bonding across Mammalian Species and Human Cultures”.

2013. Travel Award Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) @One-North, Singapore Title of the Initiative:  “Advancing Science, Creating Technologies for a Better World”.

2009. Grant from Zayed higher Organization for Humanitarian Care, special Needs and Minor Affairs (ZHO), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Title of the Project: “Helping parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Italian and International Intervention Programs for early screening and the building of a supportive network system for families, schools and social services”.

2009. Travel Award Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, USA. Title of the Initiative: “Workshop on Autism Spectrum Disorders”.

2009. Travel Award from International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, USA. Title of the Project: “Early Interaction between Infants with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their Parents: Studies on Expression of Distress”.

2008. Travel Award from RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako-shi, Tokyo, Japan. Title of the Project: “Analysis of Lying in Infancy: An exploration of symmetry in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”.

2007. Italian Psychology Association Award L. Camaioni for best PhD Dissertation. Title of the Project: Analysis of social competences in children with ASD during the first 2 years of age.

2006. Travel Award from European Community & Federation European of Neuro Sciences, Wien. Title of the Project: “Advanced Technologies in Brain Functions and Dysfunctions”.

2005. Grant from Dybwad International Fellowship Trust of Gettysburg, PA, USA. Title of the project: “Early Indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorders from Postural and Movement Patterns”.

2005. Travel Award from RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wako-shi, Tokyo, Japan. Title of the Project: “Communication and movement patterns as early indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorders”.

2003. Best Research Work Award. Given at the annual meeting of the Association of the Italian Psychology Awarded for: “WOS (Walking Observation Scale) and Early Diagnosis of Autism”.

Best students Awards, University of Naples, Faculty of Psychology, Naples, Italy. (Years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002).

Convegni e conferenze


G. Esposito, “Mother-Infant Interaction across Mammalian Species: New Insights for Child Psychopathology”, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Division of Psychology, Nanyang Technological University, 7 February 2014, Singapore.

G. Esposito, “Infant Calming Responses During Maternal Carrying Across Mammalian Species”, International Symposium for the 10th Anniversary Observation and Functional Diagnosis Lab, University of Trento, 8 November 2013, Trento, Italy.

G. Esposito, “Motor Development as a Putative Endophenotype for Autism Spectrum Disorders”, University of Firenze, 6 May 2013, Firenze, Italy.

G. Esposito, “Transport Response in Mouse Pups and Human Infants: Comparative Physiological Assessment and Clinical Implication”, Brain Lunch Seminar, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, 25 October 2012, Wakoshi, Japan.

G. Esposito, “Mother-Infant interaction across mammalian species”, 1st RIKEN Discovery Evening for SPDR FPR JRA IPA, 18 May 2012, Wakoshi, Japan.

G. Esposito, “Three lessons from Philip Teitelbaum applied to motor development in humans and mice”, Festschrift for Philip Teitelbaum, Satellite Event of the Society for Neuroscience Conference, 11 November 2011, Washington DC, USA.

G. Esposito, “Expression of distress in Autism: Experimental findings and clinical applications” Workshop on linguistic development in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 15-16 October 2010, Castel Ivano (TN), Italy.

G. Esposito, “Early infant-caregiver interaction and its implication to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs): neuro-behavioral studies in humans and rodents”, Department of Psychology, Seoul National University, 21 June 2010, Seoul, Korea

G. Esposito, “Early communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Chiba University, Faculty of Education, 16 March 2010, Chiba, Japan.

G. Esposito, “The prodrome of autism:  early behavioral and biological signs  and genetics”,  Brain Science Institute, 6 May 2010, Saitama, Japan.

G. Esposito, “Early Social and Motor Development in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”, International Seminar on Experiments and Surveys in Economics and Related Social Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 8 March 2010, Tokyo, Japan.

G. Esposito, “Developmental motor milestones in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”, Affiliative Social Behavior Unit, Riken Brain Science Institute, 8 February 2010, Saitama, Japan.

G. Esposito, “Helping parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Italian and International Intervention Programs for early screening and the building of a supportive network system for families, schools and social services”, ACCESS 4th International Conference on Special Needs and Inclusion, 17-19 March 2009, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates.

G. Esposito, “Early communication signals between children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their parents: New approach to assessment and interventions with a more active parental role”, ACCESS 4th International Conference on Special Needs and Inclusion, 17-19 March 2009, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates.

