Vincenzo Trovato

Via Mesiano, 77 - 38123 Trento
vincenzo.trovato[at]unitn [dot] it

  • 2015 - Barcelona School of Economics (Spain) – Intensive course in Energy Economics
  • 2015 - Imperial College London (United Kingdom) – Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering 
  • 2010 - Politecnico di Torino (Italy) M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (cum laude)
  • 2010 - Politecnico di Torino (Italy) Excellence Course in Electricity Markets Design
  • 2008 - Politecnico di Bari (Italy) – B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (cum laude) 
  • 2005 - Liceo Classico Sylos (Italy) - High school Diploma 
Academic career and teaching activities

Professional experience and qualifications: 

  • University of Trento (Italy) – Assistant Professor (since 2021)
  • European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Slovenia) – Policy Officer (2019 -2021)
  • Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) II Fascia – Italian Ministry of University and Research (2020)
  • EDF Energy - R&D UK Centre (United Kingdom.) – Research Engineer (2016 - 2019)
  • Imperial College London (United Kingdom.) – Post-Doc Research Associate (2015-2016)
  • Imperial College London (United Kingdom) – Ph.D. Researcher in Electrical Engineering (2010-2015)
  • Politecnico di Bari (Italy) - Esame di Stato per l’abilitazione alla professione di Ingegnere (2011)


Research Fellowships: 

  • Imperial College London (United Kingdom) – Honorary Research Fellow (since2022)
  • Imperial College London (United Kingdom) – Visiting Researcher (2016-2021)
  • EDF R&D Lab  OSIRIS Department (France) – Visiting Researcher (2018)
  • National Grid (United Kingdom) – Visiting Researcher (2012)


Teaching activities: 

  • Responsible for the 60 hours (6 CFU) course “Electrical System Engineering” – Master Degree in Energy Engineering – University of Trento, first semester academic year 2021/2022.
  • Responsible for the 60 hours (6 CFU) course “Energy Dispatch” – Master Degree in Energy Engineering – University of Trento, first semester academic year 2021/2022.
  • Lecture entitled “Optimal operation of energy storage systems in time-ahead and close to real-time energy and ancillary services markets” held during the workshop “Stochastics and Optimization in Energy” organized by the King’s College London. Invitation received from Prof. Teemu Pennanen (2018).
  • Seminar on “Storage and Load Flexibility” held at OSIRIS Department of EDF R&D Lab. Invitation received from Dr. Nadia Oudjane (2018).
    • first lecture: “Value for battery storage in time-ahead and quasi real-time energy and ancillary services markets”,
    • second lecture: “Orchestrating the aggregate consumption of thermostatic loads for system level applications”.
  • Lecture entitled “Flexible thermostatic loads in smart grids” held at Politecnico di Torino as part of the course “Distribuzione e utilizzazione dell’energia elettrica” of Prof. G. Chicco (2015).



  • Co-supervision of Mr. Luciano Pozzi, Ph.D. student at Imperial College London – EEE Department
  • Co-supervision of Miss Qingwen Pang, Ph.D. student at Imperial College London – EEE Department
  • Supervision of Mr. Aleksander Glapiak, trainee at EU ACER - Electricity Department.
  • Supervision of Mr. Sergio Pastor Reina, trainee at EU ACER - Electricity Department.
  • Co-supervision of Mr. Adrien Seguret, M.Sc. student at EDF R&D France
  • Coordinated the daily and long-term activities of Mr. Mohammed Hadri and Miss Camille Roux, research engineers at EDF Energy R&D UK Centre
  • Co-supervision of Dr. Bharath Kantharaj, Ph.D. student at Nottingham University during his internhip at EDF Energy R&D UK Centre
  • Co-supervision of the final thesis of Mr. Lorenzo Nuccio, M.Sc. student at Politecnico di Torino
  • Supervised the final thesis of Miss. Ilaria Imperiale, M.Sc. student at Politecnico di Bari, while visiting the EDF Energy R&D UK Centre
  • Supervised the final thesis of Miss. Domenica Maria Conenna, M.Sc. student at Politecnico di Bari, while visiting the EDF Energy R&D UK Centre
  • Supervised the research activity of Miss Antonella de Corato, B.Sc. student from Politecnico di Bari during a three months internship at EDF Energy R&D UK Centre


