Ricercazione. Ricerca educativa, valutativa e di studi sociali sulle politiche e il mondo giovanile

Year: 2015     Volume: 7     Number: 1

Authors Titles First page Last page
Gentile, Maurizio Editoriale 7 15
Gentile, Maurizio Editoriale The principal leadership 7 15
Paletta, Angelo Leadership for Learning: a rewiew of the international literature 17 37
Paletta,Angelo The theoretical construct of leadership for learning 39 61
Robinson, Joanne Mentoring and coaching for head Teachers. A qualitative study of adaptive expertise. 63 67
Sammone, Pan; Gu Qing Models of Leadership and Pupil outcomes 69 90
Sammone, Pan; Gu Qing Models of Leadership and Pupil Outcomes 69 90
Paletta, Angelo Head Teachers as leaders for teaching: a study in the Autonomous province of Trento 93 109
paletta, Angelo; Pisanu, Francesco The maqnagerial practice of head Teachers: what determines it and how are can assess it 111 135
Paletta, Angelo; Pisanu, Francesco Distributed leadership and improving schools 137 161
Paletta, Angelo; Alivernini, Fabio; Manganelli, Sara Leadership for Learning: linking schoolò context, leadership styles and process variables 163 181
Bezzina, Cristopher; Paletta, Angelo; Alimehmeti, Genc Observation of head Teachers in the field: administrative, management and leadership issues 183 211
Bezzina, Cristopher Learning more about leadership that makes a difference: lessons learned in the field 213 225
Paletta, Angelo Conclusion of the "Leadership for Learning" projecgt in the Autonomous province of Trento: what we have learned and education policy implications 227 239