Alessia Angelini

Via Tommaso Gar, 14 - 38122 Trento
alessia.angelini-1[at]unitn [dot] it
  • 2023-present: Interdisciplinary PhD Programme in “Forms of Cultural Exchange and Textuality” (subject area: Germanic Philology), University of Trento
  • Jan-Jul 2020: Erasmus+ traineeship for thesis research purpose, University of Aarhus (DK)
  • 2018-2022: Master's Degree in “Classical Philology and Ancient History”, University of Pisa 
  • 2015-2018: Bachelor's Degree in “Classics”, University of Pisa 

Seminars, Courses and Schools: 

  • 2024: Winterschool “Dutch in the Middle Ages: language, culture, texts”, University of Bologna - Italian Society for Germanic Philology
  • 2023: Winterschool “The Medieval Nordic World: languages, texts”, University Ca' Foscari of Venice - Italian Society for Germanic Philology
  • 2020: Doctoral Seminar in Palaeography “From Manuscript to Print”, University of Aarhus (DK)
Academic career and teaching activities
  • Tutor - University of Pisa
    teaching support - Ancient Greek language and metrics
Research interests
  • Germanic philology
  • Classical philology 
  • Reception studies (e.g. of the Graeco-Latin culture in medieval Scandinavia; of the Northern antiquities in modern Europe)
  • Old Norse literature
  • Translation studies 
  • Literature and national identity
Research work
  • PhD Programme in “Forms of Cultural Exchange and Textuality”, University of Trento - with scholarship 
  • Jan-Jun 2021: Member of the Research Project team on “The Simulacrum in the Germanic literatures and cultures through the Middle Ages, Modernity and Contemporary Age”, University of Pisa - with scholarship
Awards and honours
  • 2023: three-year scholarship for the PhD Programme in “Forms of Cultural Exchange and Textuality", University of Trento. 
  • 2021: six-months research scholarship within the Department Research Project “The Simulacrum in the Germanic Literatures and Cultures through the Middle Ages, Modernity and Contemporary Age”, University of Pisa 
  • 2020: six-months Erasmus+ Traineeship scholarship for thesis research purpose, University of Aarhus 
Conferences and lectures
  • 26-28/01/2022, Pisa, University of Pisa. “Configurations of the simulacrum through literature, art, technology and society”. OC.