
12/03/2010 Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research at the International Doctoral School of Research, University of Trento (with scholarship). Dissertation: La danza come agire professionale, corporeo e artistico. Percorsi e traiettorie, saperi e pratiche quotidiane nel campo italiano della danza [Dance as professional, bodily and artistic action. Path and trajectories, knowledge and everyday practices in the Italian dance field]. Supervisor: Prof. Asher Colombo. The research took part in the project “Professions and semi-professions. Ethnographic analysis of occupational communities” (PRIN 2006).

03/2009-06/2009 Visiting Ph.D candidate at the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, University of California Riverside. Supervisors: Prof. Anthea Kraut and Prof. Anna Beatrice Scott.

18/11/2004 Graduation cum laude in Sciences of Communication (5 years, master degree), University of Bologna. Thesis in Sociology of Communication, titled La comunicazione nell'emergenza. La determinazione del fatto e del luogo nelle chiamate d'emergenza al 118  [Emergency Communication. Determining the event and the place in emergency calls to 118]. Supervisors: Prof. Roberta Sassatelli and Prof. Giolo Fele. Data gathering took place within the project “Traffic control as work” (MIUR 2001).


Research Methods Training

11-12/11/2021 Seminario “Strumenti e tecniche digitali per l'analisi di dati audio e video”, Giovanni Rossi (University of California Los Angeles), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

19/12/2019 Seminario di Analisi della Conversazione “Osservare l’interazione”, Marco Pino (Loughborough University), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

08-11/06/2016 6th Ethnography & Qualitative Research Conference, University of Bergamo.

07/11/2014 Study Day “Applying Conversation Analysis”, Competence Centre for Language Studies, Free University of Bozen.

18/06/2014 Study Day “The ethnography of texts”, Prof. David Hakken (University of Bloomington), Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.

04-06/06/2014 5th Ethnography & Qualitative Research Conference, University of Bergamo.

21-29/10/2013 Graduate seminar “Microsociology - From Georg Simmel to Conversation Analysis”, Prof. Jorg Bergmann (University of Bielefeld), School of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology and Social Research University of Trento.

08-21/02/2014 Visiting scholar at the Work, Interaction and Technology Research Centre of the King's College, London (invited by Prof. Christian Heath). 

16-20/07/2012 First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Ontological Analysis, University of Trento.

09/06/12 Workshop on Conversation Analysis, 4th Conference of Ethnography and Qualitative Research, University of Bergamo, Italy

08-10/10/2011 Graduate Seminar “Workplace studies: video and the analysis of social interaction and materiality”, Prof. Christian Heath (King’s College, London), Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento.

25-27/07/2009 3rd Ethnography Workshop “Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa”, University of Bergamo, Italy (with the lecture: Comunicare il corpo. Sapere cine(ste)tico e correzioni nel caso della danza).

03-06/2009 Graduate course “Oral History”, Prof. Anna B. Scott, Department of Dance, College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences, University of California Riverside.

03/02/ 2009 “Conversational Afternoon” - Conversation Analysis Data Session, Prof. Elwys De Stefani (University of Berna), Free University of Bozen.

19/01-19/02 2009 Graduate Course “Ethnomethodology and Video Analysis”, Prof. Ken Liberman (Oregon University) and Prof. Giolo Fele (University of Trento), Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

06-08/09/2007 2nd Ethnography Workshop “Etnografia: Esperienze dal campo”, University of Bergamo, Italy (with the lecture: Dimostrazione corporea e restituzione etnografica. Descrivere un passo di danza).

23-24/06/2007 Summer Course “Everyday Ethnography”, Prof. Elijah Anderson (Yale University), at 5th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, Long Island, New York, USA.

16/11/2006 Seminar “Comunicazione del sapere e etnografia della conoscenza”, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, Italy.

21-22/09/2006 Colloque international “Ethnographies du travail artistique”, Laboratoire Georges Friedmann, Université de Paris1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France.

09-11/02/2006 1st Ethnography Workshop “L’etnografia sociale: metodi ed esperienze”, University of Bergamo, Italy.

Carriera accademica ed attività didattica

Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (May 2023 - present)

Tenured Researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) (Dec. 2018 - Apr. 2023)

Post-doc Research Fellow at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento (Sep. 2016 - Dec. 2018)

Post-doc Research Fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) (Jul. 2012 - Sep. 2016)

Post-doc Research Fellow at the Department of Disciplines of Communication, University of Bologna (Feb. 2011 - June 2012)



Vice-Coordinator of the PhD programme in ‘Sociology and Social Research’, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (Oct. 2023 - present)

Deputy Director of the M.A. programme in Sociology and Social Research, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (Dec. 2021 - present)



a.a. 2022-2023  – present    Ethnography, PhD Program in ‘Sociology and Social Research’, University di Trento.

a.a. 2022-2023 – present -- Research Laboratory on Technology and Organizations, M.A. programme in Organizations, Society and Technology, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2022-2023 -- Foundations of Social and Psychological Sciences, Part 2 of Module 1, M.A. programme in Data Science, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2020-2021 – present -- Qualitative Methods and Qualitative Methods Lab, M.A programme in Sociology and Social Research, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2020-2021 – present -- Qualitative Methods, 1st level Master Programme on Management of Diversity: Inclusion and Equity, University of Trento.

