Richiesta Incontri per conoscere UniTrento (per le scuole)

Una volta compilata, e salvata in maniera definitiva, la domanda verrete contattati (entro qualche giorno) dal Servizio Orientamento per definire o confermare la data e i vari dettagli organizzativi.

Section Status Actions
Informazioni Not examined Not examined Modify
Dati docente referente Not examined Not examined Modify

Info Application

Incomplete application Incomplete application:
you need to fill in all Sections before you can save and submit the application

Application ID: F102037


Info Info
Contacts Contacts

Instructions and label

To fill in the application it is necessary to complete all the sections
Each section is marked with a status:

Section not examined not examined;
Section incomplete incomplete;
Section complete complete;
Section complete (awaiting verification) complete (awaiting verification).

To send the application definitively all the sections must be in complete status.