Intelligente sarà lei! Il paradigma della IA e l’Umanistica digitale - PARTECIPAZIONE IN PRESENZA

Speakers: Luisa Mich (Università di Trento)  Date: 02/12/2024, h. 16.00

Event Location: Dipartimento di Lettere - Room 001


To register to the event, please click "Create a new application".

PLEASE REMARK: Partecipation is reserved exclusively to students, Phd students and unitn teachers. It is therefore necessary to register using the institutional mail address

Subscribers will receive an authorization email for access the Department after the registration deadline (maximum one hour before the event).



PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE  1 December 2024 at 12.00

Deadline: Sun 01 Dec 2024 12:00 (Italian time)
Available places: 79


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