
MSc (Laurea) in Physics   (Genova University)

Phd in Theoretical Physics   (Trento University)


Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

2015. Full Professor of Mathematical Physics. Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento.
2013. National Qualification of Full Professor of Mathematical Physics.
2005. Associate Professor of Mathematical Physics  at the Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) of the University of Trento.
2000. Assistant Professor of Mathematical Physics at the Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) of the University of Trento.
2000. Research fellow ("Assegno di ricerca") in Differential Geometry  at the Department of Mathematics of Trento University to make research in Application of Differential Geometry to QFT  in curved spacetime and General Relativity.
1999. Grant  by the national project "Young Researchers" by the Italian Research Ministery to start a scientific collaboration with  the Department of Mathematics of the University of York (UK).
1998. Post Doctoral fellow in Differential Geometry at the Department of Mathematics of Trento University to make research in mathematical aspects of QFT in curved spacetime (global analysis, differential geometry, Lorentzian geometry) .
1997. Research fellow in Theoretical Physics at the ECT* (European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas) to make research in theoretical aspects of  QFT in  curved spacetime.
1996. Ph.D graduation in Theoretical Physics  with a thesis concerning some aspects of QFT in curved or nontrivial manifolds.
1993. Fellowship from the Italian Ministry of the Scientific Research and a Ph.D. student position at the Department of Physics of the University of Trento.
1993. Graduation in Physics "110/110 cum Laude" at the University of Genova with a thesis in Theoretical Physics.

Ph.D thesis supervision

 • 2000-2003 (informal) Supervisor of a PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics (Physics) about topics in quantum field theories in curved spacetime (student: N. Pinamonti)

 • 2006-2009 Supervisor of a PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics (Mathematics) about topics in quantum field theories in curved spacetime (student: L.Franceschini)

 • 2012-2015 Supervisor of a PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics (Mathematics) about topics in quantum field theories in curved spacetime (student: D. Pastorello) 

• 2014-2017 Supervisor of a PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics (Mathematics) about topics in mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics (student: M. Oppio) 

• 2014-2017 Supervisor of a PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics (Physics) about topics in quantum field theories in curved spacetime (student: A. Melati) 

• 2018-2021 supervisor of a PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics (Mathematics) (student: C. van de Ven, H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2015) 

• 2019-2022 Supervisor of a PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics (Mathematics) about topics in QFT (student: D. Volpe) 

• 2023-2026 Supervisor of a PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics (Mathematics) about topics in Relativistic QM (student: C. De Rosa)

Post-doctoral Research Tutoring
2003  Tutor  for a research contract (Dr. N. Pinamonti), Dipartimento di Matematica Universita' di Trento.
2004-2006 Tutor  for a three-year post doctoral fellowship (Dr. N. Pinamonti) funded by Provincia Autonoma di Trento and INdAM (Italian National Institute for High Mathematics). The project involves the university of York (UK) and the University of Hamburg.
2005-2006 Tutor for a post doctoral fellowship (assegno di ricerca for Dr D. Fioravanti) funded by PRIN 2004 Classical, quantum, stochastic systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom  local interdepartmental research group of Trento.
2007-2008 Tutor for a post doctoral fellowship (Dr. C. Dappiaggi) funded by INdAM (Italian National Institute for High Mathematics) (declined since Dr. Dappiaggi declined the fellowship in favour of a von Humboldt grant to be spent in Hamburg)
2013-2015  Tutor, with R. Brunetti, of a post doctoral fellow ( Assegno di Ricerca: Dr I. Khavkine) funded by PRIN 2012
2014-2016  Tutor of a post doctoral fellow on Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information and Quantum Cryptography (Dr. D. Pastorello)
2017-2019  Tutor of a post doctoral fellow on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information (Dr. D. Pastorello) funded by Fondazione Caritro.
2018-2019  Tutor of a post doctoral fellow on Quantum Field Theory (Dr. N.Drago).
2019-2020  Tutor of a post doctoral fellow on Quantum Field Theory (Dr. S.Morro).

