  • October 2007 - PhD in Neuroscience, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA/ISAS), Trieste, Italy
  • October 2001 - Master in Psychology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
Academic career and teaching activities

Professional Experience

  • 2023-present – Assistant Professor (RTDB), Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento, Trento, Italy.
  • 2022-2023 – Lecturer (Maître d’enseignement et de recherche), Department of Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 2015-2021 – Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 2014-2015 – Senior Post-doc (Maître-Assistant), Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 2009-2014 – Post-doc, Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 2007-2009 – Post-doc, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA/ISAS), Trieste, Italy.
  • 2006-2007 – Research Assistant. Institute of Neuroscience and Biophysics, Research Centre Jülich, Germany

Teaching Experience

Full Courses

  • 2015-2021: “Corps et Cognition: l’embodiment” Course for the Master in Neuroscience and the Master in Psychology, University of Genève, Genève, Switzerland.
  • 2014-2015: “First and second level analysis of fMRI data and multivoxel pattern analysis”. Course held for the PhD program in Neuroscience, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA-ISAS), Trieste, Italy.

Classes within courses

  • 2019-2023: “Disorders of Body Representation”. Class for the Course of “Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology” (organized by R. Ronchi) in the Master in Neuroscience, University of Genève, Genève, Switzerland.
  • 2015-2022: “Embodied Cognition”. Class for the Course of “Introduction aux neurosciences cognitives et affectives” (organized by P. Vuilleumier) in the Master in Neuroscience, University of Genève, Genève, Switzerland.
  • 2012-2014: “Investigating Moral Judgment through Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging”. Class for the Course of “Neurosciences, éthique et evolution” (organized by A. Mauron, S. Hurst, B. Baertschi) in the Master in Neuroscience, University of Genève, Genève, Switzerland.
  • 2010-2013: “Action and Body Representations”. Class for the Course of “Introduction aux neurosciences cognitives et affectives” (organized by P. Vuilleumier) in the Master in Neuroscience. University of Genève, Genève, Switzerland.
  • 2013: “Self-based vs. Fairness-based economical decisions: neural correlates”. Class for the Course “Emotions et processus d’évaluation: Comprendre autrui” (organized by T. Brosch) in the Master in Psychology, University of Genève, Genève, Switzerland.

Continuing Medical Education

  • 2019: “Quantifier et gérer la douleur: le point de vue des neurosciences et de la psychologie” . Class or the course of continuing education for osteopaths. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 2013: “Empatia ed autismo”, Class of the Continuing Medical Education course: “Neurobiologia e Neuroriabilitazione dell’autismo: le nuove frontiere della ricerca traslazionale”, Udine, Italy
  • 2009: “Le Neuroimmagini Funzionali”, Class of the Continuing Medical Education course: “Incontri con le Neuroscienze” Trieste, Italy
  • 2007: “La Rappresentazione visiva del corpo umano e le sue basi neurali”, Class of the Continuing Medical Education course: “Neuropsicologia e Neuroimaging” Trieste, Italy.
Research interests

I am a Cognitive neuroscientist and psychologist with long-lasting experience in the study of the human adult brain, through behavioral measures, electrophysiology and brain imaging. I’m interested in the study of

  • the neural mechanisms underlying pain
  • the neural mechanisms underlying personal affect
  • their interaction with social cognition and decision-making

I am also invested in understanding the cognitive and neural processes underlying the diagnosis and management of people’s pain. This is a research line with both fundamental and translational relevance, and organized on the following axes:

  • neural/physiological fingerprinting of somatic and affective states
  • effect of (scholarly and professional) medical experience on the appraisal of other people's states
  • prediction of real-life pain-management behavior
  • mechanisms for pain regulation and relief.
Awards and honours
  • June, 2020 – “VRelief : la réalité virtuelle pour prévenir et soulager la douleur et l’anxiété liées aux soins des enfants hospitalisés. Création et validation d’un outil Genevois innovant”. Fondation Privée des HUG. Appel à projets «Patients/Qualité des soins». Principal Investigator: Cyril Sahyoun.
  • March 2019: Prix Coup de cœur for the project “VRrelief: Virtuellement soulager la (douloureuse) réalité des soins aigus des plus petits”. Project presented at the 4th Hackaton of the University Hospital of Geneva (Switzerland). Principal Investigator: Cyril Sahyoun.
  • October, 2018 – “Cognitive and neural systems for understanding others and their somatic states”. Swiss National Science Foundation Boursier Professorship Prolongation. n. PP00P1_183715. Role: Principal Investigator.
  • September, 2018 – “Deciphering the neural impact of sleep loss on metacognition and empathic judgments for pain”. Swiss National Science Foundation. n. 320030_182589. Principal Investigator: S. Schwartz.
  • February, 2015 – “Cognitive and neural systems for understanding others and their somatic states”. Swiss National Science Foundation Boursier Professorship. n. PP00O1_157424. Role: Principal Investigator. 
  • September, 2011 – “Your pains and my dangers: Linking empathy to shared predictive coding in the human anterior insula”. Swiss National Science Foundation. n. 32003B_138413. Principal Investigator: P. Vuilleumier.

Personal Website:
