
1997 - PhD in Hydrodynamics, University Consortium: Trento, Padua, Genoa and Florence.

1991 - Master Degree in Forestry Engineering, top marks cum laude, University of Trento.


Academic career and teaching activities

Academic career

01/03/2011 to date: Associate Professor, sector ICAR / 01 - Hydraulics at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM) of the University of Trento

11/1/95 to 28/02/2011: Assistant Professor, sector ICAR / 01 - Hydraulics at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Trento

Teaching activities

AA 2013-14 ad oggi: Regular teacher of Fluid Mechanics, degree in Civil Engineering and in Environmental and Land Engineering, DICAM.

AA 2011-12 ad oggi: Regular teacher of Hydraulic hazard management, degree in Environmental and Land Engineering, DICAM.

AA 2016-2017: Regular teacher of Oleodynamics and Pneumatics, degree in Industrial Engineering, DII.

A.A. 2012-2013 al 2015-2016: Teacher of Theoretical biomechanics, degree in Mathematics,  Dep. of Mathematics.

A.A. 2010-11 al 2012-2013: Regular teacher of Elements of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions, degree in Environmental and Land Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.

A.A. 2005-06 al 2009-10: Regular teacher of Hydraulics + Hydraulic constructions, degree in Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.

Memberships in societies and scientific committees
  • Member of the GII, Gruppo Italiano di Idraulica since 2013
  • Member of the IAHR, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research since 2014
  • Member of the EGU, European Geoscience Union, since 2016