a.a. 2020-2021 – 2021-2022 -- Crash Course on Sociological Theory: Micro-level Theories, M.A programme in Sociology and Social Research, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2019-2020 – 2021-2022 -- Qualitative Methods and Research Laboratory, M.A. course in Organizations and Territory Management, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2018-2019 -- Lecture on Qualitative Methods, M.A. Crash Course in Sociology, Department of Sociology and Social research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2017-2018 – 2018-2019 -- User eXperience (UX), M.A. in Human-Computer Interaction, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (in cooperation with Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science), University of Trento.

a.a. 2016-2017 -- Human-Computer Interaction Lab, Second-level Master in Smart Communities Design and Management, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.

a.a. 2016-2017 -- Qualitative Research Methods Lab, Second-level Master in Smart Communities Design and Management, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.

a.a. 2016-2017 -- Seminar on Max Weber's Ethics, B.A. course History of Sociological Thought, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2015-2016 -- Assistant Professor at the 4th International Summer School on Urban Ethnography, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

08-12/09/2015 -- Tutor at 3rd International Summer School on Urban Ethnography, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2014-2015 – 2017-2018 -- Qualitative Methods Lab, M.A. seminar taught in English, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (appointed also for 2018-2019, then declined).

09-13/09/2014 -- Tutor at 2nd International Summer School on Urban Ethnography, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2013-2014 -- Textual data analysis with ATLAS.ti practicum, M.A. seminar, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

03-07/09/2013 -- Tutor at 1st International Summer School on Urban Ethnography, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2011-2012 – 2017-2018 -- Laboratory of Qualitative Methods, B.A. course Methodology of Social Research, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

a.a. 2010-2011-- Teaching Assistant for the M.A. course Qualitative Methods for Social Research, Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento (Prof. Giolo Fele).

a.a. 2006-2007 -- Teaching Assistant for the M.A. course Qualitative Methods for Social Research, Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento (Prof. Giolo Fele).

a.a. 2005-2006 -- Teaching Assistant for the M.A. course Sociology of Communication, Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento (Prof. Giolo Fele).

Interessi di ricerca

Fields: Studies of Social Interaction; Ethnomethodology; Workplace Studies; Organization Studies; Cultural Studies; Artificial Intelligence; Science and Technology Studies; Social Studies of ICTs; Gender Studies; Contemporary Social Theory.

Topics: Body and Embodiment; Work practices; Collaborative practices; Artistic and creative practices; Performance; Rhythm; Socio-technical Systems.

Methods: Ethnography; Conversation Analysis; Video-based Field Studies; Qualitative Interviews; Focus groups; Visual Analysis; Mixed-methods Research; Participatory Design; Co-design.

Attività di ricerca

01/2023 - present – Director of the Social Pattern Recognition Laboratory – SPaRe Lab, Excellence Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

01/2024 – 12/2027 – P.I. at University of Trento within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - Doctoral Network Reworlding: Repositioning Participatory Design to Tackle Socio-Environmental Challenges (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-DN: GA 101119451).

01/2021 – 12/2023 – Researcher on the interdepartmental project Social Distancing – Practices and imaginaries in interpersonal distance management, funded by the University of Trento within the call for Strategic Projects Covid-19.

09/2016-12/2019 – Project Leader for the interdisciplinary project PIE News – Poverty, lack of Income, and Employment News (H2020-ICT-2015) at the interAction Lab of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, which is the project coordinator. Besides coordination activities, I was responsible for the research and design activities, conducted through a participatory “public design” approach.

02-04/2018 – Senior researcher on the mixed-methods project Licenziarsi dal mondo / Resigning from the world, carried out at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento. I designed and conducted focus groups, and contributed to writing the research report by analysing qualitative and quantitative data.

9/2015-12/2017 – Senior researcher on the interdisciplinary project Professions of Musical Creativity, carried out at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento, in collaboration with the Music Conservatory of Trento and the Department of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Trento. The project included research and didactic activities, and was led by an interdisciplinary team of sociologists, musicologists and musicians.

2014-2017 – Responsible of the project Creativity, “free work”, and gamification in (digital) capitalism, conducted within the scientific association COLTIVARE Ricerca. I carried out ethnographic fieldwork and cyber-ethnography: research design, data gathering and analysis.

07/2012- 09/2016 – Responsible of the Work Package A: Understanding socio-material practices of the interdisciplinary project VisCoSo – Detection of crisis in socio-material systems via visual-cognitive-social processes, funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento with the Research Unit Grant “Team 2011” and conducted at the LOA-ISTC-CNR ( I carry out the ethnographic case study at an international airport (field access; data gathering: fieldwork, qualitative interviews, video-based research; data analysis).

01/2013- 11/2013 – Researcher on the interdisciplinary project OZ – Osservare l'attenZione [Observing attention], funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento and the University of Trento within the “Winter Universiade Trentino 2013”. Partners: DISI, University of Trento; LOA-ISTC-CNR; VIPS, University of Verona ( I carried out video-analysis of sport spectator crowds, I developed a notation for their tagging, and some compositional formal methods to embed microsociological analysis into computer vision algorithms and techniques.

02/2011- 06/2012 – Responsible of the project DisCoPra – Disuguaglianze sociali, Consumi culturali e Pratiche di lettura: Cittadinanza, scuola e territorio [Social inequalities, cultural consumes and literacy practices: citizenship, school, and territory], as post-doc scholar at the Department of Disciplines of Communication, University of Bologna (project funded by the Ca.Ri.Tro Foundation). I took care of research design, data gathering (semi-structured interviews and focus groups), data analysis, and dissemination.

04/2010-11/2010 – Researcher on the project Mass training in rianimazione cardiopolmonare pediatrica: due metodi a confronto [Mass training in pediatric cardiopulmonary: comparing two methods] at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. Project promoted by the Department of Neonatology of the Santa Chiara Hospital, Trento. Personal tasks: organization and analysis of video data on social interaction during mass training sessions.

04/2010- 04/2011 – Responsible, as independent researcher, of the project EVA – Expression in Verbal Absence, a case study that followed the everyday interaction and caring activities among a newborn, her parents and other members of the intimate circle, from birth to the first birthday. I carried out research design, data gathering (fieldwork, video-based research, repeated qualitative interviews), data analysis, and dissemination.

03/2006-03/2009 – Researcher on the project Professions and semi-professions. Ethnographic analysis of occupational communities, funded by the Italian Minister for Education, University and Research (MIUR) within the PRIN 2006 Programme (Research Projects of National Interest). Partners: University of Bologna, University of Trento, University of Bergamo, University of Genova, University of Lecce. I carried out the Trento Unit project Paths, trajectories, knowledge and collective practices in the artistic field of professional dance: research design, data gathering (ethnographic fieldwork, in-depth interviews, video-based research), data analysis, and dissemination.

04/2006-10/2006 – Research collaborator on the project MAP – Mobile Adaptive Procedure, funded by European Commission under the Initiative “Digital Agenda for Europe” (FP IV, eTEN – Prof. Gianni Jacucci). Personal tasks: data gathering (fieldwork and ethnographic interviews) and analysis.

10/2004-08/2005 – Research collaborator on the project MEDiCA – Medical Emergency Dispatch Centre Analysis, funded by European Commission (“Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship” – Prof. Giolo Fele). Personal tasks: data gathering (ethnographic fieldwork, video-based research), data organization, and transcription in Conversation Analysis notation.

Appartenenza a società e comitati scientifici

Co-Editor in Chief of the journal Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, il Mulino (2020-2023 e 2024-2027)

Managing Committee Member of the COST Action “From Sharing to Caring: Examining Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy” and Co-Chair of the Working Group 4 of the same COST Action (2016-2020).

Scientific Advisory Board Member of:

  • Book Series Etnografie, Ombre Corte publishing house;
  • Book Series Interactio, PM publishing house;
  • professionalDreamers independent publishing house;
  • Book Series Commonfare, University of Trento Press

Programme Committe Member of:

  • 9th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference (2023)
  • 14th Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly 2021)
  • 8th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference (2020-21)
  • Ethnographies of Collaborative Economi(es) Conference (2019)
  • 22nd ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2019)
  • 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T 2019)
  • 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference (2018)
  • 20th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2017)
  • 19th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2016)
  • 6th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference (2016)
  • Workshop on Conceptual Modeling and Ontologies for Crisis and Emergency Information Systems, at ISCRAM 2016
  • 5th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference (2014)

Member of committees, research units and scientific associations:

  • Managing Committee of the Hans Schadee Research Methods Center, University of Trento
  • Giunta of the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento
  • International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
  • Centre of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (CSG), University of Trento
  • European Sociological Association (ESA)
  • International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA)
  • European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
  • American Sociological Association (ASA)
  • Action, Culture, Meaning, and Experience (ACME) Research Group, University of Trento
  • Collective Action, Change and Transition (CoACT) Research Group, University of Trento
  • Mapping Organizational and Digital Dynamics in Society (MODDS) Research Group, University of Trento
Premi e riconoscimenti

02/2023 - Trilateral Research Conferences Villa Vigoni - German-Italian Centre for the European Dialogue: funding for the project Alle frontiere del linguaggio parlato: Pratiche di riformulazione e ricerche di parola in una prospettiva cross-linguistica e multimodale / An den Grenzen der gesprochenen Sprache: Reformulierungspraktiken und Wortsuchen aus sprachvergleichender und multimodaler Perspektive (2024-2026).

03/2023 - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - Doctoral Network funding for the project Reworlding: Repositioning Participatory Design to Tackle Socio-Environmental Challenges (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-DN: 101119451; 2024-2027).

24/04/2017 -- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence, Certificate delivered by the European Commission, as the institution managing Horizon 2020, for the project proposal TReSS – TRansport Security and Surveillance as complex distributed socio- technical system. Technologically-mediated, expert, cooperative activities, submitted to the call H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 by Chiara Bassetti and King's College London.

01/09/2016 -- Post-doc Research Fellowship (assegno di ricerca) at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento asProject leader of the project PIE News – Poverty, Income and Employment News (H2020-ICT-2015: 687922).

30/10/2015 -- Special Mention as Reviewer at the 18th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems – PRIMA 2015 Awards. Special mention for providing very thorough and insightful reviews assigned to 3 out of over 200 reviewers (Chiara Bassetti, Dave De Jonge, Fuyuki Ishikawa).

02/07/2012 -- Post-doc Research Fellowship (assegno di ricerca) at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISTC-CNR) as responsible for the Work-Package A of the project VisCoSo – Detection of crisis in socio-material systems via visual-cognitive-social processes.

13/12/2010 -- Research grant for young post-doc researchers by the Ca.Ri.Tro. Foundation for the project DisCoPra – Disuguaglianze sociali, consumi culturali e pratiche di lettura: cittadinanza, scuola e territorio. Host Institution: Department of Disciplines of Communication, University of Bologna.

04/03/2011 -- Approval for funding (€ 179.850) from the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy) within the Call 3 Post-doc 2010 Outgoing. Project SITER – Socio-technical innovation in technologically-assisted emergency response: Information Systems' interoperability, organizational protocols and change process management. Proposing Institution: Department of Sociology and Social research, University of Trento; Host Institution: Department of Social Research, University of Tampere. Project eventually not conducted.

10/2006-09/2010 -- Ph.D. Scholarship at the International Doctoral School of Research in Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

Convegni e conferenze


CHItaly Workshop The Role of Digitalization in Improving the Quality of Live in Rural (Industrialized) Regions, 12/07/2021, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (with M. Ackerman, M. Lewkowicz, J. Schädler, D. Unbehaun, V. Wulf).

Panel Micro-sociality of the giftee. Doing status in interaction: charisma and privilege, 8th Ethnography and Qualitative Research International Conference, 9-12 June 2021 (originally planned for 2020, postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic), University of Trento (with E. Bottazzi).

Panel Work, Consumption and Social Relations: Processual Approaches to the Platform Society, 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, 6-9 June 2016, University of Bergamo (with A. Murgia, M. Teli).

Workshop Participatory Design, Beyond the Local, 8th International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T 2017), 26-30 June 2017, Troyes, France (con M. Teli, P. Antoniadis, S. de Paoli, I. Apostol, G. Allegretti, M. Secchi).

Special Session Analysis of Group Interaction, 12th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2017), May 30–June 3 2017, Washington, DC (with M. Cristani and R. Poppe).

Panel Immanence of seduction: for a microinteractionist perspective on charisma, 6th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, 9-11 June 2016, University of Bergamo (with E. Bottazzi).

Panel The ethnographer's body as heuristic instrument: Between autoethnography, carnal sociology and Becoming-the-Phenomenon-based Ethnography, 5th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, 5-7 June 2014, University of Bergamo.

Panel Rhythm in social interaction: some detailed aspects of action-in-interaction, 5th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, 5-7 June 2014, University of Bergamo (with E. Bottazzi).

Workshop Accountability Approach to IT-related Risk Management, 1st Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, 5-8 October 2006, San Servolo, Venice, Italy (with G.M. Campagnolo).

Invited Talks and Lectures

03/05/2023 Talk at the New Developments in Ethnomethodology Workshop, University of Gothenburg: Non-ego-oriented Sociation in Italy and Aboriginal Australia, with K. Liberman (Oregon University)

18/04/2023 Seminar for the series Research Colloquium General Sociology, University of Konstanz: Divergent conversational organization: when turn-taking is not the ordering principle, with K. Liberman 

18/11/2022 Opening Seminar for the LIVReLAB series, University Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli: Corpo, sé e società: interazione, performance e identità

12/05/2022 Lecture at Escola Superior de Educação, Politécnico do Porto: Self-management between industry and the arts in Milan: the cases of Rimaflow and Macao

22 aprile 2022, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli, nell’ambito del ciclo di seminari ‘Lavorare con… Esperienze, expertise e saperi nel mercato che verrà’: Cosa significa (de)crescere? Scalabilità vs proliferazione nelle economie collaborative

04/04/2022 Seminar for the series Excellence Project on Digital Humantities, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia: Video-analisi delle folle. Microsociologia computabile per l'intelligenza artificiale

24/03/2022 Lecture for the PhD School in Social Sciences of the University of Padua: Complex(ity) ethnography: access, tacit knowledge and expertise

17/07/2021 Nordic Design Research Conference ‘Matters of Scale’, Workshop ‘DESIS Philosophy Talk Designing Down to Earth: Introducing Re-Worlding’: Ethics of care in repositioning Participatory Design

19/02/2021 Roundtable Corpi Virali, AIS – Vita Quotidiana.

24/09/2020 Lecture for the Scuola di Attivazione Politica, Trento: Collaborative and Sharing Economy: Una panoramica con un focus sul caso italiano.

23/01/2020 Talk at the XII Congresso Nazionale AIS “Sociologia in Dialogo: algoritmo, cervello, valutazione”, Università Federico II, Napoli; panel “Corpo, salute e salvezza: le trasformazioni del senso comune/Body, Health and Salvation: The transformations of the common sense”.

12-13/12/2019 Presentations at the Workshop Knowledge and expertise in interaction, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki.

07/10/2019 Lecture for Laboratorio di ricerca su sistemi informativi (Prof. V. D'Andrea), Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento: Intervista qualitativa. Preparazione, conduzione e analisi.

03/10/2019 Lecture for the course Social Research and Sociology of Professions (Social Research module, Prof. Annalisa Murgia), Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan: Etnografia. L'osservazione partecipante in contesti “naturali”.

25/09/2019 Seminar series Linguaggio e Società, Department of Philosophy, University of Milan: Coordinamento, collaborazione e co-costruzione dell'expertise: il caso della sicurezza aeroportuale.

15/05/2019 Lectures for the TALETE Honour Programme, University of Trento: Qualitative Interviewing, and Visual Methods in Social Research.

30/04/2019 Seminar series Osservare l’interazione. Ciclo di incontri sui dati, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia: Intersoggettivitàˆ nell’insegnamento/apprendimento della danza.

29/03/2019 Lecture for Laboratorio di ricerca su sistemi informativi (Prof. V. D'Andrea), Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento: Intervista qualitativa. Preparazione, conduzione e analisi.

06/02/2019 Lecture for the course Social Research and Sociology of Professions (Social Research module, Prof. Annalisa Murgia), Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan: Etnografia. L'osservazione partecipante in contesti “naturali”.

27/11/2018 EM/CA Data-session for the course Language & Society, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento: Making Movement Visible. Multimodal Correction and Demonstration in the Dance Class.

