
2007 PhD in Economics, University of Verona.
2003 Master in Economics, CORIPE, University of Turin. Final grade: A
2002 Degree in Economics and Business, University of Verona. 110/100 Cum Laude

Academic career and teaching activities

2019-21 Assistant Professor (RTD-B), University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research
2013-18 Associate Professor, University of the Balearic Islands, Department of Applied Economics.
2011-13 Assistant Professor, University of the Balearic Islands, Department of Applied Economics.
2010-11 Visiting Professor, University of Balearic Islands, Department of Applied Economics
2007-10 Researcher (Post-doc), Paris School of Economics, Microsimulation and Public Policies Evaluation Unit.
2004-2007 Research Fellow, University of Verona, Department of Economics.

Teaching experience

Principles of Economics (Economia Politica 6 ECTS), University of Trento, Bachelors of International Studies 
Principles of Economics (Economia Politica 9 ECTS), University of Trento, Bachelors of Sociology 
Microeconomics (6 ECTS), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business Administration.
Public Economics (6 ECTS in Spanish and 6 ECTS in English), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of
Economics and Business Administration.
Integrated evaluation of economic impacts (3 ECTS in English). University of Balearic Islands, Master in
Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation.
Supervision of 6 graduation theses within the Bachelor of Economics.
Advisor of Margarita Cerda (with X. Olicer) within the Ph.D. program in Applied Economics at University of
Balearic Islands.

Microeconomics (6 ECTS in English), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business
Public Economics (6 ECTS in Spanish and 6 ECTS in English), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of
Economics and Business Administration.
Integrated evaluation of economic impacts (3 ECTS in English). University of Balearic Islands, Master in
Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation.
Supervision of 3 graduation theses within the Bachelor of Economics.
Advisor of Margarita Cerda (with X. Olicer) within the Ph.D. program in Applied Economics at University of
Balearic Islands.

Microeconomics (6 ECTS in English), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business
Public Economics (6 ECTS in Spanish), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business
Integrated evaluation of economic impacts (3 ECTS in English). University of Balearic Islands, Master in
Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation.
Supervision of 10 graduation theses within the Bachelor of Economics.

Microeconomics (6 ECTS in English), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business
Public Economics (6 ECTS in Spanish), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business
Integrated evaluation of economic impacts (3 ECTS in English). University of Balearic Islands, Master in
Economics of Tourism: Monitoring and Evaluation.
Supervision of 10 graduation theses within the Bachelor of Economics.
Advisor of Rut Sanchez within the Ph.D. program in Applied Economics at University of Balearic Islands.

Microeconomics (6 ECTS in English), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business Administration.
Public Economics (6 ECTS in Spanish), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business
Supervision of 10 graduation theses within the Bachelors in Economics and Business.

Microeconomics (6 ECTS in English + 6 ECTS in Spanish), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics
and Business Administration.
Statistics (6 ECTS in Spanish), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelor of Economics.

Microeconomics (6 ECTS in English ), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business
Statistics (6 ECTS in Spanish), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics.

Microeconomics (6 ECTS in English), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics and Business
Welfare Economics (6 ECTS in English), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics.

Microeconomics (6 ECTS in English + 6 ECTS in Spanish), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of Economics
and Business Administration.
Welfare Economics (6 ECTS in English), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelor of Economics.

Microeconomics (6 ECTS in English + 2x6ECTS in Spanish), University of Balearic Islands, Bachelors of
Economics and Business Administration.

Micro-simulations and Evaluation of Public Policies, Paris School of Economics, Master in Public Policy and
Development, TA.

Microeconomics I, University of Verona, Ph.D. in Economics and Finance and Master in Economics and Finance
(the master is now discontinued).

Political Economy, University of Verona, Bachelor of Economics and Business, TA.

Research interests

Family Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

In particular, my research focuses on three main areas: i) family economics, where he studies collective consumption models, time-use allocation, labor supply, child development, intergenerational transmissions, and gender issues; ii) public economics, including optimal income taxation, social welfare, ex-ante evaluation of public policies, and micro-macro simulation models; and iii) economics of risky behaviors, with a special interest on models of addiction and household externalities of alcohol consumption. 

Research work

Financed Research Groups and Projects

Current Reserach Projects

TEMPO (2023-25): The Equalizing effect of universal Music school PrOgrams (PRIN 2022, under evaluation). Project leader: Luca Piccoli

GESI (2022-25): Geography and Social Inequality in Italy. School, Work, Family and Mobility across Marginal and Central Areas (PRIN 2020LFMS7F). Project leader: Nazareno Panichella.

CEIC (2021-28): Care Economies in Context. Financed by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Open Society Foundations, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the University of Toronto. Project leaders: Ito Peng and Sophia Matthies.

As Principal Investigator:

2016-18 Intrahousehold inequality, social policies and individual welfare. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
de España (ECO2015-63727-R)

As Participant:

2014 Microsimulation and Evaluation of Public Policies in Cuba. Financed by Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones
Económicas (Cuba National Institute for Economic Research). Project leader: A. Spadaro.

2014 Microssimulador estatico com comportamento do icms do estado do Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil (Static
behavioural microsimulation model for Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil). Financed by Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda
(Rio Grande do Sul government). Project leader: X. Oliver.

2012-13 Study on the impacts of scal devaluation. Financed by the European Commission
(TAXUD/2011/DE/338). Project leaders: L. Bettendorf and M. Baldini.

2011-13 La estructura de un moderno estado del bienestar: en búsqueda de un modelo optimo. Financed by
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion de España (ECO2011-28999). Project leader: A. Spadaro.

2010 Valuation ex ante des dispositifs de Revenu de Solidarit Active et Revenu Supplmentaire Temporaire
d'Activit e travers d'un modle de microsimulation du systme de redistribution directe pour les DOM (Ex-ante
evaluation of RSA and RSTA through a microsimulation model for the DOM). Financed by Haut Commissariat
aux Solidarites Actives contre la Pauvret (French Government). Project leader: A. Spadaro.

2009-11 Fiscal Schemes for Inclusive Development. Financed by UNDP (United Nation Development Programme). Project leaders: A. Spadaro, L. F. Lopez-Calva, E. Ortiz-Juarez, C. M. Urzua Macias.

2009-10 Construction d'un modèle interactif de microsimulation du système de redistribution directe en France
(Construction of an Interactive Microsimulation Model for Direct Taxation in France). Financed by Centre
Pour la Recherche Economique et ses Applications (Cepremap). Project leader: A. Spadaro.

2008-14 A Micro-Macro-Simulation Model of Policy Impact Evaluation for Israel. Financed by the Israeli
National Insurance Institute. Project leader: A. Spadaro.

2008-09 Women and Unpaid Family Care Work in the EU. Financed by European Parliament (PE 419.618). Project leader: G. C. Giannelli.

2007-09 The Evaluation of Redistribution Policies by Simulation Techniques. Financed by Agence Nationale de
la Recherche (BLAN06-2 139446). Project leader: A. Spadaro.

2006-09 Micro and Macro Economic Analysis of Juvenile Crime. Co- nanced by University of Verona and
Istituto don Calabria. Run in collaboration with the Department of Justice of Italian Government.
Project leader: F. Perali.

2005-06 The Intra-household Distribution of Resources in case of Alcohol Abuse. Financed by University of
Verona. Project leader: F. Perali.

