
Nuova ricerca

Risultati trovati 670

N + 1
NPS : neurologia psichiatria scienze umane : rivista della Fondazione Centro Praxis
Na postu = Auf dem Vorposten
NachhaltigkeitsManagementForum = Sustainability management forum : SMF
Nagoya mathematical journal
Nano communication networks
Nano energy
Nano futures
Nano letters
Nano Research
Nano-structures & nano-objects
Nano today
Nanomanufacturing and Metrology
Nanomaterials and nanotechnology
Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology and medicine
Nanoscale research letters
Nanostructured materials. Companion journal to acta materialia and scripta materialia
Nanotechnologies in Russia
Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering
NAPA Bulletin
Narodnoe hozjajstvo SSSR v ... g. : statističeskij ̌ezegodnik
Narrative inquiry
The narrative study of lives
Nascite : caratteristiche demografiche e sociali ISTAT
Nascite e decessi / Istituto nazionale di statistica
NASN school nurse
NASSP bulletin
National Academy Science Letters
National accounts. Volume I, Main aggregates = Comptes nationaux. Volume I, Principaux agrégats / OECD. Department of economics and statistics = OCDE. Département des affaires économiques et statistiques
National accounts. Volume II, Detailed tables = Comptes nationaux. Volume II, Tableaux détaillés / OECD. Department of economics and statistics = OCDE. Département des affaires économiques et statistiques
National accounts of OECD countries. Volume II, Detailed tables = Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE. Volume II, Tableaux détaillés
National accounts of OECD countries. Volume 1, Main aggregates = Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE. Volume 1, Principaux agrégats
National accounts statistics. Analysis of main aggregates ... / [prepared by the Statistical office of the Department of international economic and social affairs of the United Nations secretariat]
National accounts statistics. Government accounts and tables ..
National accounts statistics. Main aggregates and detailed tables ... / [prepared by the Statistical office of the Department of international economic and social affairs of the United Nations secretariat]
National accounts statistics = Statistique des comptes nationaux / OECD = OCDE
National accounts statistics. Vol.I, Aggregates = Statistique des comptes nationaux. Vol.I, Agrégats / OECD = OCDE
National accounts statistics. Vol.II, Detailed tables = Statistique des comptes nationaux. Vol.II, Tableaux détaillés / OECD = OCDE
National civic review
The National faculty directory ... : an alphabetical list, with addresses of about ... faculty members at Junior colleges, colleges, and universities in The United States
National Gallery technical bulletin
National income and expenditure / Central statistical office
National Institute economic review
National marketing review
National mathematics magazine
National news letter of Phi Delta Kappa
The national political science review : a publication of the National conference of black political scientists
National productivity review
National tax journal
National Teaching & Learning Forum
Nationalities papers : the journal of nationalism and ethnicity
Nationalregnskaber ENS. Totaler = Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen ESVG. Aggregate = Conti nazionali SEC. Aggregati
Nations and nationalism : journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism
Natur und Recht
Natura società : organo della Federazione nazionale pro natura
Natural computing
Natural gas
Natural gas and electricity
Natural gas information / International energy agency
Natural hazards
Natural language & linguistic theory
Natural language engineering
Natural language semantics : an international journal of semantics and its interfaces in grammar
Natural product reports : a journal of current developments in bio-organic chemistry
Natural resource modeling
Natural resources forum
Natural resources research
Natural Sciences Education
Nature : international weekly journal of science
Nature : international weekly journal of science
Nature. New biology
Nature. Physical science
Nature and resources. International news, and information about unesco ...