24/10/2018Meeting of the COST Action From Sharing to Caring, University of Amsterdam: The case of RiMaflow: A recovered, self-managed factory in Italy.

01/06/2018 Seminar at the Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon: Micro-Sociolgy Meets AI and Computer Vision — Towards Sociable Robots.

24/04/2018 Lecture for the course Space & Culture (Prof. Andrea Brighenti, University of Trento): Bodies and the City. The case of dance Schools.

18/04/2018 Lectures for the TALETE Honour Programme, University of Trento: Qualitative Interviewing, and Visual Methods in Social Research.

28/10/2017 Talk for the conference “Cooperazione sociale, autodeterminazione, Commonfare: Sperimentazioni sociali e autonomia possibile”, Macao, Milan: Il progetto di ricerca Commonfare e

06/10/2017 Talk for the International Conference “Decent work, Equity, and Inclusion: Passwords for the present and the future”, University of Padua: Commonfare / PIE News. Strumenti per una collaborazione solidale.

04/10/2017 Talk for the conference “Dai programmi europei agli interventi metropolitani: riflessioni, pratiche e politiche di innovazione sociale”, Aquario Civico, Milano: Commonfare / PIE News. Strumenti per una collaborazione solidale.

06/07/2017 Talk for the 22nd Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Invited Session “Getting the moves: bodily learning in three movement cultures”, University Alliance Ruhr: Incarnating a kinaesthetic culture. On the embodiment of contemporary dance.

23/06/2017 Talk for the Commonfare Event, Waag Society, Amsterdam (

21/04/2017 Talk for the roundtable Commonfare Trentino, Impact Hub Trento: Il progetto PIE News: supportare il Commonfare.

13-14/12/2017 Talk for the conference “Creatività e musica. Prospettive interdisciplinari”, University of Trento and Bonporti Music Conservatory of Trento: Crafting music and creativity. The artistic journey of well-educated music makers.

01/12/2016 Lecture for the course Human-Computer Interaction (Prof. A. De Angeli, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento): Field studies. An introduction for HCI students.

19/02/2016 Working paper presentation for the Brown Bag Seminar “Il fascino indiscreto della Sociologia”, University of Bologna: Airport Security Contradictions. Inter-organizational dynamics and techno-organizational change.

26/11/2015 Talk for the 4th Colloquium on Work and Social Interaction, King's College of London: Airport Security Check: Hand luggage screening.

11/06/2015 Keynote talk for the CVPR Workshop GROW 2015 “GRoup and crOWd behavior analysis and understanding”, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, Boston (MA): Social Gatherings. Integrating sociological theory and analysis into computer vision methods and techniques.

30/03/2015 Talk for the Presentation of the Special Issue “Il lavoro sessuale come lavoro interazionale” [Sex Work as Interaction Work], edited by Chiara Bassetti, Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa 3/2013, University of Trento.

01/12/2014 Talk for the Workshop “Carving Society: New frontiers in the study of social phenomena”, CNR, Rome: Interactionist Sociology, Social Ontology & Computer Vision. An interdisciplinary approach to socio-technical systems and beyond.

29-30/10/2014 Talk for the 3rd Colloquium on Work and Social Interaction, Mannheim University: Making Movement Visible. Multimodal Correction and Demonstration in the Dance Class.

13/05/.2014 Talk for the Presentation of the Special Issue “Il lavoro sessuale come lavoro interazionale”, cit., University of Turin.

02/04/.2014 Talk for the Presentation of the Special Issue “Visioni del femminile” [Visions of the Feminine], Studi Culturali 3/2013, at the University of Milan.

20/11/.2013 Lecture for the course Etnografia e metodi qualitativi della ricerca sociale (Dr. Isacco Turina, University of Bologna): L’etnografia applicata: alcune esperienze di ricerca.

07-08/11/2013 Talk for the 2nd Colloquium on Work and Social Interaction, Telecom ParisTech: Sport events' audience: reading the field and performing the stands.

01/03/.2013 Lecture for the seminar Scuola d'Autore (Sistema Bibliotecario Trentino), Trento, Italy: Progetto “Trovare la strada: esperienze di vita adolescente” – Una valutazione.

31/01-01/02/2013 Talk for the 1st Colloquium on Work and Social Interaction, King's College, London: Talking movement. Inside the dance practice room.

29/09/2009 Talk for the seminar “Senso pratico e processi di significazione: prospettive semiotiche ed etnografiche”, University of Trento: Corpi riflessi. Visuale, visibile e visualizzato nella performance di danza.

14/10/2008 and 16/11/2007 Lectures for the course Information Systems (Prof. Vincenzo D’Andrea, University of Trento): Centri di coordinamento. Approcci etnografici ed etnometodologici.

02/04/2008 Lecture for the seminar series Etnografie /Ethnographies, University of Trento: Etnografia di un'arte performativa. Conoscenza tacita e corporea nella danza.

28/03/2008 Lecture for the Conference “Per una sociologia dell’immaginario. Incontri di sociologia delle arti”, University of Roma Tre: Biografie del corpo nelle narrazioni di danzatori e danzatrici.

11/02/2008 Talk for the ALPIS 2008 Seminar “4th Alpine Ski Seminar on Information Systems”, Carisolo (TN), Italy: InNovATIVE emergent organization of activities: an ethnographic experience in ICT-related organizational change.

17/01/2008 Lecture for the course Ethnography of Communication (Prof. Daniela Veronesi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano): Communicating the Body: Ethnography of a Dance Practice Room.

10/12/2007 Lecture for the seminar Sociology and the Arts, University of Padova: Conoscenza pratica e corporea nella danza. Etnografia di un'arte performativa.

