  • September 2004: PhD in Information Technology, University of Parma (Italy), Department of Computer Engineering. Title of the dissertation: “Cellular Automata and Image Processing”. Supervisors: Prof. Gianni Conte and Gianni Adorni.
  • December 1989: Laurea in Physics, University of Trento (Italy). Title of the dissertation: “Computer vision and Material Science”. Advisor: Prof. Gianni Jacucci

1981 - 1992: Summer Schools and other courses:

  • La Visione delle Macchine, 28-09-1992 to 2-10-1992, IAPR and Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italy. Summer School:
  • Progress in Picture Processing, 10-08-92 to 4-09-92, NATO-ASI, Les Houches, France.
  • Course on the Structure of Parallel Machines, 17-06-1991 to 21-061991, Fibonacci Institute, IRST, Trento, Italy.
  • Designing and Programming Massively Parallel Computers, 30-04-1991 to 10-05-1991, DIS, Pavia, Italy.
  • Introduzione all'uso della Connection Machine CM-2, 13-12-1990 to 15-12-1990, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Parma, Italy.
  • Administering the Connection Machine System, 17-10-90, Thinking Machines, Cambridge, Ma, USA.
  • Advanced Summer Course on Neural Networks, 5-06-1989 to 10-06-1989, Genova Ricerche, Genova, Italy.
  • ISPRA-Course: Computer Simulation in Physical Metallurgy 21-05-1984 to 25-05-1984, JRC, Ispra, Italy.
  • Data Acquisition in High Energy Physics, 27-07-81 to 7-09-81, Intl. School for Physics “E. Fermi”, Varenna, Italy.
Academic career and teaching activities


  • 2005-01 -- oggi: professore associato presso l'Università degli Studi di Trento, Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione.
  • 2001-11 -- 2005-01: ricercatore presso ll'Università degli Studi di Trento, Sociologia
  • 1995-11 -- 2001-10: ricercatore presso ll'Università degli Studi di Trento, Ingegneria.


  • 2002-01 -- oggi: Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione
  • 1995-11 -- 2001-12: Dipartimento di Informatica e Studi Aziendali

E' membro del Collegio Docenti del ICT Doctoral School. E' stato membro del Collegio Docenti della Scuola di Dottorato in Sociologia e del Dottorato in Information Systems and Organizations.

Corsi attualmente insegnati:

  • Anno Accademico 2015-2016 -- oggi: docente di "Participatory Design", modulo del corso di Design Experience (Laurea magistrale in "Human-Computer Interaction", Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive e Dipartimento di Ingeneria e Scienza dell'Informazione, Università degli Studi di Trento).
  • Anno Accademico 2014-2015 -- oggi: docente di "Participatory Design" (Laurea magistrale in "Informatica", Dipartimento di Ingeneria e Scienza dell'Informazione, Università degli Studi di Trento).
  • Anno Accademico 2013-2014 -- oggi: docente di "Privacy and Intellectual Property Rights" (Laurea magistrale in "Informatica", Dipartimento di Ingeneria e Scienza dell'Informazione, Università degli Studi di Trento).
  • Anno Accademico 2003-2004 -- oggi: docente di "Laboratorio di ricerca su Sistemi Informativi"  presso il Dipartimento di Sociologia, Università degli Studi di Trento (Laurea Magistrale in "Gestione delle Organizzazioni e del Territorio", in precedenza per Laurea Specialistica in "Lavoro, Organizzazione e Sistemi Informativi").
  • Anno Accademico 2003-2004 -- oggi: docente di "Sistemi Informativi"  presso il Dipartimento di Sociologia, Università degli Studi di Trento (Laurea Magistrale in "Gestione delle Organizzazioni e del Territorio", in precedenza per Laurea Specialistica in "Lavoro, Organizzazione e Sistemi Informativi").

Corsi precedenti:

  • Anno Accademico 2008-2009: docente di "Progettazione partecipata dell'uso sostenibile di tecnologie dell'informazione"  (laurea triennale in Sociologia, Facoltà di Sociologia, Università degli Studi di Trento). 
  • Anno Accademico 2004-2005 -- 2008-2009 : docente di "Strumenti e Metodi di Internet" (laurea triennale in Sociologia, Facoltà di Sociologia, Università degli Studi di Trento).
  • Anno Accademico 2005-2006 -- 2008-2009: docente di "Information Technology e Proprietà Intellettuale" (Laurea specialistica in "Informatica, Facoltà di Scienza, Università degli Studi di Trento).
  • Anno Accademico 2001-2002 -- 2003-2004: incarico di supplenza per il corso di Informatica: Modulo A, Fondamenti del Web; Modulo B, Internet - Le problematiche, (Corso di Laurea in Sociologia, Facoltà di Sociologia, Università degli Studi di Trento).
  • Anno Accademico 2001-2002 -- 2007-2008: incarico di supplenza per il corso di Programmazione ad Oggetti 1 (Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria dell'Informazione e dell'Organizzazione, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Trento).
  • Dall'Anno Accademico 1998-1999 -- 2001-2002: incarico di supplenza per il corso di Fondamenti di Informatica - Sdoppiato (Primo anno dei corsi di Laurea in Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Trento).
  • Anno Accademico 1999-2000 -- 2000-2001: incarico di supplenza per il corso di Sistemi Informativi III (Terzo anno del corso di Diploma Universitario in Ingegneria Informatica, Università degli Studi di Trento).
  • Negli anni 1993,1994,1995: Professore a contratto per i corsi di Teoria dei Sistemi, Automazione Industriale e Fondamenti di Informatica (presso l'Università degli Studi di Trento e presso l'Università degli Studi di Parma).

Relatore di più di cinquanta tesi di Laurea, presso più atenei e in diversi corsi di laurea, di dottorato e di diploma universitario.

Research interests
  • Participatory Design
    In 2006 I coordinated the local organization of the Participatory Design Conference, in Trento. The PDC is a bi-annual conference, which is the reference conference for the study of participatory methodologies, in particular in the area of Information Systems. In 2008 the conference will be held in Bloomington, IN, USA. I'm collaborating in the organization of PDC as a member of the conference Steering Committee.
  • Service Oriented Computing
    Since 2003 I am actively involved in this research area. I am a co-founder of the series of conferences "International Conference on Service Oriented Computing", being part of the organization of each edition (general chair in 2008). I am also the coordinator of a Research Unit in the EU-founded Research Project COMPAS. This project is focusing on the problem of compliance within Service Oriented Systems. I am also involved in the Working Group of ODRL-S, a language for the description of service licenses. I have been co-editor for two issues of the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, on theme of Service Oriented Computing.
  • Virtual Communities of Practice
    From 2001 to 2007 I was the coordinator of a Research Unit in a research project on technology mediated collaboration and on learning within virtual communities of practice. These project were founded by the National Ministry for Research.
  • Free and Open Source Software
    In this area, my research interest are the communities of FOSS developers, and the socio-technical process that appear within these communities. Besides being involved in several conferences and seminars on this subject, I am supervising four PhD students working in this area.
  • Collaborative Software Development
    I have a long standing collaboration with colleagues which run a small software company in Indianapolis, IN, USA. The company, IIT (Intelligent Information Technology) has a significant research interest in the area of collaborative software development and in modeling software systems and frameworks. A joint paper on this subject receive the best paper award at the 2007 edition of IEEE-CTS (Collaborative Technologies and Systems).
  • Previous work
    During my PhD in Computer Engineering I focused my research on computer vision. The context of the work was the development of support systems for car driving. The technology was based on massively parallel architectures, more precisely on Cellular Automata. I later focused my work on the use of multimedia and other technologies as mediators for communication. This work has been focused in a variety of contexts, such as remote concurrent design in the automotive sector, teaching support systems, and web-based business collaboration.
  • Research periods abroad
    2003 (January and August – September): Intelligent Information Technologies and Butler University (Indianapolis, IN, USA). Research with A. Baskin and P. Linos on software development methodologies.
    2002 (February): Tilburg University (The Netherlands). Visiting with Prof. M. Papazoglou to setup the research agenda for the newly built group on Service Oriented Computing in Trento.
    2001 (August): Intelligent Information Technologies and Butler University (Indianapolis, IN, USA). Research with A. Baskin and P. Linos on software development methodologies.
    2000 (October to January 2001): Boston University (Boston, Ma, USA). Visiting Scholar at the Departement of Electric and Computer Engineering. Collaboration in the “Knowledge Home” project. Research on several tools for the project.
    1993 (January): MIT (Cambridge, Ma, U.S.A.). Visiting with the Information Mechanics Lab. Research with T. Toffoli and N. Margolus. Image processing with CAM-8 massively parallel cellular computer.
    1990 (October and November): MIT (Cambridge, Ma, U.S.A.). Visiting with the Information Mechanics Lab. Research with T. Toffoli and N. Margolus. Image processing with cellular automata.
    1989 (January – June): Technische Universität (Münich, Germany). Visiting with Prof. B. Radig group. Design and test of image processing algorithms for measuring the quality of steel surface.
    1988 (August – September): MIT (Cambridge, Ma, U.S.A.). Visiting with the Information Mechanics Lab. Research with T. Toffoli and N. Margolus. Image processing with cellular automata.
    1987 (January – March): MIT (Cambridge, Ma, U.S.A.). Visiting with the Information Mechanics Lab. Research with T. Toffoli and N. Margolus. Development of interactive system for showing (in a science museum) the range of applications of cellular automata computational paradigm.
Research work

2008-11: head of the local research unit of the EU-founded Research Project COMPAS (Compliance-driven Models, Languages, and Architectures for Services), a 3-years STREP research project in the Seventh Framework Program.

200406: head of the local research unit of the national research project “Learning for and with Technology: organizations and new technologies as distributed knowledge systems”. The local unit focused on “Communities of practice, cultural differences and collaboration technologies”.
2001–03: head of the local research unit of the national research project “Virtual Communities: Technology Mediated Collaboration”. The local unit focused on “Learning in virtual communities as a social process and the role of technology”.
2001: representing DISI in the project “KaCo - Distributed Architectures, Recommendation Systems and Free Classical Music”, in collaboration with local research institutes and musical associations. The project runs an experimental portal for distribution of copyright-free classical music.
1996-97: scientific coordinator, with Gianni Jacucci as coordinator, of an action/research project on “Deploying IT in 5B areas”. 5B is the European Union classification for areas having low level of socio-economic development. The project aim was to help small companies to identify their needs for IT-based innovation.
1995-97: co-coordinator, with Gianni Jacucci, of the local research unit in the European projects SMAC (Suppliers and Manufacturers in Automotive Market) and TEAM (TEAM-based solutions for European Automotive Manufacturer). Both projects had the goal of experimenting, in real industrial contexts within the automotive sector, the available technologies and methodologies for remote collaboration.

Awards and honours

Best Paper awards at (co-author):
CTS 2008 - International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, Orlando (FL), USA.
WCCEE 2001 - 8th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, Toronto, Canada.

Other work

Nel 2001-2002 è stato membro della Commissione per la conversione del Diploma di Ingegneria Informatica in Laurea Triennale.
Dal 2001 ad oggi. Responsabile per i tirocini curricolari per il corso di laurea triennale in Ingegneria dell'Informazione e dell'Organizzazione.
E' stato membro di commissioni di concorso per ricercatore presso l'Università della Calabria, per l'assunzione di personale tecnico presso il Comune di Trento, per l'assunzione di personale tecnico presso l'Università di Trento.
Dal 1996 al 2001 è stato Progettista, Coordinatore disciplinare e Docente in numerosi corsi di formazione per diplomati e per laureati finanziati dal Fondo Sociale Europeo.
Nel 1999-2000. Membro del gruppo internazionale di advisors per la messa a punto del curriculum di studio in Ingegneria Informatica della Università Cattolica di Luanda, Angola.



  • Teaching
    2007 – ongoing: deputy head of the PhD School in “Sociology and Social Research”, University of Trento, in charge of the School's program in “Information Systems and Organisations”.
    2005 – 2007: coordination of the “Informatics” area for the Master in "eProcurement", Trento School of Management.
    2001 – 2007: coordination of the internship program for the curriculum in Computer Engineering and Organizations, School of Engineering, University of Trento (Italy)..
    2001 – 2002: member of the committee for establishing the new curriculum in Computer Engineering and Organizations, School of Engineering, University of Trento (Italy).
    1996 – 1998: scientific coordination of a non-curricular training course “Esperto nella progettazione e realizzazione di sistemi informatici distribuiti” (Expert in the design and development of distributed information systems). The course was funded by the European Social Found and managed by University of Trento.
  • Institutional
    2007 – ongoing: Established an agreement for collaboration between the University of Trento and Indiana University.
    2005 – ongoing: member of the workgroup on Ethics and Information Technology promoted by SIA-SSB, Milano.
    2006 – ongoing: member of the workgroup on Science, Technology and Society of the University of Trento.
    2006 – 2008: Delegate for the School of Sociology and for the PhD School in “Sociology and Social Research” in the committee for the University web portal.
    2005 – 2008: Member of the Task Force on Interoperability and Open Source, established by e-Society Committee of the local government (Provincia Autonoma di Trento).
    2005 – 2008: Member of the Task Force on Learning for the Information Society, established by e-Society Committee of the local government (Provincia Autonoma di Trento).
    2004 – 2008: head of the IT advisory committee for the University of Trento, Rovereto branch.