
Nuova ricerca

Risultati trovati 1314

E & I Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
E-learning and digital media
e-Service Journal
e-SPEN, the European e-journal of clinical nutrition and metabolism
EA: energie & ambiente oggi
Early American literature [1968- ]
Early American literature newsletter
Early American studies
Early childhood education journal
Early childhood research quarterly
Early China
Early development and parenting
Early human development
Early Intervention in Psychiatry
Early medieval europe
Early modern women
Early music
Early music history
Early science and medicine
Early theatre
Earth and environmental science transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Earth and Planetary Physics
Earth and planetary science letters
Earth, moon, and planets
Earth, science frontiers
Earth science informatics
Earth-science reviews
Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British geomorphological research group
Earth Systems and Environment
Earthquake engineering and engineering vibration
Earthquake Engineering and Resilience
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics : the journal of the International Association for Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake science
Earthquake spectra : the professional journal of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
The East Africa law reports / The President of the Court of appeal for East Africa and the Chief justices of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
East Asia
East Asian Community Review
East Asian journal on applied mathematics
East Asian science, technology and society: an international journal
East european politics
East-west investment and joint ventures news / United Nations Economic commission for Europe
East-west joint ventures and investment news / United Nations Economic commission for Europe
East-west investment and joint ventures news / United Nations Economic commission for Europe
East-West journal of numerical mathematics
The Eastern Africa law reports : of cases decided in the Court of appeal for Eastern Africa, the Superior courts of the constituent territories and the Privy council on appeal from the above courts
Eastern economic journal / published by the Eastern economic Association at the Department of Economics, Bloomsburg State college
Eastern Europe : newsletter
Eastern European economics
Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity
Eating behaviors
EAU-EBU update series
Eau update series
EBA newsletter / Association bancaire pour l'ECU = ECU banking Association
EBU review. Part B, General and legal / published every two months by the Administrative office of the European broadcasting union
EBU review. Programmes, administration, law / published every two months by the Administrative office of the European broadcasting union
EC agricultural price indices : monthly and annual results : half-yearly statistics = Indices CE des prix agricoles : résultats mensuels et annuels : statistiques semestrielles / ES, Eurostat
EC economic data pocket book
EC tax review
Ecclesiastical law journal
Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae / herausgegeben von der Schweiz. geologischen Gesellschaft = publiées par la Société géologique Suisse
Eco : la nuova ecologia
Eco-management and auditing
Ecohydrology & hydrobiology
L'école et la vie : revue mensuelle
L'école maternelle française : éducation des enfants : école maternelle jardin d'enfants classes enfantines cours préparatoire
Ecologia della mente : rivista interdisciplinare per la costruzione di un comportamento terapeutico
Ecologia politica : capitalismo natura socialismo : quadrimestrale di politica e cultura
Ecological applications
Ecological complexity
Ecological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics
Ecological engineering : the journal of ecotechnology
Ecological entomology
Ecological genetics and genomics
Ecological indicators
Ecological informatics
Ecological management & restoration
Ecological modelling : international journal on ecological modelling and engineering and systems ecology
Ecological monographs
Ecological research
The ecologist
The ecologist : journal of the post industrial age
Ecology : a publication of the Ecological Society of America
Ecology and Society
Ecology letters
Ecology of freshwater fish
Eco-Management and Auditing
Econometric reviews
Econometric theory
Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society
Econometrics and statistics
The econometrics journal
Economia. Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA)
Economia agro-alimentare
Economia atesina / a cura della Camera di commercio industria e agricoltura di Trento
Economia aziendale : four monthly review of the Accademia italiana di economia aziendale
Economia banca e congiuntura : rivista trimestrale della Banca di Trento e Bolzano
Economia dei servizi
Economia del lavoro : bollettino trimestrale
L'economia del Trentino-Alto Adige nell'anno ... / Banca d'Italia
Economia della cultura
Economia delle fonti di energia : rivista quadrimestrale dell'Istituto di economia delle fonti di energia, Università L. Bocconi Milano
