Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science

The Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), founded in 2002, is a leading institution in research and development in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  both locally and internationally. DISI  is searching for an optimal balance between theoretical and applied research, as is shown by the strong  achievement in European and industrial projects, by playing a  key role to develop several   initiatives with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
The department covers two main ICT fields

  • Computer science
  • Information Engineering  

The different subjects are offered in separate courses, with an interdisciplinary approach that gives students a wide rage of crucial tech skills to develop advanced technologies for innovative applications and services.
Research programs are  organized into fifteen (15) areas:

  • Cyber Security
  • Data and Knowledge Management
  • Deep and Structured Machine Learning
  • Embedded Electronics and Computing Systems
  • Language, Speech and Interaction
  • LION - Machine Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN
  • Multimedia Signal Processing and Understanding
  • Next Generation Networks
  • Quantum Information and Computing
  • Remote and Distributed Sensing
  • Signal Processing and Recognition
  • Social Informatics
  • Software Engineering and Formal Methods
  • Systems and Networks
  • Wireless Technology and Systems

​DISI constantly takes part in important national and international research projects, collaborating with world-renown centers and university departments such as the Bruno Kessler Foundation, CoSBI Research Centre, Center of REsearch And Telecommunication Experimentations for NETworked communities and the National Research Council CNR.


Via Sommarive, 9, Povo, 38123 TN
tel: 0461 283966
disi[at]unitn [dot] it
Visit the website:

{{}} results No results
This section provides the list of the theses associated to the Department’s (Centre’s) affiliates. All master’s degree and five-years-degree theses are included. Bachelor’s degree theses are also included, up to 2015 (as of that year, delivering a thesis is not compulsory in undergraduate programs; even when the submission of a written paper is required, such a text is not recorded as a thesis), as well as doctoral theses. Data source: TEA (UniTrento information system on degrees’ theses, managed by the UniTrento Libraries) for master's and bachelor's theses; IRIS (UniTrento Istitutional Research Information System) for doctoral theses.
Title Year Download
Authors: {{item.nominativo}}{{item.nominativo}},
Supervisor: {{item.nominativo}}{{item.nominativo}},
Co-supervisor: {{item.nominativo}}{{item.nominativo}},
Examiner: {{item.nominativo}}{{item.nominativo}},
Course: {{tesi.corsoStudi}}
Abstract: {{tesi.abstract}}
