
PhD in Local Development and Global Dynamics (2009-2014), School of Social Sciences, University of Trento

Master diploma (2005) “Gender Policies”, University of Trento (Faculty of Sociology).

Master diploma (2003) “Management of Nonprofit Organizations and Social Cooperatives” at the Istituto Studi Sviluppo Aziende Nonprofit - University of Trento (Faculty of Economics)

Laurea (equivalent to an MA) (2001): Four-year degree in Political Science, University of Padova

Academic career and teaching activities

Researcher (November 2019-May 2021) project TIMES—Institutional Trajectories and Social Enterprise Models in Portugal, Financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Researcher (June 2017-May 2019), Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship, CES Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal. Project AGORA (Alternative Grassroots Organizations as a Response to Austerity: perspectives from Southern Europe).

Research Coordinator (May 2016-February 2017) project “Health cooperatives and mutuals worldwide – analysis of the contribution to citizens’ health by cooperatives around the world”, financed by IHCO (International Health Cooperatives Organization), Euricse (European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises), Trento, Italy.

Postdoctoral researcher (Jan 2015 - Jan 2016) Centre d'Economie Sociale - HEC School of Management, Université de Liège, Belgium.


Researcher (since July 2020)

ECOEMBEDDEDNESS Cambiando los paradigmas: prácticas y discursos de las economías transformadoras en un contexto de urgencia ecosocial. «Proyectos de I+D+i», Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España).

Researcher (Jul 2013-Jun 2019)

ICSEM International Comparative Social Enterprise Models project, Interuniversity Attraction Pole programme of the Belgian Science Policy office: research on social enterprise models and institutionalization in Chile. Coordinator of the Chilean research team.

Researcher (Jul-Nov 2014)

INT.RE.COOP project (International Research Exchange on Cooperatives) -  financed by the EU Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (PIRSES GA-2012-318991). Experienced researcher, secondment at the University of Querétaro (Mexico), Faculty of Accounting and Management. Empirical research on social and solidarity economy projects in the rural indigenous community of San Ildefonso Tultepec.

Researcher (Nov 2013-Mar 2014 and Sep-Dec 2015)

INT.RE.COOP project (International Research Exchange on Cooperatives) -  financed by the EU Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (PIRSES GA-2012-318991). Experienced researcher, secondment at CIESCOOP (International Centre on Social Economy and Cooperatives), Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Santiago de Chile. Empirical research on waste picker organizations in two municipalities of Santiago (2013-2014). Empirical research on new cooperativism in Santiago (2015).


Economía solidaria y la etnografía crítica y feminista: movilización político-económica en Barcelona y necesidades colectivas en Chile y México rural. Seminar in social entrepreneurship, Master in Anthropology (Máster Universitario en Antropología: Gestión de la Diversidad Cultural, el Patrimonio y el Desarrollo), 5 May 2021, University of Seville, Spain.

REJIES-COST International PhD Seminar (also member of the scientific committee), workshop on qualitative methods: “Ethnography as a methodology for studying social and solidarity economy”, 4-5 April 2019, University of Seville, Spain.

Classes on local development, social and solidarity economy and cooperativism, Master diploma in Social Economy and Master diploma in Local Economic Development, Chile (Santiago, Copiapó), November-December 2015.  

Research work

I'm currently working as postdoctoral researcher in the framework of the project FOOdIVERSE, coordinated by Francesca Forno

Memberships in societies and scientific committees

EMES International Research Network on Social Enterprise

Conferences and lectures


Invited seminar (online) “Economía solidaria y movilización política: el caso de Barcelona”, Economías Alternativas para Otro Desarrollo, VI Congreso de la Red Internacional de Ciencia Política y relaciones Internacionales, CIPRI, 28 October 2021

Solidarity economy and political mobilisation: insights from Barcelona, presented at the 8th International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (EMES) Teruel, Spain, 4-7 October 2021

Invited seminar (online) “Democracia e Economia Solidária: como podemos reinventar o Século XXI?”, webinar series “Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons”, ISCTE Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 25 February, 2021

Solidarity economy organisations between economic and political mobilisations: insights from Barcelona”, presented at the 7th International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (EMES) Sheffield, UK, 24-27 June 2019

Organization of the international workshop “A economia solidária entre conceitos e práticas”, presentation: As organizações da economia solidaria entre mobilização politica e económica: uma investigação em Barcelona, 17 May 2019.

“The political dimension of social and solidarity economy: what is the role of social movements?”, presented at the 1st International conference Social Solidarity Economy and the Commons, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa,  21-23 November, 2018.

"The Political Dimension of Social and Solidarity Economy: What Is the Role of Social Movements?", presented at 13th ISTR (International Society for Third Sector Research) International Conference, 10-13 July 2018 - Amsterdam.

"El nuevo cooperativismo en Chile entre autogestión y compromiso comunitario", presented at XII Colloque Rulescoop, Brest, France, 22-24 May 2018.

Organizaciones de la economía social y solidaria en Chile: conceptos y modelos, Seminar Ecosol-CES, Coimbra, 28 March 2018

“Solidarity Economy Organizations in Chile: Concepts, Historical Trajectories, Trends and Characteristics”  (with Pablo Nachar), 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, 3-6 July 2017, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium.