Application Services Division - Education, Research and Knowledge

The division is responsible for the technological evolution of the University’s information systems, and the use of advanced technology for programming, application development and integration of platforms and services.

The division, in particular:

  • oversees and coordinates digitization processes and related work, to simplify and develop administrative procedures, and is committed to redesign document flows, increase the use of electronic signatures, adopt the standards and instruments available at a national level;
  • promotes measures to implement the “Codice dell’Amministrazione Digitale” (eGovernment Code), and ensures its support in the implementation of its provisions, guidelines and best practices;
  • works on the gradual development of a plan for the evolution of IT systems which focuses on the analysis of users’ needs in the areas of teaching, research, administrative and technical services, in line with the general objectives established by the University;
  • coordinates the development of information systems among different areas, promoting the sharing of the most efficient solutions and the dissemination of best practices;
  • oversees the life cycle of applications;
  • offers its services to develop applications, both through local platforms and through integration with external systems;
  • identifies the most appropriate instruments to satisfy the efficiency and functionality requirements for the development of information systems;
  • participates in the analysis of requirements providing decision-making support tools, and designs information systems that can be used to give an overview of University data in a coherent, correctly structured and clear way.
  • collaborates to user training initiatives on how to use the services and instruments it developed;
  • organizes support and coordination activities, in collaboration with the departments, to involve students in software development projects to supply services to users.

Via di Briamasco, 2, Trento, 38122 TN
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