Awards and honours

Award from HRH Prince Hassan of Jordan for the contribution to the Physics teaching at the "Eighth International Petra School of Physics", Amman (JO), 11/04/2016

Hanawalt Award 2016, for "contributions to whole powder pattern modeling, incorporating physical models of the microstructure"

“Premio Mario Nardelli”, 2010 of the AIC (Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia) ‘Per i suoi contributi originali allo studio delle microstrutture in vari tipi di materiali condotte con metodi di diffrazione di polveri nano cristalline e allo sviluppo di tali metodologie’

Fellowship of the International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD), 2010

European Powder Diffraction Committee (EPDIC) Award 2002 for 'outstanding scientific contribution in the field of powder diffraction'

ENEL (National Institute for Electrical Energy, national supplier of electric power) award 1998: national winner;