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Risultati trovati 353

H&G Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten
Habitat : the international multidisciplinary journal for the original publication of research and survey articles, records of actual experiences and proposed plans for future activities ..
Habitat international : a journal for the study of human settlements, established at the United Nations habitat conference, Vancouver, 1976
Hadronic journal
Hadronic journal supplement
Hagiographica : rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio evo latino = journal of hagiography and biography of Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio evo latino
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
Hague yearbook of international law = Annuaire de La Haye de droit international / [Association des auditeurs et anciens auditeurs de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye = Association of attenders and alumni of the Hague academy of international
Halsbury's laws of England : annual abridgment
Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik / begrundet von Heinz-Heinrich Ortlieb
Hamlet : bimestrale di riflessione sui paradossi del nostro tempo
Hand surgery and rehabilitation
Handbook of business strategy
Handbook of international sociometry
Handbook of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and proceedings of the Annual Conference Meeting
Handbook of US labor statistics : employment, earnings, prices, productivity, and other labor data
Handbooks in Economics
Handbooks in operations research and management science
Handel, Dienstleistungen und Verkehr = Distributive trade, services and transport = Commerce, services et transports / ES, Eurostat
Handel und Dienstleistungen : monatlich = Distributive trade and services : monthly = Commerce et services : mensuel
Handelsblatt Magazin
Handicap grave : ritardo mentale e pluriminorazioni sensoriali
Harmful algae
Harvard Art Museum Annual Report
Harvard book review
Harvard business review
The Harvard educational review
Harvard environmental law review
Harvard espansione
Harvard international journal of press/politics
Harvard international law journal
Harvard journal of asiatic studies
Harvard journal of law & public policy
Harvard journal on legislation
Harvard law review
Harvard review
Harvard studies in classical philology
The Harvard theological review / issued quarterly by the Faculty of Divinity in Harvard University
Harvard University Art Museums bulletin
The Harvey lectures / delivered under the auspices of the Harvey Society of New York ; by H. Ronald Kaback … [et al.].
Hastings center report
Hastings center studies
Hastings international and comparative law review
Hatályos magyar jogszabályok = Geltende ungarische Rechtsnormen = Hungarian rules of law in force
Der Hautarzt
hautnah dermatologie
HBRC journal
Head and neck
Head and neck pathology
Headache Currents
Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine
Health and history
Health and human rights
Health and place
Health and safety guide
Health & social care in the community
Health & social work
Health and Technology
Health at a glance : OECD indicators ..
Health care analysis
Health care management science
Health economics
Health economics in prevention and care
Health economics, policy and law
Health education
Health education & behavior
Health education journal
Health education research
Health expectations
Health informatics journal
Health information & libraries journal
Health information management
Health information management journal
Health Information Science and Systems
Health Libraries Review
Health manpower management
Health outcomes research in medicine
Health physics : the radiation protection journal : official journal of the Health Physics Society
Health policy
Health policy and planning
Health policy and technology
Health promotion international
Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Health promotion practice
Health psychology
Health psychology open
Health services & outcomes research methodology
Health services insights
Health services report
Health services research
Health services research and managerial epidemiology
Healthcare management forum
Hearing research
Heart & lung: the journal of acute and critical care
Heart and vessels
Heart failure reviews
Heart, lung and circulation
Heat and mass transfer
Heat recovery systems and CHP
Heat transfer
Heat transfer - Asian research
Heat transfer - Japanese research
Hebrew student
HEC forum
Hegel bulletin
Heine-Jahrbuch / herausgegeben von Joseph A. Kruse ; Heinrich-Heine-Institut der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
Helgoland marine research
Helikon : rivista di tradizione e cultura classica / direttori Antonio Mazzarino, Johannes Irmscher
Hellenic Journal of Surgery
Helsinki monitor : quarterly on security and cooperation in europe
Helvetica chimica acta / edita a Societate chimica helvetica
Helvetica physica acta : Societatis physicae helveticae commentaria publica
Hematological oncology
Hematology and cell therapy
Hemodialysis international
Hemoglobin : international journal for hemoglobin research
Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International
Hepatology international
Hepatology research
Herald of the Russian academy of sciences
Herd: health environments research & design journal
Heresis : revue d'hérésiologie médiévale : édition de textes, recherche
Heritage Turkey : British Institute of Ankara research reports
Hermēneus : revista de traducción e interpretación
Hermeneutica : pubblicazione dell'Istituto superiore di scienze religiose dell'Università degli studi di Urbino
Hermes : Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie
Herzschrittmachertherapie und Elektrophysiologie
Hesperia. Journal of the American school of classical studies at Athens
Hesperìa : studi sulla grecità di occidente / a cura di Lorenzo Braccesi
Hesperia. Supplement
Heteroatom chemistry
Heterocyclic chemistry : a review of the literature abstracted between July ... and June ..
The Heythrop journal
High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention
High energy chemistry
High energy density physics
High performance polymers
High power laser science and engineering
The high school journal
High temperature
High temperature technology : generation, materials, applications
Higher education : an international journal of higher education and educational planning
Higher education for the future
Higher education abstracts
Higher education in Europe = Enseignement supérieur en Europe = Vysšee obrazovanie v Evrope
Higher education management : journal of the programme on institutional management in higher education
Higher education management and policy: journal of the programme on institutional management in higher education
Higher Education Policy
Higher education quarterly
Higher education review
Higher-order and symbolic computation
Highlights of astronomy
HIP international
Hiram : organo del Grande Oriente d'Italia
Hispania : a journal devoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese / published by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Hispania sacra : revista de historia eclesiástica
Hispanic American historical review
Hispanic articles in scholarly periodicals : annual bibliography / Ann L. Mackenzie and Maria Guterres
Hispanic health care international
Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences
Hispanic review : a quarterly journal devoted to research in the hispanic languages & literatures
Histochemistry and cell biology
Histoire de l'éducation
Histoire des Alpes : Storia delle Alpi : Geschichte der Alpen
Histoire, économie et société
Histoire épistémologie langage : H.E.L.
Histoire & mesure
Historia : Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte
Historia mathematica : international journal of history of mathematics / [published by the Commission on history of mathematics of the Division of the history of science of the International union for the history and philosophy of science]
Historia mexicana
The historian
Historical archaeology
Historical Bibliography Online
Historical journal
Historical methods
Historical methods newsletter
Historical research
Historical statistics = Statistiques rétrospectives
Historiographia linguistica : international journal for the history of linguistics / edited by E.F.K. Koerner
Das historisch- politische Buch : ein Wegweiser durch das Schrifttum / herausgegeben im Auftrage der Ranke-Gesellschaft, Vereinigung fuer Geschichte im oeffentlichen Leben
Historische Sprachforschung / Historical Linguistics
Historische Zeitschrift
Historische Zeitschrift. Beiheft
Historische Zeitschrift. Sonderheft
History & Memory. Studies in Representation of the Past
History and philosophy of logic
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
History and sociology of South Asia
History and technology
History and theory
History Compass
History in Africa
History news
History of economic ideas
History of economic thought and policy
History of education. The journal of the History of Education Society
History of education journal
History of education quarterly
The history of the European universities. Work in progress and publications /…/
History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis
History of political economy
History of political thought
History of psychiatry
History of psychology
History of religions : an international journal for comparative historical studies
History of science
The history of sociology : HOS : an international review
History of the human sciences
History of the present
History of universities
History teacher
History workshop. A journal of socialist historians
History workshop journal
Hi-tech ambiente : ecosistemi, industria, servizi pubblici
Hitotsubashi journal of commerce and management
Hitotsubashi journal of economics
HIV medicine
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
HNO Nachrichten
Das Hochschulwesen. Zeitschrift für das Hochschulwesen der DDR
Hokkaido mathematical journal / Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Holding : rivista di economia pubblica e privata
Hollywood quarterly
Holocaust and genocide studies
The holocene
Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff : Organ der deutschen Gesellschaft für Holzforschung : Organ der Fédération européenne des syndicats de fabricants de panneaux de particules (FESYP)
Holztechnologie. Wissenschaftlich-technische Zeitschrift für die …
Home care provider
Home health care management & practice
Home Hemodialysis International
Homicide studies
L'homme : revue française d'anthropologie / publiée par l'Ecole pratique des hautes études-Sorbonne sixième section-sciences économiques et sociales
L'homme et la société : revue internationale de recherches et de synthèses sociologiques
Homo Oeconomicus
Hong Kong journal of emergency medicine
Hong Kong journal of nephrology
Hong Kong journal of occupational therapy
Hong Kong physiotherapy journal
Hoosier folklore
Hoosier folklore bulletin
Hora de España : revista mensual
Horizontes Decoloniales / Decolonial Horizons
Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation
Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Hormones and behavior
Hormones and Cancer
Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology
Hortus artium medievalium
Hospital pharmacy
La houille blanche : revue international de l'eau
Housing studies
Housing studies
Howard Journal of Crime and Justice
The Howard journal of criminal justice
HSMHA health reports
HSS Journal®: The Musculoskeletal Journal of Hospital for Special Surgery
HT : hi-tech : newsletter quindicinale sulle tecnologie avanzate
Hudson review
Human affairs
Human and experimental toxicology
Human Arenas
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
Human brain mapping
Human Cell
Human Cell
Human communication research
Human-computer interaction : a journal of theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues of user psychology and of system design
Human Development
Human development report
Human ecology : an interdisciplinary journal
Human ethology bulletin
Human factors : the journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Human factors and ergonomics in manufacturing & service industries
Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety
Human gene
Human genetics
Human Geography
Human immunology
Human-Intelligent Systems Integration
Human molecular genetics
Human movement science
Human mutation
Human nature
Human organization
Human pathology
Human physiology
Human psychopharmacology: clinical and experimental
Human relations. Studies towards the integration of the social sciences
Human reproduction
Human reproduction update
Human resource development quarterly
Human resource development review
Human resource management
Human resource management international digest
Human resource management journal
Human resource management review
Human resources abstracts : an international information service
Human rights. Bibliographical data and international instruments
Human rights. Yearbook. /USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of State and Law/
Human rights law journal : HRLJ
Human rights law review
Human rights quarterly
Human rights review
Human studies. A journal for philosophy and the social sciences
Human Systems : Therapy, Culture and Attachments
Humanistic Management Journal
The humanistic psychologist
Humanistica lovaniensia
Humanitas : rivista mensile di cultura
Humanity & society
Humor : international journal of humor research
The Hungarian historical review
Hungarica Acta Physica
Huntington library bulletin
Huntington library quarterly
Husserl studies
Hydrogeology journal
Hydrological processes
Hydrological sciences journal = Journal des sciences hydrologiques
Hydrometallurgy : an international journal devoted to all aspects of the aqueous processing of metals
Hypatia : a journal of feminist philosophy
Hyperfine interactions : journal devoted to research in the border regions of solid state, atomic and nuclear physics

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