
2009: Ph.D., Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam

Title: Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE. Computational Complexity of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language 

Advisors: Johan van Benthem, Marcin Mostowski, Theo Janssen 

Committee: Robin Clark, Paul Dekker, Jouko Väänänen, Dag Westerståhl 

2005: Master of Arts in Philosophy (cum laude), Individual Studies in the Humanities, Warsaw University

Studied: philosophy, psychology, linguistics, and mathematics

Academic career and teaching activities

2022-- Associate Professor at the CIMeC – Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento 

2013-2022 Associate Professor at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Department of Linguistics, University of Amsterdam 

2013-2022 Principle investigator in Language in Interaction consortium 

2017-2022 Member of Amsterdam Brain and Cognition 

2011-2012 Postdoc at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen 

2010-2011 Postdoc at the Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University 

2010 Docent at the Philosophy Department, Utrecht University 

2009-2010 Scientific consultant at SpeechConcept

Research interests

cognitive science, computer science, linguistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, psychologyy

Research work
  • Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Project Grant, From rigid theory to cognitive models: a framework to study individual differences in meaning representations, ∼ 250,000 EUR, 2022.
  •  Postdoc position within The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Gravitation Program ‘Language in Interaction’ call, Sharing vague meanings - from logical theories of meaning toward interaction model, co-applicant, ∼ 250,000 EUR, 2022. 
  • NCN OPUS Grant, Natural Reasoning: Machine Learning and Cognitive Science , co-applicant, ∼ 250k EUR, 2021-2024. 
  • ERC Starting Grant, Cognitive Semantics and Quantities, ∼ 1.5M EUR, 2016. 
  • NCN OPUS Grant, Quantifiers in Language: Use and Meaning, ∼ 250k EUR, 2017. 
  • Grant from SMART Cognitive Science to organize workshop ‘Communication and Agency. Learning Social and Communicative Meanings’ at SMART Cognitive Science International Conference (with J. van Benthem), 5000 EUR, 2014. 
  • The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research VENI Personal Grant, What makes social interactions hard? A computational study of intentions, knowledge, and beliefs, 250,000 EUR, 2012. 
  • Swedish Research Council Personal Postdoctoral Grant, A Computational-Empirical Approach to Language Comprehension, 1,404,000 SEK (∼155,000 EUR), 2009. 
  • Grant from The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research to organize workshop ‘Formal Semantics Meets Computation and Cognition’, 2500 EUR, 2009. 
  • Participating in NWO Internationalisation in the Humanities grant Searching for Semantic Universals in the Modal Domain awarded to Wataru Uegaki, ∼ 300,000 EUR, 2018-2021. 
  • Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Project Grant, Investigating the Dynamics of Decision Strategies: A New Methodological Approach and Application to Linguistic and Economic Judgments, co-applicant, ∼ 250,000 EUR, 2018. 
  • PhD position within The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Gravitation Program ‘Language in Interaction’ call, The Game of Language: Complex Communication and Mental States, co-applicant, ∼ 220,000 EUR, 2014. 
  • PhD position within The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Gravitation Program ‘Language in Interaction’ call, Processing vague expressions: The interplay between semantics, pragmatics, and cognition, co-applicant, ∼ 220,000 EUR, 2013.
Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Chair of the Standing Committee of the European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information


For the complete CV, see: