ORGANIZZAZIONE di CONVEGNI e SCUOLE - Cortona, June 1979: corso C.I.M.E. "Mathematics of Biology"
- Trento, September 1980: CIRM meeting "Stochastic Methods in Life Sciences: General Methods and Specific Models" (together with G.Koch)
- Trento, September 1984: CIRM meeting "Integro-Differential Evolution Equations and Applications" (together with G. Da Prato)
- Trento, February 1987: CIRM meeting "Volterra Integro-differential Equations in Banach Spaces and Applications" (together with G. Da Prato )
- Trento, June 1987: CIRM meeting "Advanced Topics in the theory of Dynamical Systems" (together with G. Fusco ed L. Salvadori )
- Trento, December 1991: CIRM meeting "Mathematical Problems in Environmental Protection and Ecology" (together with M. Primicerio)
- Trento, November 1992: E.S.F. Workshop "Evolutionary Dynamics" (together with O. Diekmann and K. Sigmund)
- Trento, March 1993: Workshop "Metodi Matematici per la Dinamica di popolazione"
- Trento, November 1994: Workshop "Classificazione di dati in alcuni problemi di medicina"
- Trento, June 1997: CIRM meeting "Viability and control II" (together with J.P. Aubin, P. Cannarsa and A. Frankowska)
- Trento, 10-12 maggio 1999, progetto strategico CNR "Metodi e modelli Matematici nello Studio dei Fenomeni Biologici"
- Trento, 29 ottobre - 4 novembre, 2000, EVEQ2000 "Evolution Equation 2000: applications to physics, Industry, Life Sciences and Economy"
- Roma, 17-20 Settembre 2001 "Metodi e Modelli Matematici nello Studio dei Fenomeni Biologici"
- Levico Terme 29 ottobre - 2 novembre 2001 "Autumn school on Semigroups and Evolution Equations"
- Trento, 18-21 Giugno 2004 "Intenational Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics"
PARTECIPAZIONE a CONVEGNI e SCUOLE - Claremont (California), 13-16 gennaio 1990, " Int. Conf. on Differential Equations and Applications to Biology and Population Dynamics"
- Woudshouten (Olanda), 18-29 novembre 1990, " Functional analytic methods for structured population models"
- Erice (Italy), 21-28 marzo 1991, " Mathematical Aspects of Human diseases"
- Orbetello (Italy), 18-19 aprile 1991, " Conferenza consuntiva IV progetto AIDS"
- Firenze, 19-20 giugno 1991, " VIII international Conference on AIDS"
- Bologna, 1-5 luglio 1991, " International Conference on Differential Equations in Banach Spaces"
- Roma, 29-31 ottobre 1991, " Qualitative Aspects of Nonlinear Differential Equations"
- Strasbourg, 24-26 gennaio 1992, " ESF coordination meeting"
- Milano, 14-15 febbraio 1992, " meeting of the national group
- Claremont(California), 1-4 giugno 1994, " International Conference on Differential Equations with Applications to Biology and to Industry"
- Oberwolfach, 27 novembre - 3 dicembre 1994, " Mathematical models for infectious diseases"
- Firenze, 6-10 febbraio 1995, " Dinamica non lineare, teoria e applicazioni"
- Houston, agosto 1995, " Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Population Dinamics"
- Montecatini, 4-6 luglio 1996, " Problemi non-lineari" Convegno progetto MURST 40%,
- Parma, 2-6 settembre 1996, " VII european multicolloquium of parasitology"
- Napoli, 12 settembre 1996, " Secondo convegno internazionale su Matematica e ambiente"
- Hiroshima, 27-31 ottobre 1996, " Fifth international conference on evolution equations and their applications to technology"
- Nashville, 28-31 maggio 1997, " Conference on mathematical models in medical and health sciences"
- Sofia, 28-31 agosto 1997, " Deterministic and stochastic modeling of biointeractions"
- Lerici, 12-13 marzo 1998, " Giornate di biomatematica"
