Richiesta abbonamento parcheggio Cittadella dello Studente (ex CTE)

Si prega di completare tutte le sezioni sottostanti per poter inviare la domanda di abbonamento.

Section Status Actions
Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali Not examined Not examined Modify
Dati Personali Not examined Not examined Modify
Numeri di targa da abilitare Not examined Not examined Modify

Info Application

Incomplete application Incomplete application:
you need to fill in all Sections before you can save and submit the application

Application ID: F135657


Contacts Contacts

Instructions and label

To fill in the application it is necessary to complete all the sections
Each section is marked with a status:

Section not examined not examined;
Section incomplete incomplete;
Section complete complete;
Section complete (awaiting verification) complete (awaiting verification).

To send the application definitively all the sections must be in complete status.