
Nuova ricerca

Risultati trovati 1375

p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications
La P.L. nel Veneto : dati regionali e provinciali ... / Unione regionale delle Camere di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura del Veneto, Ufficio studi e ricerche economico-sociali
La P.L.V. nel Veneto : dati regionali e provinciali ... / Unione regionale delle Camere di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura del Veneto, Sezione studi e ricerche economico-sociali
Pace, diritti dell'uomo, diritti dei popoli / Centro di studi e di formazione sui diritti dell'uomo e dei popoli [della] Università degli studi di Padova
Pace e guerra
Pacific accounting review
Pacific affairs
Pacific-basin finance journal
Pacific coast philology
Pacific economic review
Pacific Focus
Pacific historical review
Pacific journal of mathematics
Pacific philosophical quarterly
Pacific sociological review. Official journal of the Pacific sociological ...
Pacifica: Australasian theological studies
Pacing and clinical electrophsyiology (PACE)
Pacing and clinical electrophysiology
Packaging technology and science
Pädagogische Monatshefte / Pedagogical monthly
Paddy and water environment
Pädiatrie und Pädologie
Padusa : bollettino del Centro polesano di studi storici archeologici ed etnografici Rovigo
Paedagogica europaea : PE : the european yearbook of educational research
Paediatric & perinatal epidemiology
Paediatric respiratory reviews
Paediatrics & child health
Paediatrics and child health
Paesaggio urbano : rivista bimestrale di disegno e arredo della città
Paesi socialisti : i quaderni del Centro di studi e di documentazione sui paesi socialisti
Pagine rosse : rivista quindicinale
Paideia : rivista letteraria di informazione e di orientamento
Pain management nursing
Pain medicine
Pain practice
El pais semanal
PAJ: a journal of performance and art
The Pakistan development review : the journal of the Institute of development economics
Pakistan economic and social review
Pakistan forum
Pakistan journal of statistics
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology : an international journal for the geo-sciences
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Paleontological journal
The Palestine yearbook of international law
Palliative & supportive care
Palliative care: research and treatment
Palliative care and social practice
Palliative medicine
Palomar Italia. Rivista di cultura e politica
PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics
Pamjatniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytija : pis'mennost', iskusstvo, arheologija
Pan. Rassegna di lettere arte e musica
Panorama dell'industria comunitaria ... con la descrizione di oltre 165 settori dell'industria della Comunità europea, compreso il settore manifatturiero e dei servizi / Commissione delle Comunità europee
Panorama of EC industry ... describing 125 sectors of the European Community's industry, including both manufacturing and services, with a macroeconomic outlook and a view of emerging industries / Commission of the European Communities
Panorama of EU industry ... : an extensive review of the situation and outlook of the manufacturing and service industries in the European union
industry. Short-term supplement : latest information on EU industry : bi-monthly Panorama of EU industry. Short-term supplement : latest information on EU industry : bi-monthly
Panorama of European business : data 1985-1999 : professional version / Eurostat, European Commission
European business : facts and figures : data 1985-2001 / Eurostat, European Commission
Panoramiche = Panoramiques
Papers / Regional Science Association
Papers and proceedings / the Regional Science Association
Papers and proceedings of the ... Annual meeting of the American Economic Association
Papers (Bibliographical Society of America)
Papers in money, macroeconomics and finance : supplement to The Manchester School : proceedings of the Money, Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group …
Papers in Palaeontology
Papers in regional science : the journal of the Regional Science Association International
Papers of the Abraham Lincoln Association
Papers of the American Musicological Society
Papers of the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
The papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
Papers of the British school at Rome
Papers of the Business History Conference
Papers on French seventeenth century literature
Papers on non-market decision making
Papers read by members of the American Musicological Society at the annual meeting
Parabancaria : rivista trimestrale delle attività parabancarie
Parade sauvage
Paragone : rivista mensile di arte figurativa e letteratura. Arte / fondata da Roberto Longhi
Paragone : rivista mensile di arte figurativa e letteratura. Letteratura / fondata da Roberto Longhi
Paragrafo : Rivista di letteratura e immaginari
Parallel computing
Parallel processing letters
Parametro : rivista internazionale di architettura e urbanistica
Parasite immunology
Parasitology international
Parasitology open
Parasitology research
Parasitology today
Parchi : rivista del Coordinamento nazionale parchi
Parcs. Magazine de la Federazion des parcs naturels de france
Parentela e reti di solidarietà : indagine multiscopo sulle famiglie Aspetti della vita quotidiana / ISTAT
Pareri e relazioni CES. /Comunità europee. Comitato economico e sociale/
Pari opportunità tra donne e uomini nell'Unione europea : relazione annuale ..
Paris Review
Parkinsonism and related disorders
Parlamento : giornale di vita politica e parlamentare
Parliamentary affairs / published by The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government
Parliamentary history
Parliaments, estates & representation = Parlements, états & représentation
La parola del passato : rivista di studi classici
La parola del testo : semestrale di filologia e letteratura italiana e comparata dal Medioevo al Rinascimento
Parole chiave per l'informazione bibliografica : indici automatici delle novità librarie / Consorzio provinciale pubblica lettura di Bologna
Parolechiave : nuova serie di Problemi del socialismo
Partecipazione e conflitto
Participation and empowerment
Particle and particle systems characterization
Partisan review
Party politics
Pasicrisie belge : recueil général de la jurisprudence des cours de Belgique en matière civile, commerciale, criminelle, de droit public et administratif
Pasicrisie, ou, Recueil général de la jurisprudence des cours de France et de Belgique, en matière civile, commerciale, criminelle, de droit public et administratif ... Cours de Belgique
Pasicrisie, ou, Racueil général de la jurisprudence des cours de France et de Belgique, en matière civile, commerciale, criminelle, de droit public et administratif ... Cours de Belgique. Cassation
Pasicrisie, ou, Recueil général de la jurisprudence des cours de France et de Belgique, en matière civile, commerciale, criminelle, de droit public et administratif ... Cours de Belgique. Appel
Past and present. A journal of scientific history
Pastoral Care in Education
Pastoral psychology
Patavium : rivista veneta di scienze dell'antichità e dell'alto medioevo
Patent law review
Pathogens and disease
Der Pathologe
Pathologie biologie
Pathology - Research and practice
Pathology & oncology research
Pathology international
The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
Patient education and counseling
Il patrimonio dello Stato. Informazioni e statistiche / Ministero del Tesoro, del Bilancio e della Programmazione economica
Patrologia latina database
Pattern analysis & applications
Pattern recognition : the journal of the Pattern Recognition Society
Pattern recognition and image analysis
Pattern recognition letters
PC. The indipendent guide to IBM personal computers
PC COMPUTING. Americ's computing magazine
PC magazine : the independent guide to IBM-standard personal computing
PC professionale : guida indipendente al personal computing
PC tech journal : for the IBM systems professional
PC world : the personal computer magazine for second-generation IBM PCs and compatibles
PCI journal / Prestressed Concrete Institute
Peabody journal of education
Peace & change
Peace & conflict: journal of peace psychology
Peace economics, peace science and public policy
Pedagogia e vita
The pedagogical seminary : an international record of educational literature, institutions and progress / edited by G. Stanley Hall
The pedagogical seminary and journal of genetic psychology
The pedagogical seminary and journal of genetic psychology, child behavior, animal behavior and comparative psychology
Pedagogy in health promotion
Pediatric allergy and immunology
Pediatric and developmental pathology
Pediatric anesthesia
Pediatric blood & cancer
Pediatric cardiology
Pediatric dental journal
Pediatric dermatology
Pediatric diabetes
Pediatric Drugs
Pediatric nephrology
Pediatric neurology
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Pediatric Obesity
Pediatric pulmonology
Pediatric radiology
Pediatric surgery international
Pediatric transplantation
Pediatrics & neonatology
Pediatrics international
PEER report / Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkley
Peer-to-peer networking and applications
Pegaso : rassegna di lettere e arti
Pékin information =bBeijing-zhoubao
Peking Mathematical Journal
Penant : revue de droit des pays d'Afrique
Penn state law review
Pennsylvania legacies
The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography
Pensamento cooperativo : revista de estudos cooperativos
Pensamiento crítico
La pensée : revue du rationalisme moderne : arts sciences philosophie
Il pensiero economico moderno : rivista trimestrale
Il pensiero informatico
Il pensiero politico : rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali
Il pensiero politico. Supplemento bibliografico
Per aspera ad veritatem : rivista di intelligence e di cultura professionale / Servizio per le informazioni e la sicurezza democratica
Per leggere : i generi della letteratura
Per un'analisi storica e critica della psicologia
Perception & psychophysics
Perceptual and motor skills
Perceptual and motor skills research exchange
Percorsi di studio e di lavoro dei diplomati : indagine ... / ISTAT
Il percorso della maternità : gravidanza, parto e allattamento al seno : indagine multiscopo sulle famiglie Condizioni di salute e ricorso ai servizi sanitari /ISTAT
Performance enhancement & health
Performance evaluation : an international journal
Performance Improvement
Performance Improvement Quarterly
Performance measurement and metrics
Performing arts journal
La perinola. Revista de investigacion quevediana
Periodica mathematica hungarica : journal of the Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society
Periodico dell'Istituto di ricerche economiche
Periodico di matematiche : storia - didattica - filosofia
Periodontology 2000
Perioperative care and operating room management
Perioperative medizin
Peritoneal Dialysis International : Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis
Perkin 1 : an international journal of organic and bio-organic chemistry
Perkin Transactions 1. An international journal of organic and bio-organic chemistry
Perkin transactions 2. An international journal of physical organic chemistry
Permafrost and periglacial processes
Personal and ubiquitous computing
Personal quarterly
Personal relationships
Personal technologie
Personale delle amministrazioni statali da collocare a riposo per raggiunti limiti di età nel triennio ... / Ministero del Tesoro, Ragioneria generale dello Stato, Ispettorato generale servizi speciali e meccanizzazione
The personalist forum
Personality and individual differences
Personality and Mental Health
Personality and social psychology bulletin. Journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Personality and social psychology review : an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.
Personality disorders: theory, research, & treatment
Personality neuroscience
Personalized medicine in psychiatry
Personalized medicine universe
Personnel psychology : a journal of applied research
Personnel review
Perspectives economiques de l'OCDE / [OCDE Département des affaires economiques et statistiques]
Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE. Études spéciales / [OCDE Département des affaires economiques et statistiques]
Perspectives in computing : applications in the academic and scientific community
Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design
Perspectives in medicinal chemistry
Perspectives in medicine
Perspectives in personality : a research annual
Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics
Perspectives in psychiatric care
Perspectives in public health
Perspectives in vaccinology
Perspectives in vascular surgery and endovascular therapy
Perspectives in vernacular architecture
Perspectives médiévales
Perspectives of new music
Perspectives on Behavior Science
Perspectives on European politics and society
Perspectives on political science
Perspectives on politics / American Political Science Association
Perspectives on psychological science. A journal of the Association for Psychological Science
Perspectives on public management and governance
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health
Perspectives on Terrorism
Perspectives on work : the magazine of the IRRA / Industrial Relations Research Association
Perspektiven der Philosophie : neues Jahrbuch
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Pervasive and mobile computing
Pest management science
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
Pesticide science
Petroleum chemistry
Petroleum exploration and development
Petroleum science
The ... Pfeiffer annual. Consulting
PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science
Pflanzliche Erzeugung. Vierteljhrliche Statistiken / Istituto statistico delle .
Pflügers Archiv. European journal of physiology
Phänomenologische Forschungen = Phenomenological studies = Recherches Phenomenologique / im Auftrag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für phaenomenologische Forschung
Phalaris : giornale bimestrale di architettura della Fondazione A. Masieri
Pharmaceutica acta helvetiae
Pharmaceutical chemistry journal
Pharmaceutical Medicine
Pharmaceutical research
Pharmaceutical science & technology today
Pharmaceutical statistics
Pharmaceutical technology in hospital pharmacy
PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety
Pharmacological Reports
Pharmacological research
Pharmacological Research - Natural Products
Pharmacological Research - Reports
Pharmacological Reviews
Pharmacology and therapeutics
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Pharmacology biochemistry and behavior
Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy
Pharmacy and Pharmacology Communications
Pharmacy world & science
Pharmazie in unserer Zeit
Phase transitions and critical phenomena
Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences
Phi Delta Kappan
The Philadelphia Museum bulletin
Philadelphia Museum of Art bulletin
Philip Roth studies
Philips journal of research
Philologus. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie. Herausgegeben vom …
The philosopher's index
Philosophia : philosophical quarterly of Israel
Philosophia mathematica
Philosophia naturalis
Philosophia scientiae : travaux d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences : Studien zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte und -philosophie
Philosophical books
The philosophical forum
Philosophical investigations
Philosophical issues
The philosophical magazine : a journal of theoretical experimental and applied physics
Philosophical magazine. A, Physics of condensed matter, structure, defects and mechanical properties
Philosophical magazine. B, physics of condensed matter, structural, electronic, optical and. . .
Philosophical magazine. B, Physics of condensed matter, statistical mechanics, electronic, optical and magnetic properties
Philosophical magazine : structure and properties of condensed matter
Philosophical magazine letters : physics of condensed matter
Philosophical perspectives
The philosophical quarterly
The philosophical review
Philosophical studies
Philosophical topics
Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse : Philosophiegeschichte im Uberblick = Logical analysis und history of philosophy : history of philosophy in generala
Philosophische Rundschau. Eine Vierteljahresschrift für philosophische Kritik
Philosophisches Jahrbuch / im Auftrag der Görres-Gesellschaft
Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft
Philosophy and literature
Philosophy and phenomenological research : a quarterly journal
Philosophy & public affairs
Philosophy & social criticism
Philosophy & Technology
Philosophy Compass
Philosophy East and West
The philosophy of humor yearbook
Philosophy of Management
Philosophy of science. Organ of the Philosophy of Science Association
Philosophy of the social sciences
Philosophy, politics and society
Phoenix : the journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société canadienne des etudes classiques
Phonology yearbook
Photochemistry : a review of the literature published between ... and ..
Photochemistry and photobiology
Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine
Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy
Photogrammetric engineering & remote sensing : journal of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
The photogrammetric record
Photonic network communications
Photonics and nanostructures - fundamentals and applications
The photonics european directory : the European buyer's guide and reference to photonics : high-technology optics, electro-optics, lasers, fiber optics, imaging
Photonics spectra
Photosynthesis research
Photovoltaics bulletin
Phycological research
Phylon (1940-1956)
Phylon (1960-)
Phylon quarterly
Physica. A, theoretical and statistical physics
Physica. B+C, B: Low temperature and solid state physics. C: Atomic, molecular and plasma physics optics
Physica. B, condensed matter
Physica. C, Superconductivity
Physica. D, Nonlinear phenomena
Physica. E, low dimensional systems and nanostructures
Physica : a journal specially devoted to: theoretical physics - statistical physics (section A) solid state physics - low temperature physics (section B) atomic and molecular physics - plasma physics - optics (section C)
PM : physica medica : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB)
Physica scripta. A monthly journal published by the Royal Swedish Academy of …
Physica scripta. Topical issues
Physica status solidi
Physica status solidi. A, applications and materials science
Physica status solidi. A, applied research
Physica status solidi. B, basic research
Physica status solidi. B, basic solid state physics
Physica status solidi. C, current topics in solid state physics
Physica status solidi. Rapid research letters
Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
Physical biology
Physical communication
Physical Mesomechanics
Physical oceanography
Physical review. A, atomic, molecular and optical physics
Physical review. A, General physics
Physical review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Physical review. B, Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (Online)
Physical review. B, Condensed matter
Physical review. B, Solid state
Physical review. C: nuclear physics. /American Physical Society/
Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology
Physical review. D: particles and fields. /American Physical Society/
Physical review. E, Statistical, non linear, and soft matter physics
Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics (online)
Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics
The physical review : a journal of experimental and theoretical physics established by E.L. Nichols in 1893
Physical review accelerators and beams
Physical review and Physical review letters index
Physical review fluids
Physical review letters. /American Physical Society/
Physical review special topics: accelerators and beams
Physical review special topics: physic education research
The physical review supplement
Physical sciences reviews
Physical therapy
Physical therapy in sport
Physics-Doklady : a translation of the journal Doklady Akademii Nauk (Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Physics. Uspekhi : a translation of the journal Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk (Advances in the physical sciences)
Physics and chemistry of glasses. /Society of glass technology/
Physics and chemistry of liquids : an international journal
Physics and chemistry of minerals
Physics and chemistry of the earth
Physics and chemistry of the Earth, part A: solid earth and geodesy
Physics and chemistry of the Earth, part B: hydrology, oceans and atmosphere
Physics and chemistry of the Earth, part C: solar, terrestrial & planetary science
Physics and chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C
Physics bulletin
Physics courses in higher and further education
Physics education
Physics in Canada : the bulletin of the Canadian Association of physicists = La physique au Canada : bulletin de l'Association canadienne des physiciens
Physics in medicine & biology: the official journal of the Hospital Physicists' Association with the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and the Medical and Biological Physics Division, Canadian Association of physicists
Physics in technology
Physics letters
Physics letters. A
Physics letters. B
Physics of atomic nuclei : a translation of the journal Yadernaya fizika (Nuclear physics)
Physics of fluids
The physics of fluids : a publication of the American Institute of Physics
Physics of fluids. A, Fluid dynamics
Physics of fluids. B, Plasma physics
Physics of life reviews
Physics of metals and metallography
Physics of particles and nuclei
Physics of particles and nuclei letters
Physics of plasmas
Physics of the dark universe
Physics of the earth and planetary interiors
Physics of the solid state
Physics of thin films : advances in research and development
Physics of wave phenomena
Physics procedia
Physics reports : a review section of physics letters (Section C)
The physics teacher / [published by the American Association of Physics Teachers]
Physics today / [published by the American Institute of Physics]
Physics world
Physik in unserer Zeit
Physiologia plantarum
Physiological and molecular plant pathology
Physiological chemistry and physics
Physiological chemistry and physics and medical NMR
Physiological entomology
Physiological measurement
Physiological plant pathology
Physiological psychology : a journal of the Psychonomic society
Physiological reviews
Physiology and behavior
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
Physiotherapy research international
Phytochemical analysis
Phytochemistry. An international journal of plant biochemistry
Phytochemistry Letters
Phytochemistry reviews
Phytotherapy research
Pianeta : la prima rivista da biblioteca
Pianificazione siciliana : organo del Comitato intercomunale per la pianificazione organica della Valle del Belice
Piano : rivista di estimo e governo del territorio : informazioni, ricerche, problemi di sviluppo regionale e urbano
Piano provinciale socio-assistenziale ... : approvato con deliberazione della Giunta provinciale ... / Provincia autonoma di Trento. Assessorato alla sanità e alle attività sociali. Servizio attività socio-assistenziali
Piccola impresa : rivista internazionale di studi e ricerche = Small business.
Le piccole e medie imprese nell'economia italiana : rapporto ... / realizzato con l'Istituto Guglielmo Tagliacarne
Il piccolo Hans : rivista di analisi materialistica
Picus : studi e ricerche sulle Marche nell'antichità
Pietre / con un saggio introduttivo di Giuseppe Marcenaro ; riedizione a cura di Ercole Camurani
Pigment & resin technology
Pigment cell & melanoma research
Pigment cell research
Pirckheimer-Jahrbuch : im Auftrag des Vorstandes der Willibald Pirckheimer Gesellschaft
Pixel : computer graphics, CAD/CAM, image processing : organo ufficiale dell'Associazione italiana di computer graphics
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Plainsong and medieval music
The plan : architecture & technologies in detail
Planecon report. Developments in the economies of the Soviet Union and ...
Planetary and space science
The planner
Planning theory
Planovoe hozjajstvo : politiko-ekonomičeskij žurnal gosplana SSSR
Plant and cell physiology
Plant and soil
Plant biology
Plant biotechnology journal
Plant biotechnology reports
Plant breeding
Plant Cell
Plant cell & environment
Plant cell reports
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture
Plant ecology
Plant foods for human nutrition
Plant gene
Plant genetic resources
Plant growth regulation
Plant journal
Plant molecular biology
Plant molecular biology reporter
Plant pathology
Plant Phenome Journal
Plant Physiology
Plant physiology and biochemistry
Plant Physiology Reports
Plant reproduction
Plant science
Plant science letters
Plant species biology
Plant systematics and evolution
Plant world
Plasma chemistry and plasma processing
Plasma physics
Plasma physics & controlled fusion
Plasma physics reports
Plasma processes and polymers
Plasma science & technology
Plasma sources science & technology
Plasmas and ions
Plasmas and Polymers
Plastic surgery
Plastic surgery case studies
Plastics, additives and compounding
Plastics and rubber processing and applications : an international journal
Plastics Engineering
Plastics rubber and composites
PLEBE (LA). Periodico democratico
The pluralist
Plurilinguismo : contatti di lingue e culture
Pluriverso : biblioteca delle idee per la civiltà planetaria : trimestrale / diretto da Mauro Ceruti
Plusvalore : studi di teoria e analisi economica
PMI : il mensile della piccola e media impresa
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America
Pneumo News
Der Pneumologe
Poe studies
Poe Studies/Dark Romanticism
Poesia : quaderni internazionali diretti da Enrico Falqui
Poesía : revista ilustrada de información poética
Poesia 1905-1909
Poetica. Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Poetics : international review for the theory of literature
Poetics today
Poėtika I-V
Poetique : revue de théorie et d'analyse littéraires
Poetry : founded in 1912 by Harriet Monroe
Poiesis & praxis : international journal of ethics of science and technology assessment
Polacy w swiecie : trimestriel biographique de la Polonia = kwartalnik biograficzny Polnii = Polonia biographical quarterly
Polar: political and legal anthropology review
Polar biology
Polar record
Polar Research
Polar science
Polena : political and electoral navigations : rivista italiana di analisi elettorale
The police journal
Police practice and research : an international journal
Police quarterly
Police studies: international review of police development
Policing: journal of policy and practice
Policing: an international journal of police strategies and management
Policy and politics. An international journal of urban and social services
Policy analysis
Policy & Internet
Policy futures in education
Policy insights from the behavioral and brain sciences
Policy Perspectives
Policy, politics, & nursing practice
Policy sciences. An international journal devoted to the improvement of ...
Policy studies : the journal of the Policy Studies Institute
Policy studies journal
Poliorama : semestrale di analisi filologiche e ricerche interdisciplinari
Polis. Ricerche e studi su società e politica in Italia
Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought
Polish American studies
The Polish sociological bullettin : quarterly of the Polish Sociological Association
Polish western affairs
The Polish yearbook of international law
Il politecnico / diretto da Elio Vittorini
La politica : rivista trimestrale del Seminario di studi politici dell'Istututo Gramsci toscano
Politica agricola internazionale
Politica antica : rivista di prassi e cultura politica nel mondo greco e romano
Politica comunista : rivista mensile dell'organizzazione Avanguardia operaia
La politica dei dividendi delle società quotate : (1976-1980)
La politica dei dividendi delle società quotate : per gli esercizi ... = Dividend policies of listed corporations : ..
Politica del diritto
Politica del turismo : rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione
Politica e Mezzogiorno : rivista trimestrale di studi meridionalistici / diretta da Beniamino Finocchiaro
Politica e religione
Politica e società
Politica economica
Politica economica = Journal of economic policy
Politica ed economia. Rivista bimestrale del CESPE
Política exterior
Politica in Italia. I fatti dell'anno e le interpretazioni. / Conference group ..
Politica internazionale
Politica socialista : rivista teorica del socialismo italiano
Politica socialista : per la rinascita socialista in Italia
Political analysis. An annual publication of the methodology section of the ...
Political behavior
Political economy. Studies in the surplus approach
Political geography
Political geography quarterly
Political handbook of the world : ... : governments and intergovernamental organizations as of ..
Political insight
Political power and social theory : a research annual
Political psychology
The political quarterly
Political research : organization and design : PROD
Political research quarterly
Political science
Political science quarterly. A review devoted to the historical statistical ...
Political science research and methods
Political Science Today
Political studies. The journal of the Political Studies Association of the …
Political studies review
Political theory. An international journal of political philosophy
Le politiche comunitarie per lo sviluppo rurale : verso la nuova programmazione ... : rapporto ...
Politiche Sociali
Politiche sociali e servizi. Bollettino di studio e documentazione
Le politiche strutturali dell'Unione europea. L'attuazione in Italia / Ministero del tesoro, del bilancio e della programmazione economica
Il politico. Rivista di scienze politiche
Politics. Surveys and debates for students of politics
Politics and ethics review
Politics and gender
Politics & policy
Politics and religion
Politics and society
Politics and the life sciences
Politics, philosophy & economics
Politikon. Periodico di informazione e di discussione interna a cura del ...
Politique étrangère
Politiques et management public
Politiques, marchés et échanges agricoles dans les Pays de l'OCDE : suivi et perspectives ..
Politische Studien. Zweimonatsschrift für Politik und Zeitgeschehen. Sonderheft
Politische Studien. Zweimonatszeitschrift für Politik und Zeitgeschehen. Themenheft
Politische Studien. Zweimonatszeitschrift für Zeitgeschehen und Politik
Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung für …
Politix : travaux de science politique
Polymer : the international journal for the science and technology of polymers
Polymer bulletin
Polymer communications
Polymer composites
Polymer contents. /Polymer Research Association/
Polymer Crystalization
Polymer degradation and stability
Polymer engineering and science / Society of Plastics Engineers
Polymer gels and networks
Polymer international
Polymer journal
Polymer mechanics
Polymer Photochemistry
Polymer preprints
Polymer science series A
Polymer science series B
Polymer science series C
Polymer science series D
Polymer science U.S.S.R.
Polymer testing : an international journal
Polymers & polymer composites
Polymers for advanced technologies
Polymers from renewable resources
Il ponte : rivista mensile / diretta da Piero Calamandrei
POP. Kultur und Kritik
Popolazione comunale per sesso, età e stato civile /ISTAT
Popolazione e movimento anagrafico dei comuni / ISTAT
Popolazione e storia / Società italiana di demografia storica
Popolazione per sesso, età e stato civile nelle province e nei grandi comuni : nuove stime per gli anni ... /ISTAT
La popolazione trentina al ... (previsioni) / Servizio statistica della Provincia autonoma di Trento
Popular Culture Review
Popular economics
Popular music
Population: an english selection
Population research and policy review
Population : revue trimestrielle de l'Institut national d'études démographiques
Population and development review. /Center for policy studies of the …/
Population and environment
Population bulletin
Population bulletin of the United Nations / [prepared by the Population division of the Department of economic and social affairs of the United Nations Secretariat]
Population ecology
Population (English edition, 2002-)
Population index
Population literature
Population, space and place
Population statistics
Population studies. A journal of demography
Population today
Population trends / Office for national statistics
Porn studies
Portuguese economic journal
Possibility Studies & Society
Post-communist economies : journal of the Centre for research into post-communist economies
Post-Soviet affairs / published in Association with the Joint Committee on Soviet Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council
Postdigital Science and Education
Postgraduate medical journal
Postharvest biology and technology
PostScript language journal : the postScript industry newsletter. International edition
PostScript review
Potato research
Potential analysis : an international journal devoted to the interaction between potential theory, probabilitu theory, geometry and functional analysis
Il potere locale : periodico della Lega per le autonomie e i poteri locali
Potere operaio
Potere sociale : trimestrale di analisi e impegno politico-culturale
Poultry science
Pouvoirs : revue française d'études constitutionnelles et politiques
La povertà in Italia : Commissione di studio istituita presso la Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri
Poverty & Public Policy
Powder diffraction : an international journal of materials characterization
Powder metallurgy
Powder metallurgy and metal ceramics
Powder metallurgy international : PMI : sintered metals, advanced ceramics, composites
Powder technology
Power and education
Power engineering journal
Power plant technology : economics & maintenance
Power technology and engineering
Poznan studies in contemporary linguistics
Poznan studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities
PPR : public policy research
Practical anthropology
Practical diabetes
Practical diabetes international
Practical issues arising from the Euro / Bank of England
Practical issues arising from the introduction of the Euro / Bank of England
Practice innovations
Praehistorische Zeitschrift
Prague studies in mathematical linguistics
Praktika tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Hetaireias
Praktische Theologie
Prassi delle Leggi d'Italia
Pratica contabile : rivista di contabilità, bilancio e organizzazione amministrativa
Pratica fiscale e professionale. Settimanale di aggiornamento per professionisti e aziende
Pratica fiscale e professionale. I Casi : mensile di soluzioni operative
Pratica fiscale e professionale. I Corsi
Pratica lavoro : settimanale operativo di aggiornamento per l'amministrazione del personale
Pratica professionale : settimanale di attualità, informazione e pratica fiscale
Pratique médicale et chirurgicale de l'animal de compagnie
Pratiques psychologiques
Prato pagano
Pravda : organ Central'nogo Koiteta KPSS
Prävention und gesundheitsförderung
Pravnik : revija za pravno teorijo ter sodno, upravno in gospodarsko-pravno prakso
PRAVO. Ezenedel'naja juridiceskaja gazeta
PRAVOVEDENIE. Izdestija vyssih ucebnyh zavedenij. Naucno-teoreticeskiy .../.../
PRAXIS. Revue philosophique - edition internationale; A philosophical journal ..
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften. Biologie
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften. Chemie
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften. Physik
Praxis Deutschunterricht
Precambrian research
Precision agriculture
Precision engineering
Préfaces : les idées et les sciences dans la bibliographie de la France
Pregnancy hypertension: an international journal of women's cardiovascular health
Prehospital and disaster medicine
Prenatal diagnosis
Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir
La presenza straniera in Italia : caratteristiche demografiche : permessi di soggiorno al ... /ISTAT
Preservation, digital technology & culture
Presidential studies quarterly
La presse médicale
La presse thermale et climatique : organ officiel de la Société française d'hydrologie et de climatologie médicales
Pressocolata e tecnologia : rivista trimestrale = Die casting & technology : quarterly magazine
Le prestazioni pensionistiche in Italia dal ... al ... / ISTAT
Prevention & treatment
Prevention science
Preventive cardiology
Preventive medicine
Preventive veterinary medicine
Previdenza e assistenza pubblica e privata : rivista trimestrale
Previsioni dell'economia italiana. /Confindustria. Centro studi/
Presvisioni macroeconomiche e tendenze dell'industria / Confindustria. Centro Studi
Pricing strategy and practice
Prima comunicazione
Prima comunicazione. International news
Primafila : mensile di teatro e di spettacolo dal vivo
Primary care diabetes
Primary care update for ob/gyns
PRIMARY COMMODITIES. Market developments and outlook
Primary Dental Care
Primary Dental Journal
Primary health care research & development
Primato. Lettere e arti d'Italia
Primiteive man. Quarterly bulletin of the Catholic anthropological conference
PRIMO MAGGIO. Saggi e documenti per una storia di classe
Primo tempo : rivista letteraria mensile
Princeton studies in international economics
Princeton studies in international finance. /Princeton University. Department ..
The Princeton University Library Chronicle
Le principali società italiane / a cura di Mediobanca
The print collector's newsletter
Prisma : informazioni e studi aziendali e professionali
Prisma : matematica, giochi, idee sul mondo
Prison journal
PRISTEM/Storia : note di matematica, storia, cultura / Centro Eleusi, Università Bocconi
PRIVATE MARKET FINANCING FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES / by a staff team from the Exchange and trade relations department. International Monetary Fund
Prix agricoles : produits et moyens de production = Agricultural prices : products and means of production = Agrarpreise : Erzeugnisse und Betriebsmittel
Pro Ecclesia : A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology
Probabilistic engineering mechanics
Probability in the engineering and informational sciences
Probability theory and related fields
Probate and Trust Legislation
Probation journal
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
Problèmes économiques : sélection de textes français et étrangers
Problèmes politiques et sociaux : articles et documents d'actualité mondiale
Problemi : periodico bimestrale di cultura
Problemi del lavoro. Bollettino di aggiornamento bibliografico
Problemi dell'informazione
I problemi della pedagogia : rivista bimestrale
I problemi della sicurezza sociale : rivista bimestrale dell'Istituto nazionale per l'assicurazione contro le malattie
Problemi della transizione : trimestrale di cultura e politica
Problemi di amministrazione pubblica : selezione trimestrale da pubblicazioni straniere
Problemi di bioetica / Società italiana di bioetica
Problemi di critica goldoniana / a cura di Giorgio Padoan
Problemi di gestione : selezione da riviste straniere
Problemi di gestione dell'impresa : raccolta di studi e ricerche / Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Istituto di economia aziendale
I problemi di Ulisse
Problemi e analisi
Problems of communism
Problems of economic transition : a journal of translations from russian
Problems of economics. A journal of translations
Problems of information transmission
Problems on the science of science. Special issue of the Polish quarterly …
Problems of the war
Probus : international journal of latin and romance linguistics
Procedia - Social and behavioral sciences
Procedia chemistry
Procedia CIRP
Procedia computer science
Procedia earth and planetary science
Procedia economics and finance
Procedia engineering
Procedia environmental sciences
Procedia food science
Procedia in vaccinology
Procedia IUTAM
Procedia Materials Science
Procedia Technology
Procedimenti in materia di pubblicità ingannevole : allegato C alla relazione annuale al presidente del consiglio dei ministri / Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato
Procedimenti istruttori, indagini conoscitive, interventi di segnalazione al parlamento e al governo e attività consultiva : allegato B alla relazione annnuale al presidente del consiglio dei ministri / Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato
La procedura penale italiana : rivista critica bimensile
Proceedings : ... annual conference on taxation / National Tax Association
Proceedings. Annual conference on taxation … and minutes of the annual meeting of the National tax Association / National tax Association
Proceedings : ... annual meeting / Decision Sciences Institute
Proceedings : ... annual meeting / Decision Sciences Institute
Proceedings. Mathematical and physical sciences
Proceedings. Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences / Royal Society
Proceedings and addresses of the American Philosophical Association
Proceedings and Papers (Bibliographical Society of America)
Proceedings: Animal Sciences
Proceedings, annual meeting (Western agricultural economics Association)
Proceedings: Biological Sciences
Proceedings in operations research : papers of the annual meeting ..
Proceedings mathematical sciences
Proceedings of Singapore healthcare
Proceedings of the ... annual meeting. / Labor and employment relations Association
Proceedings of the ... Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems
Proceedings of the ACM on Networking
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering
Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Held at Philadelphia …[…]
Proceedings of the American Political Science Association
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1907-1917)
Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1921-1969)
Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at the Meeting of Its Executive Council
Proceedings of the annual conference on taxation held under the auspices of the National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America
Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Taxation under the Auspices of the National Tax Association
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists
Proceedings of the annual meeting (American Association of University Teachers of Insurance)
Proceedings of the ... Annual meeting. American Society of International Law
Proceedings of the ... annual meeting
Proceedings of the annual meeting (Western Farm Economics Association)
Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Business History Conference
Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Decision sciences Institute
Proceedings of the annual session (Southern Political Science Association)
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, supplementary volumes
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Proceedings of the Biopharmaceutical Section / American Statistical Association
Proceedings of the British Academy
Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section : papers presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, ... , under the sponsorship of the Business and Economic Statistics Section
Proceedings of the Business History Conference
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association
Proceedings of the Government statistics section : papers presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, ..., under the sponsorship of the Government Statistics Section
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting
Proceedings of the IEEE
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Civil engineering
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Geotechnical engineering
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Municipal engineer
Proceedings. Part 1, Design and construction / The Institution of Civil Engineers
Proceedings. Part 2, Research and theory / The Institution of Civil Engineers
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Structures and buildings
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Transport
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Water and maritime engineering
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Water maritime and energy
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Proceedings of the international symposium on human factors and ergonomics in health care
Proceedings of The Japan Academy. Series A, Mathematical sciences
Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and biological sciences
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society
Proceedings of the Meeting of the American Philosophical Association
Proceedings of the Musical Association
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
Proceedings of the Physical Society
Proceedings of the Physical Society. (Atomic and molecular physics)
Proceedings of the Physical Society. (General)
Proceedings of the Physical Society (1926-1948)
Proceedings of the Physical Society of London
Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section A
Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society
Proceedings of the Royal anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and monthly record of geography
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London
Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A (Mathematics)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A, mathematical and physical sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a mathematical and physical character
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character
Proceedings of the Section on statistical education : papers presented at the Annual meeting of the American statistical Association, ... , under the sponsorship of the Section on statistical education
Proceedings of the Section on survey research methods : papers presented at the Annual meeting of the American statistical Association, ... , under the sponsorship of the Section on survey research methods
Proceedings of the Social statistics section : papers and discussions presented at the ... Annual meeting of the American statistical Association, ..., under the sponsorship of the Social statistics section
Proceedings of the ... spring meeting / Industrial Relations Research Association
Proceedings of the Statistical computing section : papers presented at the Annual meeting of the American statistical Association, ... , under the sponsorship of the Statistical computing section
Proceedings of the Statistical Society of London
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of mathematics
Proceedings of the Symposium on Combustion
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
Proceedings of the Zoological Society
Proceedings of ... winter simulation conference
Proceedings: Plant Sciences
Procès-verbaux de la ... session du conseil d'administration / Bureau international du travail
Process biochemistry
Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability
Process safety and environmental protection
Process safety progress
Process studies
Processi civili : rivista giuridica mensile
Il processo
Processo penale e giustizia
Production and Operations Management
Production engineering
Production yearbook = Annuaire de la production = Anuario de producción / [prepared in the Statistics division of the Economic and social policy department]
Produttività e competitività : rapporto semestrale di analisi e documentazione
La produzione dell'industria dei prodotti chimici e delle fibre sintetiche e artificiali : statistica trimestrale /ISTAT
La produzione dell'industria siderurgica : anni ... / ISTAT
La produzione dell'industria tessile e dell'abbigliamento : statistica trimestrale : anni ... /ISTAT
Produzione di energia elettrica in Italia / ENEL: [Ente Nazionale ...].../
Produzione e caratteristiche strutturali dell'industria siderurgica / ISTAT
Produzione e consumo di energia elettrica in Italia / ENEL
Produzione & cultura : rivista bimestrale del Sindacato nazionale scrittori
La produzione libraria nel ... Dati definitivi / Sistema statistico nazionale, Istituto nazionale di statistica
La produzione libraria nel ... Dati provvisori /ISTAT
La produzione libraria nel ... /ISTAT
La produzione lorda vendibile dell'agricoltura e della silvicoltura in provincia di Trento / a cura: Istituto agrario di San Michele all'Adige, Servizio statistica e Servizio vigilanza e promozione dell'attività agricola della Provincia autonoma di Trento
The professional geographer. /Association of American Geographers/
Professional psychology
Professional school counseling
Professional school psychology
Professionalità : mensile di problemi, esperienze, orientamenti per la formazione professionale
PROFESSIONE (LA) SOCIALE. Rivista di studio analisi e ricerca
Profili evolutivi e analisi di bilancio delle Casse rurali : bilanci ..
Progettare : organo ufficiale dell'Associazione italiana progettisti industriali di macchine, dispositivi, sistemi
Progettare per la sanità : organo ufficiale del CNETO
Progettare. ArchitetturaCittàTerritorio
Il progettista industriale
Il progetto : bimestrale di politiche del lavoro della CISL
Progetto & economia / CNA, Confederazione nazionale dell'artigianato. Centro studi
Progetto elektor
Progetto restauro : quadrimestrale per la tutela dei beni culturali / rivista fondata da Giulio Bresciani Alvarez
Il progetto sostenibile : ricerca e tecnologie per l'ambiente costruito
Il programma comunista : organo del Partito comunista internazionale
Programma di lavoro ... / Fondazione europea per il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita e di lavoro
Programmable Materials
Programmi di insegnamento / Università degli studi di Trento
Programming and computer software
Progrès en Urologie: Formation Médicale Continue
Progress in Additive Manufacturing
Progress in aerospace sciences
Progress in Artificial Intelligence
Progress in Biomaterials
Progress in biophysics and biophysical chemistry
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology
Progress in cardiovascular diseases
Progress in crystal growth and characterization
Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials
Progress in cybernetics and systems research
Progress in development studies
Progress in Economic Geography
Progress in energy and combustion science
Progress in Engineering Science
Progress in Environmental Geography
Progress in experimental personality research
Progress in growth factor research
Progress in histochemistry and cytochemistry
Progress in human geography. An international review of geographical work ...
Progress in lipid research
Progress in low temperature physics
Progress in materials science. An international review journal
Progress in mathematics
Progress in mathematics
Progress in metal physics
Progress in natural science
Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology and biological psychiatry
Progress in neurobiology
Progress in neurology and psychiatry
Progress in neurotherapeutics and neuropsychopharmacology
Progress in nuclear energy
Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Progress in nuclear physics
Progress in oceanography
Progress in optics
Progress in organic coatings. An international journal
Progress in particle and nuclear physics
Progress in pediatric cardiology
Progress in photovoltaics: research and applications
Progress in physical geography
Progress in planning
Progress in polymer science
Progress in quantum electronics
Progress in retinal and eye research
Progress in rubber and plastics technology
Progress in rubber, plastics and recycling technology
Progress in solid state chemistry
Progress in structural engineering and materials
Progress in surface science
Progress in the chemistry of organic natural products
Progress in tourism and hospitality research
Progress in tourism, recreation and hospitality management. Published in ...
Progress in transplantation
Progress of theoretical physics
Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement
The progressive fish-culturist
Il progresso del diritto criminale
Project & trade finance
Project finance
Project finance and infrastructure finance
Project management journal
Prometeo : rivista di cultura sociale
Prometeo. Rivista trimestrale di scienze e storia
Prometheus. Rivista internazionale di politica della scienza
Prometheus. Rivista quadrimestrale di studi classici
Promotion & education
Promozione sociale : mensile edito dalla AAI, Amministrazione per le attività assistenziali italiane e internazionali
Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics
Property law bulletin
Property management
Propositions de programme et de budget pour ... / [présentées par le Directeur général]
Proposte : materiali per lo studio e il dibattito tra lavoratori, studenti e militanti sindacali
Proposte di criminologia applicata ..
Proposte per le terze prove : modelli e materiali per la definizione di prove pluridisciplinari
Prosa : quaderni internazionali
Prospects : quarterly review of education
Prospero : rivista di culture anglo-germaniche / Istituto di filologia germanica, Università di Trieste
Prospetti : letteratura arte musica
Prospettiva : rivista di storia dell'arte antica e moderna
Prospettiva Europa = Zukunft Europa
Prospettiva sindacale : studi e documenti della CISL di Milano
Prospettive / direttore Curzio Malaparte
Prospettive assistenziali : attualità e notizie dell'Unione italiana per la promozione dei diritti del minore
Prospettive del mercato del lavoro / CISL, ISEL-Istituto per gli studi dell'economia del lavoro
Prospettive dell'economia : rassegna statistica / a cura dell'Ufficio studi e ricerche della Cassa di risparmio di Genova e Imperia
Le prospettive dell'industria italiana nel ... / Confederazione generale dell'industria italiana, Servizio studi e rilevazioni
Prospettive di efficienza : informatore mensile per giovani amministratori
Prospettive nel mondo : rivista mensile di attualità culturali
Prospettive settanta : rivista trimestrale
Prospettive sociali e sanitarie : quindicinale dell'IPES / Istituto per la promozione economica e sociale
Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and essential fatty acids (PLEFA)
Prostaglandins and other lipid mediators
The prostate
Prosthetics & orthotics international : the journal of the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics
Prosvéščenie : ̌ezemesjačnij obšestvenno-političeskij i literaturnij žurnal'' marksistskago napravlenija
Protection of metals
Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces
La protection sociale en Europe ... / Commission européenne, Direction générale de l'emploi, des relations industrielles et des affaires sociales, Unité V/E.2.
