Filippo Incontro

Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento
filippo.incontro[at]unitn [dot] it

2021- on-going | PhD in Comparative and European Legal Studies - University of Trento

PhD candidate in “History of Roman Law and Modern Juridical ThoughtStoria del diritto romano e del pensiero giuridico moderno” (IUS/18), XXXVII cycle.
Project title (provisional): Pluralismo giuridico e diritto fondiario nell'Africa Romana.
Tutor: Prof. Massimo Miglietta.

2020 | IISF - Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici, Napoli

Formation scholarship in Political Philosophy, October-November.

2013-2018 | Law Faculty - University of Trento

MA, score 110/110.
Dissertation on History of legal thought: La sovranità di Dio. Un'interpretazione di Martin Buber.
Supervisor: Prof. Diego Quaglioni.

2008-2013 | IIS Guarino Veronese, Liceo Classico - San Bonifacio (VR)

Licence in Classics, score 96/100.

Academic career and teaching activities

May - September 2022 | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Visiting research period at the Institut für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft - Romanistische Abteilung (referent: Prof. Dr. Christian Baldus).

February 2024 | Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne

Visiting research period at Ausonius - Institut de Recerche Antiquité et Moyen Âge (UMR 5607) (referent: Dr. Hernán González Bordas).

August 2023 | Helsingin Yliopisto

Visiting research period within the project SpaceLaw - Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition at the Centre of European Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences (referent: Prof. Kaius Tuori).

March - June 2023 | Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne

Visiting research period at Ausonius - Institut de Recerche Antiquité et Moyen Âge (UMR 5607) (referent: Prof. Andrea Dalla Rosa).

June - July 2022 | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Visiting research period at the Institut für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft - Romanistische Abteilung (referent: Prof. Dr. Christian Baldus).

Research interests
  • History of Roman Law
  • Roman history
  • Land Law in Ancient Rome
  • Roman Africa
  • Roman Public Law
Research work

2022 - 2023 | ‘Sammeln im Prestigewettbewerb: Heidelberger Papyrusbestände im internationalen Methodenumbruch der Rechtsromanistik 1860-1960’
Research project founded by the Univeristy of Heidelberg, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Christian Baldus (Universität Heidelberg, Institut für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft) on the study of the influence of Papyrology on the European tradition of Roman law.


Memberships in societies and scientific committees
  • Collegium Junger Romanisten (from 2021)
  • SAIC - Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Cartagine (honorary member, from 2022)
Conferences and lectures
  • PRIN 2022 “L’eredità del pensiero di Paolo di Tarso nella tradizione giuridica occidentale”, Heidelberg, I session, 12-13.07.2024: speaeker, presentation title:Riflessioni sulle Lettere ai Corinzi’.
  • Legacies of the Roman Republic: Law, text, and Spaces, 18-19.01.2024: speaker, presentation title: ‘Production of space in Africa between Roman Republic and Empire. Considerations on the pertica Carthaginiensium’.
  • ‘Helsinki Research on the Ancient World seminar (HelRAW)’, Helsinki, 28.08.2023: speaker, presentation title: ‘Property or possession? Between juridical situations in Roman North Africa'.
  • 76éme session de la Société Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité (SIHDA), Helsinki, 22-26.08.2023: speaker, presentation title ‘Tra storia materiale ed immateriale nell'Africa romana: il caso dei sufetes nel dibattito sulla romanizzazione’.
  • ‘Sammeln im Prestigewettbewerb: Heidelberger Papyrusbestaende im internationalen Methodenumbruch der Rechtsromanistik 1860-1960’, Heidelberg, II session, 05-06.07.2023: speaker, presentation title “Papirologia e studio ed insegnamento del diritto romano: l'utilizzo dei papiri nella manualistica in lingua italiana, tedesca e francese. Novità e aggiornamenti”.
  • ‘Standardisation and Localism in the Legal and Economic world of the Romans’, Brussels-Ghent, 8-10.06.2023: speaker, presentation title ‘Legal Standardisation and Localism in Roman Africa. Sufetes Africae as Means of Romanisation?’.
  • ‘Sammeln im Prestigewettbewerb: Heidelberger Papyrusbestaende im internationalen Methodenumbruch der Rechtsromanistik 1860-1960’, Heidelberg, I session, 05-06.07.2022: speaker, presentation title “Papirologia e studio ed insegnamento del diritto romano: l'utilizzo dei papiri nella manualistica in lingua italiana, tedesca e francese”.
Other work

Member of the conference organizing committee of the 76th session of the Société Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité (SIHDA), Helsinki, 2023.