L’impatto delle relazioni euro-mediterranee sulle politiche interne degli stati membri dell’UE: immigrazione e sicurezza

Date: 03/12/2021, h. 09.30 


To register to the event, please click "Create a new application".

PLEASE REMARK: To those who have a unitn-extension email address, we strongly recommend to register using the institutional e-mail address @unitn.it (we remind first-year students the email address standard is name.surname@studenti.unitn.it).

This event is organized in the framework of the Jean Monnet NAMEPES project, supported by the European Commission. We therefore inform you that the data requested in this app will be made available by the Project Coordinator to the EACEA Commission Agency during the reporting phase.

PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE  2 December 2021 at 12.00

Deadline: Thu 02 Dec 2021 12:00 (Italian time)
Available places: 121


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