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Trends in Modern Cryptography – a National Course
02/05/2022 – 27/05/2022
Main lecturers and organizers: Massimiliano Sala
See complete programme.
Language: English
Platform: Zoom
Lectures: 220 lectures, each lasting 25 minutes
Periodo: May 2022
Expected Audience:
The course is aimed at MSC students (studenti di laurea magistrale) with special interest in cryptography. However, it can be attended by manyone familiar with standard cryptography and its mathematical background, including: PHD students, MSC graduates, professionals working for companies or the public sector.
This course provides an introduction to some recent trends in cryptography, such as post-quantum cryptography and cloud cryptography. The relevant mathematical background is also provided, such as the theory of lattices.
Course fees:
The course can be attended by anyone who registers for it and pays the fee, up to a maximum of 300 (three hundreds) registered participants.
The standard fee is 200 euros.
● Enrolled students (including PHD students) of any of the following universities do not pay
any fee for attending the course (similarly for their personnel, post-docs etc):
Politecnico of Bari, University of Bari, University of Catania, University of L'Aquila, University
Politecnica delle Marche, University of Milano, University of Napoli, University of Perugia,
University of Roma Tre, Sapienza University of Roma, University of Torino, Politecnico of
Torino and University of Trento.
● Students of any other universities (including PHD and foreign students) pay 50 euros.
● Employees of companies within the De Cifris Advisory Board enjoy a reduced fee of 100
euros per attendant.
Main lecturers and organizers: Massimiliano Sala
Marco Baldi (UNIVPM Ancona), Stefano Barbero (POLITO Torino), Andrea Basso (University of Birmingham), Marco Calderini (UNITN Trento), Laura Capuano (UNIRM3 Roma), Michela Ceria (POLIBA Bari), Roberto Civino (UNIVAQ L'Aquila), Mario Di Raimondo (UNICT Catania), Annamaria Iezzi (UNINA Napoli), Roberto La Scala (UNIBA Bari), Massimo Lauria (UNIRM Roma), Riccardo Longo (UNITN Trento), Carla Mascia (UNITN Trento), Nadir Murru (UNITN Trento), Marco Pedicini (UNIRM3 Roma), Giordano Santilli (UNITN Trento), Lea Terracini (UNITO Torino), Marco Timpanella (UNIPG Perugia), Irene Villa (UNITN Trento), Andrea Visconti (UNIMI Milano).
Lingua: English
Piattaforma: Zoom
Lezioni erogate: 20 lezioni da 25 minuti l'una / 20 lectures, each lasting 25 minutes
Periodo: dal 02/05/2022 al 27/05/202
Pubblico destinatario:
The course is aimed at MSC students (studenti di laurea magistrale) with special
interest in cryptography. However, it can be attended by manyone familiar with standard
cryptography and its mathematical background, including: PHD students, MSC graduates,
professionals working for companies or the public sector.
This course provides an introduction to some recent trends in cryptography, such as post-quantum cryptography and cloud cryptography. The relevant mathematical background is also provided, such as the theory of lattices.
Course fees / Costo:
The course can be attended by anyone who registers for it and pays the fee, up to a maximum of 300 (three hundreds) registered participants.
The standard fee is 200 euros.
● Enrolled students (including PHD students) of any of the following universities do not pay any fee for attending the course (similarly for their personnel, post-docs etc): Politecnico of Bari, University of Bari, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", University of Catania, University of Genova, University of L'Aquila, University Politecnica delle Marche, University of Messina, University of Milano, Politecnico of Milano, University of Napoli, University of Perugia, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", University of Roma Tre, Sapienza University of Roma, University of Salerno, University of Torino, Politecnico of Torino, University of Trento and University of Verona.
● Personnel of any other universities (including students, PHD and foreign students, registering with institutional email) pays 50 euros.
● Employees of companies within the De Cifris Advisory Board enjoy a reduced fee of 100 euros per attendant.