Mimmo Iannelli

Research collaborator

Department of Mathematics

Via Sommarive, 14 - 38123 Povo
tel. 0461 283825
mimmo.iannelli[at]unitn [dot] it

Laurea in Physics on November 16 1968 at University of Roma

Academic career and teaching activities

Mimmo Iannelli was born in Roma on December 21,1946 and got his laurea in Fisica in 1968 at Facoltà di Scienze of Roma University. He has spent most of his academic career at the University of Trento until his retirement.

During is scientific and academic activity he has covered different positions, in particular :

  • 1/03/70 - 31/10/74    Ricercatore C.N.R., Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, Roma
  • 1/11/74 - 31/10/76    Assistente Ordinario, Analisi Matematica, Facoltà di Scienze, University of  Roma
  • 1/11/76 - 31/10/78    Professore Straordinario, Istituzioni di Matematiche, Facoltà di Scienze,  University of Roma
  • 1/11/78 - 31/10/79    Professore Straordinario, Teoria delle Funzioni, Facoltà di Scienze,  University of Trento
  • 1/11/79 - 30/05/2014    Full Professor, Mathematical Analysis, Facoltà di Scienze,  University of Trento

Moreover he has covered other administrative and scientific positions:

  • 1977/78,                       member of Consiglio di Amministrazione dell'Opera Universitaria, University of Roma
  • 1980/81-1981/82,        Chairman of the Mathematics Department at Trento University
  • 1980/81-1981/82,        member of the Scientific Committee of Progetto Finalizzato CNR  "Medicina Preventiva"
  •  April 1986-May 1988,  Chairman of the Mathematics Department at the Trento University.
  •  1990/91-1995/96,        member of the Administrative Board of the Trento University
  •  1991-1994,                  member of the Coordination Committee of the "Network on Dynamics of Complex Systems in Biosciences", E. S. F.
  •  1991-2012,                  Associate Editor of "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications" (Academic Press)
  •   2011 to present,          Associate Editor of "Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications"
  •   2016 to present          Member of Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati

He has participated in various research projects funded by MIUR, CNR e European Committee and has directed different scientific projects such as:

  • 1998-2000,    National coordinator of the CNR strategic project "Metodi e modelli matematici nello studio dei fenomeni biologici"
  • 2004-2007,     Local coordinator of MIUR FIRB 2001 project “Methods of Mathematical Analysis in Biology, Medicine and Environment”
  • 2004-2008,     Coordinator of project EPICO “Epidemics description and control” supported by Provincia Autonoma di Trento
  • 2008-2010,      National coordinator of the project MIUR PRIN 2007 “Mathematical Population Theory: methods, models, comparison with data”
  • 2011-2013,       National coordinator of the project MIUR PRIN 2009 “Interaction Mechanisms in Population Dynamics”
  • 2014-2016,      Participant in the project CNR-Academy of Romania, "Nonlinear  PDE  with applications in modeling cell growth, chemotaxis, and phase transition"

He has been Visiting professor at various Universities

  • Acad. Year 1971/72,        CNR fellowship at Paris VI
  • Acad. Year 1982/1983,    Visiting Professor at Harvey Mudd College, Claremont –California
  • June 1984,                       Visiting Professor at Texas University at Arlington
  • Fall semester 1986,         Visiting Professor at Harvey Mudd College, Claremont- California
  • Fall semester 1995,         Visiting Professor at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
  • Acad. Year 1999/2000,    Visiting Professor at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
  • February 2002,                Visiting Professor at Universite de Bordeaux 2
  • March 2009,                    Visiting Professor at CRM, Barcelona-Spain
  • May 2009,                        Visiting Professor at Universite de Bordeaux 2
  • Fall semester 2015          Visiting professor at Arizona State University, Tempe AZ
Research interests

Evolution Equations, Applied Mathematics, Population Biology.

Modeling of biological phenomena in Demography, Epidemiology, Ecology, Cell growth.