G. Esposito,“L’espressione del disagio in bambini con disturbo dello Spettro Autistico”, 14 February 2008, Department of Cognitive Science and Education, University of Trento, Italy.

G. Esposito, “How is cry perceived by parents? A study of early distress signals in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders”, 26 November 2007, Department of Psychology, University of Miami, USA.

G. Esposito, “La ricerca per la diagnosi precoce di autismo”, Seminario presso l’Istituto “Montagna”, 23 February 2005, Vicenza, Italy.


G. Esposito, S. Yoshida, S. Yokota, P. Venuti, S. Okabe, T. Kikusui, T. Kato, and K.O. Kuroda. “Attachment Behavior in early infancy: Comparative Physiological Assessment of Transport Response (TR) in Human and Mouse”, 36th Japan Society of Neuroscience Meeting, June 20-23, 2013, Kyoto, Japan.

G. Esposito, “Differential Behavioral and Brain Responses to Cry of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical development”, 1st Australian Society for Autism Research Meeting, December 5-7, 2012, Sydney, Australia.

G. Esposito, S. Yoshida, S. Yokota, P. Venuti, S. Okabe, T. Kikusui, KO. Kuroda, “Early Attachment Behavior in Mice and Humans: Comparative Physiological Assessment of Transport Response (TR)”, 35th Japan Society of Neuroscience Meeting, September 18-21, 2012, Nagoya, Japan.

G. Esposito, “Early Postures and Gait development in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)”, 34th Japan Society of Neuroscience Meeting, September 14-17, 2011, Yokohama, Japan.

G. Esposito, MH. Bornstein, J. Nakazawa, P. Venuti, “Understanding early crying episodes in Autism Spectrum Disorder: neural-behavioral correlates and cross-cultural findings”, 11th International Infant Cry Research Workshop, Infant Crying and Parenting: Brain, Behavior and Hormones, June 8-10, 2011, Zeist, The Netherlands.

G. Esposito, P. Venuti, F. Muratori, “Development of Unsupported Gait In Children With Autism”, IX International Congress Autism, 8-10 October 2010, Catania, Italy. 

G. Esposito, Analysis of the developmental motor milestones in infancy and its implications for early diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”, Asia Pacific Autism Conference, 20-22 August 2009, Sydney, Australia.

G. Esposito, P. Venuti, “A study on Early Distress Signals in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder”, Society for Research in Child Development, 2-4 April 2009, Denver, USA.

G. Esposito, S de Falco, P. Venuti. “Gli indicatori precoci dei disturbi dello spettro autistico: l’analisi del movimento”. Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Sviluppo, 20-22 September 2008, Padova, Italy.

G. EspositoInter-soggetività e sviluppo atipico: uno studio sulle espressioni di disagio atipiche e la loro influenza sullo sviluppo della relazione”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica e Dinamica, 12-14 September 2008, Padova, Italy.

G. Esposito, “Analysis of Lying in Infancy: An exploration of symmetry in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”. Developmental Foundations of Brain Function and Dysfunction, 28 July- 08 August 2008, Riken Brain Science Institute, Wako, Tokyo, Japan.

G. Esposito, S. de Falco, P. Venuti “Early communication signals in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”. 25-30 August 2008, IASSID 13th World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.

G. Esposito, S. de Falco, P. Venuti “Analysis of gait during the second year of life in children with Autism Spectrum Disroders and evidences for early diagnosis”. 25-30 August 2008, IASSID 13th World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.

G. Esposito, S. de Falco, P. Venuti “How is Crying Perceived in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder? A study on early communication signals”. 1-5 August 2008, World Association for Infant Mental Health Conference, Yokohama, Japan.

G. Esposito, P. Venuti, “Is this a cry? A study on early communication signals in children with Autistic Spectrum disorder (ASD)”, X International Cry Research Workshop, 4-7 July 2007, Dragor, Denmark.

G. Esposito, “ Movimento ed Autismo: l’analisi delle fasi pre-deambulatorie e deambulatorie”, 30 January 2007, Department of Cognitive Science and Education, University of Trento, Italy.

G. Esposito, “Communication and movement patterns as early indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Neurobiology of Mental Disorders and Mind, 11-23 July 2005, Riken Brain Science Institute, Wako, Tokyo, Japan.

G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “L’analisi del movimento come indicatore della sindrome autistica”, V Congresso Nazionale “Disabilità, trattamento ed integrazione”, 9-11 June 2005, Padova, Italy.

