Emanuele Massetti

Via Tommaso Gar, 14 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 282929
emanuele.massetti[at]unitn [dot] it

PhD in Politics: University of Sussex (2010)

MA in European Politics: University of Sussex (2005)

BA/MA in Political Sciences: University of Perugia (1999)

Academic career and teaching activities


Associate Prof. of Comparative Politics: University of Surrey (2018-2019)

Assistant Prof. of Comparative Politics: University of Surrey (2017-2018)

Assistant Prof. of Political Science: Gediz University, Izmir (2011-2016)

Temporary Teaching Fellow: University of Edinburgh (2011)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow: University of Edinburgh (2010)


TEACHING EXPERIENCE (convened courses only)

European and International Politics - University of Trento (SIS): since 2020-21

Party Politics and Democracy in Europe - University of Trento (SIS): since 2019-20

Minorities, Regionalism and Borders in Europe - University of Trento (SIS): since 2018-19

Introduction to Political Science: Power and the State - University of Surrey: 2018-19

Populism and Democracy in Comparative Perspective - University of Surrey: 2018-19

Social and Political Thinkers: From Machiavelli to Rawls - University of Surrey: 2017-2018

Political Ideologies - University of Surrey: 2017-2018

Introduction to Political Science I - Gediz University: 2011-2016

Introduction to Political Science II - Gediz University: 2011-2016

Comparative Political Systems - Gediz University: 2012-2016

Comparative Political Parties - Gediz University: 2013-2016

Theories of Democracy - Gediz University: 2013-2016

Ethnicity and Nationalism - Gediz University: 2014-2016

Populism in Comparative Perspective - University of Edinburgh: 2010-11

Research interests

Political parties; ethno-territorial politics; the politics of institutional reforms; the politics of European (dis-)integration; populism; the politics of immigration

Research work

My studies are shaped by a Comparative Politics approach. I am primarily interested in political parties, with particular attention to ethno-territorial politics and the politics of institutional reforms. The research themes in which I have been very active are: regionalist parties in Western democracies, federal/devolution reforms and electoral reforms. Recently, in collaboration with colleagues from Austrian and Swiss universities, I have conducted research on the relationship between populism, centre/periphery dynamics and ethno-territorial politics in Europe. Currently, the various strands of my research have converged on the general theme of centrifugal dynamics within the EU multilevel system of governance. Specifically, in parallel to several projects carried on in collaboration with colleagues from Italian and foreign universities, I am working at a research project - funded by the Rita Levi Montalcini Programme - on the positioning of EU institutions vis-a-vis the secessionist purposes and attempts by some regions, such as the Basque Country, Catalonia, Flanders and Scotland. 

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute on Minority Rights - EURAC Bolzano/Bozen


ECPR Standing Group on Political Parties

ECPR Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism

ECPR Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy

ECPR Standing Group on Southern European Politics

PSA Specialist Group on British and Comparative Territorial Politics

PSA Specialist Group on Italian Politics

UACES – the Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies

Conferences and lectures

ECPR Standing Group on the EU (SGEU) Virtual Conference 2021, 10-12 giugno 2021, titolo della presentazione “Brexit, Devolution and Secessionism in the UK”. 

ECPR Annual Conference 2020, University of Innsbruck, presentazione online, 24-28 agosto 2020, title of presentation: “The European Union and the Challenge of ‘Independence in Europe’: Straddling between (formal) neutrality and (actual) support for member-states’ territorial integrity”.   

Conference “The impact of populism on European institutions and civil society: Discourses, practices, and policies”, University of Trento, School of International Studies, Trento, 2-3 dicembre 2019, title of presentation: “Populism as opposition(s) to and in the EU system of governance”. 

Workshop “British Constitutional Politics after Brexit: A Preliminary Assessment”, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, 16 ottobre 2019, title of presentation: “Brexit and the UK: The centre-periphery dimension"

International conference: European Approach?” Coppieters Foundation (Think-tank of the European party “European Free Alliance”), Bruxelles, 18-19 settembre 2019, title of presentation: “Let down by Europe? Secessionist regionalist parties and the EU’s reactions vis-à-vis attempts to achieve ‘Independence in Europe’”. 

'The Brexit effect on the Westminster System: From Cameron to May (2015-2019)', paper presented at the UACES Annual Conference, Lisbon, 02 September 2019.

'Feasible project or wishful thinking? Independence in Europe seen by EU institutions', paper presented at the Conference “The Effects of Multilevel Governance”, European University Institute, Fiesole, 23-24 May 2019.

‘Brexit as a problematic example of withdrawal from an International Organisation’ paper presented at the UACES Annual Conference, Bath, 05 September 2018.

‘Independence in Europe’ seen from EU institutions, paper presented at the ECPR Annual Conference, University of Hamburg, 23 August 2018.

The Impact of Devolution Reforms on Regionalist Parties, paper presented at the Conference “Responses to Secessionism in Advanced Democracies”, Oxford University, St. Anthony College, 25-26 May 2017.

After the ‘Europe of Regions’: Explaining Current Trends in the Relationships between Regionalism and European Integration, Panel organized for the ECPR Pan-European Conference on the European Union (SGEU), University of Trento, 16-18 June 2016, panel chair.

