Marco Broccardo

Via Mesiano, 77 - 38123 Trento
tel. 0461 282572
marco.broccardo[at]unitn [dot] it


2014 Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, USA.
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Designated Emphasis in Computational Science and Engineering. 

Dissertation title: Further Development of the Tail-Equivalent Linearization Method for Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics. Advisor: Armen Der Kiureghian.
Minor I: Mechanics. Advisor: Sanjay Govindjee.
Minor II: Statistics. Advisor: David Ross Brillinger.

2008 M.S., Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.
M.S. in Civil Structural Engineering with the highest honors.
Master’s thesis: Assumed-Deformation Gradient Finite Elements with Nodal Integration for Nearly Incompressible Large Deformation Analysis. Advisors: Carmelo Majorana, Petr Krysl.

2007–08 Exchange Student, University of California, San Diego, USA. Department of Structural Engineering. Advisor: Petr Krysl.

2005 B.S., Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.
B.S. in Civil-Construction Engineering with the highest honors.

Academic career and teaching activities

Academic position

2020 Associate Professor, University of Trento, Italy. Department of Civil, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering.

2020 Assistant Professor, University of Liverpool, UK.
Sep Department of Civil Engineering and Industrial Design, and Institute of Risk and Uncertainty.

2018 Senior Researcher & Lecturer, Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
2019. –Main task: Development of risk and reliability frameworks for natural hazards and fluid-induced seismicity.

2014-2018 Postdoctoral Researcher, Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.




2021 Principal instructor, University of Trento, Trento, Italy. Course: Structural Reliability and Uncertainty Quantification

2020 Principal instructor, University of Trento, Trento, Italy. Course: Structural design.

2020 Principal instructor, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. Course: Structural Engineering in the Built Environment.

2019 Lecturer, summer school, Università di Trento, Trento, Italy. Course: Primer on Data Science.

2016-2018 Lecturer, Principal instructor, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
Course: Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Systems. Graduate class. Co-developer and principal instructor of the course.

2018 Lecturer, summer school, Università di Trento, Trento, Italy.
Course: Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Systems.

2013 Lecturer, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California.
Course: CE 93 Engineering Data Analysis. Undergraduate class. Served in the stead of the principal instructor for several lectures.

2013 Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California. Course: CE 93 Engineering Data Analysis. Undergraduate class.

2012 Graduate Student Reader, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California. Course: CE 226 Stochastic Structural Dynamics. Graduate class.

2011 Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California.
Course: CE 193 Probabilistic Methods for Engineering Risk Analysis. Undergraduate class.

2011 Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California. Course: CE 130N Mechanics of Structures. Undergraduate class.

2010 Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California.
Course: CE 193 Probabilistic Methods for Engineering Risk Analysis. Undergraduate class.

Research interests

Structural Reliability, Stochastic Dynamics, Uncertainty Quantification.

Research work


-  PRIN 2022. Principal Investigator. Project title: PREdicting Induced Seismic EVENTs with Physics-Informed Machine Learning (PREVENT). Value: 223,114 [euro]

-  Revisione delle Linee Guida per la Classificazione e Gestione del Rischio, la Valutazione della Sicurezza ed il Monitoraggio dei Ponti Esistenti. Task 3: Analisi, Revisione e Aggiornamento delle Linee Guida. Specifica task: Analisi del Rapporto tra Affidabilità di Componente e di Sistema.

-  Revisione delle Linee Guida per la Classificazione e Gestione del Rischio, la Valutazione della Sicurezza ed il Monitoraggio dei Ponti Esistenti. Task 3: Analisi, Revisione e Aggiornamento delle Linee Guida. Specifica task: Analisi del Rapporto tra Affidabilità di Componente e di Sistema. Role: P.I. Value: 90,000 [euro]. Founding source: RELUIS.

-  SBI-COVID.Uncertainty Quantification of indirect system losses during the pandemic. Italian title: (Curva epidemica vs Business Interruptions. Appiattire o schiacciare la curva?)