Nature biotechnology
Nature cell biology
Nature chemical biology
Nature climate change
Nature communications
Nature food
Nature genetics
Nature geoscience
Nature human behaviour
Nature immunology
Nature machine intelligence
Nature materials
Nature medicine
Nature methods
Nature nanotechnology
Nature neuroscience
Nature photonics
Nature physics
Nature protocols
Nature reviews. Cancer
Nature reviews. Cardiology
Nature reviews. Drug discovery
Nature reviews. Genetics
Nature reviews. Immunology
Nature reviews. Microbiology
Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology
Nature reviews. Neuroscience
Nature reviews. Psychology
Nature structural and molecular biology
Nature sustainability
Naučnye doklady vysšej školy. Filologičeskie nauki
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology
Naval engineers journal
Naval research logistics : an international journal
Naval research logistics quarterly. [Department of the navy. Office of naval …
Naval War College Information Service for Officers
Naval War College Review
Navigation : journal of the Institute of Navigation
NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics
NBER macroeconomics annual ..
NBER Working paper series / National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER working paper series on historical factors in long-run growth / National bureau of economic research
NDT & E international
Né più né meno : periodico di informazione e aggiornamento della Commissione nazionale per la parità e le pari opportunità tra uomo e donna
NEA activities in ... : ... activity report of the OECD Nuclear energy agency
NEA news / OECD Nuclear energy agency
NEA newsletter / OECD Nuclear energy agency
Near Eastern archaeology
Near Surface Geophysics
Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business
Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis / Dutch review of church history
Nederlandsch archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research
Negotiation journal
Negro American literature forum
NEMLA Newsletter (1969-1970)
Neotropical Entomology
Der Nephrologe
Néphrologie & thérapeutique
Nephrology dialysis transplantation
Der Nervenarzt
.net : Internet magazine
.net : the Internet magazine
Netherlands international law review. International Law, Conflict of Law
Netherlands journal of geosciences
The Netherlands journal of housing and environmental research
The Netherlands journal of housing and the built environment
Netherlands journal of plant pathology
Netherlands journal of sea research
The Netherlands' journal of social sciences : a publication of the Netherlands' Sociological and Anthropological Association
The Netherlands' journal of sociology = Sociologia neerlandica
Netherlands quarterly of human rights
Netherlands yearbook of international law
Netnomics: economic research and electronic networking
Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics
Network science
Networker. The craft of network computing
Networks : an international journal
Networks and heterogeneous media : an applied mathematics journal
Networks and spatial economics
Neue deutsche Literatur : Monatschrift für Literatur und Kritik / herausgegeben vom Schriftstellerverband der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
Neue juristische Wochenschrift : NJW / in Verbindung mit dem Deutschen Anwaltverein und der Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer
Neue Justiz. Zeitschrift für Recht und Rechtswissenschaft
Neue Kritik. Zeitschrift für sozialistische Theorie und Politik
Neue politische Literatur : Berichte über das internationale Schrifttum
Neue politische Literatur. Beihefte
Neue Rundschau : begründet von S. Fischer im Jahre 1890
Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht. Zweiwochenschrift für die betribliche Praxis
Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (1991-)
Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht : NStZ
Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
Neural computation
Neural computing & applications
Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society
Neural processing letters
Neuro-Oncology Practice
Neurobiology of aging
Neurobiology of disease
Neurobiology of learning and memory
Neurochemical journal
Neurochemical research
Neurochemistry international
Neurocirugía (english edition)
Neurocritical care
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Neurogastroenterology & motility
The neurohospitalist
Neurología (english edition)
Neurologia psichiatria scienze umane
Neurological sciences
Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience
Neurology, psychiatry and brain research