Economia delle fonti di energia e dell'ambiente : energy and environment economics and policy
Economia delle scelte pubbliche : SP = Journal of public finance and public choice
Economia e ambiente
Economia e banca : rivista quadrimestrale della Banca di Trento e Bolzano
Economia e credito : rassegna trimestrale dell'Ufficio studi della Cassa di risparmio V.E. per le province siciliane
Economia e diritto del terziario : rivista quadrimestrale
Economia & lavoro : rivista bimestrale di politica economica e sindacale
Economia & management : la rivista di direzione aziendale
Economia e politica industriale : rassegna trimestrale
Economia e società regionale
Economia e storia : rivista italiana di storia economica e sociale
Economia e territorio
Economia europea / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia europea. Supplemento. A, Tendenze congiunturali / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia europea. Supplemento. B, Prospettive congiunturali-Risultati delle inchieste nell'industria / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia europea. Supplemento. B, Risultati dell'inchiesta nell'industria e presso i consumatori / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia europea. Supplemento. B, Risultati delle inchieste nell'industria / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia europea. Supplemento. C, Prospettive economiche-Risultati delle inchieste presso i consumatori / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia europea. Supplemento. C, Prospettive economiche-Risultati delle inchieste presso i consumatori / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia europea. Supplemento. Serie A, Tendenze congiunturali / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia europea. Supplemento. Serie B, Prospettive congiunturali-Risultati delle inchieste nell'industria / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia europea. Supplemento. Serie C, Prospettive economiche-Risultati delle inchieste presso i consumatori / Commissione delle Comunità europee, Direzione generale degli affari economici e finanziari
Economia internazionale : rivista dell'Istituto di economia internazionale
Economia istruzione e formazione professionale
Economia italiana. Rivista quadrimestrale / Banca di Roma
L'economia italiana nel ... : relazione previsionale e programmatica / Ministero del bilancio e della programmazione economica, Ministero del tesoro
Economia Marche
Economia politica : rivista di teoria e analisi
Economia pubblica : mensile di studi e d'informazione a cura del Ciriec
Economia, società e istituzioni : quadrimestrale della LUISS
Economia trentina / a cura della Camera di commercio, industria e agricoltura di Trento
Economía y desarrollo : publicación bimestral de la Facultad de economía de la Universidad de La Habana
Economic abstracts : semi-monthly review of abstracts on economics, finance, trade and industry, management and labour
Economic accounts for agriculture = Comptes économiques de l'agriculture
The economic accounts of the European Union
Economic affairs
Economic analysis : journal of enterprise and participation
Economic analysis and policy
Economic analysis and workers' management
Economic & financial review / Federal reserve bank of Dallas
Economic and industrial democracy : an international journal
Economic & labour market review
Economic and labour relations review
Economic & political weekly
Economic and social progress in Latin America / inter-American development bank
Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific / [Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific]
Economic Anthropology
Economic botany
The economic bulletin
Economic Bulletin
Economic bulletin for Africa / published by the secretariat of the Economic commission for Africa
Economic bulletin for Asia and the Far East / Economic commission for Asia and the Far East
Economic bulletin for Asia and the Pacific / Economic commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand
Economic bulletin for Europe / prepared by the Research and planning division, Economic commission for Europe
Economic bulletin for Latin America / [prepared by the secretariat of the Economic commission for Latin America]
Economic change and rectructuring
Economic design
Economic development and cultural change
Economic development quarterly
Economic digest
Economic geography / [published by Clark University]
Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists
Economic History
The economic history review
Economic impact : a quarterly review of world economics
Economic inquiry : journal of the Western Economic Association
The economic journal : the journal of the British Economic Association
Economic modelling
Economic notes / by Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Economic outlook
Economic papers: a journal of applied economics and policy
Economic perspectives : a review from the Federal reserve bank of Chicago
Economic policy : a European forum
Economic policy reform
Economic policy review / University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics
Economic policy review / Federal reserve bank of New York
Economic portrait of the European Union ..