05/10/2006 Talk for the MCIS '06 Workshop Accountability Approach to IT-related Risk Management, San Servolo (Venice), Italy: Technology-occasioned changes in a medical emergency coordination centre: accountability practices and IT-related risk management in social arena.

Conference Presentations

20/11/2023    2nd ForMoRe Workshop: Formalization, Modellization and Representation of  Social Pattern Analyses, University of Trento: Participation frameworks in performative learning settings

06/10/2023    8th Copenhagen Multimodality Day, University of Copenhagen: Multimodality and recipient design in multi-participation-status interaction

20/06/2023 1st ForMoRe Workshop: Formalization, Modellization and Representation of Social Pattern Analyses, University of Trento: with S. Borgo, Endowing artificial agents with interactional competences

08-09/06/2023 9th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, University of Trento: The making of kin/aesthetic action: A "hybrid study" of artistic work

25-26/11/2022 Dizionario Musicale Multidisciplinare Integrato: “Interaction” (DiMMI 2022), Conservatorio Bomporti di Trento e Riva del Garda, University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler: Sounds, rhythms and artefacts in social interaction

19/08-01/09/2022 Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2022), global hybrid conference organized by Newcastle University, University of Edinburgh, RMIT University: with L. Huybrechts, M. Zuljevic, A. Seravalli, A. Light, et al., Reworlding: Participatory Design Capabilities to Tackle Socio-Environmental Challenges

8-10/09/2022 ESA Economic Sociology Midterm Conference “Categories, Transformations and Exchanges”, University of Warsaw, Poland: with F. Majetic, The strain of solo self-employment in Europe; and Determinants of happiness among employees in Europe

29/06-01/07/2022 4th Conference Measurement at the Crossroads: Measuring and Modeling (MAC 2022), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano: with R. Ferrario e C. Masolo, Qualitative social research and measurement.

16-17/06/2022 4th Conference After Methods in Organization: The epistemology of practice (AMOS 2022), Mälardalen University (Sweden): with V. Marcheselli, (Ethnographies of) Knowing what is not there.

26-27/11/2021 Dizionario Musicale Multidisciplinare Integrato (DiMMI 2021): Rules, Conservatorio di Trento e Riva del Garda, University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler: Compliance, practical adjustment, and ethical subversion. Dealing with rules in the case of airport security.

31/8 – 2/9/2021 15th ESA Conference, University of Barcelona, Spain: with F. Majetic, M. Rajter, Being Your Own Precarious Boss. Solo, Dependent, and/or Bogus Self-employment.

27/06-02/07/2021 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA 2021), Panel ‘Orientations to "knowing how" in interaction’, online: Underspecified requests and their understand-ability. Orienting to the coworker’s expertise in airport security screening.

2-6/12/2020 VIII Convegno Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata (SIAA2020), Università di Parma / online: Lo spazio pubblico sul balcone di casa. L’ordine dell’interazione riconfigurato negli spazi sospesi del lockdown

27-28/11/2020 Dizionario Musicale Multidisciplinare Integrato (DiMMI), Annual Conference organized by Conservatorio di Trento e Riva del Garda, University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler: with Giolo Fele, Dissonanze cognitive, esperimenti di rottura e ricomposizioni del senso.

25/10/2019 Ethnographies of Collaborative Economies Conference, Edinburgh University, UK: Moneywork, care, and collective imagination at an artistic festival. An ethnographic account of world-makings within and across communities.

25/10/2019 Ethnographies of Collaborative Economies Conference, Edinburgh University, UK: with A. De Angeli, Distributed fieldwork and networked co-design for collaborative economies.

20-23/08/2019 14th ESA Conference (European Sociological Association), University of Manchester, UK: with F. Majetic, M. Rajter: Perceived Employment and Life Precariousness: A Study in Croatia, Italy and the Netherlands

02-05/07/2019 Conference of the International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA), Mannheim, Germany: Leveraging, assessing, and enhancing expertise in interaction: the case of airport security screening

20-21/12/2018 Post Start-Up Cultures Workshop, Naples, Italy: con M. Sciannamblo, Towards a caring culture: the case of Santacoin digital complementary currency.

05-08/10/2018 Web Summit, Lisboa, Portugal: showcasing of the PIE News project at the Social Innovation Village (

29-30/08/2018 Affects, Interfaces, Events Conference, Aarhus, Denmark: con M. Teli, A. Murgia, Counter-gaming as an affective product: the work of establishing relations among game design, platforms, and physical encounters.

06-09/06/2016 7th Ethnography & Qualitative Research Conference, University of Bergamo, Italy: with M. Teli, The Commonfare Project: a Multi-Sited Qualitative Action Research on and for Bottom-Up Collaborative Welfare Practices.

29/08-01/09/2017 13th ESA Conference “(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities”, Athens, Greece – RN24 Science and Technology: with M. Sciannamblo, M. Teli, Unmaking and remaking Europe through design: what role for sociology?.

29/08-01/09/2017 13th ESA Conference “(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities”, Athens, Greece – RN02 Sociology of the Arts: with D. Muntanyola, The Craft of Performing Artists: Skill, Identity and the Learning Curve.

29/08-01/09/2017 13th ESA Conference “(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities”, Athens, Greece – RS02 (Un)Making Capitalism: with M. Teli, M. Sciannamblo, For a sociology that matters: the role of interdisciplinary action research to remake Europe.