G. Esposito, G. Iandolo e P. Venuti, “Episodi di pianto nei bambini con autismo: percezioni e risposte dei genitori”, IV° Congresso Nazionale “Disabilità, trattamento ed integrazione”, 10-12 June 2004, Padova, Italy.

G. Esposito, “Introduzione ad R: l’applicazione nelle scienze umane”, giornata Free/Open Source, Facoltà di Sociologia, Università di Trento, 5 May 2004.

MH. Bornstein, G. Esposito, Pisapia, and P. Venuti. “Toward a Behavioral Neuroscience of Parenting”, 36th Japan Society of Neuroscience Meeting, June 20-23, 2013, Kyoto, Japan.

KO. Kuroda, G. Esposito, and S. Yoshida. “Filial Transport Response to maternal carrying: implication for developmental disorders”, Workshop on Parent-Infant Bonding across Mammalian Species and Human Cultures, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, February 6, 2013, Wako-shi, Japan.

KO. Kuroda, G. Esposito, S. Yoshida, “The ‘Transport Response’ as a filial contribution to maternal carrying: implication for developmental disorders”, 11th Asian Pacific Society for Neurochemestry Meeting, September 30-October 2, 2012, Kobe, 2012.

P. Venuti, G. Esposito, “Early Biomarkers of Autistic Spectrum Disorder: A study on early motor and social development”, VI European Congress on Psychopathology in Childhood and Adolescence, 5-7 May 2011, Bologna, Italy.

C. Bembich, R. Ettrapini, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, F, “Percezione del pianto: confronto tra soggetti con disturbo dello Spettro Autistico e soggetti con Sviluppo Tipico”, V International Meeting Italian Chapter of World Association of Infant Mental Health, 20-22 May 2010, Napoli, Italy. 

S. Pruner, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, F, “Espressioni di disagio e risposta del caregiver in bambini con sviluppo tipico e atipico”, V International Meeting Italian Chapter of World Association of Infant Mental Health, 20-22 May 2010, Napoli, Italy. 

A. Battocchi, G. Esposito, A. Ben-Sasson, E. Gal, F. Pianesi, P. Venuti and P. L. Weiss, “The collaborative puzzle game: an interactive activity for fostering collaboration in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”, International Meeting for Autism Research, 7-9 May 2009, Chicago, USA.

P. Venuti, S de Falco, F. LaFemina, G. Esposito S. Cainelli, “Imitazione e gioco nel trattamento di Supporto Emotivo e Attivazione dell’Intersoggettività (SEAI)”. 1° Convegno Internazionale Autismo: aspetti clinici e interventi psicoeducativi. 29-30 September 2008, Riva del Garda (TN), Italy.

P. Venuti, G. Esposito, S. de Falco, “La ricerca nel campo degli indicatori precoci dei disturbi dello spettro artistico”, 27 May 2008, Caratteristiche evolutive dei disturbi dello spettro autistico: intersoggettività e cognizione sociale, Università di Trento, Trento, Italy.

P. Venuti, S. deFalco, G. Esposito, Z. Giusti and M.H. Bornstein, “Disponibilità emotiva diadica tra madre e bambino: uno studio longitudinale a 5, 20 e 48 mesi”,23 May 2008, memorial Day for Vanna Axia, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy.

G. Iandolo, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, “Tales of children with oppositive behaviour and behaviorally inhiales of children with oppositive behaviour and behaviorally inhibited: internal conflicts and emotional drivesinternal conflicts and emotional drives”, 20-22 May 2008, International Margareth S. Mahler Symposium, Padova, Italy.

P. Venuti, S. de Falco, G. Esposito, “La ricerca nel campo degli indicatori precoci dei DSA “, Congresso Trattamento precoce dell’autismo: dalla diagnosi al trattamento, 5-6 October 2007, Castel Ivano (TN) Italy.

P. Venuti, S. Cainelli, S. de Falco, G. Esposito, “Supporto emotivo ed attivazione dell’intersoggettività nel trattamento integrato dei DSA“, Congresso Trattamento precoce dell’autismo: dalla diagnosi al trattamento, 5-6 October 2007, Castel Ivano (TN) Italy.

P. Venuti & G. Esposito, “L’indagine Epidemiologica in Vallagarina per l’ADHD”, Workshop “La Testa altrove: il disturbo ADHD”, 26 May 2007, Rovereto (Tn), Italy.

P. Venuti, S. de Falco, G. Esposito, “Sequential analysis study of mother-child and father-child play in Down syndrome”, Society for Research in Child Development, 28-30 April 2007, Boston, USA.

P. Venuti, F. La Femina, A. Coppola, A. Bentenuto, G. Esposito,Analisi dei prerequisiti e abilità di lettura e scrittura: risultati di uno screening”, VI Congresso Nazionale “Disabilità, trattamento ed integrazione”, 8-10 June 2006, Padova, Italy.

Z. Giusti, S. de Falco, G. Esposito, “Disponibilità’ emotiva materna e paterna in un campione di bamabini con sindrome di down”, V Congresso Nazionale “Disabilità, trattamento ed integrazione”, 9-11 June 2005, Padova, Italy.

P. Venuti, Z. Giusti, F. La Femina, G. Esposito, F. Domini, “Cry qualitative analysis in autistic children through home video”, VIII International Workshop “Cry Research”, 27-29 June 2002, Padova, Italy.


G. Esposito, “Comparative neuro-behavioral analysis of infantile attachment behavior in mice and humans, and its implication to autism”, SPDR and FPR Research Report Session, RIKEN, 28 January 2014, Wako-Shi, Japan.

G. Esposito, M.del C. Rostagno, P. Venuti, K.O. Kuroda, “Prediction of infant arousal state by the heart rate dynamics: a pilot study”, RIKEN Brain Science Institute Retreat, 21-22 November 2013, Karuizawa, Japan.

G. Esposito, S. Yoshida, K.O. Kuroda. “Early mother-infant interaction: Comparative physiological assessment of infant calming responses in human and mouse”, Society for Neuroscience, 9-13 November 2013, San Diego, USA.

S. Yoshida, G. Esposito, K.O. Kuroda. “Infant Calming Response during Maternal Carrying: Comparative Study in Humans and Mice”, Society for Neuroscience, 9-13 November 2013, San Diego, USA.

P. Venuti, G. Esposito, J. Nakazawa, and MH. Bornstein. “A cultural comparison between Japan and Italy on how distress is expressed in children with autism spectrum disorders”, Autism Europe, 26-28 September 2013, Budapest, Hungary.

G. Esposito, S. Yoshida, R. Ohnishi, Y. Tsuneoka, S. Yokota, M. Hoshino, M. Shimizu, P. Venuti, T. Kikusui, T. Kato, K.O. Kuroda, “Infant Calming Responses During Maternal Carrying”, RIKEN Brain Science Institute Retreat, 12-13 November 2012, Karuizawa, Japan.

S. Yoshida, G. Esposito, Y. Tsuneoka, R. Ohnishi, K. Kamiya, M. Hoshino, T. Kikusui, T. Kato, K.O. Kuroda, “Ontogeny and Regulatory Mechanisms of Mouse Transport Response: Filial Contribution to Maternal Carrying”, 35th Japan Society of Neuroscience Meeting, September 18-21, 2012, Nagoya, Japan.

J. Nakazawa, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, M.H. Bornstein, “How is distress expressed in children with autism spectrum disorders? A cultural comparison between Japan and Italy”, 76th Japan Psychological Association Meeting, September 11-13, 2012, Kawasaki, Japan.

V. Occelli, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, P. Walker, M. Zampini, “Audiovisual crossmodal correspondences in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)”, The International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), June 19-22, 2012, Oxford, UK.

V. Occelli, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, M. Arduino, M. Zampini, “Audiovisual crossmodal correspondences in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)”, Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives, May 24-27, 2012, Rovereto, Italy.

A. Bentenuto, S. de Falco, G. Esposito, M. H. Bornstein, P. Venuti, “Play and Emotional Availability in mother-child interaction with ASD children”, International Meeting for Autism Research, May 17-19, 2012, Toronto, Canada.

P. Venuti, A. Bentenuto, Falco, G. Esposito, M. H. Bornstein, “Maternal and Paternal Speech to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”, International Meeting for Autism Research, May 17-19, 2012, Toronto, Canada.

G. Esposito, S. Yoshida, K.O. Kuroda, “Comparative Physiological Assessment of Infantile Attachment Behavior in Mice and Humans, and its Implication to Developmental Disorders”, RIKEN Brain Science Institute Retreat, 31 October-1 November, 2011, Karuizawa, Japan.

S. Yoshida, G. Esposito, Y. Tsuneoka, R. Ohnishi, K.O. Kuroda, “Transport response in mouse pups: the function, ontogeny and the regulatory mechanism”, RIKEN Brain Science Institute Retreat, 31 October-1 November, 2011, Karuizawa, Japan.