Conferences and lectures


  • Cortona, June 1979: corso C.I.M.E. "Mathematics of Biology"
  • Trento, September 1980: CIRM meeting "Stochastic Methods in Life Sciences: General Methods and Specific Models" (together with G.Koch)
  • Trento, September 1984: CIRM meeting "Integro-Differential Evolution Equations and Applications" (together with G. Da Prato)
  • Trento, February 1987: CIRM meeting "Volterra Integro-differential Equations in Banach Spaces and Applications" (together with G. Da Prato )
  • Trento, June 1987: CIRM meeting "Advanced Topics in the theory of Dynamical Systems" (together with G. Fusco ed L. Salvadori )
  • Trento, December 1991: CIRM meeting "Mathematical Problems in Environmental Protection and Ecology" (together with M. Primicerio)
  • Trento, November 1992: E.S.F. Workshop "Evolutionary Dynamics" (together with O. Diekmann and K. Sigmund)
  • Trento, March 1993: Workshop "Metodi Matematici per la Dinamica di popolazione"
  • Trento, November 1994: Workshop "Classificazione di dati in alcuni problemi di medicina"
  • Trento, June 1997: CIRM meeting "Viability and control II" (together with J.P. Aubin, P. Cannarsa and A. Frankowska)
  • Trento, 10-12 maggio 1999, progetto strategico CNR "Metodi e modelli Matematici nello Studio dei Fenomeni Biologici"
  • Trento, 29 ottobre - 4 novembre, 2000, EVEQ2000 "Evolution Equation 2000: applications to physics, Industry, Life Sciences and Economy"
  • Roma, 17-20 Settembre 2001 "Metodi e Modelli Matematici nello Studio dei Fenomeni Biologici"
  • Levico Terme 29 ottobre - 2 novembre 2001 "Autumn school on Semigroups and Evolution Equations"
  • Trento, 18-21 Giugno 2004 "Intenational Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics"