- Napoli, 19-22 giugno 1998, " terzo convegno internazionale su Matematica e ambiente"
- Termoli,13-16 giugno 1999, "Mathematics of Cell Physiology and Proliferation"
- Catania, 19-26 luglio 2000, "The third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts"
- West Lafayette, 23-27 agosto 2000, DESTOBIO 2000 "Deterministic and stochastic modeling of biointeractions"
- Pisa, 10 novembre 2000 "Modelli Matematici in Medicina e Biologia"
- Rimini, 13-15 giugno 2001 "IV Convegno Nazionale, Società Italiana di Biometria"
- Arcidosso, 3-8 settembre 2001 "Determinismo, Olismo e Complessità"
- Gaeta, 24-28 settembre 2001 "Fourth European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems"
- Chia Laguna, VI congresso SIMAI, 27-31 maggio 2002
- Bedlevo (Polonia), 17-21 giugno 2002 "School on Population Dynamics"
- Bedlevo (Polonia), 22 giugno 2002 "Session in honour of Andrzej Lasota"
- Bedlevo (Polonia), 24-28 giugno 2002 "Conference on mathematical modelling of population dynamics"
- Milano, 2-6 luglio 2002 "ESMBT 5th Conference: Mathematical Modelling & Computing in Biology and Medicine"
- Roma, 28-31 gennaio 2003 "Nonlinear Evolution Problems"
- Alcala' de Henares, 5-9 settembre 2003 "International Conference on Mathematical Ecology"
- Vienna 27-28 ottobre 2003 "Viennese Vintage Workshop"
- Torino 19-21 aprile 2004, workshop “ Nonlinear Dynamics and Noise in Biological Systems”
- Craiova (Romania) 30 agosto 3 settembre 2004, 7ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées
- Pisa 19-20 novembre 2004, workshop Domus Galileana “Estinzioni e conservazione: il ruolo dei modelli nello studio e nella tutela della diversità biologica”
- Bergamo 22-24 novembre 2004, Workshop INDAM 2004
- Pechino 30 maggio-3 giugno 2005, "Mathematical Models in Life Science: Theory and Simulation"
- Dobbiaco 1-5 luglio 2005, "Mathematical Models in Life Science: Theory and Simulation”
- Galanesti (Romania) 10-16 agosto 2005, "Functional methods in biomathematics"
- Milano 4-6 settembre 2005, "Math everywhere: Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling in Biomedicine, Economics and Industry"
- Innsbruck 12-15 ottobre 2005, "Workshop on Computational Life Sciences"
- Luminy (France) 24-28 ottobre 2005, "Equations d'evolution: Applications a la Physique, aux sciences de l'ingenieur, de la vie et de l’environnement"
- Chambéry (France) August 28 - September 1, 2006, "8ième Colloque Franco Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées"
- Iasi, September 4-9, 2006, "International Conference on Applied Analysis and Differential Equations"
- Ferrara, September 27-28, 2006, Corso di perfezionamento: "Dinamica di tramissione delle malattie infettive: le basi razionali delle politiche di intervento vaccinale"
- Roma, September 28-29, 2006, "Meeting on Mathematical and Statistical Modelling in the Life and Environmental Sciences"
- Napoli, October 16-19, 2006, "Third China-Italy Colloquium on Applied Mathematics"
- Montecatini Terme, March 29-31, 2007, "MUA2007: La Matematica Oggi per l’Uomo e l’Ambiente"
- Levico Terme, June 11-14, 2007, "10th Internet Seminar: Brownian Motion and Stochastic Differential Equations"
- Bucuresti, June 28- July 4, 2007, "6-th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians"
- Bucuresti, June 28- July 4, 2007, "6-th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians"
- Perugia, August 27-31, 2007 – “PROGETTO LAUREE SCIENTIFICHE, incontro borsisti”
- Ferrara, September 26-27, 2007, “II Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
- Trieste, November 27-30, 2007, “ECEM'07: The 6th European Conference on Ecological Modelling”