Research work


google scholar:

Scopus Author ID: 56027708300



Journal Papers

    — published

  1. V. Trovato: “System Scheduling with Optimal Time-varying Delivery Intervals for Frequency Response” – IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2022).
  2. Q. Pang, A. De Paola, V. Trovato, and G. Strbac: “Value of HVDC Interconnectors Operating in Simultaneous Energy-Frequency Response Markets" – IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2022).
  3. V. Trovato: “The impact of spatial variation of inertial response and flexible inter-area allocation of fast frequency response on power system scheduling” – Electrical Power System Research (2021).
  4. M. Hadri, V. Trovato, A. Bialecki, B. Merk, and A. Peakman: “Assessment of high-electrification UK scenarios with varying levels of nuclear power and associated post-fault behaviour”– Energies (2021).
  5. V. Trovato, A. De Paola and G. Strbac: “Distributed control of clustered populations of thermostatic loads in multi-area systems: a mean field game approach” – Energies (2020).
  6. V. Trovato, A. Mazza and G. Chicco: “Flexible Operation of Low-Inertia Power Systems Connected via High Voltage Direct Current Interconnectors” – Electric Power Systems Research (2020).
  7. V. Trovato, D. Conenna, M. Dicorato, G. Forte and M. Trovato: “Economic and financial benefits for wind turbines providing frequency response exploiting the kinetic energy or operating part-loaded” – IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (2020).
  8. V. Trovato and B. Kantharaj: “Energy storage behind-the-meter with renewable generators: Techno-economic value of optimal imbalance management” - Elsevier - International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (2020).
  9. A. De Paola, V. Trovato, D. Angeli and G. Strbac: “A Mean Field Game Approach for Distributed Control of Thermostatic Loads Acting in Simultaneous Energy-Frequency Response Markets” – IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2019).
  10. V. Trovato, I. Martínez-Sanz, B. Chaudhuri and G. Strbac: “Preventing cascading tripping of distributed generators during non-islanding conditions using thermostatic loads” -    Elsevier - International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (2019).
  11. V. Trovato, A. Bialecki and A. Dallagi “Unit commitment with inertia-dependent and multi-speed allocation of frequency response services”– IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2019).
  12. V. Trovato, F. Teng and G. Strbac: “Role and Benefits of Flexible Thermostatically Controlled Loads in Future Low-Carbon Systems” - IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (2018).
  13. V. Trovato, I. Martínez-Sanz, B. Chaudhuri and G. Strbac: “Advanced control of thermostatic loads for rapid frequency response in Great Britain” - IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2017).
  14. V. Trovato, S. Tindemans and G. Strbac: “The Leaky Storage Model for optimal multi-service allocation of thermostatic loads” – IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (2016).
  15. F. Teng, V. Trovato and G. Strbac: “Stochastic Scheduling with Inertia-Dependent Fast Frequency Response Requirements” – IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2016).
  16. S. De Boeck, K. Das, V. Trovato, J. Turunen, M. Halat, P. Sorensen and D. Van Hartem: “Review of defence plans in Europe: current status, strengths and opportunities” – Cigre Journal Science and Engineering (2015).
  17. S. Tindemans, V. Trovato and G. Strbac: “Decentralised control of thermostatic loads for flexible demand response” – IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (2015).


Main collaborations:

  • Imperial College London (UK)
  • University of Bath (UK)
  • Nottingham University (UK)
  • EDF R&D (France)
  • Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
  • Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
  • National Nuclear Laboratory (UK)
  • Danmarks Tekniske Universitet – DTU (Denmark)
  • INRIA (France)
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)


Memberships in societies and scientific committees
  • Member of the Expert Investigation Panel established by ENTSO-E concerning the analysis of the Continental Europe system separation event occurred on 8 January 2021
  • Member of the Grid Connection European Stakeholder Committee (2019-2021)
  • Member of the ACER-NRAs System Operation and Grid Connection Task Force (2019-2021)
  • Member of the ACER Electricity Working Group (2019 - 2021)
  • Member of the Cigrè Working Group C6/C2.34 – Flexibility provision from distributed energy resources (2019-2020)
  • Member of the IEEE PES - International Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Power and Energy Society (since 2015)
  • Student Member of the IEEE PES (2011-2014)
Awards and honours
  • Winner of the selection procedure 933 – 2020 at University of Trento for the recruitment of a senior researcher in the field 09/E2 - Electrical Energy Engineering (2021).
  • Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) II Fascia – Italian Ministry of University and Research (2020).
  • Winner of the Energy UK – Young Energy Professional Award - Team of the year (2018).
  • Finalist of the international context EDF R&D Trophies – Scientific contribution (2018).
Conferences and lectures

International Conferences

  1. Q. Pang, V. Trovato, A. De Paola, and G. Strbac: “The impact of variable wind and demand levels on the flexible operation of interconnectors in Great Britain” –IEEE EnergyCon Conference, Riga, 9-12 May 2022.
  2. V. Trovato, A. Mazza, and G. Chicco: “Economic Benefits for Flexible Thermostatic Loads in Multi-area HVDC-connected Power Systems” – 21st IEEE EEEIC Conference, Bari, 7-10 September 2021.
  3. A. De Paola, V. Trovato, D. Angeli and G. Strbac: "Value of Thermostatic Loads in Energy/Frequency Response Markets: a Mean Field Game Approach" - IEEE Powertech Conference, Milan, 11-14 June 2019.
  4. V. Trovato, M. Dicorato, G. Forte and M. Trovato: "System value for wind farms providing frequency services under different control frameworks" - IEEE Powertech Conference, Milan, 11-14 June 2019.
  5. V. Trovato, S. Tindemans and G. Strbac “Understanding the Aggregate Flexibility of Thermostatically Controlled Loads” - 12th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference, Manchester, 18-22 June 2017.
  6. F. Teng, M. Aunedi, G. Strbac, V. Trovato and A. Dallagi “Provision of ancillary services in future low-carbon UK electricity system” – 7th IEEE-PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT), Turin, 26-29 September 2017.
  7. V. Trovato, F. Teng and G. Strbac: “Value of thermostatic loads in future low-carbon Great Britain system” - IEEE PSCC Conference, Genoa, 20-24 June 2016.
  8. V. Trovato and G. Strbac: “Value for Multiple Services Allocation of Flexible Thermostatic Loads” CIRED Conference 14-15 June 2016.
  9. I. Martínez-Sanz, B. Chaudhuri, A. Junyent-Ferrè, V. Trovato and G. Strbac: “Distributed vs. Concentrated Rapid Frequency Response Provision in Future Great Britain System”– IEEE PES General Meeting Conference, 17-21 July 2016.
  10. V. Trovato, S. Tindemans and G. Strbac: “Designing effective frequency response patterns for flexible thermostatic loads” – 15th IEEE EEEIC Conference, Rome, 1-4 June 2015.
  11. S. Tindemans, V. Trovato and G. Strbac: “Frequency control using thermal loads under the proposed ENTSO-E Demand Connection Code” – IEEE Powertech conference, Eindhoven, 29 June-2 July 2015.
  12. V. Trovato, S. Tindemans and G. Strbac: “Security constrained economic dispatch with flexible thermostatic loads” – 5th IEEE-PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT) Conference, Istanbul, 12-15 October 2014.
  13. V. Trovato, S. Tindemans and G. Strbac: “Demand response contribution to effective inertia for system security in the GB 2020 Gone Green scenario” – 4th IEEE-PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT) Conference, Lyngby, 6-8 October 2013.
  14. V. Trovato, S. Tindemans and G. Strbac: “Controlling the synchronization and the payback associated with the provision of frequency services by dynamic demand” – 22nd International CIRED Conference, Stockholm, 10-13 June 2013.

Invited Talks

  1. Panellist at the Energy Storage World Forum – Session “Business models and market mechanisms” (Munich, 2021).
  2. Panellist at the Energy and Regulation Forum – Talk on E-Mobility in the context of EU Regulation (Ljubljana, 2020).
  3. Organizer and Chair of the Special Session on “Control and Market Solutions for Flexible Demand Response” at the IEEE EEEIC Conference (Genoa, 2019).
  4. Speaker at the Cigré New Generation Network Event (London, 2016).


