Luca Piccoli
Education |
2007 PhD in Economics, University of Verona. |
Academic career and teaching activities |
2019-21 Assistant Professor (RTD-B), University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research Teaching experience 2019-current 2017-18
2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2009-10 2006-07 2005-06 |
Research interests |
Family Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics In particular, my research focuses on three main areas: i) family economics, where he studies collective consumption models, time-use allocation, labor supply, child development, intergenerational transmissions, and gender issues; ii) public economics, including optimal income taxation, social welfare, ex-ante evaluation of public policies, and micro-macro simulation models; and iii) economics of risky behaviors, with a special interest on models of addiction and household externalities of alcohol consumption. |
Research work |
Financed Research Groups and Projects Current Reserach Projects TEMPO (2023-25): The Equalizing effect of universal Music school PrOgrams (PRIN 2022, under evaluation). Project leader: Luca Piccoli GESI (2022-25): Geography and Social Inequality in Italy. School, Work, Family and Mobility across Marginal and Central Areas (PRIN 2020LFMS7F). Project leader: Nazareno Panichella. CEIC (2021-28): Care Economies in Context. Financed by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Open Society Foundations, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the University of Toronto. Project leaders: Ito Peng and Sophia Matthies. As Principal Investigator: 2016-18 Intrahousehold inequality, social policies and individual welfare. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad As Participant: 2014 Microsimulation and Evaluation of Public Policies in Cuba. Financed by Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones 2014 Microssimulador estatico com comportamento do icms do estado do Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil (Static 2012-13 Study on the impacts of scal devaluation. Financed by the European Commission 2011-13 La estructura de un moderno estado del bienestar: en búsqueda de un modelo optimo. Financed by 2010 Valuation ex ante des dispositifs de Revenu de Solidarit Active et Revenu Supplmentaire Temporaire 2009-11 Fiscal Schemes for Inclusive Development. Financed by UNDP (United Nation Development Programme). Project leaders: A. Spadaro, L. F. Lopez-Calva, E. Ortiz-Juarez, C. M. Urzua Macias. 2009-10 Construction d'un modèle interactif de microsimulation du système de redistribution directe en France 2008-14 A Micro-Macro-Simulation Model of Policy Impact Evaluation for Israel. Financed by the Israeli 2008-09 Women and Unpaid Family Care Work in the EU. Financed by European Parliament (PE 419.618). Project leader: G. C. Giannelli. 2007-09 The Evaluation of Redistribution Policies by Simulation Techniques. Financed by Agence Nationale de 2006-09 Micro and Macro Economic Analysis of Juvenile Crime. Co-nanced by University of Verona and 2005-06 The Intra-household Distribution of Resources in case of Alcohol Abuse. Financed by University of 2004 Estimates of the Needs of Disable People. Financed by University of Verona. Project leader: F. |
Memberships in societies and scientific committees |
Research Fellow, IZA - Institute of Labor Economics Member of EQUALITAS - Economics of Inequality and Poverty Analysis Reprise: Expert Peer Reviewer for Italian Scientific Evaluation |
Conferences and lectures |
Presentations at Conferences 2022
Invited seminars 2020 2018 2016 2015 2012 2009 2007 2006 |
Notes |