Studying territorial politics from the strategic perspective of regionalist parties, paper presented at the workshop ‘New Avenues in Regional Political Science’, Hanse-Wissenschaftkellog (HWK) – Institute for Advanced Studies in Delmenhorst, 14-16 April, 2016.

Le elezioni in Scozia: il trionfo dello SNP (The general election in Scotland: The Tirumph of the SNP), paper presented at the workshop “Ancora in Europa? Il Regno Unito dopo le elezioni del 2015” (“Still in Europe: The UK after the 2015 General Election”) University of Bologna, 15/01/2016.

Kurdish Nationalism in Turkey’s Changing Political Regime: The Political Strategy and Ideological Profile of the HDP, paper accepted for presentation at the IPSA Conference “Rethinking Territoriality: Between Independence and Interdependence”, University of Edinburgh, 16-18 September 2015 (with Dr. Zeynep Sahin)

Turkey: Provincial Elections as a Barometer of National Politics, Paper presented at the International Workshop on “Regional and national elections in central and eastern Europe”, Universite Catholique de Louvain, 20-21 March 2015 (with Dr. Sait Aksit)

Quale Futuro per la Scozia? Paper presented at the SISP Annual Conference, Perugia 11-13 September 2014 (co-authored with Valeria Tarditi)

The sources of the enduring electoral success of the M5S: some work and a lot of rent, paper presented at the SISP Annual Conference, Perugia 11-13 September 2014

Regionalist Parties and European integration: Changing patterns of positioning, paper presented at the ECPR Annual Conference, Glasgow 4-6 September 2014 (co-authored with Arjan Schakel)

From ‘socio-economic class’ to ‘socio-economic region’: How regionalist parties link the positions across the centre-periphery and left-right dimensions, paper presented at the PSA Conference, Manchester 14-16 April 2014 (co-authored with Arjan Schakel)

First of Second Order Elections? The 2013 Subnational Elections, paper presented at the workshop Italian Politics 2013, Bologna, 9 November 2013.

Decentralization and Regionalist Parties’ Electoral Strength: What Affects What and How?, paper presented at the ECPR Conference, Bordeaux, 4-7 September 2013 (co-authored with Arjan Schakel)

Between Autonomy and Secession: The Determinants of Regionalist Party Ideological Position on Self-Government in Western Democracies, paper presented at the Territorial Politics PSA Conference, Brussels, 14-15 September 2012 (co-authored with Arjan Schakel).

Decentralization and regionalist parties’ strength, paper presented at the workshop “Ethnic Politics and Electoral Democracy”, University of Zurich, 14-16 June 2012 (co-authored with Arjan Schakel).

Ideology Matters: Why Decentralization Has a Differentiated Effect on Regionalist Parties’ Fortunes in Regionalised or Federal Countries, paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, in the Workshop “Ethnicity, Territory, and Party Competition”, Antwerp 10-15 April 2012 (co-authored with Arjan Schakel).

The regionalization of regional elections in Italy, paper presented at the workshop on regional elections in Western Europe, Free University of Brussels (ULB), 22-23 February 2012 (co-authored with Giulia Sandri).

Fiscal Federalism: The End of the Beginning or the Beginning of the End, paper presented at the workshop for the publication of “Italian Politics 2011”, John Hopkins University Bologna, 7-8 November 2011.

Decentralization, Regionalist Parties’ Strength and Regionalist demands, paper presented at the EUSA Conference, Boston (MA), 3-5 March 2011 (co-authored with Arjan Schakel)

Plaid Cymru – The Party of Wales: The On-going Transition of a Regionalist Populist Party from Party of Opposition to Party of Government, Paper Proposal for the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Münster, 22-27 March 2010, Workshop on “Populists and Public Office”(Directors: Duncan McDonnell and Daniele Albertazzi).

The European Constitution and the Re-emerging Euroscepticism of Minority Nationalist Parties in Britain, Conference "Beyond the Nation-State? Reflections on Nationalism in Uncertain Times", Belfast, 12-14 September 2007.

The Institutionalization of Party Systems in Scotland and Wales, ECPR Conference, Pisa, 6-8 September 2007.

Taking a Stance on Europe: Minority Nationalist Parties in Britain between Ideology and Pragmatism, UACES Annual Conference, Portsmouth, 3-5 September 2007.

Ideology and Policy Position of Regionalist Parties in Western Europe, PSA Conference, Reading, 5-7 April 2006.

Other work

Co-editor of the Journal of Common Market Studies - Annual Review of the EU (2017-2023):  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/14685965/homepage/annualreview.html

Associate Fellow at the Centre on Constitutional Change - University of Edinburgh https://www.centreonconstitutionalchange.ac.uk/people/emanuele-massetti

Member of the Doctoral School in International Studies - University of Trento

Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute on Minority Rights - EURAC Bolzano/Bozen

As a service to the profession, I regularly provide reviews for manuscripts submitted to the following academic journals: European Journal of Political Research; Comparative Political Studies; Party Politics; Political Studies; Journal of Elections, public Opinion and Parties; Government and Opposition; West European Politics; Comparative European Politics; South European Society and Politics; Rivista Italiana di Scienza PoliticaEuropean Politics and Society; Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée; Nationalities Papers; Regional and Federal Studies; Territory, Politics, Governance; Modern Italy; Contemporary Italian Politics; Problems of Post-Communism; Journal of Languages and Culture.