29/08-01/09/2017 12th Annual International Ethnography Symposium “Politics and Ethnography in an Age of Uncertainty”, University of Manchester: with S. De Paoli, C. Morini, M. Sciannamblo, M. Teli, Learning from financial outsiders. Rethinking communication to resist labeling.

8-10/09/2016 9th ESA Arts mid-term Conference “Arts and creativity: working on identity and difference”, University of Porto: Crafting music and creativity: the artistic journey of well-educated music composers.

5-7/11/2015 1st Anticipation Conference, University of Trento: with A. Bruni, Visioneering futures: between everyday interaction and computational processes.

25-27/09/2015 EAP-CogSci 2015 – EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science (4th European Conference on Cognitive Science & 10th International Conference on Cognitive Science), University of Turin: Work- and Job-related Stress, Emotions, and Performance in Critical Situations. An interdisciplinary study in the context of airport security.

23-28/08/2015 12th ESA Conference (European Sociological Association), University of Prague: Airport Security Assemblage. Public/private contradictions and techno-organizational change.

24-27/06/2015 Revisiting Participation: Language and Bodies in Interaction, Basel University: Bodies and Mirrors. Participation frameworks in the dance practice room.

7-12/06/2015 CVPR 2015 – International conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Boston (MA): with D. Conigliaro, F. Setti, M. Cristani, R. Ferrario, P. Rota, N. Conci, N. Sebe, The S-HOCK Dataset: Analyzing Crowds at the Stadium.

24-27/05/2015 ISCRAM 2015 – 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (track: Understanding Collaborative Work Practices), Kristiansand, Norway: with M.L. Campos e R. Ferrario, Airport security checkpoints: an empirically-grounded ontological model for supporting collaborative work practices in safety critical environments.

21-23/05/2015 10th Organization Studies Summer Workshop “Organizational Creativity, Play and Entrepreneurship”, Crete, Greece: with A. Murgia, M. Teli, RIOT NOW: Playfulness, creativity and “free” market in and indie RpG.

4-6/09/2014 8th ESA Arts mid-term Conference “Art and its contexts: cross-disciplinary dialogue”, Babes-Bolyai University: with E. Bottazzi, Social Aesthetics of Rhythm: Comparing Theatrical Dance and Adult‐Newborn Interaction.

20-25/05/2014 9th Organization Studies Summer Workshop on “Resistance, resisting, and resisters in and around organizations”, Corfù, Greece: Resisting at the Airport: Security Guards among TIP and “Unruling” Passengers.

9-10/12/2013 FISU Winter Universiade 2013 Conference on “University Sport: Inspiring Innovation”, Rovereto, Italy: with D. Conigliaro, F. Setti, R. Ferrario, M. Cristani, The OZ project: Osservare l'attenZione (Observing Attention).

22/10/.2013 4th International Workshop Human Behavior Understanding (HBU 2013), Barcelona, Spain: with D. Conigliaro, F. Setti, R. Ferrario, M. Cristani, ATTENTO: ATTENTion Observed for automated spectator crowd monitoring.

11-13/09/2013 International Workshop on Social Behavior Analysis (SBA 2013), 17th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), University of Naples: with D. Conigliaro, F. Setti, R. Ferrario, M. Cristani, Viewing the Viewers: a Novel Challenge for Automated Crowd Analysis.

28-31/08/2013 11th ESA Conference (European Sociological Association), University of Turin: with E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, The Dark Side of Interaction in Sociotechnical Systems.

28-31/08/2013 11th ESA Conference, University of Turin: with R. Ferrario, M. Cristani, F. Setti, The OZ project: observing attention.

28-31/08/2013 11th ESA Conference, University of Turin: Choreography “from start to finish”. A collective, (inter)corporeal, everyday work.

28-30/08/2013 7th Annual Ethnography Symposium “The Politics of Meaning-making / Meaning-breaking”, University of Amsterdam: with E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, On the power of the impossible. Overt and covert meaning-breaking in interaction.

04-06/07/2013 29th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), University of Montreal: with E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, Fatal attraction. Interaction and crisis management in socio-technical systems.

03/07/13 29th EGOS Pre-Colloquium Development Workshop “New Ways of Writing Organizational Ethnography”, University of Montreal: On “Becoming the Phenomenon”-based Ethnography (BPbE). Towards an ontology of becoming.

06-07/06/2013 “Produzione/riproduzione/distinzione: studiare il mondo sociale con (e dopo) Bourdieu”, University of Cagliari: Intrecci material-simbolici. Cultura materiale e distinzione nelle pubblicità a tema danza.

03-05/12/2012 AISC 2012 Conference (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences), CNR, Rome: with R. Ferrario, C. Giorgetta, D. Porello, Visione, cognizione, e interazione nei sistemi socio-tecnici: un progetto integrato.

08-09/11/2012 Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, University of Trieste: con R. Ferrario, C. Giorgetta, Vision, Cognition, Social Interaction in Socio-material Systems, a Novel Approach based on Foundational Ontology.

05-08/09/2012 7th ESA Arts mid-term Conference “Artistic Practices” (European Sociological Association, Research Network for the Sociology of the Arts), University of Wien: Making Dance Together: Intersubjectivity in Dancing “Together With” and “In Front Of” Others.

07-09/06/2012 4th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference (Session: “L'uso dei video nella ricerca sociale”), University of Bergamo: La dimostrazione esemplare di un agire pratico. Il caso dei passi di danza.

16-17/03/2012 Ais-Edu Conference (Italian Sociological Association, Education), University of Trento: Il libro come oggetto e la lettura come pratica rituale situata. La socio-materialità del leggere e del suo insegnamento [Book as object and reading as situated ritual practice. The socio-materiality of reading and its teaching].