  • Claremont (California), 13-16 gennaio 1990, " Int. Conf. on Differential Equations and Applications to Biology and Population Dynamics"
  • Woudshouten (Olanda), 18-29 novembre 1990, " Functional analytic methods for structured population models"
  • Erice (Italy), 21-28 marzo 1991, " Mathematical Aspects of Human diseases"
  • Orbetello (Italy), 18-19 aprile 1991, " Conferenza consuntiva IV progetto AIDS"
  • Firenze, 19-20 giugno 1991, " VIII international Conference on AIDS"
  • Bologna, 1-5 luglio 1991, " International Conference on Differential Equations in Banach Spaces"
  • Roma, 29-31 ottobre 1991, " Qualitative Aspects of Nonlinear Differential Equations"
  • Strasbourg, 24-26 gennaio 1992, " ESF coordination meeting"
  • Milano, 14-15 febbraio 1992, " meeting of the national group
  • Claremont(California), 1-4 giugno 1994, " International Conference on Differential Equations with Applications to Biology and to Industry"
  • Oberwolfach, 27 novembre - 3 dicembre 1994, " Mathematical models for infectious diseases"
  • Firenze, 6-10 febbraio 1995, " Dinamica non lineare, teoria e applicazioni"
  • Houston, agosto 1995, " Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Population Dinamics"
  • Montecatini, 4-6 luglio 1996, " Problemi non-lineari" Convegno progetto MURST 40%,
  • Parma, 2-6 settembre 1996, " VII european multicolloquium of parasitology"
  • Napoli, 12 settembre 1996, " Secondo convegno internazionale su Matematica e ambiente"
  • Hiroshima, 27-31 ottobre 1996, " Fifth international conference on evolution equations and their applications to technology"
  • Nashville, 28-31 maggio 1997, " Conference on mathematical models in medical and health sciences"
  • Sofia, 28-31 agosto 1997, " Deterministic and stochastic modeling of biointeractions"
  • Lerici, 12-13 marzo 1998, " Giornate di biomatematica"
  • Napoli, 19-22 giugno 1998, " terzo convegno internazionale su Matematica e ambiente"
  • Termoli,13-16 giugno 1999, "Mathematics of Cell Physiology and Proliferation"
  • Catania, 19-26 luglio 2000, "The third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts"
  • West Lafayette, 23-27 agosto 2000, DESTOBIO 2000 "Deterministic and stochastic modeling of biointeractions"
  • Pisa, 10 novembre 2000 "Modelli Matematici in Medicina e Biologia"
  • Rimini, 13-15 giugno 2001 "IV Convegno Nazionale, Società Italiana di Biometria"
  • Arcidosso, 3-8 settembre 2001 "Determinismo, Olismo e Complessità"
  • Gaeta, 24-28 settembre 2001 "Fourth European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems"
  • Chia Laguna, VI congresso SIMAI, 27-31 maggio 2002
  • Bedlevo (Polonia), 17-21 giugno 2002 "School on Population Dynamics"
  • Bedlevo (Polonia), 22 giugno 2002 "Session in honour of Andrzej Lasota"
  • Bedlevo (Polonia), 24-28 giugno 2002 "Conference on mathematical modelling of population dynamics"
  • Milano, 2-6 luglio 2002 "ESMBT 5th Conference: Mathematical Modelling & Computing in Biology and Medicine"
  • Roma, 28-31 gennaio 2003 "Nonlinear Evolution Problems"
  • Alcala' de Henares, 5-9 settembre 2003 "International Conference on Mathematical Ecology"
  • Vienna 27-28 ottobre 2003 "Viennese Vintage Workshop"
  • Torino 19-21 aprile 2004, workshop “ Nonlinear Dynamics and Noise in Biological Systems”
  • Craiova (Romania) 30 agosto 3 settembre 2004, 7ème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées
  • Pisa 19-20 novembre 2004, workshop Domus Galileana “Estinzioni e conservazione: il ruolo dei modelli nello studio e nella tutela della diversità biologica”
  • Bergamo 22-24 novembre 2004, Workshop INDAM 2004
  • Pechino 30 maggio-3 giugno 2005, "Mathematical Models in Life Science: Theory and Simulation"
  • Dobbiaco 1-5 luglio 2005, "Mathematical Models in Life Science: Theory and Simulation”
  • Galanesti (Romania) 10-16 agosto 2005, "Functional methods in biomathematics"
  • Milano 4-6 settembre 2005, "Math everywhere: Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling in Biomedicine, Economics and Industry"
  • Innsbruck 12-15 ottobre 2005, "Workshop on Computational Life Sciences"
  • Luminy (France) 24-28 ottobre 2005, "Equations d'evolution: Applications a la Physique, aux sciences de l'ingenieur, de la vie et de l’environnement"
  • Chambéry (France) August 28 - September 1, 2006, "8ième Colloque Franco Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées"
  • Iasi, September 4-9, 2006, "International Conference on Applied Analysis and Differential Equations"
  • Ferrara, September 27-28, 2006, Corso di perfezionamento: "Dinamica di tramissione delle malattie infettive: le basi razionali delle politiche di intervento vaccinale"