Economic quality control
Economic quarterly / Federal reserve bank of Richmond
The economic record
Economic report of the President : transmitted to the Congress ... . Together with The annual report of the Council of economic advisers
Economic review / Algemene Bank Nederland
Economic review. Lithuania / [prepared in the European II department of the IMF]
Economic review / Bank of Israel, Research department
Economic review. The economy of the former USSR in ... / [prepared in the European II department of the IMF]
Economic review. Russian federation / [prepared in the European II department of the IMF]
Economic review. Ukraine / [prepared in the European II department of the IMF]
Economic review. Belarus / [prepared in the European II department of the IMF]
Economic review / Federal reserve bank of Dallas.
Economic review / Federal reserve bank of Kansas city
Economic review / Federal reserve bank of Richmond
Economic review / Federal reserve bank of San Francisco
Economic review. Georgia
Economic review. Kazakhstan
Economic review. Kyrghyzstan
Economic review. Lithuania / [prepared in the European II department of the IMF]
Economic review. Tajikistan
Economic review. The economy of the former USSR . . . /[prepared in the Europeana II department of the IMF]
Economic review. Turkmenistan
Economic survey ...
Economic survey of Asia and the Far East / prepared by the segretariat of the Economic commission for Asia and the Far East
Economic survey of Europe in ... / prepared by the Research and planning division, Economic commission for Europe
Economic survey of Latin America / prepared by the secretariat of the Economic commission for Latin America
Economic survey of Latin America and the Caribbean
Economic systems / [published for the Osteuropa-Institut Muenchen]
Economic systems research : journal of the International Input-Output Association
Economic theory
Economic Theory Bulletin
Economic titles : semi-monthly providing concise information of interest to business, trade, industry, economic libraries and research Institutes / [compiled by the Library and Documentation Center of the Economic Information Service, Ministry of Economic
Economic titles abstracts : semi-monthly journal providing concise information of interest to Business, Trade, Industry, Economic Libraries and Research Institutes / [compiled by the Library and Documentation Center of the Economic Information Service, Mi
Economic trends / Central statistical office
Economic trends. Annual supplement / Central statistical office
Economics and human biology
Economics and philosophy
Economics and politics
Economics letters
Economics of Disasters and Climate Change
Economics of education review
Economics of governance
Economics of innovation and new technology
Economics of planning : theory and practice of centrally planned economies and their relations with market economies
The economics of transition
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change
Economics of transportation
Économie appliquée : archives de l'ISMEA
Économie et humanisme
Économie et Politique. Revue marxiste d'économie
Économie & statistique : revue mensuelle
Economie europeenne
Économie européenne. Supplément A, Tendances économiques récentes / Commission des Communautés européennes, Direction générale des affaires économiques et financières
Économie européenne. Supplement B, Résultats des enquêtes auprès des chefs d'entreprise et des consommateurs / Commission des Communautés européennes, Direction générale des affaires économiques et financières
Économie européenne. Supplément C, Bulletin de la réforme économique / Commission européenne. Direction générale des affaires économiques et financières
Économie rurale : revue française d'économie et de sociologie rurales
Économies et sociétés : cahiers de l'ISEA
The economist
De economist : quarterly review of the Royal Netherlands Economic Association
L'economiste francais. Journal hebdomadaire
The economist's voice
Economy and society
EcoSal Plus
Ecosystem services
Ecotass : il bollettino economico e commerciale dell'agenzia d'informazioni sovietica Tass
Ecotass : the economic and commercial bulletin of the Soviet news agency Tass.
