Advanced EU Competition Law & Economics-2023 edition

The Summer School is aimed at graduates, practitioners (lawyers, in-house counsel, economists, and managers), judges, officials from Competition Authorities and from national and international organizations.
Why attend?
​The Summer School is a unique occasion to deepen your knowledge of and participate in the debate surrounding EU Competition Law and Economics, offering wide networking opportunities. At the same time, the Summer School presents an opportunity to enjoy some free time, through sporting and social activities organised in Moena. The workshops will be held in mountain huts, while outings and sporting activities will take place in cooperation with the School of Alpine Rescue of the Italian State Police (Centro di Addestramento Alpino della Polizia di Stato).

Deadline: Wed 31 May 2023 23:59 (Italian time)


Info Info

Organization Secretariat:
Michele Carpagnano - Giulia Ancona

Application list