  • Roma, September 28-29, 2006, "Meeting on Mathematical and Statistical Modelling in the Life and Environmental Sciences"
  • Napoli, October 16-19, 2006, "Third China-Italy Colloquium on Applied Mathematics"
  • Montecatini Terme, March 29-31, 2007, "MUA2007: La Matematica Oggi per l’Uomo e l’Ambiente"
  • Levico Terme, June 11-14, 2007, "10th Internet Seminar: Brownian Motion and Stochastic Differential Equations"
  • Bucuresti, June 28- July 4, 2007, "6-th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians"
  • Bucuresti, June 28- July 4, 2007, "6-th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians"
  • Perugia, August 27-31, 2007 – “PROGETTO LAUREE SCIENTIFICHE, incontro borsisti”
  • Ferrara, September 26-27, 2007, “II Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
  • Trieste, November 27-30, 2007, “ECEM'07: The 6th European Conference on Ecological Modelling”
  • L'Aquila, January 31-February 1, 2008, “workshop CIMAB: Recenti sviluppi dellaRicerca Matematica per le Scienze della Vita in Italia”
  • Brasov, August 28 - September 2, 2008, “IX colloque Franco-Roumaine de Mathématiques Appliquées
  • Iasi, September 3-7, 2008, "Differential Equations and Applications in Life Sciences"
  • Roma, September 15-19, 2008, “SIMAI-09”
  • Ferrara, September 2008, “Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
  • Roma, January 9, 2009, seminar at IASI “La complessa dinamica del modello di Gurtin e MacCamy
  • Barcellona, February 9-13, 2009, “Conference on Mathematical Biology”
  • Lleida, March 10, 2009, talk at Caixaforum, “Malalties infeccioses i Matemàtiques”
  • Barcelona, March 12, 2009, talk at CosmoCaixa, “Malalties infeccioses i Matemàtiques”
  • Taranto, June 29- July 3, 2009, “Conference EEMMAS 2009”
  • Ferrara, September 16, 2009, “Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
  • Roma, November 9-12, 2009, “The Fifth China-Italy Joint Conference on Computational and Applied Mathematics”
  • Bordeaux, May 31-June 4, 2010, “CMPD3 The 3rd Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics”
  • Ferrara, September 15, 2010, “Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
  • Catania September 26- 30, 2010, “Fifth China-Italy Colloquium on Applied Mathematics”
  • Roma, December 14-15, 2010, “Mathcell 2010”
  • Barcelona, July 11-15, 2011, “Exploratory workshop on emerging infectious diseases and mathematical modeling”
  • Ferrara, September 15, 2011, “Corso di Perfezionamento, Vaccinazioni: consolidare i risultati guardando a nuove frontiere”
  • Levico, October 4-5, 2011, “Stabilità ed Analisi Qualitativa nei Sistemi Dinamici”
  • Vienna, May 30-June 2, 2012, “12th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics”
  • Milano April 4-6 2013, “Workshop on Theoretical Approaches and Related Mathematical Methods in Biology, Medicine and Environment
  • Leiden April 14-19 2013, “workshop Mathematics and Biology: a Roundtrip in the Light of Suns and Stars”
  • Tayuan 29 May/2 June, 2013, “The 4th  Int. Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics, CMPD4”
  • Tempe-Arizona June 10-13, 2013, “Annual Conference & Meeting for the Society for Mathematical Biology”
  • Rome, June 25 - 27, 2014, “ Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Problems”
  • Iasi, Romania, June 26-July 1, 2015, “The Eighth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians
  • Tempe-Arizona November , 2015, “ Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Problems”
  • Bucarest, Romania, June 1, 2016, "Current issues in PDEs and stochastics"
  • Bilbao, Spain, July 4-5, 2017, "workshop on Dynamical Systems in Biology"
  • Torino, February 7-9, 2018, “DSABNS 2018”
  • Bilbao, Spain, May 16-18, 2018, “Populations in epidemics and ecology: Modeling and numerical simulations”
  • Roma, October 8-11, 2018, "Mathematics for BioMedicine"
  • Napoli, February 3-6, 2019, “DSABNS 2019”
  • Roma, September 11-13, 2019, “Nonlinear Diffusion Problems”
  • Madrid, November 22, 2019, “Workshop on Sociology and mathematics”
  • Trento, February 4-7, 2020,“DSABNS 2020”
  • Trento-Roma (on-line), June 6, 2020, Workshop UMI “Modellistica e COVID-19”
  • Bucarest-Iasi (on-line), September 21-22, 2020, “Current Trends in Applied Mathematics- 2020”
  • Roma (on-line), May 4, 2021, LEZIONI LINCEE “Controllo delle Epidemie e Modelli Matematici”
  • Parma (on-line), August 30-September 3, 2021, SIMAI Conference 2021,
  • Bucarest-Iasi (on-line), November 20, 2021, “Current Trends in Applied Mathematics- 2021”
  • Bilbao (on-line) February 8-11, 2022, “DSABNS 2022”
  • Matera, August 28- September 1, 2023, SIMAI Conference 2023