V. Occelli, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, M. Arduino, M. Zampini, “Attentional shifts between audition and vision in Autism Spectrum Disorders”, European Society Cognitive Psychology Conference, 29 September-2 October 2011, San Sebastian, Spain.

F. Campolongo, V. Turrini M. Manica, G. Esposito, “Il comportamento di attaccamento nel primo anno di vita: studio sull`essere preso in braccio”, Associazione Italiana Psicologia, Sezione Psicologia Clinica, September 14-16, 2011, Catania, Italy.

P. Venuti,P. Rigo, G. Esposito, Adult Response to episodes of Crying of typically and atypically developing children: a Reaction Time task”, 11th International Infant Cry Research Workshop,  Infant Crying and Parenting: Brain, Behavior and Hormones, June 8-10, 2011, Zeist, The Netherlands.

G. Esposito, J. Nakazawa,  C. Bembich, P. Venuti, M.H. Bornstein “Perception of Early Distress of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Italy and Japan”, Society for Research in Child Development, 31 March -2 April 2011, Montreal, Canada.

S. de Falco, A. Bentenuto, G. Esposito,  M.H. Bornstein, P. Venuti “Mother-Child Emotional Relationships in Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Society for Research in Child Development, 31 March -2 April 2011, Montreal, Canada.

P. Venuti, S. de Falco, G. Esposito, N. Zannella, P. Villotti, M.H. Bornstein “Mean Length of Utterance (MLU) in Children Aged 4 to 9 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study”, Society for Research in Child Development, 31 March -2 April 2011, Montreal, Canada.

P. Venuti, S. de Falco, G. Esposito, M. Zaninelli, M.H. Bornstein “Maternal Speech to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, and Typical Development”, Society for Research in Child Development, 31 March -2 April 2011, Montreal, Canada.

G. Esposito, S. de Falco, P. Venuti, A. Emer, M.H. Bornstein “Maternal and Paternal Pragmatic Speech Directed to Young Children with Down Syndrome”, Society for Research in Child Development, 31 March -2 April 2011, Montreal, Canada.

G. Esposito, “Motor Development in Children With Autism: The Analysis of Unsupported Gait”, FENS-IBRO-Hertie Winter School, 9-16 January 2011, Obergurgl, Austria.

P. Villotti, C. Bembich, R. Ettrapini, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, F, “Perception of episodes of crying in adolescent with Autism”, Autism 2010: International Symposium Geneva Centre for Autism, 4-6 November 2010, Toronto, Canada. 

P. Venuti, G. Esposito, “Early Biomarkers of Autistic Spectrum Disorder: A study on early motor and social development”, Autism: from research to policy, 11-12 October 2010, Roma, Italy.

G. Esposito, P. Venuti, “Early communication in Autism: A study of the perception of infants’ cry”, IX International Congress Autism, 8-10 October 2010, Catania, Italy. 

S. De Falco, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, A. Caria, “Music and Emotion in Autism Spectrum Disorders: a fMRI study”, IX International Congress Autism, 8-10 October 2010, Catania, Italy. 

V. Occelli, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, M. Zampini, “The Takete-Maluma Phenomenon in Autism Spectrum Disorders”, IX International Congress Autism, 8-10 October 2010, Catania, Italy. 

P. Venuti, G. Esposito, P. Rigo, A. Caria, S. de Falco, “Alterazioni dell’espressività emotiva: studio fMRI sulla percezione del pianto di soggetti con autismo”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica e Dinamica, 24-26 September 2010, Torino, Italy.

P. Venuti, A. Bentenuto, S. de Falco, G. Esposito,  “L’interazione familiare in bambini con disturbo dello spettro autistico: il momento del gioco”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica e Dinamica, 24-26 September 2010, Torino, Italy.

G. Esposito, S. Yoshida,  K.O. Kuroda, “Maternal rescue of pups: a new behavioural task to examine mother-infant interaction”, Parental Brain: Neurobiology, Behaviour and the Next Generation, 1-4 September 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland. 

S. de Falco, A. Caria, P. Venuti, G. Esposito, P. Rigo, M.H. Bornstein, “Human infant faces elicit preparatory responses in the adults’ brain”, Parental Brain: Neurobiology, Behaviour and the Next Generation, 1-4 September 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland. 

G. Esposito, P. Venuti, S. Maestro, F. Muratori, “Analysis Of First Unsupported Gait In Toddlers With Autism”, 9th International Meeting for Autism Research, 20-22 May 2010, Philadelphia, USA.

G. Guzzetta, G. Esposito, G. Jurman, P. Venuti, C. Furlanello, “Prediction of SRS From Genotype in Autism”, 9th International Meeting for Autism Research, 20-22 May 2010, Philadelphia, USA.

S. De Falco, G. Esposito, M. Zaninelli, M. H. Bornstein,  P. Venuti, “Maternal Language Directed to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome and Typical Development”, 9th International Meeting for Autism Research, 20-22 May 2010, Philadelphia, USA.

S. de Falco, M. Zaninelli, G. Esposito, A. Bentenuto, P. Venuti, “Analisi funzionale del linguaggio materno rivolto a bambini con disturbo dello spettro autistico, sindrome di Down e sviluppo tipico”, Giornata di studio su "Sviluppo tipico e atipico del linguaggio: tecniche e strumenti di valutazione, 23 October 2009, Rovereto, Italy.

G. Esposito, P. Venuti, “Developmental Changes Of Cry’ Fundamental Frequency (F0) In Infancy In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder”, Asia Pacific Autism Conference, 20-22 August 2009, Sydney, Australia.

G. Esposito, P. Venuti, S. deFalco, “Early Interaction between Infants with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their Parents: Studies on Exprssion of Distress”, International Meeting for Autism Research, 7-9 May 2009, Chicago, USA.

P. Venuti, G. Esposito, S. deFalco, “Movement in Infants with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Analysis of Motor Milestones in Infancy”, International Meeting for Autism Research, 7-9 May 2009, Chicago, USA.

A. Caria, S. deFalco P. Venuti, G. Esposito, “Music and Emotion in Autism: a fMRI Study”, International Meeting for Autism Research, 7-9 May 2009, Chicago, USA.

G. Esposito, S. deFalco, P. Venuti ”Cry’ fundamental frequency (f0) change across infancy in children with autism spectrum disorder”, Innovative Research In Autism, 15-17 April 2009,  Tours, France.

Venuti P, Villotti P, de Falco S, Esposito G, Bentenuto A., “Global affective quality and discrete synchronous behaviours in the interactions of mothers and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Innovative Research In Autism, 15-17 April 2009,  Tours, France.

P. Venuti, G. Esposito, S. de Falco, “Evidences for Early Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Analysis of Movement During the First Two Year of Life”, Society for Research in Child Development, 2-4 April 2009, Denver, USA.

S. de Falco, P. Venuti, G. Esposito, M. H. Bornstein, “Mothers and Fathers at Play with Their Children with Down Syndrome”, Society for Research in Child Development, 2-4 April 2009, Denver, USA.

S de Falco, P. Venuti, G. Esposito, P. Villotti, A. Benvenuto. “Disponibilità emotiva diadica in coppie genitore-bambino con sindrome di down e con disturbo dello spettro artistico”. Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Sviluppo, 20-22 September 2008, Padova, Italy.

F. Campolongo & G. EspositoDisturbo da deficit di attenzione ed iperattività: uno studio epidemiologico esplorativo nella provincia di Trento”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica e Dinamica, 12-14 September 2008, Padova, Italy.

S. De Falco, P. Venuti ,G. Esposito & M.H. Bornstein, “Emotional availability in Down syndrome: a study on mother-child and father-child dyads”. 1-5 August 2008, World Association for Infant Mental Health Conference, Yokohama, Japan.

S. de Falco, G. Esposito, P. Venuti “Mother-child Emotional availability in Autism Spectrum Disorders”. 1-5 August 2008, World Association for Infant Mental Health Conference, Yokohama, Japan.

P. Venuti , S. De Falco, G. Esposito & M.H. Bornstein, “The father’s role in the play of their Down syndrome children”. 1-5 August 2008, World Association for Infant Mental Health Conference, Yokohama, Japan.

G. Esposito, S. De Falco, P. Venuti, & M.H. Bornstein, “Practices and Beliefs In Italian Mothers Of 5-Month-Old Infants”. 20-25 July 2008, ICP (International Conference of Psychology) Berlin, Germany.

S. De Falco, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, & M.H. Bornstein, “Mother And Child Play In Down Syndrome and Typically Developing Dyads”. 20-25 July 2008, ICP (International Conference of Psychology) Berlin, Germany.

G. Esposito, S. deFalco, P. Venuti, & M.H. Bornstein, “Cultural differences in maternal knowledge and maternal self-perceptions in Italy: A rural vs. urban comparison”. 27-31 July 2008, 19th International Congress of IACCP (International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology) Bremen, Germany.

