Science and Technology Area - PhD Office

The division supports the work of academic departments and centres in the science and technology area, in particular as regards:

  • writing proposals to establish and renew doctoral courses, annual reports, courses regulations, and maintaining relationships with institutional partners;
  • establishing collaboration and funding agreements to offer study courses;
  • preparing calls for admissions, managing applications online, dealing with selection procedures;
  • improving the international appeal of the doctoral programme and increasing student mobility through agreements for joint thesis research, international mobility programmes, support to foreign students/PhD students, support to evaluation committees that have to assess foreign qualifications;
  • accounting procedures in compliance with national regulations, elaboration and analysis of statistical data.

The division also oversees the academic progress of PhD students up to their thesis defense, and is responsible for other qualifying exams (esami di Stato) that the University offers.


Via Sommarive, 14, Povo, 38123 TN[at]unitn [dot] it
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