
Master's degree in law and clinical psychology, specialized in Criminology. Licensed to practice as a forensic scientist and to practice as a psychologist.

Academic career and teaching activities

Research fellow at the Centre of Security and Crime Sciences of University of Trento and University of Verona 

Gest lecturer in the course of “Digital Criminology” at Faculty of Law of Univerity of Trento

Research interests

Digital Criminology, sex crimes in cyberspace, online GBV, deviant and criminal digital subculture, cybercrime involving minors

Research work

Perrone G. (2021). On-line crimes as a result of a digital intercon-nection system. A cyber criminological reflection. Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia, XV, 3, 239-247. https://doi10.7347/RIC-032021-p239

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Member of the Italian Society of Criminology since 2017

Conferences and lectures

Speaker at the XXXVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Criminology, paper entitled: “La sottocultura digitale degli Incel e la violenza contro le donne”, 19-21 October 2023.

Speaker at the Integrative Seminar as part of the Criminology Course at the Faculty of Law, University of Trento entitled: “Istituzione carcere: rieducazione tra mito e realtà”, 24-25 November 2022.

Speaker at the XXXV National Congress of the Italian Society of Criminology, paper entitled: “Pornografia extreme e pornografia non consensuale: quali gli effetti?”, 6-8 October 2022.

Speaker at Global Conversation entitled “Juridical-Criminological Analysis of Cybercrime: Cyber-Bullying and Revenge Porn” at Department of Economics and Finance, English-language course on "Global Governance" at Tor Vergata University of Rome, May 17, 2021.

Speaker at TedxFerrara with the talk entitled: “Don’t go viral: revenge porn and cyberbulling”, 27 September 2020.