Neuromolecular medicine
Neuromuscular disorders
Neuron glia biology
Neuropathology & applied neurobiology
Neurophysiologie clinique / Clinical neurophysiology
Neuropsichiatria infantile : rivista mensile
Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence
Neuropsychology review
The neuroradiology journal
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair
Neuroscience : an international journal under the editorial direction of IBRO
Neuroscience and behavioral physiology
Neuroscience & biobehavioral reviews
Neuroscience Bulletin
Neuroscience letters
Neuroscience research
Neuroscience translations
Neurosurgical review
Neurotoxicity Research
Neurotoxicology and teratology
Neurourology and urodynamics
Neva : ̌ezemesjačnyj literaturno-hudožestvennyj i obščestvenno-političeskij illjustrirovannyj žurnal : organ Sojuza pisatelej RSFSR i Leningradskoj pisatel'skoj organizacii
Neve e valanghe : rivista dell'Associazione interregionale di coordinamento e documentazione per i problemi inerenti alla neve e alle valanghe
New astronomy
New astronomy reviews
The new atlantis. An international journal of urban and regional studies
New biotechnology
New Blackfriars
New carbon materials
New criminal law review: An international and interdisciplinary journal
New directions for adult and continuing education
New directions for child and adolescent development
New directions for community colleges
New directions for evaluation
New directions for higher education
New directions for institutional research
New directions for mental health services
New directions for student leadership
New directions for student services
New directions for teaching and learning
New directions for youth development
The new ecologist : journal of the post industrial age
New economy
The New England Journal of Medicine
New England quarterly
New essays : a quarterly devoted to the study of modern society
New forests
New Generation Computing. An international journal of fifth generation computer
New genetics and society
New geographical literature and maps
New german critique
New global studies
New horizons in adult education and human resource development
New ideas in psychology
New internationalist. The people, the ideas, the action in the fight for world development
New journal of european criminal law
New journal of physics
New labor forum
New law journal
New law journal : charities appeals supplement : the guide to charities when making legacy, corporate and employee planned donations
New left review
New library world
New literary history : a journal of theory and interpretation
New literatures review
New mathematics and natural computation
New media & society
New Mexico anthropologist
New Pauly
New Perspectives
New perspectives on Turkey
New perspectives quarterly
New phytologist
New political economy
New polymeric materials : an international journal for the dissemination of information concerning new polymeric materials and the processes for their preparation
The new republic. A weekly journal of opinion
The new review of hypermedia and multimedia : applications and research
New scientist
New society
New solutions: a journal of environmental and occupational health policy
New statesman society
New steel construction
New surveys in the classics
New technology, work and employment
New testament studies
New theatre quarterly
New trends in arrhythmias
New universities quarterly : culture, education and society
New Water Policy & Practice
The New York latin leaflet
New York law school journal of international and comparative law
The New York review of books
New York supplement
The New York Times book review
New York University law review
The New Yorker
New Zealand geographer
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies
Newborn and infant nursing reviews
News bulletin / NCTM, National council of teachers of mathematics
News bulletin (Institute of Pacific relations)
News bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
News of the Uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations
The newletter / American Society for Cybernetics
Newsletter / European Mathematical Society
NEWSLETTER. Published by the European bureau of adult education in …
Newsletter: Rhetoric society of America
Newsletter / Study Group on Eighteenth-century Russia
Newsletter (Association for Political and Legal Anthropology)
Newsletter (Association of American Library Schools)
Newsletter : European labor and working class history
Newsletter (National Conference on Literature and Religion)
Newsletter of the Association for Preservation Technology
Newsletter of the International test commission and of the Division of psychological assessment of the IAAP = Bulletin de la Commission internationale des tests et de la Division évaluation en psychologie de l'AIPA
Newsletter of the program on public conceptions of science
Newsletter of the Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law
Newsletter on computational and applied mathematics
Newsletter on science, technology & human values
Newspaper research journal
Nexis Uni
Nexus network journal
NHRD Network Journal
Nicotine and tobacco research
Nidi d'Infanzia
Nietzsche-Studien : internationales Jahrbuch für die Nietzsche-Forschung
Nieuw archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis inzonderheid van Nederland
Nihon Kyukyu Igakukai Zasshi: Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
Nikephoros : Zeitschrift für Sport und Kultur im Altertum
The Nikkei weekly : Japan's leading business newspaper
NILR : Netherlands internationals law review : international law, conflict of law, comparative law
Nineteenth-century french studies
19th-century music
Nineteenth-century music review
Nineteenth century theatre
Nineteenth century theatre and film
Nineteenth-century fiction
Nineteenth-century literature
NIR news
Nitric oxide
NJAS - Wageningen journal of life sciences
NJW-CoR Computerreport der Neuen juristischen Wochenschrift : Informationsmanagement und Büroorganisation in der juristischen Praxis
NJW Fundhefte : systematischer Nachweis der deutschen Rechtsprechung, Zeitschriftenaufsätze und selbständigen Schriften. Heft 5, Arbeitsrecht
NJW Fundhefte : systematischer Nachweis der deutschen Rechtsprechung und Zeitschriftenaufsätze. Heft 3, Öffentliches Recht
NJW Spezial : die wichtigsten Informationen zu speziellen Rechtsgebieten
NMR in biomedicine
NoDEA : nonlinear differential equations and applications
Noi & l'ambiente
Noi Italia : 100 statistiche per capire il paese in cui viviamo
Noise & vibration worldwide
Nominazione : collana-rivista internazionale di logica
Nomos : le attualità nel diritto
Nomotel : banca dati per l'ingegneria civile
Non-financial enterprises financial statements = Comptes des entreprises non financières / [OCDE]
Non profit : diritto e management degli enti non commerciali
Nondestructive testing and evaluation
Nonlinear analysis. Hybrid systems
Nonlinear analysis. Real world applications
Nonlinear analysis. Series A, Theory and methods
Nonlinear analysis. Theory, methods and applications: an international multidisciplinary journal
Nonlinear dynamics. An international journal of nonlinear dynamics and chaos in engineering systems
Nonlinear dynamics, psychology and life sciences
Nonlinear oscillations
Nonlinear studies / International federation of nonlinear analysts
Nonlinearity / Institute of Physics / London Mathematical Society
Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly
Nonprofit Business Advisor
Nonprofit Communications Report
Nonprofit management and leadership / sponsored by the Mandel center for nonprofit organizations and the Centre for voluntary organisation
The nonproliferation review
Nontraditional Students Report
Noos : aggiornamenti in psichiatria
Nord e sud : rivista mensile / diretta da Francesco Compagna
Nord Est ... : rapporto sulla società e l'economia / a cura di Ilvo Diamanti e Daniele Marini
Nord est : rivista trimestrale a cura del Csne (Venezia) in collaborazione con Censis (Roma) e Wifo (Vienna)
Nord est : rivista trimestrale del CSNE
Nordeuropa Studien : wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald. Sonderreihe
Nordic Journal of Botany
Nordic journal of international law : acta scandinavica juris gentium
Nordic journal of linguistics
Nordic journal of nursing research
Nordic journal of Soviet and East European studies. /Nordic committee for …/
Nordic psychology
Nordic pulp & paper research journal
Nordic studies on alcohol and drugs
Norme UNI
Norme UNI online
North american archaeologist
North American dialogue
North American journal of aquaculture
North American journal of economics and finance
North American Journal of Fisheries Management
The North American review
The North-American review and miscellaneous journal
North American Review of Economics and Finance
The North Carolina High School bulletin
North Central journal of agricultural economics
Northern journal of applied forestry
Northwestern University law review
La nostra lotta : organo del Partito comunista italiano
Nota trimestrale di documentazione europea = Dreimonatsschrift zur europäischen Dokumentation
Notable acquisitions (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Notariato : rassegna sistematica di diritto e tecniche contrattuali
Note d'information ..
