Kevin Silvestri

Research collaborator

Faculty of Law

Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento
kevin.silvestri[at]unitn [dot] it

2011: matura in humanities at lyceum "G. Carducci", Bolzano/Bozen

2017: M.L. at University of Trento with a thesis on secondary proceedings in European Insolvency Law, tutor Prof. Laura Baccaglini, score 110 cum laude

2022: PhD in Comparative and European legal studies, University of Trento, with a thesis on the procedural facets of simulated contracts, tutor Prof. Laura Baccaglini

Academic career and teaching activities

2020: cooperates with Prof. Laura Baccaglini in holding the optional course in "Clinica processuale" ("Legal clinic of civil procedure")

2021: cooperates with Prof. Laura Baccaglini in holding the laboratory in "Clinica processuale" ("Legal clinic of civil procedure")

2021: teaching assistant in Civil procedure, in the matter of Enforcement proceedings

2022: teaching assistant in Civil procedure, on techniques of pleading drafting

2022: helds an optional course in “Rhetoric and moot court” together with Dr. Serena Tomasi

2022-2023: research fellowship holder within the collective project “UNI4Justice” (financed by the Ministry of University and Research), researching on digitalisation of civil proceedings

2022: teaching assistant in Civil procedure, in the matter of Enforcement proceedings

2023: teaching assistant in Civil procedure, on techniques of pleading drafting

2023: helds an optional course in “Rhetoric and moot court” together with Dr. Serena Tomasi

2023: teaching assistant in Civil procedure, in the matter of Enforcement proceedings

2023-: research fellowship holder at the Christian-Albrecht-Universität of Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany), researching on cross-border insolvency law

2024: holds the course “Civil litigation in a comparative perspective” within the Bachelor degree course “Comparative, European and International Legal Studies”

2024: teaching assistant in Civil procedure, in the matter of Enforcement proceedings

2024-2025: holds the course “The Italian Legal System: an Overview” (Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel)

Research work

2022-2023: research fellowship holder within the collective project “UNI4Justice” (financed by the Ministry of University and Research), researching on digitalisation of civil proceedings

2023-: research fellowship holder at the Christian-Albrecht-Universität of Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany), researching on cross-border insolvency law

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Academic member of INSOL Europe and INSOL International

Awards and honours

2022: “Special price” from the Associazione Centro Studi Diritto della crisi e dell'insolvenza for young researchers on insolvency and business crisis.

2019: “Special mention” at the 7th edition of the “OCI Award for graduates with thesis on insolvency and business crisis”, and publication of the thesis on the OCI (Osservatorio delle crisi d'impresa) website.

Conferences and lectures

“Absolute simulation of contracts from a judicial perspective”, session the doctoral students' seminars in Comparative and European LegalStudies, 34th cycle, webinar, 27th November 2020 

“Overindebtedness and debt advice”, conference by Movimento Consumatori, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 27th January 2023

“Joinder of third-parties”, seminar for the justices of the peace of the Region Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento, 27th February 2023

“The procedure of the justice of the peace in civil matters after the Cartabia Reform”, seminar for the justices of the peace of the Region Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento, 3rd July 2023

“EU International Insolvency Law and Third Countries: Which Way(s) Forward?”, Christian-Albrecht-Universität, Kiel (Germany), 26th-28th October 2023

“The 5th International and Comparative Law Insolvency Symposium”, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, 25th-27th April 2024

“INSOL San Diego Academic Colloquium - INSOL Early Researcher Academics Workshop”, San Diego (USA), 20th-22nd May 2024

Composizione negoziata and extrajudicial resolution of business crisis in Europe”, Università di Parma, 24th June 2024

“Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Zivilprozessrecht: Fokus Ost/Europa - Current Developments in Civil Procedure: Focus on Eastern Europe”, Christian-Albrecht-Universität, Kiel (Germany), 2nd October 2024

“Compositions within judicial liquidations”, OCI-Osservatorio sulle crisi d'impresa, Camera di Commercio di Firenze, Firenze, 6th-7th October 2024

Other work

Peer tutoring in Civil Procedure, Department Faculty of Law, University of Trento (a.a. 2020/2021)

Peer tutoring in Civil Procedure, Department Faculty of Law, University of Trento (a.a. 2021/2022)

Moot Court Trainer within the “Trento Training School: The Rethorical Roots of Argumentation. A Legal Experience” initiative by Apply (COST Action CA 17132), Trento, 30th August - 3rd September 2021