


Ph.D., University of Trento (Ph.D. thesis on The Collateral Challenge of Administrative Decisions: A Comparative Analysis (France, Europe, England and Italy 1996).

Graduation in Law, summa cum laude, University of Trento 1992.









Academic career and teaching activities

Academic Positions:

Full Professor of Administrative Law, University of Trento

2002-2006: Associate Professor of Administrative Law, University of Trento

1998-2002: Researcher in Administrative Law, University of Trento


Academic Appointments:

Member of the Board of the PhD in Law, Faculty of Law, Trento

Dean’s delegate for Research, Faculty of Law, University of Trento (2019-to-present)

Member of the Career and Recruitment Committee, University of Trento (2013-2017)

Member of the Board of the PhD in Law, University of Perugia (2006-2012)

Vice Dean Faculty of Law (2009-2012)


Teaching Activities (last five years):

2. Undergraduate courses:

- EU Administrative Law (University of Trento, every academic year, in Italian)

- Administrative Law (University of Trento, every academic year, in Italian)

- Administrative Justice (University of Trento, in Italian)

Research interests


In the last ten years her research has focussed on: 

European Administrative Law 

Global Administrative Law 

Comparative Administrative Law

Administrative justice

She is currently working on Public Administration and artificial intelligence 


Research work

Research funding competitions

Member of the Local Unit (University of Trento) PRIN 1998 - “La pianificazione urbanistica nella disciplina dello Stato, delle Regioni e dei Comuni Italiani” (Daria de Pretis)

Member of the Local Unit (University of Trento) PRIN 2001 "La tutela giurisdizionale nei confronti della pubblica amministrazione in Europa: profili sostanziali e processuali" (prof. Giandomenico Falcon)

Member of the Local Unit (University of Trento) PRIN 2004"Procedimenti amministrativi nazionali e procedimenti amministrativi europei" (prof. Giandomenico Falcon)

Member of the Local Unit (University of Trento) PRIN 2006 "Stabilità del provvedimento e rimedi giurisdizionali"  (prof. Giandomenico Falcon)

Member of the Local Unit (University of Trento) PRIN 2008 "Forme privatistiche nell'organizzazione pubblica in diritto italiano, comparato e globale" (prof. Giandomenico Falcon)

Co-ordinator of the Local Unit (University of Trento) PRIN 2012  "La codificazione dei procedimenti dell'Unione Europea".

Member of the Local Unit (University of Perugia) PRIN 2017 ‘The administrative Reforms’ (prof. A. Bartolini)


Research Groups

She has coordinated and participated in several national and international research groups, such as the research groups on: 

‘Pandemia e democrazia’ (Fondazione Leonardo (2020); 

‘The revolution of artificial intelligence’ (Astrid), where she is acting as the coordinator of one of the sub-groups, together with Edoardo Chiti and Nicoletta Rangone (2020-to present); 

 ‘ReNEUAL - The Research Network on Administrative Law’.


Quality and impact of publications

She has published four monographs, edited some volumes together with other scholars, many books and articles, case-notes, book-reviews and other minor products.

The quality and impact of her research are illustrated by the variety of the publishing journals, and by the quality of the national and international publishers (Oxford University Press, Springer, Cedam, Il Mulino, Giuffrè, Giappichelli).


Memberships in societies and scientific committees

Editorial Activities and Memberships:

Member of the Advisory Board for the legal publications of the Italian publisher Il Mulino (2013-to present)

Member of the International Society of Public Law 

Member of the European Group of Public Law 

Member of the Istituto per le ricerche sulle pubbliche amministrazioni (Irpa) (since 2003)

Member of the Scientific Board of Collana di Studi di Diritto pubblico (editors A. Sandulli - R. Bin), 

Member of the Steering Committee of Rivista della regolazione dei Mercati 

Member of the scientific Committee of the Rivista di diritto sportivo 

Member of the scientific Committee of the Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario


Conferences and lectures

In the last years, she has taught courses and seminars at the SPISA (Scuola di specializzazione di diritto amministrativo, Bologna), SNA (Scuola nazionale dell’amministrazione Roma), and different Master programmes. He has given classes and participated in seminars and workshops in many Universities in Italy and abroad (University of Luxembourg, New York University, University of Utrecht, University of Barcelona).


Other work


1. In the last five years, she has acted as a reviewer for the following journals:

Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico

Responsabilità civile e Previdenza

Biolaw Journal

Rivista della regolazione dei mercati

Rivista italiana diritto pubblico comunitario 

Diritto processuale amministrativo

Giornale di diritto amministrativo


2. She has acted as a reviewer for publishers such as Il Mulino and Hart Publishing.