Role: P.I. Value: 60,000 [euro]. Founding source: Università di Trento.

-  MitiGO. Mitigazione dei rischi naturali per la sicurezza e la mobilità nelle aree montane del Mezzogiorno.
Role: Project Partner. Value: 701,332 [euro]. Founding source: MIUR - Ministero Istruzione Università e Ricerca.


-  3DROCK (SERA #730900 sub-project) “Statistical Validation of 3D Rocking Models,” on stochastic ground motion generation.
Role: co-PI. Value: ≈50,000 [euro]. Founding source: Horizon 2020, European Union.

-  NRP 70 National Research Program “Energy Turnaround, project P8," on developing quasi-static testing procedures and fragility data for unreinforced masonry walls exposed to induced seismicity hazard.
Role: co-PI. Value: ≈60,000 [euro]. Founding source: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

-  COSEISMIQ: COntrol SEISmicity and Manage Induced earthQuakes. Task: Risk and Safety assessment calibrated for Icelandic conditions and extended to allow the distinction between natural and induced seismicity .

Role: Project Partner. Value: ≈1,400,000 [euro] (total value of all packages). Founding source: European Union.

-  STREST: Harmonized approach to stress tests for civil infrastructures against natural hazards (EC FP7 grant agreement no. 603389), WP5, on development of a stress test penalty system.

Role: Project Partner. Value: ≈3,975,006 [euro] (total value of all packages). Founding source: European Union.

-  DESTRESS: Demonstration of Soft Stimulation Treatments of Geothermal Reservoirs (EC grant agreement no. 691728), WP 3.2, Workflows for seismic risk assessment for soft stimulations. Role: Project Partner. Value: ≈10,713,408.63 [euro] (total value of all packages, only EU contribution). Founding source: European Union.

Awards and honours

2022 Official paper award, at the 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM 22). Awarded the Ph.D. student Xujia Zhu, in a collaboration with ETH Zürich., (Certificate on request).

2022 Official paper award, at the International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2021-22). Awarded the Ph.D. student Maijia Su under my supervision., (Certificate on


2020 Top Cited Article, [J-24], 2020-202 in Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dyanmics, (Certifi- cate on request).

2019 Top downloaded Paper, [J-10] Among top downloaded papers in 2019 in Structural Safety. 2019 Top downloaded Paper, [J-9] Among top downloaded papers in Sustainable and Resilient


2018 Official Paper award, [J-5] elected as one of the Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics’ top downloaded recent papers, (Certificate on request).

2018 Official Paper award, [J-7] elected as top 100 Nature Scientific Reports Earth science papers in 2017, (Certificate on request).

2013 Conference scholarship, 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Columbia University, New York.

2011 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley Graduate Division, Berkeley, Cali- fornia, One-off eligibility.

2009 Department grant, UC Berkeley Graduate Division, Berkeley, California. Value: $45,424.00. One out of two recipients.

2008 M.S. summa cum laude with special mention on the academic curriculum, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy.

2008 Exchange Abroad Program, scholarship, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy. 2005 B.S. summa cum laude, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy.

Other work

Professional Experience

2015  External consultant as Structural Engineer and Designer at MIDE architetti Stra, Venezia.

2009 External consultant as Structural Engineer and Designer at OB3 Architetti (now MIDE architetti) Stra, Venezia.

2008-09 Structural Engineer, at CARRON s.p.a. S.Zanone degli Ezzelini, Treviso, Italy.


Professional Awards

In collaboration with MIDE architetti
2015 Third place prize in the architectural contest: Scuola dell’infanzia (Primary school) Torricella,Switzerland.

2009 First place prize in the architectural contest: Citta della Musica Viadana (concert hall) Viadana, Italy.

2009 Second place prize in the architectural contest: Riqualificazione centro cittÃă Piombino Dese (Re- qualification historical city center) Piombino Dese, Italy.