2004 Estimates of the Needs of Disable People. Financed by University of Verona. Project leader: F.

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Research Fellow, IZA - Institute of Labor Economics

Member of EQUALITAS - Economics of Inequality and Poverty Analysis

Reprise: Expert Peer Reviewer for Italian Scientific Evaluation

Conferences and lectures

Presentations at Conferences


  • 35th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), Rende, University of Calabria, in presence 16-18 of June


  • The 2021 meetings of Society of the Economics of the HOusehold (SEHO), Boston, online 24-25 of May
  • Ninth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), London, online 8-10 July


  • 35th National Conference of Labour Economics, online 17-18 of September


  • 10th Workshop on the Economics of Risky Behavior, Bologna 28-29 of June
  • Workshop on Intergenerational Mobility, Gender and Family Formation in the Long Run, Oslo, 20-21 of June
  • The 2019 meetings of Society of the Economics of the HOusehold (SEHO), Lisbon, 25-27 of May
  • 3rd Applied Microeconomics Workshop, Bolzano, 11-12 of March


  • SIE "59th Annual Conference (RSA) of the Italian Economic Association", Bologna, 25-27 of Oct.
  • AIEL "XXXIII National Conference of Labour Economics", Ancona, 20-21 of Sept.
  • EuHEA conference 2018, 12th European Conference on Health Economics, Maastricht, 11-14 of July
  • IZA World Labor Conference 2018, Berlin, 28-29 of June
  • The 2018 meetings of Society of the Economics of the HOusehold (SEHO), Paris, 23-24 of May
  • XXI Encuentro de Economia Aplicada, Alcala de Henares, 7-8 of June


  • Third SITES/IDEAs Annual Conference, Firenze, 29-30 of Sept.
  • XXXI National Conference of Labour Economics (AIEL), Trento, 22-23 of Sept.
  • 28th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE), Ghent, 15-17 of Sept.
  • 30th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), Berlin, 15-18 of June
  • The Alpine Population Conference, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, 26-29 of Jan.


  • 30th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Manheim, 24-27 of Aug.
  • 6th meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), Luxembourg, 13-15 of July


  • XXXIX Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía-Spanish Economic Association (SAEe), Palma, 8-9 of Dec.
  • SITES-IDEAS First Annual Conference, Florence, 11-12 of Sept.


  • Young Lives "Inequalities in Children's Outcomes in Developing Countries", Oxford, 8-9 of July


  • ECINEQ "Fourth Meeting of the Society For the Study of Economic Inequality", Catania, 18-21 of July
  • "Conference on the economics of the family" in honour of Gary Becker, Paris, 07-09 of Oct.


  • CHILD-CSFEF-AIEL \International Conference in memoriam of Maria Concetta Chiuri on Household, Labour
  • and Migration Economics", Bari and Tricase, 1-3 of July
  • Workshop on \Measuring Interaction Between Quality of Life, Children Well-being, Work and Public Policies",
  • Modena, 28-29 of June
  • Workshop AISSEC \Comparing Inequalities", Assisi, 22-23 of June


  • AIEL "XXIV Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro", Sassari, 24-25 of Sept.
  • \Microsimulation: Bridging Data and Policy", 2nd General Conference of the International Microsimulation Association, Ottawa (CA), 8-10 of June


  • "Income Distribution and the Family" Conference, Kiel, 1-3 of Sept.
  • SMYE 2008 "Spring Meeting of Young Economists", Lille (FR), 17-19 of April


  • HERO "Workshop on Health Economics", Voksenasen, Oslo, 31 of August - 1 of Sept.


  • ChilD "Models of Household Economics for the Design and the Evaluation of Fiscal and Social Reforms", Turin 25-26 of June
  • ChilD "International Workshop on Research in Consumer Behaviour and Welfare: Implications for Policy", Garda (VR) 14-16 of May

Invited seminars

JOINT seminar - School of Social Science UniTN, 24 Sept. (discussant)

Department of Sociology and Social Research, 26 of Nov.

DEPS seminars, University of Siena, 23 of Nov.
PhD in Economics Seminar Series, University of Perugia, 18 of Oct. 5

ISER Monday Seminar series, University of Essex, 15 of June
DSE Seminar series, University of Verona, 1 of Apr..

Universite Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Defence, \Jeune Papiers" series at Economix. 31 of Jan.

National Insurance Institute of Israel. 18 and 20 of May

Paris School of Economics, \Groupe de travail Marche du travail et inegalites" series at Paris-Jourdan Sciences
Economiques. 14 of Dec.

Institute of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo, 29 of Aug.


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