Note di informatica / [a cura della Direzione ricerca scientifica e tecnologica]
Note di informatica. Quaderni
Note di matematica. [Università degli Studi di Lecce]
Note di software / [a cura del Centro di ricerca e progettazione della Honeywell information systems Italia e dell'Istituto di cibernetica dell'Università di Milano]
Note e commenti / Censis
Note e rassegne : periodico d'informazione culturale del Centro Ezio Vanoni
Note e relazioni
Note & schede : rassegna periodica del Credito varesino
Note economiche : rassegna economica del Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Note economiche semestrali / ERVET
NOTE SINDACALI. Rivista bimestrale della Filta-Cisl
Note sull'andamento dell'economia del Trentino-Alto Adige nel . . . / Banca d'Italia
Note sulla congiuntura economica del Trentino-Alto Adige
Note sulla situazione economica in provincia / Camera di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura di Trento
NOTE-WORK. Newsletter of the Standing Conference on Organization Symbolism (...)
Notes : références des notes de doctrine aux arrêts de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes
Notes and queries : for readers and writers, collectors and librarians
Notes and records of the Royal Society of London
Notes & etudes = Notes & studies = Berichte und Aufsatze
Notes et études documentaires
Notes (Fogg Art Museum)
Notfall & Rettungsmedizin
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
Noticias de la economía pública social y cooperativa
Le notifiche di malattie infettive in Italia / ISTAT ; Sistema statistico nazionale
Notiziario / A cura dell'ufficio studi. Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali
NOTIZIARIO. Consiglio superiore della Magistratura
NOTIZIARIO. Istituto giapponese di cultura
NOTIZIARIO AIS / Associazione italiana di sociologia
Notiziario ANCI : mensile dell'Associazione nazionale comuni italiani
Notiziario CERCOMINT / Centro regionale per il commercio interno, Unione regionale Camere di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura dell'Emilia-Romagna
Notiziario CERES di economia del lavoro : periodico del CERES / Centro ricerche economiche e sociali
Notiziario del Centro di documentazione
Notiziario dell'Istituto di autodisciplina pubblicitaria
Notiziario dell'Università degli Studi di Trento
Notiziario della CGIL : quindicinale della CGIL aderente alla Federazione sindacale mondiale
Notiziario della Comunità dell'Isolotto
Notiziario della Confederazione generale italiana del lavoro : aderente alla Federazione sindacale mondiale
Notiziario della Unione matematica italiana
Notiziario delle regole. Periodico informativo della Comunità delle Regole di Spinale e Manez
Notiziario di archeoantropologia
Notiziario di giurisprudenza del lavoro / Associazione sindacale fra le aziende del credito
Notiziario di giurisprudenza del lavoro : repertorio generale / Associazione sindacale fra le aziende del credito
Notiziario economico : supplemento quindicinale di Economia trentina / CCIA Camera di commercio industria e agricoltura [di] Trento
Notiziario emigrazione / Ministero degli affari esteri, Direzione generale emigrazione e a.s.
Notiziario giuridico : mensile della CGIL di informazione su giurisprudenza, legislazione e contrattazione
Notiziario giuridico CGIL : mensile di informazione su giurisprudenza, legislazione e contrattazione
Notiziario giuridico regionale / Federazione delle Associazioni industriali del Piemonte
Notiziario mensile / Banca popolare di Bergamo
Notiziario per gli utenti / Corte suprema di cassazione, Centro elettronico di documentazione
Notiziario statistico : pubblicazione trimestrale
Notiziario tecnico amministrativo : note, informazioni e documenti per gli amministratori locali
