Rossella Alessandra Bottoni

Associate professor

Faculty of Law

Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 283532
rossella.bottoni[at]unitn [dot] it

Thesis supervision
Thursday 18 July 2024

Thesis supervision may only be asked after passing the exam. There is no minimum exam grade, but I expect students to be working seriously. The topic is chosen by the student and approved by me. 

Only for students of Law and Religion: I give priority to students who have attended regularly and participated actively in the course. I ask that candidates take the exam of Introduction to Islamic Law, too, only if the chosen topic requires notions of islamic law.

Discussed dissertations 

See attached file.

Assigned topics


La Convenzione sull’eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione nei confronti della donna e le riserve religiosamente fondate

Il principio di ordine pubblico nella delibazione delle sentenze di nullità dei tribunali ecclesiastici

Islam e istituzioni pubbliche


Jewish, Islamic and Hindu funerary practices in Italy