Editorial activities
Editor of International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (World Scientific)
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Mathematical Physics  (Frontiers Media S.A) up to November 2015

Member of the editorial board of Note di Matematica

Organization and Participation in scientific activities and events including advanced lecturing

  • 2006  Organizer of the Graduate school  Topics in  Operator Algebras and  Non commutative Geometry  20-26 March 2006,  Department of Mathematics
  • 2006  Italian Research Ministry approved and funded Brunetti's and my scientific project concerning a three-year  position (equivalent to an associate professor position) in my department for Dr. Romeo Brunetti  (Hamburg University) within the national project "Rientro dei Cervelli".
  • 2008  In collaboration with R. Brunetti. International doctorate course on quantum fuield theory in curved  spacetime, Lecturer:  prof S. Hollands (Cardiff University)
  • 2009  In collaboration with R. Brunetti. Successful proposal to CIRM  for a visiting professor position  for Prof.   C.J. Fewster  (York University) The project was partially supported by the  PRIN  
  • 2007 Algebre di Operatori ed Applicazioni.
  • 2014  International Conference "Operator and geometric analysis on quantum theory" Levico Terme 
  • 15-19 September 2014, Organizers S.Alberverio, R.Longo, V.Moretti, M.Spreafico
  • 2017  International Workshop  Quantum Physics and  Geometry Levico Terme July 2017 Organizers S.Ballico, A. Bernardi, I. Carusotto, S. Mazzucchi, V.Moretti
  • 2020-2021 Invited course IUSS Pavia - Corso Ordinario Classe di Scienze e Tecnologia
  • 2023 July Organizer, together with C. Agostinelli G. Leonardi S. Mazzucchi, of a Graduate School in Quantum Machine Learning financially supported by Unitn-Math Dept, Quantum@TN, TIFPA-INFN 
  • 2024 September 12: THE NOVEL PUZZLES OF QUANTUM MECHANICS On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Bell's theorem, the Departments of Humanities, Mathematics and Physics of the Trento University. It includes a public lecture by the Nobel prize laureate Alain Aspect. Organizers F. Laudisa, V. Moretti, S. Stringari 
  • 2024-2025 Napoli, one of the organizers of the International Conference on Relativistic Quantum Information (International Society for Relativistic Quantum Information (ISRQ).

    Participation in /  coordination  of Nationally and Internationally funded research projects and networks
    2008-2009 Trento local scientific coordinator of the National Project (PRIN 2007) Operator Algebras and Applications (Nationally dircted by R. Longo)
    2012-2015 Trento local scientific coordinator of the National Project PRIN Operator Algebras, Non commutative Geometry and Quantum Field Theory  (Nationally  dircted by R. Longo)
    2015-2018 Trento Coordinator of INdAM Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and/or Applications (H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2015)
    2018-2021 Supervisor of a PhD student funded by H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2015
    2018-2020 Participant in the  QRANGE (Quantum Random Number Generators: cheaper, faster and more secure) H2020-FETFLAG-2018-2020
    2019-2021 India-Trento Programme of Advanced Research ITPAR phase IV project
    Scientific-administrative duties
  • since  2015  Head of the departmental Research Group of Mathematical Physics and Geometric Methods in Physics
  • since 2016  Head of the local research group on Mathematical Methods for Physics BELL at TIFPA-INFN
  • since November 2015  to November 2018 Head of the doctoral school in Mathematics of the University of Trento
  • since November 2018 Member of Executive committee of the doctoral school in Mathematics of the University of Trento 
  • since  November 2018 Member of  Department's Council
  • since  November 2021  to November 2024 Head of the doctoral school in Mathematics of the University of Trento 
  • Since December 2021 Member of the Management Board of Q@TN