  1. Lecture entitled “Optimal operation of energy storage systems in time-ahead and close to real-time energy and ancillary services markets” held during the workshop “Stochastics and Optimization in Energy” organized by the King’s College London. Invitation received from Prof. Teemu Pennanen (2018).
  2. Seminar on “Storage and Load Flexibility” held at OSIRIS Department of EDF R&D Lab. Invitation received from Dr. Nadia Oudjane (2018).
    • first lecture: “Value for battery storage in time-ahead and quasi real-time energy and ancillary services markets”,
    • second lecture: “Orchestrating the aggregate consumption of thermostatic loads for system level applications”.
  3. Lecture entitled “Flexible thermostatic loads in smart grids” held at Politecnico di Torino as part of the course “Distribuzione e utilizzazione dell’energia elettrica” of Prof. G. Chicco (2015).
Other work

Project activities:

[1] (2021) Represented EU ACER in the Investigation Panel established by ENTSO-E concerning the analysis of the Continental Europe system separation event occurred on 8 January 2021.

  • Members: ENTSO-E, National Regularity Authorities, Transmission System Operators, EU ACER.
  • Objective: to ascertain the causes that led to the system split on 8 January 2021, to evaluate the respect of relevant procedures from TSOs in accordance with relevant EU Regulation, to propose follow-up actions.

[2] (2021) Contributed to the work of EU ACER team (5 members) to draft the Framework Guideline for the upcoming EU Network Code on Cyber Security in the energy sector. This work has been commissioned by the European Commission (DG Energy).

[3] (2019 - 2021) Represented EU ACER during the works of six Expert Groups nominated by the Grid Connection European Stakeholder Committee.

  • Topics: energy storage & electromobility, pumped-hydro, mixed-customer sites, distributed generators, etc.
  • Members: around thirty people in each Expert Group representing ENTSO-E, TSOs, DSOs, relevant industry associations (e.g. EASE, Wind Europe, SolarPower Europe etc).
  • Objective: informing European Commission on amendments to the EU Network Codes in the field of Grid Connection.

[4] (2017-2019) Scientific coordinator of the project STAMINA developed by EDF R&D UK Centre in partnership with Imperial College London:

  • Objective: software implementation of a stochastic optimal controller for smart refrigerators to trade flexibility products in multiple energy markets. Hardware development of the physical controller. Laboratory test to validate controller performances.

[5] (2018-2019) Scientific coordinator of the project Small Nuclear Reactors that National Nuclear Laboratory (UK) commissioned to EDF Energy R&D UK Centre:

  • Objective: assessment of the techno-economic value of flexible operation of nuclear power plants in the GB system accounting for reactors’ security constraints.

[6] (2018-2019) Coordinator of a technical consultancy project commissioned by Nuclear New Build (UK) to EDF R&D UK Centre.

  • Objective: assessment of the value and challenges for Hinckley Point C power plant providing flexibility services.

[7] (2018) Coordinator of a technical consultancy project commissioned by EDF Energy Thermal Generation to EDF Energy R&D UK Centre: 

  • Objective: financial viability of retrofitting decommissioned thermal power plants to operate them as synchronous compensators.

[8] (2018) Scientific coordinator of the research project GEM-Power System developed by EDF R&D UK Centre:

  • Objective:  development of novel market design recognizing the value of inertia and multi-speed frequency services.

[9] (2017-2018) Scientific coordinator of the research project GEM-Storage developed by EDF R&D UK Centre:

  • Objective: optimal investment and operation of electrochemical batteries in the UK under different configuration including co-location with PVs and wind farms.

[10] (2017) Contributed to the SparkFund project, a partnership between EDF Energy R&D UK Centre and Imperial College London.

  • Objective: assessing the provision of ancillary services in future low carbon UK electricity system.

[11] (2012-2015) Task Leader of the Work Package “Distributed Energy Resources in Defence Plans” of iTesla project – FP7 – Energy. 

  • Objective: assessing the impact of distributed generation (mainly PVs and wind farms) and demand side response on the national defence plans.

[12] (2011-2014) Contributed to the Work Package C of a joint project National Grid – Imperial College project.

  • Objective: assessing the benefits and risks of applying advanced network control to transmission network operation and security.