- L'Aquila, January 31-February 1, 2008, “workshop CIMAB: Recenti sviluppi dellaRicerca Matematica per le Scienze della Vita in Italia”
- Brasov, August 28 - September 2, 2008, “IX colloque Franco-Roumaine de Mathématiques Appliquées
- Iasi, September 3-7, 2008, "Differential Equations and Applications in Life Sciences"
- Roma, September 15-19, 2008, “SIMAI-09”
- Ferrara, September 2008, “Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
- Roma, January 9, 2009, seminar at IASI “La complessa dinamica del modello di Gurtin e MacCamy
- Barcellona, February 9-13, 2009, “Conference on Mathematical Biology”
- Lleida, March 10, 2009, talk at Caixaforum, “Malalties infeccioses i Matemàtiques”
- Barcelona, March 12, 2009, talk at CosmoCaixa, “Malalties infeccioses i Matemàtiques”
- Taranto, June 29- July 3, 2009, “Conference EEMMAS 2009”
- Ferrara, September 16, 2009, “Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
- Roma, November 9-12, 2009, “The Fifth China-Italy Joint Conference on Computational and Applied Mathematics”
- Bordeaux, May 31-June 4, 2010, “CMPD3 The 3rd Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics”
- Ferrara, September 15, 2010, “Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
- Catania September 26- 30, 2010, “Fifth China-Italy Colloquium on Applied Mathematics”
- Roma, December 14-15, 2010, “Mathcell 2010”
- Barcelona, July 11-15, 2011, “Exploratory workshop on emerging infectious diseases and mathematical modeling”
- Ferrara, September 15, 2011, “Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
- Levico, October 4-5, 2011, “Stabilità ed Analisi Qualitativa nei Sistemi Dinamici”
- Vienna, May 30-June 2, 2012, “12th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics”
- Milano April 4-6 2013, “Workshop on Theoretical Approaches and Related Mathematical Methods in Biology, Medicine and Environment
- Leiden April 14-19 2013, “workshop Mathematics and Biology: a Roundtrip in the Light of Suns and Stars”
- Tayuan 29 May/2 June, 2013, “The 4th Int. Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics, CMPD4”
- Tempe-Arizona June 10-13, 2013, “Annual Conference & Meeting for the Society for Mathematical Biology”
- Rome, June 25 - 27, 2014, “ Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Problems”
- Iasi, Romania, June 26-July 1, 2015, “The Eighth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians
- Tempe-Arizona November , 2015, “ Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Problems”
- Bucarest, Romania, June 1, 2016, "Current issues in PDEs and stochastics"
- Bilbao, Spain, July 4-5, 2017, "workshop on Dynamical Systems in Biology"
- Torino, February 7-9, 2018, “DSABNS 2018”
- Bilbao, Spain, May 16-18, 2018, “Populations in epidemics and ecology: Modeling and numerical simulations”
- Roma, October 8-11, 2018, "Mathematics for BioMedicine"
- Napoli, February 3-6, 2019, “DSABNS 2019”
- Roma, September 11-13, 2019, “Nonlinear Diffusion Problems”
- Madrid, November 22, 2019, “Workshop on Sociology and mathematics”
- Trento, February 4-7, 2020,“DSABNS 2020”
- Trento-Roma (on-line), June 6, 2020, Workshop UMI “Modellistica e COVID-19”
- Bucarest-Iasi (on-line), September 21-22, 2020, “Current Trends in Applied Mathematics- 2020”
- Roma (on-line), May 4, 2021, LEZIONI LINCEE “Controllo delle Epidemie e Modelli Matematici”
- Parma (on-line), August 30-September 3, 2021, SIMAI Conference 2021,
- Bucarest-Iasi (on-line), November 20, 2021, “Current Trends in Applied Mathematics- 2021”
- Bilbao (on-line) February 8-11, 2022, “DSABNS 2022”
- Matera, August 28- September 1, 2023, SIMAI Conference 2023