Protein engineering
Protein engineering : design and selection
Protein expression and purification
Protein journal
Protein Science
Proteins: structure, function and bioinformatics
Proteomics – Clinical Applications
Proteomics insights
Proteus : rivista di filosofia
Protezione sociale : rivista bimestrale dell'Ente di patrocinio ed assistenza per i coltivatori agricoli
La protezione sociale in Europa
Provincia : mensile dell'Amministrazione provinciale di Bologna
Provincia autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige : periodico di informazione della Giunta e del Consiglio provinciale
La provincia di Trento e i suoi comprensori : relazione statistico-economica / Camera di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura [di] Trento
Provincia e comprensori. Rivista della Provincia di Bologna
Prudentia iuris
Przeglad historyczny
PRZEGLAD ZACHODNI. Instytut Zachodni W Poznaniu
PS. Political science & politics
PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association
Psiche. Rivista di cultura psicoanalitica
Psichiatria dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza : rivista bimestrale
PSICHIATRIA-INFORMAZIONE. A cura dell'associazione per la lotta contro le ...
La psicoanalisi : studi internazionali del campo freudiano
Psicologia clinica : quadrimestrale di teoria e tecnica dell'intervento
Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo
Psicologia contemporanea
Psicologia dell'educazione
Psicologia dell'educazione e della formazione
Psicologia e lavoro. Rivista bimestrale dell'Associazione per la psicologia …
Psicologia e scuola : giornale italiano di psicologia dell'educazione e pedagogia sperimentale
Psicologia e società. Rivista di psicologia sociale
Psicologia italiana. Organo della Società Italiana di Psicologia.[Istituto ...]
Psicologia sociale
Psicoterapia e scienze umane
Psoriasis forum
PsyCh Journal
Psychiatric quarterly
Psychiatric rehabilitation journal
Psychiatrie und psychotherapie
Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences
Psychiatry research
Psychiatry research: neuroimaging
Psychoanalysis : journal of psychoanalytic psychology
Psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic review : an American journal of psychoanalytic psychology devoted to the understanding of behavior and culture
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society
Psychoanalytic psychology
The psychoanalytic quarterly
Psychobiology. A journal of the psychonomic society
Psychological abstracts
Psychological assessment : a journal of consulting and clinical psychology
The psychological bulletin
Psychological Injury and Law
Psychological inquiry
Psychological medicine
Psychological methods
Psychological monographs: general and applied
Psychological monographs : general and applied / published by the American Psychological Association
The psychological record : a quarterly journal in theoretical and experimental psychology
Psychological reports
Psychological research : an international journal of perception learning and communication
The psychological review
Psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society
Psychological science in the public interest. A journal of the American Psychological Society
Psychological services
Psychological Studies
Psychological test adaptation and development
Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, & policy
Psychologie : Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Anwendungen / herausgegeben von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Psychologie und ihre Anwendungen
Psychologie française
Psychologische beiträge. Vierteljahrschrift für alle gebiete der
Psychologische Forschung. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre …
Psychologische Rundschau : Uberblick uber die Fortschritte der Psychologie in Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz
Psychologist-manager journal
Psychology : IUPsyS global resource / edited by J. Bruce Overmier & Judith A. Overmier
Psychology and aging
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
Psychology & developing societies
Psychology and marketing
Psychology & neuroscience
Psychology and psychotherapy : theory, research and practice
Psychology in the schools
Psychology learning & teaching
Psychology of addictive behaviors
Psychology of aesthetics, creativity and the arts
Psychology of consciousness: theory, research, and practice
Psychology of men & masculinity
Psychology of music
Psychology of popular media
Psychology of popular media culture
Psychology of religion & spirituality
Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity
Psychology of sport and exercise
Psychology of violence
Psychology of women quarterly
Psychology science
Psychology, public policy and law
Psychometrika : a journal devoted to the development of psychology as a quantitative rational science / the psychometric society
Psychomusicology: music, mind & brain
Psychonomic bulletin & review
Psychonomic science
Psychopraxis. neuropraxis
Psychosomatik und konsiliarpsychiatrie
Psychotherapie forum
Psychotherapy and politics international
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
Psychotherapy: theory, research, practice, training
PsyEcology : Bilingual Journal of Environmental Psychology
Pubblica amministrazione oggi : il mensile della tecnologia e dell'innovazione nell'amministrazione locale e centrale
Pubblicazione : supplemento all'Indicatore cartario
Pubblicazioni dell'editoria trentina : catalogo delle edizioni in commercio o disponibili / a cura della Biblioteca comunale di Trento
Pubblicità domani. Mensile di informazione e analisi della comunicazione ...
Pubblico ... : produzione letteraria e mercato culturale
Public administration : journal of the Royal Institute of Public Administration
Public administration and development
Public administration quarterly
Public administration review : the journal of the American Society for Public Administration
Public budgeting and finance
Public choice
Public communication and behavior
Public culture. Bulletin of the project for trasnational cultural studies
Public finance : international quarterly journal founded by J.A. Monod de Froideville = Finances publiques : revue trimestrielle internationale fondée par J.A. Monod de Froideville
Public finance quarterly : PFQ
Public finance review. PFR
Public health
Public health ethics
Public health forum
Public health nursing
Public health nutrition
Public health reports (1896 -1970)
Public health reports (1974 - )
Public historian
The public interest
Public international law : a current bibliography of books and articles = Völkerrecht : laufende Bibliographie = Droit international public : Bibliographie
Public law : the constitutional and administrative law of the Commonwealth
Public management developments. Survey
Public management developments : update
The public manager
The public opinion quarterly / School of Public Affairs [of] Princeton University
Public organization review
Public performance & management review
Public personnel management
Public policy in administration
Public policy & aging report
Public productivity & management review
Public productivity review
Public relations inquiry
Public relations review
Public Transport
Public understanding of science : an international journal of research in the public dimensions of science and technology
Public works management & policy
Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS
Publications of the American Economic Association
Publications of the American Statistical Association
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Publications of the Florida Historical Society
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Publications of the Research Institute for mathematical sciences. Series A
Publishing research quarterly
Publius : the journal of federalism
Pulmonary circulation
Pulmonary pharmacology
Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics
Pulp. Letterature di fine millennio
Pulp and paper. Pates et paiers
Punishment & society
The Punjab University economist
Punto.exe : informatica e comunicazione nella pubblica amministrazione
Puntoycoma. Audio magazine para mejorar tu espanol
Pure and applied chemistry : official journal of the International union of pure and applied chemistry
Pure and applied geophysics
Pure and applied optics: journal of the European Optical Society Part A
Purinergic signalling

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