
10/2023 02/2024

Hebrew University of Jerusalem (RIS), Department of Humanities, Faculty of Jewish Thought (Israel) 

Visiting Ph.D. Researcher. Supervisor: prof. Avinoam Rosenak.


10/2022 – ongoing

University of Trento (Italy) Ph.D. Candidate in Jewish Thought [Doctorate in “European Cultures. Environment, Contexts, Histories, Arts, Ideas”]. Curriculum: Philosophy.
Research project: “«The Covenantal Conscience». A new paradigm for spiritual Zionism in the works of David Hartman, Eliezer Schweid and Aviezer Ravitzky” supervised by prof. Massimo Giuliani.


01/2023 – 02/2023

University of Haifa, International School (Israel) “Ulpan Horef”,Winter Intensive Hebrew Program in six-week session.


07/2022 – 08/2022

University of Haifa, International School (Israel) – “Ulpan Kaiz”, Summer Intensive Hebrew Program in four-week session with residency on campus.


02/2022 – 07/2022

Fondazione Collegio San Carlo International School for Advanced Studies “Cultural Sciences”, Modena (MO), Italy – Master in Cultural Sciences.


10/2020 – 07/ 2021

UCEI Culture and Training Department, Rome (Italy) – “Ulpan”.


09/2019 – 10/2021

University of Trento (Italy)Master’s degree in Philosophy and Languages of Modernity. Curriculum: Ethics, Politics and Religion Sciences. Thesis' title: “Tradition and Modernity in Rav David Hartman’s Halakhic Hermeneutics”. Supervisors: Prof. Massimo Giuliani | Prof. Mauro Nobile.

  Summa cum laude.


09/2016 – 07/2019

University of Trento Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. Curriculum: Ethics, Politics and Religion Sciences. Thesis' title: “The Kabbalah according to Harold Bloom: a Research between Hermeneutics and Literary Criticism”. Supervisors: Prof. Massimo Giuliani | Prof. Mauro Nobile.

  Summa cum laude.


09/2011 – 07/2016 

Liceo delle Scienze Umane “Fabrizio De Andrè”, Brescia, Italy – High School Level Qualification in Human Sciences (Psychology, Pedagogy and Anthropology). Grade: 100/100.

Research interests
  • Modern and Contemporary Jewish Thought
  • Political theology
  • Philosophy of Halakhah
  • Jewish messianism
  • History of Zionism
  • Modern-Orthodoxy
  • Maimonidean rationalism in Jewish Tradition
  • Religious radicalism
Research work

 PRIN Project 2022 (PNRR) - Research Unit University of Trento (IT)

Scientific supervisor: prof. Alessandro Palazzo

Social, Political, and Religious Prognostication and its Roots: Philosophical Strategies for Coping with Uncertainties and Planning the Future

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

EAJS - European Association for Jewish Studies

SEJ - Societè Etudes Juives

AIFR - Associazione Italiana Filosofia della Religione

Awards and honours

05/2023: World Union of Jewish Studies and Rotschild Foundation Hanadiv EU Ulpan Summer Grant

World Union of Jewish Studies (IL) and Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe

01/2023: Scholarship 

University of Haifa International School, Haifa (HA), Israel

09/2022: Scholarship

Consortium Festivalfilosofia, Modena (MO), Italy

11/2022 – 11/2025: Ph.D. Scholarship

University of Trento, Trento (TN), Italy

08/2022: Israeli MFA Scholarship for International Students 2021/2022

Israeli Ministry for Foreign Affairs Cultural and Scientific Affairs Department and Cultural Section Embassy of Israel, Rome (RO), Italy

03/2022 – 07/2022: Full Scholarship with residency 

 Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, Modena (MO), Italy

Conferences and lectures
  • 10/09/2024 – 11/09/2024: XXX III National Congress of Doctorates in Philosophy

Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Fondazione Accademia Vivarium Novum, Frascati (RM), IT

Title of presentation: “L’Alleanza, il messianico e la coscienza intermedia. Una sfida modernista per la teologia politica ebraica”.

  • 5/09/2024 – 7/09/2024: 24th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion on the theme “Human Nature and Religion”

University of Trento, Trento, IT

Title of presentation: “‘More Human Than Others’. Traditional Interpretations of Jewishness and Human Nature and their Implications in 20th Century Jewish Political Theology”. 

  • 2/08/2024 – 8/08/2024: XXV World Congress of Philosophy “Beyond Borders”

University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, IT

Title of presentation: “The Covenantal, the Messianic, and the Consciousness in Between: A Modernist Challenge in Jewish Political Theology”. 

  • 23/06/2024 – 25/07/2024: 3eme Congrès de la Société des Études Juives “Mobilités et passages”

Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, Maison de la Recherche, Campus Mirail, Toulouse, FR

Title of presentation: «“Beyond Exile and Redemption”: The Religious Zionist Existential Consciousness in the Thought of Aviezer Ravitzky».

  • 02/07/2023 – 06/07/2023: 10th Annual Oxford Summer Institute on Modern and Contemporary Judaism.

Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies in partnership with the Philip and Muriel Berman Centre for Jewish Studies at Leigh University, Oxford, UK

Title of presentation: “«The God-Intoxicated Consciousness». A Philosophy of Halakhic Authority and Innovation in the Works of David Hartman”.

Respondant in panel: Magic, Mysticism and Leadership

  • 22/02/2023 - 25/02/2023: Group Session at the APA Central 2023 on the theme “Emotions and Jewish Philosophy”.

Association for the Philosophy of Judaism/ American Philosophy Association, APA Central Division, Denver (CO), USA

Title of the presentation: «Democratizing the Spiritual». The role of emotions and halakhic consciousness in the works of David Hartman (peer-reviewed and accepted, but not presented in person). 

  • 15/03/2022 - 16/03/2022: Conference at the Department of Humanities, University of Trento (Italy) on the theme “An Ideal World, An Upside-down World. Narrations, Utopias and Messianism in Jewish Thought”. 

University of Trento, Department of Humanities, Trento (TN), Italy

Title of the presentation: “Mundane Utopia or halakhic realism? David Hartman’s contemporary rediscovery of the messianic Israel ideal”.

Other work

05/2022: Digital Library “Histories, paths, and knowledge” partnered with Fondazione Modena and Fondazione Collegio San Carlo

Fondazione Collegio San Carlo (MO), Italy

Video-lesson on Judaism, Responsibility and Custody of Creation: “The human being and nature. The ecological quest". Project Website | Youtube video


Webpages:  LinkedIn
