Antonio Bibbò

Assistant professor

Department of Humanities

Via Tommaso Gar, 14 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 282702
antonio.bibbo[at]unitn [dot] it

Exam dates and old syllabus
Monday 23 December 2024

The exam dates for the winter session are as follows:

Intercultural communication [130775]: 27 January and 11 February

Lingua inglese II [130331]: 28 January and 12 February 

Lingua inglese I - LM [130273]: 28 January and 11 February 

These two appelli are the final possibility for the cohorts of Lingua inglese II students up to 2023/24 to be tested on the old syllabus. Please let me know at least 5 days in advance if that's the case, so that I can prepare exam papers accordingly.