1998-1999 Lecturer An introduction to QFT in curved spacetime (PhD  Math) Trento University
2000-2001 Lecturer Continuum Mechanics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University
2001-2002 Lecturer Continuum Mechanics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University
2000-2001 Lecturer Fuctional Analysis for Quantum Mechanics (reading course, PhD Math)   Trento University
2001-2002 Lecturer Operator Algebras for Quantum Mechanics (reading course, PhD Math)  Trento University
2002-2003 Lecturer Continuum Mechanics (undergrad.Math., Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.)  Trento University
2002-2003 Lecturer Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys.)  Trento University
2002-2003 Lecturer Geometric structure of Special Relativity (reading course, PhD Math.)  Trento University
2003-2004 Lecturer Mathematical structure of Quantum Mechanics and Spectral Theory in Hilbert Spaces (PhD Math.)  Trento University
2004-2005 Lecturer Continuum Mechanics (undergrad.Math., Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.)  Trento University
2004-2005 Lecturer Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys.)  Trento University
2005-2006 Lecturer Mathematical Physics I (undergrad.Mathematics)  Trento University
2005-2006 Lecturer Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys., PhD Phys.) Trento University
2005-2006 Lecturer Mathematical Physics II (undergrad.Mathematics)  Trento University
2006-2007 Lecturer Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys.)  Trento University
2006-2007 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad.Physics) Trento University
2006-2007 Lecturer Geometrical Methods in Quantum Relativistic Theories (Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.)  Trento University
2007         Lecturer A short introductory course on QFT in curved spacetime (PhD Physics)  Florence University
2007-2008 Lecturer Mathematical Physics I (undergrad.Mathematics)  Trento University
2007-2008 Lecturer Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys., PhD Phys.) Trento University
2007-2008 Lecturer Mathematical Physics II (undergrad.Mathematics)  Trento University
2008-2009 Lecturer Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys.)  Trento University
2008-2009 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad.Physics) Trento University
2008-2009 Lecturer Geometrical Methods in Quantum Relativistic Theories (Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.)  Trento University
2009-2010 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics  (undergrad.Mathematics)  Trento University
2009-2010 Lecturer Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys., PhD Phys.) Trento University
2010-2011 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad.Physics) Trento University
2010-2011 Lecturer Mathematical Physics of Quantum Relativistic Theories (Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.)  Trento University
2011-2012 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University
2011-2012 Lecturer Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys., PhD Phys.) Trento University
2012-2013 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad.Physics) Trento University
2012-2013 Lecturer Mathematical Physics of Quantum Relativistic Theories (Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.) Trento University
2013-2014 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University
2013-2014 Lecturer Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys., PhD Phys.) Trento University
2014-2015 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad.Physics) Trento University
2015-2016 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University
2015-2016 Lecturer Mathematical Physics (Master Math. Master Phys., PhD Phys.) Trento University
2016-2017 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad.Physics) Trento University
2016-2017 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University
2017-2018 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University
2017-2018 Lecturer Mathematical Physics: quantum relativistic theories (Master Math. Master Phys., PhD Phys.) Trento University
2017-2018 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University
2017-2018 Lecturer Mathematical Physics of Quantum Relativistic Theories (Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.) Trento University
2018-2019 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University
2018-2019 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University

2019-2020 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University 2019-2020 Lecturer Mathematical Physics of Quantum Relativistic Theories (Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.) Trento University 

2020-2021 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad Physics) Trento University 

2020-2021 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University

 2020-2021 Lecturer Advanced course on mathematical foundations of Quantum Theories at the IUSS (University School for advanced Studies - Pavia) 

2021-2022 Lecturer Foundations of Mathematical Physics (undergrad.Mathematics) Trento University 

2021-2022 Lecturer Mathematical Physics of Quantum Relativistic Theories (Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.) Trento University 

2021-2022 Lecturer short course on BELL inequality, international undergraduate spring school organized by the Q@TN laboratory 2022-2023 Lecturer Mathematical Physics of Quantum Relativistic Theories (Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.) Trento University 

2022-2023 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad Physics) Trento University 2023-2024 Lecturer Analytic Mechanics (undergrad Mathematics) Trento University 

2023-2024 Lecturer Mathematical Physics of Quantum Relativistic Theories (Master Math., Master Phys., PhD Math.) Trento University

Thesis Supervision
1998-1999 advisor for a graduation thesis in Physics concerning "Proper time diagrams in Special Relativity".
1999-2000 advisor for a graduation thesis in Physics concerning "Renormalization by means of zeta-function theory and Schwinger decaying of vacuum state".
2001-2002 co-advisor for a graduation thesis in Mathematics concerning  "Geodesic metrics in metric spaces ".
2002-2003 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  "Flatness properties of spacetime in General Relativity".
2003-2004 advisor for a graduation thesis in Physics concerning  "QFT in the local algebraic approach in the presence of event horizons".
2007-2008 advisor for a first-level thesis in Mathematics concerning  topics on Mathematical Foundations of General Relativity.
2008-2009 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  singularity theorems in General Relativity.
2009-2010 advisor for a first-level thesis in Mathematics positive mass theorem in general relativity
2009-2010 advisor for a first-level thesis in Mathematics concerning  noncommutative geometry
2009-2010 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  the cosmic censureship theorem
2010-2011 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  relativistic issues
2010-2011 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  realtivistic issues and the Dirac-Lorentz equation
2010-2011 advisor for a second-level (Master) thesis in Physics concerning  mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics
2010-2011 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning  QFT in curved spacetime
2010-2011 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning  Loop Quantum Gravity
2011-2012 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Mathematics concerning  mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics
2011-2012 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics
2011-2012 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  relativistic issues
2012-2013 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning QFT in curved spacetime
2013-2014 advisor for a second-level (Master) thesis in Physics concerning mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics
2013-2014 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning QFT in curved spacetime
2013-2014 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  relativistic issues
2013-2014 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  relativistic issues
2013-2014 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  relativistic issues
2014-2015 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning QM
2014-2015 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning QM
2014-2015 advisor for a first-level thesis in Mathematics concerning  relativistic issues
2014-2015 advisor for a first-level thesis in Mathematics concerning  relativistic issues
2014-2015 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  relativistic issues
2014-2015 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Mathematics concerning QM
2014-2015 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning QM
2014-2015 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning QM
2015-2016 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  relativistic issues
2016-2017 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  mechanical statistical issues
2017-2018 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  relativistic issues
2017-2018 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  quantum issues
2018-2019 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning QM

2018-2019 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Mathematics concerning General Relativity

2020-2021 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning  relativistic issues

2021-2022 advisor for a first-level thesis in Mathematics concerning relativistic issues

2021-2022 advisor for a first-level thesis in Physics concerning quantum relativistic issues 2023-2024 advisor for a first-level thesis in Mathematics concerning quantum relativistic issues 

2023-2024 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Physics concerning QM and Relativity UNITS 2023-2024 advisor for a second-level thesis (Master) in Mathematics concerning Loop Quantum Gravity


Interessi di ricerca

Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theories and Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, Applications of Operator Algebras, Functional Analysis and Global Analysis to Quantum Theories,  Mathematical Methods for Physics, Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Information

Attività di ricerca

H index 2024:

              20  Web of Science

              20 SCOPUS, 

              28 Google Scholar

A patent

DEVICE FOR THE GENERATION OF SINGLE PHOTON ENTANGLED STATES (granted – 2022) n. 102020000005521. Inventors S. Mazzucchi, V. Moretti, M.Pasini, D. Pastorello, L. Pavesi, Patent Owner Università degli Studi di Trento


Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

                                                    Participation in Scientific and Selection Panels

     Member and secretary of the examiner panel for the admission to the Doctoral School in Mathematics of Trento University, 2001.
Member and secretary of the Panel for the assignation of PhD degree in Mathematics of the University of Bologna, 2005.
Invited referee for the assessment of scientific activities of a Junior Professor of the University of Goettingen, 2007.
Invited external examiner for the PhD graduation exam (B.S. Kay internal examiner), Dept. of Mathematics, University of York, UK, 2008.
Referee for the assessment of national Italian research projects, 2008.
Member of the examiner panel for the admission to the Doctoral School in Mathematics of Trento University, 2008.
Invited external referee of a PhD thesis (together with K. Fredenhagen and R.M. Wald), II Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg, DE, 2010.
Referee for the assessment of national Italian research projects, 2011.
Invited Referee for the assessment of national research projects of Romania, 2011.
Invited external examiner for the PhD graduation exam, Dept. of Mathematics, University of York, UK, 2014 (declined)
Invited external referee of a PhD thesis  University of Genova, 2015.
Invited external referee of a PhD thesis  University of Pavia, 2015.
Member of the selection panel for a researcher position at the University of Genova, 2015.
Invited external referee of a PhD thesis in Mtahematics University of Milano,  2016.
Member of the selection panel for a Researcher (type A) at the University of Genova. Department of Mathematics, 2015
Member of the selection panel for a Post Doctoral Fellow (Assegno di Ricerca) at the University of Milano. Department of Mathematics, 2016
Member of the selection panel for a Full Professor at the University of Genova. Department of Mathematics, 2017
Member of the selection panel for a Associate Professor at the University of Roma Tor Vergata. Department of Mathematics, 2017
Member of the selection panel for a Researcher (type A) at the University of Verona. Department of Mathematics, 2018
Member of the selection panel for a Researcher (type B) at the University of Genova. Department of Mathematics, 2018
President of the examiner panel for the admission to the Doctoral School in Mathematics of Trento University (special selection funded by the National Project "Dipartimenti di Eccellenza"), 2018. 
President of the selection panel for a Researcher (type A) at the University of Genova. Department of Mathematics, 2019
Member of a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) panel for establishment  of  Research Training Groups. 2019
Reviewer for workshop proposals at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute Vienna (ESI)2019
Reviewer for national research projects for Austrian Science Fund (FWF). 2019

Member of the selection panel for a Researcher (type B) at the University of Genova. Department of Mathematics, 2020

President of the selection panel for a Researcher (type B) at the University of Bergamo. Department of Mathematics, 2020

Member of the Programme Committee of the international conference One-parameter Semigroups of Operators  (OPSO) 2021





Convegni e conferenze

°Invitation at the the international symposium "Geometrical and Algebraic Aspects of Quantum Physics", on the occasion of R. Haag 80th birthday, Munchen,   October 2002. 
°Invitation at the international symposium "Perspectives in Quantum Field Theory" on the occasion of D. Buchholz' 60th birthday, Goettingen, June 2004. 
°Invited plenary seminar at the Assemblea Scientifica Nazionale del INdAM-Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica, Montecatini Terme, 28 October 2004 
°Invited talk  at the national meeting "Problemi Attuali di Fisica Teorica"  March 2005, IIASS "E.R.Caianiello" - Vietri sul Mare (Italy), on "Recenti risultati in teoria dei campi quantistici su orizzonti di Killing" 
°Invited plenary talk at the XVII SIGRAV Italian National Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Torino, September 4-7, 2006
°Colloquium held at the University of Hamburg, on the occasion of Klaus Fredenhagen's sixtieth birthday. 7 December 2007
°Invited plenary talk at the International Workshop "The Manifold Geometries of Quantum Field Theory", Haussdorff Center of Mathematics - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn,June  30th - July 4, 2008 (organizers: Sergio Albeverio, Hanno Gottschalk, Matilde Marcolli) 
°Invitation at the ESI Program "Operator Algebras and Conformal Field Theory" (organized by Y. Kawahigashi, R. Longo, K.-H. Rehren and J. Yngvason), E. Schroedinger Institute, Vienna,  August - December 2008. 
°Invitation at the Workshop "Quantum Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry" Rome "La Sapienza", September 29 - October 4, 2008 
°Invited plenary talk at the International conference "Algebraic Quantum Field Theory - the first 50 years" July 29-31, 2009, Courant Research Center, University of Goettingen, Satellite conference to the International Conference on Mathematical Physics
°Invitation at the ESI Program "Quantum field theory on curved space-times and curved target-spaces" (organized by M. Gaberdiel, S. Hollands, V. Schomerus), E. Schroedinger Institute, Vienna, March - April 2010. 
°Invited plenary talk at the NITHeP International Workshop "Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetime - From the Algebraic Approach to Local Covariance" Durban, South Africa, August  23 - 27, 2010 
°Invited plenary talk at the International Workshop "Foundational Aspects of Cosmology" 16 -18  February 2011,  II. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Hamburg
°Invited plenary talk at the International Workshop "Modern Trends in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory" 14-16th  September 2011, University of Pavia (fostered by the  DAAD under the programme "Diaolghi Italo-Tedeschi") 
°Invited plenary talk at the Bayrischzell Workshop 2012 - Noncommutativity and Physics: General Relativity and Quantum Geometry Bayrischzell, Germany, May 25-28 2012
°Invited talk at the XX SIGRAV Italian National Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Napoli, October 22-26, 2012
°Invited plenary talk for the Mathematical Physics section at the DPG-Frühjahrstagung JENA 13 Jena, 25 February - 1 March 2013
°Invitation at the workshop "New Crossroad between Mathematics and Field Theory", Oberwolfach (Germany) 21st to the 27th  July 2013
°Invited plenary speaker °Summer School 2014 - 16/06/2014-04/07/2014 - Institut Fourier Grenoble Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity
°Official invitation at the Erwin Schroedinger Institute (ESI) in Vienna from the 19th to the 23rd of May 2014 on occasion of the scientific meeting: "Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: Its status and its future"
°Invited plenary speaker at the XXIII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Granada 2014 
°Official invitation at the ESI Program "Modern Theory of Wave Equations"(organized by C.Guillarmou (ENS Paris), W. Müller (U Bonn), A.Strohmaier (Loughborough   U), A.Vasy (Stanford U),  E. Schroedinger Institute, Vienna, July-September 2015.
°Invited talk  at the SISSA Febbruary 2015.
°Invited talk at the Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG14 section QFT in curved spacetime, University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Rome, July 12-18, 2015
°Invited Lecturer (International PhD school associated to the workshop)  at the XXIV International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Saragoza 2015 
°Invitation to the INFN workshop Fundamental problems of quantum physics, Milano 16 June 2017
°Invitation to the International Meeting "Non regular spacetime geometry", Florence  19-22 June  2017 (organized by P.T. Chruściel, J.Grant, M. Kunzinger,E. Minguzzi)
°Invited talk at the international conference "Quantum fields, scattering and spacetime horizons: mathematical challenges" Ecole de Physique des Houches the 22-25 May 2018.
°Invitation to the international conference "AQFT: Where operator algebra meets microlocal analysis" 4th to the 8th of June 2018 at the Palazzone, a stately home (managed by the Scuola Normale Superiore) located in Cortona (Tuscany, Italy).
°Invited plenary talk at Trails in Quantum Mechanics and Surroundings - September 27-29, 2018 (Progetto di Eccellenza del Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche “G. L. Lagrange” )
°Invited speaker at the Workshop Ipercomplesso TN018  Trento University, September 2018
°Invited discussant at the conference Progress and Visions in Quantum Theory in View of Gravity, Leipzig,  Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, October 01-05, 2018
*Invited talk at the Univerity of Leipzig (Institute of theorethical Physlcs) 24 June 2019
*Invited talk at the Higher School of Economics - Department of Pure Mathematics - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 17 October 2019
*Invited talk at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics - Moscow State University, Russia, 21 October 2019
*Invited talk at Operator algebras in quantum field theory and quantum probability December 4-7, 2019 Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata

°Invited lecturer at IUSS (Scuola Universitaria Superiore Pavia) "Corso Ordinario per classe di Scienze e Tecnologia, V anno"

*Invited talk at the international conference One-parameter Semigroups of Operators  (OPSO) 2021 2021

*Invited talk at the Third Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistcs  Bologna June 13-16 2022

*Invited Participant in the ESI Workshop on "Non-regular Spacetime Geometry" (CKM23) Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) March 2023

*Invited plenary talk at the international conference Quantum Effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig University August-September 2023 

Invited talk at the university of Erlangen, March 2023 

Invited talk at the SISSA March 2024

Altre attività


Public Engagement (Terza Missione)

2022 Teatro della Meraviglia 2022: ideazione e recitazione nella piece teatrale “La fisica e i mondi matematici possibili”, con il regista attore Andrea Brunello, Ottobre 2022 

2023 Narratore scientifico all’open mike 2023 presso il Teatro Portland di Trento, Marzo 2023 

2023 Replica di “La fisica e i mondi matematici possibili”, con il regista attore Andrea Brunello, Presso il Teatro Portland di Trento, Aprile 2023 

2023 PodcastCi sono cose che non capiamo” con Andrea Brunello in Riflessi di Scienza - uniTN , Aprile 2023 

2023 Replica di “La fisica e i mondi matematici possibili”, con il regista attore Andrea Brunello, per il centenario della fondazione del Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei di Trento, Ottobre 2023


Peer refereeing activity

Reviewer for  Mathematical Reviews (by the American Mathematical Society) up to 2009;
Reviewer for  Zentralblatt MATH (by the European Mathematical Society and Springer) up to 2009;
Book Referee for the Cambridge University  Press
Referee of Communications in Mathematical Physics  (by Springer-Verlag, DE), 
Referee of Reviews in Mathematical Physics  (by World Scientific Publishing), 
Referee of Letters in Mathematical Physics   (by Springer-Verlag, DE);
Referee of Analysis and PDE   (by Mathematical Sciences Publishing, USA);
Referee of Journal of Mathematical Physics  (by American Institute of Physics), 
Referee of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical  (by the Institute of Physics Publishing, UK)
Referee of Classical and Quantum Gravity  (by the Institute of Physics Publishing, UK);
Referee of Acta Physica Slovaca (by Institute of Physics, SAS, Slovakia)
Referee of Central European Journal of Physics (by Central European Science Publisher and Springer-Verlag)
Referee of Annals of Physics  (by Academic Press, USA);
Referee of Annalen der Physik  (by Weley, USA);
Referee of Entropy (by MDPI Publishing, Switzerland); 
Referee of European Physical Journal Plus  (by Springer-Verlag, DE); 
Referee of Foundations of Physics (by Springer Netherlands);
Referee of General Relativity and Gravitation  (by Springer-Verlag, DE);
Referee of International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences  (by Hindawi Publishing Corporation);
Referee of International Journal of Modern Physics A  (by World Scientific Publishing);
Referee of Journal of Geometry and Physics  (by Elsevier Amsterdam), 
Referee of Mathematische Annalen (by Springer-Verlag, DE), 
Referee of Nuclear Physics B (by Elsevier Amsterdam);
Referee of Nuovo Cimento B: General Physics, relativity, astronomy, mathematical physics and methods (by Italian Physical Society)
Referee of Physica Acta  (by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences);
Referee of Physical Review D  (by the American Physical Society, USA);
Referee of Physical Review Letters  (by the American Physical Society, USA);
Referee of Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (by The European Mathematical Information Service),



Full Professor of Mathematical Physicis
Department of Mathematics


lecture notes