Notizie AIRI : bimestrale di informazione e aggiornamento sui problemi della R&S industriale / Associazione italiana per la ricerca industriale
Notizie degli Archivi di Stato : bollettino bimestrale / a cura del Ministero dell'Interno
Notizie della scuola : periodico di informazione per le scuole secondarie ed elementari
Notizie di fabbrica : bollettino d'informazione riservato al personale
Notizie di logica
Notizie di Politeia
Notizie documenti dossier FLM : bollettino settimanale di informazione e notizie della Federazione lavoratori metalmeccanici
Notizie economiche / Banco di Roma
Notizie IRI
Notizie NATO
Notizie statistiche ... / Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale, Servizio statistico attuariale
Notizie statistiche sull'energia elettrica / a cura della Direzione della programmazione ; realizzazione grafica Ufficio stampa e relazioni pubbliche
Notizie sulle iniziative di formazione ambientale / Ministero dell'ambiente, Servizio valutazione impatto ambientale, informazione ai cittadini e per la relazione sullo stato dell'ambiente
Notre Dame English journal
Notre Dame journal of formal logic
Notre Dame law review
Noûs : nihil philosophici a nobis alienum putamus
Nouveau journal de charpente, menuiserie, parquets : revue technique du travail du bois, fondée en 1910
Le Nouveau Magazine Littéraire
Les nouveaux dossiers de l'audiovisuel
Le Nouvel Obs
NOUVELLE (LA) CRITIQUE. Politique, marxisme, culture
Nouvelle revue d'optique
Nouvelle revue d'optique appliquée
Nouvelle revue de psychanalyse
La nouvelle revue des deux mondes
Nouvelle revue des traditions populaires
La nouvelle revue française
Nouvelle revue historique de droit français et étranger
Nouvelle revue pédagogique
Nouvelles de la republique des lettres
Nouvelles éphémérides économiques, ou, Bibliothèque raisonnée de l'histoire, de la morale et de la politique
Nouvelles Questions Féministes
Nouvelles universitaires européennes Europäische Hochschulnachrichten = Informazioni universitarie europee = Europäische Hochschulnachrichten = Informazioni universitarie europee
Nouvelles universitaires européennes = European university news
Novaja Rossija : obščestvenno-literaturnyj i naučnyj ̌ezemesjačnyj žurnal
Novel : a forum of fiction
Novum testamentum
Novye knigi : recenzii, obzory, annotacii, reklama
Novye knigi SSSR : ̌ezenedel'nyj bjulleten'
Novy Lef
Novyj mir
NSF-CBMS Regional conference series in probability and statistics
Nt research
NTIS Bibliographic database
NTM International journal of history and ethics of natural sciences, technology and medicine
NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
Nuclear and particle physics proceedings
Nuclear data sheets
Nuclear energy data = Données sur l'énergie nucléaire
Nuclear engineering and design
Nuclear engineering and design. Fusion
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear instruments & methods : a journal on accelerators, instrumentation and techniques in nuclear physics
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research : a journal on accelerators, instrumentation and techniques applied to research in nuclear and atomic physics, materials science and related fields in physics
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms
Nuclear law bulletin / Nuclear energy agency, Organisation for economic co-operation and development
NUCLEAR LEGISLATION. Analytical study / Nuclear energy agency
Nuclear magnetic resonance : a review of the literature published between June ... and May ..
Nuclear medicine and biology
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Nuclear physics : journal devoted to the experimental and theoretical study of the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions. A.
Nuclear physics : journal devoted to the experimental and theoretical study of the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions. B.