23-24/02/2012 CSG 2nd National Conference “Attraverso i confini del genere” (Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies), University of Trento: Il corpo danzante maschile, lo stigma e i suoi antidoti. Mobilitare significa(n)ti (corporei) di maschilità egemonica [Male dancing body, stigma, and its antidotes. Mobilizing (bodily) signifiers of hegemonic masculinity].

07-10/09/2011 10th ESA Conference – RN07 (European Sociological Association, Research Network for the Sociology of Culture), University of Geneva: The performer's stage experience. Embodiment, being-in-there, experiential translation and the role of the audience in dance performances.

07-10/09/2011 10th ESA Conference – RS19 (European Sociological Association, Research Stream on The Tacit Knowing Approach), University of Geneva: Tacit knowing, embodied knowledge and “becoming the phenomenon”-based ethnography.

05-07/09/2011 6th Annual Ethnography Symposium “Ethnography: Theory, Form and Practice”, University of Cardiff: Making (new) things together. Everyday collaborative improvisation and the role of ethnography.

01-03/09/2010 5th Annual Ethnography Symposium “Work, Organization and Ethnography”, Queen Mary University of London: Learning to (be a) dance(r). On “becoming the phenomenon” and writing/reporting ethnography.

01-03/09/2010 6th ESA Arts mid-term Conference “Great Expectations: Arts and the Future”, University of Surrey, Guildford: Performative Learning: Other- and self-corrections in the dance case.

11-17/07/2010 17th ISA World Congress of Sociology, University of Gothenburg: Gendered Bodies and Dance Profession. Social Representations, Cultural Norms, (Art) Work Opportunities and Lived Experience.

03-05/06/2010 International Symposium on Symbolic Interactionism, University of Pisa: Body, Self and Society. Epistemological and Methodological Reflexions between Phenomenology, Ethnography and Ethnomethodology.

02-05/09/2009 9th ESA Conference – RN02 Sociology of the Arts, University of Lisboa: Constant and Simultaneous Reflexivity as a Dance Professional Competence.

02-05/09/2009 9th ESA Conference – RN07 Sociology of Culture, University of Lisboa: Embarrassment as a Sign of Lack of Embodied Culture in Performance: the Case of Dance.

08-11/08/2009 104th ASA Meeting (American Sociological Association, Regular Session: Ethnomethodology), San Francisco (CA): Teaching-to-perform. The interplay of talk, gesture and bodily conduct in dance lessons.

04-08/11/2008 ESA Arts&Culture mid-term Conference (Research Networks for the Sociology of the Arts and the Sociology of Culture), Venice, Italy: Body agency. Positioning, transition and identity in dancers' biographical narratives.

05-08/09/2008 1st ISA Forum of Sociology “Sociological Research and Public Debate” (International Sociological Association, Joint Session RC36 and RC37: Biographical research and sociology of arts), University of Barcelona: Curriculum Corpi. Body’s Biographies in Dancers’ Narratives.

19-21/06/2008 2nd STS–Italia Conference (Science and Technology Studies), University of Genoa: L'emergere di un'organizzazione delle attività inNovATIVA.

03-06/09/2007 8th ESA Conference – RN02, University of Glasgow: Creating dance steps. Choreography between improvisation and composition.

18-21/06/2007 3rd ISGS Conference “Integrating Gestures”, Northwestern University (IL): Teaching dance steps: verbal instruction and gestural “demonstration”.

28/03-01/04/2007 ESA Arts mid-term Conference, University of Lueneburg: Dancing Body: self-representations of a job instrument.

06-08/10/2006 1st Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, San Servolo (Venice): Between procedures and processes: learning a new style of communication-in-action.

Altre attività

PhD Committees


a.a. 2022-2023 – Elisabeth Farries, “Human Rights Proofing Digital Surveillance Technologies: Reflexive DST Wunderkammer for Civil Society Organizations”, School of Law, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland.

a.a. 2021-2022 – Francesco Bonifacio, “Easy rider? Saperi e traiettorie di una professione emergente” and Chiara Ferrari “Le donne uscite dal sex trafficking: dalla marginalità deviante all’impegno in associazione”, Dottorato di Ricerca in Sociologia, Organizzazioni, Culture, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano.

a.a. 2018-2019 – Mercedes Huertas-Migueláñez, “A reflexive analysis of participants’ engagement in the co-design of digital resources”, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento.

a.a. 2016-2017 – Mark Mushiba, “Ambiguity, curiosity, and appropriation for low-threshold intergenerational encounters”, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento. 


04/2017Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute.
03-06/2009Department of Dance, University of California Riverside.


  • American Journal of Cultural Sociology (Palgrave)
  • International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Emerald)
  • Qualitative Research (Sage)
  • Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (Springer)
  • Qualitative Sociology (Springer)
  • Body & Society (Sage)
  • Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (Emerald)
  • Organizational Ethnography (Sage)Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology (Taylor & Francis)
  • Modern Italy (Routledge)
  • Applied Ontology (IOS Press)
  • Neurocomputing (Elsevier)
  • Co-design (Taylor & Francis)
  • IEEE Transactions of Affective Computing
  • PuntOorg International Journal
  • Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia (il Mulino)
  • Studi Culturali (il Mulino)
  • Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa (il Mulino)
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  • CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System (CHI): CHI 2016, CHI 2017, CHI 2019
  • Design and Semantics of Form and Movement Conference (DeSForM 2019)
  • 18th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2015)