S. De Falco, G. Esposito, P. Venuti & M.H. Bornstein “Fathers’ Play with their Down Syndrome children”. 13-17 July 2008, 20th Biennial ISSBD (International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development) Meeting, Würzburg, Germany.

G. Esposito, S. De Falco, P. Venuti, & M.H. Bornstein “Ideas about parenting during the first 2 years of life in Italy”. 13-17 July 2008, 20th Biennial ISSBD (International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development) Meeting, Würzburg, Germany.

G. Esposito, P. Venuti & S. de Falco, “Expression of distress in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”, 15-17 May 2008, International Meeting for Autism Research, London, UK.

P. Venuti, S. deFalco, G. Esposito, A. Bentenuto, P. Villotti and M.H. Bornstein, “Global affective quality and discrete synchronous behaviours in the interactions of mothers and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”, 15-17 May 2008, International Meeting for Autism Research, London, UK.

S. deFalco, S. Cainelli, G. Esposito, M.H. Bornstein & P. Venuti, “Joint and social attention behaviours in ASD children attending a “IAES” developmental intervention”, 15-17 May 2008, International Meeting for Autism Research,  London, UK.

G. Esposito, S. de Falco, P. Venuti, “Understanding early communication signals in Autistic Spectrum Disorder: A study on perception of cry in infancy”, 27-29 March 2008, International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, Canada.

G. Esposito, S. de Falco, P. Venuti, “Movement and Autism Spectrum Disorder: analysis of gait during the second year of life”, 27-29 March 2008, International Conference on Infant Studies,  Vancouver, Canada.

S. de Falco, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, M. H. Bornstein, “Play and Emotional Availability in Young Children with Down Syndrome”, 27-29 March 2008, International Conference on Infant Studies,  Vancouver, Canada.

G. Esposito, S. de Falco, P. Venuti, “Gli indicatori precoci dei disturbi dello spettro autistico: l’analisi del movimento”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica e Dinamica, 28-30 September 2007, Perugia, Italy.

P. Venuti, S. de Falco, G. Esposito, “Tecniche osservative per la pianificazione e verifica di interventi con bambini con disturbi dello spettro autistico”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica e Dinamica, 28-30 September 2007, Perugia, Italy.

G. Esposito, P. Venuti, F. Apicella, S. Maestro, F. Muratori, “Movement in infants with autism spectrum disorder: the analysis of lying”, 6th International Meeting for Autism Research, 3-5 May 2007, Seattle, USA.

G. Esposito, S. de Falco & P. Venuti, “Il Pianto e la costruzione dell’Intersoggettività: Studio di soggetti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico”, L’Intersoggettività nella famiglia: dalla ricerca alla clinica,6-7 October 2006, Roma, Italy.

S. de Falco, G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “Qualità affettiva della relazione madre-bambino e attenzione condivisa in bambini con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico” L’Intersoggettività nella famiglia: dalla ricerca alla clinica,6-7 October 2006, Roma, Italy.

G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “Gait Analysis in children with autism spectrum disorder and in children with typical development”, 1st Joint Meeting of ESMAC and GCMAS, 27-30 September 2006, Amsterdam, the Holland.

P. Venuti & G. Esposito, “Autism and Early Communication Signals: An analysis of cry”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica e Dinamica, 15-17 September 2006, Rovereto (TN), Italy.

G. Esposito, S. Maestro, F. Muratori, P. Muratori, F. Apicella, P. Venuti, “L’utilizzo dell’Eskhol Wachman Movement Notation per l’analisi del movimento di soggetti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico nei primi mesi di vita”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica e Dinamica, 15-17 September 2006, Rovereto (TN), Italy.

G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “Segnali comunicativi precoci: l’analisi del pianto di soggetti con autismo” Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Sperimentale, 13-15 September 2006, Rovereto (TN), Italy.

G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “Primi segnali interattivi: La comprensione del pianto di soggetti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico”, Congresso AISMI (Associazione Italiana Salute Mentale Infantile): “La Relazione Precoce Genitore-Bambino: Psicobiologia, Psicopatologia & Modelli di Intervento”, 31 Marzo 2006, Roma, Italy.

G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “Movement in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Analysis of Gait”, The Social Brain, 3-5 Marzo 2006, Glasgow, UK.

S. De Falco, G. Esposito & P. Venuti, Parental identification of cry episodes of autistic and typically developing children”, The Social Brain, 3-5 Marzo 2006, Glasgow, UK.

