Luca Pressacco

Research fellowship holder

Faculty of Law

Teaching fellow: Faculty of Law

Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 283762
luca.pressacco[at]unitn [dot] it
  • 2008

          High School Leaving Qualification

          “Giovanni Marinelli” Scientific High School (Udine)

  • 2014

         Master's Degree in Law

         (Catholic University of The Sacred Heart - Milan)

         Thesis: The European Public Prosecutor's Office

         Honours Degree, pubblication recommended

         Supervisor: Prof. Giulio Ubertis; Co-supervisor: Prof. Francesco Bestagno

Academic career and teaching activities
  • 2015 - 2018

          PhD programme “Person and Legal Systems”

          Curriculum: Criminal Procedure and Law of Evidence

          Research project: The Criminal Judgment. Legal and Espistemological Profiles

         Supervisor: Prof. Giulio Ubertis

          Catholic University of The Sacred Heart - Milan

  • 2019 - 2020

        Research fellow

        Research project: Law and Pluralism

        Legal Aspects of Conflict Management (Social, Ethnic, Confessional) in Pluralistic Societies

        Research Centre BILAP (Bicocca Law and Pluralism)

        Department of Excellence (University of Milan - Bicocca)

        Director: Prof.ssa Loredana Garlati

  • 2020 - present

        Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Criminal Procedure

        Research Projects:

       - 2020 / 2021

          Artificial Intelligence and Evidentiary Reasoning in Criminal Proceedings 

         Supervisor: Prof. Gabriella Di Paolo

         University of Trento 

       - 2021 / 2022

         Forensic Metrology in Criminal Proceedings: Premises for a correct Evaluation 

         of The Scientific Evidence

         Supervisor: Prof.ssa Gabriella Di Paolo

         University of Trento

       - 2022 / 2023

         National Operational Programme (PON) UNI4JUSTICE

         Legal profiles supporting the development of innovative tools for Trial proceedings

         Criminal Justice, Digitalisation, Court Documents 

         Coordinating University: Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna

     - 2023 / 2024

       Research Project of National Interest (PRIN) 2022

       Toward a more reliable scientific evidence by means of forensic metrology

       A novel approach against miscarriage of justice

       Principal Investigator. Prof.ssa Gabriella Di Paolo

  • 2023

       National Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure

Research interests

Protection of Fundamental Rights in Criminal Proceedings

International Cooperation in Criminal Matters

European and Comparative Criminal Procedure

European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO)

Judicial Epistemology and Law of Evidence

Reasoned decisions in The Criminal Trial

Artifical Intelligence in Criminal Proceedings

Forensic Metrology and Expert Evidence

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Member of the “Association Internationale de Droit Pénal” (AIDP) - Italian Group

(section young penalists)

Founding Member of the “Italian Association of Evidence Scholars” (AISP)