Anna Napoli

Research fellowship holder

Center Agriculture Food Environment - C3A

Via E. Mach, 1 - 38010 S. Michele all'Adige
anna.napoli[at]unitn [dot] it

November 2018 - March 2022: PhD in Computer Science and Systems Engineering, University of Genova in collaboration with the University of Milano-Bicocca, PhD at CIMA Research Foundation in Savona (Italy), title of the thesis: "Altitudinal dependences of meteoclimatic conditions in the Great Alpine Region: from observations and idealized simulations to climate change projections". Advisors: Antonio Parodi (University of Genova), Luca Ferraris (University of Genova) in collaboration with Claudia Pasquero (University of Milano-Bicocca)

2015-2018: Master Degree in Physics, University of Milan (Milan, Italy), title of the thesis: "Orographic precipitation in the Alps: analysis of rain gauge data and atmospheric model output". Advisors: Maurizio Maugeri (University of Milan) and Claudia Pasquero (University of

2011-2014: Bachelor Degree in Physics, University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy), title of the thesis: "Sea Surface Height response to strong winds in the mediterranean". Advisor: Claudia Pasquero (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Research interests

I am a curious young researcher with interests that include the atmospheric dynamic over mountain
areas, the potential changes of the orographic rainfall mechanisms, the mountain climate response
to global warming and to anthropogenic forcing. My goal is to shed light on this very complex field
by using numerical atmospheric models, and observational data. 

Research work

I am a research fellow at University of Trento (Italy) at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, within the project “PAT APPA”, Analysis of climatic changes and their impacts on the different natural systems and on socio-economic sectors in the Trentino Province. I am also carrying out some research projects regarding bas with the elevation in RCMs ad seasonal projections, trends of extreme events in the Great Alpine Region and I am collaborating with regional, national and international groups to better understand processes by which mountains shape regional climates, and Elevation Dependent Climate Changes. I am also carrying out some dissemination activities.