25-29 July 2022 | Milan’s strongly marked-based TDR programme: risks, downsides and advantages of a unique experience within the Italian territory. AESOP Conference. Tartu, Estonia. |
5-8 July 2022 | Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) to enhance the provision of ecosystem services. 16th Annual PLPR Conference 2022. Ghent, Belgium. |
23-24 June 2022 | Mercato dei diritti e poteri del Mercato: caratteri e limiti del modello perequativo milanese. XXIV SIU National Conference- Dare valore ai valori in urbanistica. |
05 April 2022 | Invited speaker: L’evoluzione de Piano Urbanistico Provinciale Trentino. Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. UniTrento. |
28 March 2022 | Invited speaker: Case Study Research Design. Seminar PhD Programme in Architecture, Design, Planning. Università di Camerino. |
09 March 2022 | Invited speaker: Participatory planning and the role of digital platforms. CNR. Lab of Applied Ontology. Trento. |
15/16 September 2021 | Urbanpromo Green. Valori e valutazioni per la transizione ecologica. Venezia, IUAV. |
7-10 June 2021 | TDR and ecosystem services. A literature review. ESP Europe. Ecosystem Service Partnership. Tartu, Estonia. |
17-21 February 2020 | Planning Law and Property Rights Conference, Usti nad Labem. Czech Republic |
17-19 June 2019 | Invited Speaker: Co-production through Digital Participatory Platforms. Conference of the International Society of Participatory Mapping. Espoo, Finland. |
9 December 2018 | Invited Speaker: Co-production through Digital Participatory Platforms in Smart City Urban Regeneration Initiatives. First Smart and Sustainable Development Convention, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus. |
30 May – 1 June 2018 | 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research – dg.o 2018. Delft, The Netherlands. Presentation: Challenges to Social Media Adoption by Government. |
03-04 April 2018 | 3rd International Conference on Urban E-Planning. IJEPR 2018 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Presentation: DPP-based coproduction between governments and citizens. |
12 – 14 June 2017 | XX SIU National Conference, Rome, Italy. Presentation: Ambiente costiero, consumo di suolo e il fallimento della Legge Galasso. |
20 – 22 April 2017 | 2ndInternational Conference on Urban e-Planning. IJEPR 2017 Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. Presentation: Government challenges and requirements for adoption of social media for co-production with citizens. A critical review. |
29 March 2 April 2016 | Associations of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA. Presentation: Theories and Approaches to support use of ICTs in Public Participation Processes. |
16-19 February 2016 | Association of Planning Law and Property Rights (PLPR). Bern, Switzerland. Presentation: Coastal Planning Regulations. |
10-14 November 2015 | Invited speaker Presentation: Italian Coastal Planning and Maritime Domain. Where do the regulations fail? Mare Nostrum Project Academic Symposium. Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. |
23-26 March 2015 | IX AESOP Young Academics Conference, 2015. Palermo, Italy. Presentation: Community and Plural Planning: the Open Source Way to the Top of Arnstein’s ladder. |
25-27 February 2015 | Association of Planning Law and Property Rights (PLPR), Volos, Greece. Presentation: The Time Factor in Italian Planning. |
1-4 October 2013 | 49th ISOCARP Congress, Brisbane, Australia. Presentation: Urban Agriculture as a Socially Inclusive and Sustainable Post-Growth Urban Regeneration Strategy. |
22-25 September 2013 | Foodscapes Conference, Graz, Austria. Presentation: Farmers’ Markets and Urban Agriculture. New Solutions to Ensure Increased Access to Quality Food in the USA. |
5-7 September 2013 | IV Eugeo Congress, Rome, Italy. Europe, what's next? Changing Geographies and geographies of change. Presentation: The territorial dimensions of Europe 2020 Strategy: reflections on Italy's performance. |
11 June 2013 | Second CLUDs International Workshop, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA. Presentation: Market Street Food Collaborative Case Study. |
9-13 April 2013 | Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA. Presentation: Place-based Neighborhood Revitalization Strategies: Boston case studies. |
26 February 2013 | 2nd International Seminar - Europe 2020 Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Regions, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy. Presentation: Key Findings and Policy Recommendations from the ESPON SIESTA Project. |
25-26 June 2012 | 2ndworkshop with stakeholders - Europe 2020 Strategy: Meanings, Values, and Opportunities for the Romanian Regions, Bucharest, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. Presentation: EU Countries performance within the Second Pillar “Sustainable Growth” of the EU 2020 Strategy. |
11-15 June 2012 | First CLUDs International Workshop. Commercial Local Urban Districts Programme. Reggio Calabria, 11 - 15 June. Presentation: Dudley Street Neighbourhood Initiative Case Study. |
16-18 February 2011 | 5th AESOP Young Academics Meeting 2011 – Diversity in Urbanism – Learning across cultures and disciplines. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Presentation: Dealing with Betterment Value: Different trends between England and Italy. |
10-12 February 2010 | Association Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR). Dortmund, Germany. Presentation: Implications of Development Rights Granting Procedures. |