G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “Gait analysis in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”, February 2006, Gait and Mental Function, February 2006, Madrid, Spain.

P. Venuti & G. Esposito, “Analisi retrospettiva di episodi di pianto in bambini con sindrome autistica”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Sviluppo, September 2005, Cagliari, Italy.

F. La Femina, A. Benvenuto, G. Esposito, “La valutazione delle abilità di esplorazione visiva e attenzione selettiva in un campione di bambini di prima elementare: uno confronto tra strumenti”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Sviluppo, September 2005, Cagliari, Italy.

P. Venuti & G. Esposito, “Continuità delle disarmonie del movimento in soggetti dello Spettro Autistico”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica, September 2005, Cagliari, Italy.

R. Marcone, G. Esposito,  C. Poderico, “La valutazione delle funzioni di base: procedure di validazione della Scala di Osservazione Funzionale”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica, September 2005, Cagliari, Italy.

G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “Gait Observation of children with Autism”, 7th Alps-Adria Conference in Psychology, 02-04 June 2005, Zadar, Croazia.

Z. Giusti, S. de Falco, G. Esposito, P. Venuti, “Stability and continuity of the mother and child emotional availability in an Italyn sample observed at 5 and at 20 months”, 7th Alps-Adria Conference in Psychology, 02-04 June 2005, Zadar, Croazia.

G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “Il pianto dei soggetti con autismo: un sistema comunicativo efficace?”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica, October 2004, Aosta, Italy.

S. de Falco, Z. Giusti, G. Esposito, “L’incremento dell’attenzione condivisa nel trattamento di soggetti con disturbo dello spettro autistico”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica, October 2004, Aosta, Italy.

G. Esposito & P. Venuti, “How do autistic children cry? A comparison through waveform analysis and parents’ perception”, IX International Cry Research Workshop, 16-18 June 2004, Hurrankukkaro, Finland.

G. Esposito, P. Venuti, Z. Giusti, “A qualitative analysis of crying and vocal distress in children with autism”, IASSID, 15-20 June 2004, Montpellier, France.

P. Venuti, S. Cainelli, G. Esposito, (2004), “A functional observation scale for the assessment of intervention programmes”, 15-20 June 2004, Montpellier, France.

P. Venuti, G. Esposito, G. Iandolo, “Movement Analysis and early indicator of autism”, International workshop, AISMI, 7-8 May 2004, Matera, Italy.

G. Esposito, “WOS (Walking Observation Scale) un ausilio per la diagnosi precoce di autismo”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Clinica, September 2003, Bari, Italy.

F. La Femina, G. Esposito, A. Coppola, “La rappresentazione mentale del disabile negli insegnanti”, Congresso Nazionale dell’AIP-Sezione Sviluppo, September 2003, Bari, Italy.

Altre attività

Workshop Organization

Worked on the organization of the following event:

  • Annual Conference of the Italian Psychological Association (Board Clinical Psychology, September 16-18, 2006)
  • National Conference on “Diagnosis an Treatment of Autism” (October 5-6, 2007; Funding agency: Autonomous Province of Trento)
  • Workshop on: “Intersubjectivity and Early Development” (University of Trento, May 26, 2008, Funding agency: Italian Ministry of Research and University)
  • National Conference on “From Individual to Network: Therapeutic Approach in Autism” (October 17-18, 2008; Funding agency: Autonomous Province of Trento)
  • National Conference on “Asperger Syndrome: early diagnosis and educational pathways” (October 16-17, 2009; Funding agency: Autonomous Province of Trento)
  • National Conference on “From Gesture to word: Language Development in Autism” (October 15-16, 2009; Funding agency: Autonomous Province of Trento)
  • Internal Forum on “Using induced pluripotent stem cells to explore neuronal phenotypes associated with autism spectrum disorders” (June 18, 2012; Funding Agency: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
  • Internal Forum on “Emotion, interaction, and autism: Computer vision, machine learning, and developmental psychopathology” (October 29, 2012; Funding Agency: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
  • International Symposium on “Parent-Infant Bonding across Mammalian Species and Human Cultures” (February 6, 2013; Funding Agency: Forum Support Program for Young RIKEN Staff (President's Discretionary Fund)
  • Co-founder and organizer of the “Discovery Evening RIKEN” (monthly workshops for young Researchers held in all the campuses of RIKEN across Japan with the aim of promoting research collaborations across different fields)