Nuclear physics. B, Proceedings supplements
Nuclear physics : monthly journal devoted to the experimental and theoretical study of atomic nuclei, nuclear fields and the fundamental aspect of cosmic radiation
Nuclear receptor signaling
Nuclear Science and Techniques
Nuclear structural engineering
Nucleic acids symposium series
The Nucleus
Nueva revista de filología hispánica
Nueva revista española de derecho del trabajo
Numeri indici dei prezzi : anni ... : dati mensili / ISTAT
Numeri unici di sociologia : prospettive di efficienza
Numerical algorithms
Numerical analysis and applications
Numerical heat transfer : an international journal of computation and methodology. part A, Applications
Numerical heat transfer : an international journal of computation and methodology. part B, fundamentals
Numerical linear algebra with applications
Numerical mathematics: theory, methods and applications
Numerical methods for partial differential equations : an international journal
Numerische mathematik
Numismatic notes and monographs
Numismatica e antichità classiche
Nuova antologia : rivista di lettere, scienze ed arti
Nuova civiltà delle macchine. Rivista trimestrale di analisi e critica
Nuova corrente
Nuova DWF : donnawomanfemme : quaderni di studi internazionali sulla donna
Nuova (La) ecologia : mensile di analisi e di lotta contro la degradazione ambientale per un ambiente gestito da chi vive
La nuova ecologia : per vivere meglio
Nuova elettronica : rivista mensile
La nuova Europa : settimanale di politica e letteratura
Nuova finestra : serramenti e componenti per l'edilizia
La nuova giurisprudenza civile commentata : rivista bimestrale de Le nuove leggi civili commentate
Nuova informazione bibliografica
Nuova lettera matematica
Nuova lettera matematica. Nuova serie
Nuova museologia : rivista semestrale di museologia : giornale ufficiale del Comitato italiano dell'International council of museums e dell'Associazione nazionale dei musei di enti locali e istituzionali
Nuova Paideia : rivista bimestrale per l'aggiornamento dei docenti / CIRMES Centro internazionale ricerche metodologiche educative sociali
Nuova rassegna di legislazione, dottrina e giurisprudenza : rivista amministrativa quindicinale per i comuni, le provincie, le regioni e per gli altri enti locali
Nuova rassegna sindacale : settimanale della CGIL
Nuova rivista di diritto commerciale, diritto dell'economia, diritto sociale
Nuova rivista di letteratura italiana
La nuova rivista europea : lettere e arti, cultura e politica
Nuova rivista internazionale : le vie del socialismo
Nuova rivista musicale italiana : bimestrale di cultura e informazione musicale
Nuova rivista pedagogica
Nuova rivista storica
NUOVA RIVISTA TRIBUTARIA. Periodico mensile d'informazioni
Nuova secondaria : mensile di cultura, orientamenti educativi problemi didattico-istituzionali per la scuola secondaria superiore
Nuova sinistra : appunti torinesi
Le nuove leggi civili commentate : rivista bimestrale
Nuovi argomenti : rivista bimestrale / diretta da Alberto Moravia, Alberto Carocci
Nuovi studi : rivista di arte antica e moderna
Nuovi studi politici : rivista bimestrale
Nuovo : rivista italiana di pubblicità
Il nuovo cantiere
Il nuovo cimento
Il nuovo cimento : rivista internazionale e organo della Società italiana di fisica. A.
Il nuovo cimento : rivista internazionale e organo della Società italiana di fisica. B.
Il nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. C, Geophysics and space physics
Il nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. D, Condensed matter, atomic, molecular and chemical physics, biophysics
Il nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. A, Nuclei, particles and fields
Il nuovo cimento della Società italiana di fisica. B, General physics, relativity, astronomy and mathematical physics and methods
Il nuovo diritto : rivista teorico-pratica di dottrina e giurisprudenza
Nuovo diritto agrario
Il nuovo diritto delle società
Nuovo Giappone : notiziario mensile del Centro italo-nipponico di studi economici
Il nuovo governo locale : quadrimestrale curato dall'Assessorato al personale della Provincia di Milano
Nuovo impegno
Nuovo repertorio di giurisprudenza del lavoro ... / [a cura di] Mario Pacifico, Enrico Pacifico, Massimiliano Pacifico
Nuovo sviluppo : rivista semestrale di scienze umane a cura dell'ISSAS
Nurse education in practice
Nurse education today
Nurse leader
Nursing & health sciences
Nursing & Midwifery Research Journal
Nursing ethics
Nursing for women's health
Nursing forum
Nursing in critical care
Nursing inquiry
Nursing outlook
Nursing philosophy
Nursing science quarterly
Nutrient cycling in agrosystems
Nutrition & dietetics
Nutrition & food science
Nutrition and health
Nutrition and metabolic insights
Nutrition bulletin
Nutrition clinique et metabolisme
Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Nutrition, metabolism and cardiovascular diseases
Nutrition research
Nutrition research reviews
Nutrition reviews
NWSA journal
Nytt om runer : meldingsblad om runeforskning

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