Andrea Fleckinger
Education |
2017 – 2021 Ph.D. in General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy, General Didactics, and Disciplinary Didactics. Free University of Bozen/Bolzano (I). 2018 - 2021 Certificate: Lecturer on Modern Matriarchal Studies. 5. Intensive Study Course International Academy Hagia (D). 2014 – 2017 Master of Arts (MA) in Innovation and Research for Social Work and Social Education. Free University Bozen/Bolzano (I), 2004 – 2007 Bachelor of Arts (BA) Social Work. Free University of Bozen/Bolzano (I) |
Research work |
Current research projects: ReIncluGen - REthinking INCLUsion and GENder empowerment ReIncluGen is a three-year project (2023-2025) funded by the Horizon Europe research and innovation program, coordinated by the University of Antwerp (Belgium). The project team consists of several partners from universities or research institutes and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that also deal with women with a migration background, from the following Member States: Belgium, Poland, Austria, Spain, and Italy. The project takes the form of participatory and action research, aimed at detecting the different meanings and interpretations revolving around the concept of "gender empowerment", through an intersectional and situated approach. TRACES - TRAnsgenerational ConsEquences of Sexual Violence As part of the three-year research project to be carried out in the Vinschgau Valley (BZ), the long-term consequences of traumas resulting from sexual violence and their transgenerational transmission will be studied. Financed by the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio, the study is jointly conducted by the University of Trento, Medica Mondiale, the Forum prevenzione, and the Women's Museum Meran/Merano. The feminist-participatory action research TRACES has set itself the goal of breaking the continuum of violence, enabling discussion on sexual violence, and of contributing to the social processing of past experiences of violence to prevent the emergence of new spirals of violence. |
Conferences and lectures |
(selected) 22-24.10.2022 Matriliny, Matrilocality, Care and Love: Reflections on the social structures in matriarchal societies. Invited speaker at FiLia women’s rights conference, Cardiff (UK). Language of the presentation: English 19-24.08.2022 Handle with care: Mothers and Child protection social workers: Reflections on Care and Agency. TISSA conference Sustainable Social Work in times of crises, Ghent (B). Language of the presentation: English 15-18.06.2022 Trust building processes in participatory feminist research in institutional contexts: Experiences from Italy. 11th European feminist research conference, Milan (I). Language of the presentation: English. 05-07.05.2021 The father absence - mother blame paradigm in child protection social services: which repercussions on single mothers? ESWRA conference: Social work research: contributing to innovations in practice, policy and social development. Virtual Conference, Bucharest (RO). Language of the presentation: English. 10.10.2020 There is an alternative! Building an egalitarian society along the matriarchal paradigm. Feminist (Un)Conference. Hannover (D) Language of the workshop: German. 21-22.11.2019 If I had known you were a social worker, I wouldn't have talked to you: A qualitative study of single mothers' experiences with social workers in child protection social services. Conference 20 years of social work - awakening, continuity, change at the Free University of Bolzano (I). Language of the presentation: German. 16-21.08.2019. Social Work and Motherhood: How child protection social workers label single mothers. TISSA conference: Challenging social work: borders, boundaries and bridges, in Münster (D). Language of the presentation: English. 31.05.-01.06.2019. Tutela minori e violenza di genere: strategie risolutive per prevenire la vittimizzazione secondaria. CIRSS: II° Conferenza italiana di Ricerca in Servizio Sociale, in Trento (I). Language of the presentation: Italian. 08-10.10.2018. The risk of secondary victimization: which implications for child protection social work practices? ERIS international social work conference - University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, in Dornbirn (A). Language of the presentation: English. 02-04.05.2018. Child protection social work in the context of gender-based violence: which factors favorite or protect mothers from a secondary victimization. MIRCI conference: Matricentric Feminism: Theory, Activism, Politics, Practice and Representation, in Florence (I). Language of the lecture: English. 19.04.2018. Talk session: La violenza di genere in una prospettiva di genere together with Dr. E. Tauber and lawyer M. Pirrone. Conference Network Violence Prevention: Power. System. Gewalt - Sotto smentite spoglie, at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano (I). Language of the panel: Italian. |