Human Resources and Organization

The Human Resources and Organization Directorate, with the divisions and offices it supervises, oversees the management of the University’s human resources , is responsible for paying staff and social security contributions, and monitors staffing requirements and related costs.

The directorate implements policies and programmes for the development of technical and administrative staff, including training and recruitment plans, a staff evaluation exercise and incentives systems.

On request from the University’s management, it is responsible for implementing organizational development strategies and establishing welfare and organizational well-being policies.

It is in charge of updating internal regulations and is responsible for relations with trade unions and for drafting and updating the University’s collective agreement.
The directorate also welcomes newly appointed staff and oversees the service responsible for managing access to university buildings.

It also offers consulting services to grant holders, and provides a welcome service to high school students who participate in the “Alternanza scuola lavoro” project at the University.

The directorate provides its support to the Centro Studi Martino Martini.

Finally, it serves as a coordinator for its dependent offices and divisions:

  • The Employee Relations Division - Academic and Teaching Staff
  • The Employee Relations and Payroll Division - Technical and Administrative Staff, which recruitment procedures and contracts for technical and administrative staff and language experts. The division ensures the proper implementation of labour law, the national collective agreement, the University Collective Agreement and other provisions.
  • The HR Development and Organization Division, which is responsible for evaluating staff performance, establishing training requirements, overseeing internal mobility, and conducting surveys on organizational wellbeing and the quality of services.
  • The Relations with Trade Unions Office.

Via Giuseppe Verdi, 6, Trento, 38122 TN
DirezioneRisorseUmane[at]unitn [dot] it
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