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
eCrime working papers
L'écrit du temps
ECS Electrochemistry Letters EEL
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology JSS
ECS Meeting Abstracts
ECS Solid State Letters SSL
ECS transaction
ECU newsletter / Istituto bancario San Paolo di Torino
ECU-SME information & taux d'intérêt des banques centrales / Eurostat
ECU-SME informazioni / Eurostat
Ecumenical review
Edad de oro / Departamento de literatura espanola
Edilizia e territorio. Quotidiano del Sole 24 Ore
L'edilizia moderna : periodico mensile di architettura pratica e costruzione
Edilizia popolare : rivista bimestrale di studi edita a cura della Associazione nazionale fra gli istituti autonomi per le case popolari
Edinburgh journal of botany
The Edinburgh law review
Edith Wharton newsletter
Edith Wharton review
Editio. International Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft
L'editore : mensile di informazione e di documentazione
Edizioni di legislazione tecnica : trimestrale di testi coordinati, capitolati ecc. riguardanti le costruzioni
EDN : electronic technology for engineers and engineering managers
EDN : electronic technology for engineers and engineering managers
EDP telematica notizie
Educación : revista trimestral del Ministerio de educación
La educación superior contemporánea : revista internacional de países socialistas.
Education across Europe
Education and information technologies
Education and Treatment of Children
Education and urban society
Education at a glance : OECD indicators / Centre for educational research and innovation
Education at a glance : OECD indicators = Regards sur l'éducation : les indicateurs de l'OCDE
Education, citizenship and social justice
Education for chemical engineers
Education in OECD countries : a compendium of statistical information = L'enseignement dans les pays de l'OCDE : recueil d'informations statistiques
Éducation ouvrière
Éducation permanente
Education + training
Education policy analysis
Educational administration quarterly
Educational and developmental psychologist
Educational and psychological measurement : a quarterly journal devoted to the development and application of measures of individual differences
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
ECTJ : educational communication and technology / [published by the Association for educational communications and technology]
Educational evaluation and policy analysis : a bimonthly publication of the American Educational Research Association
Educational horizons
Educational management administration & leadership
Educational management & administration
Educational measurement : issues and practice
Educational philosophy and theory
Educational policy
Educational psychologist : official publication of the Division of Educational Psychology of the American Psychological Association
Educational psychology review
Educational research bulletin
Educational research for policy and practice
Educational research review
Educational researcher : a publication of the American Educational Research Association
Educational sciences : an international journal
Educational studies
Educational studies in mathematics
Educational technology abstracts
Educational technology research and development : ETR&D : a quarterly publication of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
Educational theatre journal
Educational theory
L'educatore : quindicinale di pedagogia, didattica e problemi professionali per la scuola elementare
L'educatore italiano
EDA : bimestrale per lo sviluppo dell'educazione degli adulti
Educazione e quartiere : rivista trimestrale di scienze dell'educazione
L'educazione matematica : rivista quadrimestrale a cura del Centro di ricerca e sperimentazione dell'educazione matematica
EEPS : Eastern European politics and societies
Eesti nóukogude-sotsialistliku Vabariigi Ulemnoukogu ja valitsuse teataja
EF-Indeks over produktionspriser på landbrugsprodukter = EG-Index der Erzeugerpreise landwirtschaftlicher produkte = EC Index of producer prices of agricultural products
EFTA bulletin / European Free Trade Association
EG-Agrarpreisindizes (output und input) = EC Agricultural prices indices (output und input) = Indice CE dei prezzi agricoli (output und input) / ES, Eurostat.
L'egalité. Journal de l'Association internationale des travailleurs de la ..
EG-Index der erzeugerpreise landwirtschaftliche produkte = EC-Index of producer prices of agricultural products = Indice CE dei prezzi alla produzione dei prodotti agricoli / ES, Eurostat.
Egitto e Vicino Oriente
Egyetemi Szemle
The egyptian heart journal
The egyptian journal of aquatic research
Egyptian journal of ear, nose, throat and allied sciences
Egyptian journal of forensic sciences
Egyptian journal of petroleum
The egyptian journal of radiology and nuclear medicine
The egyptian journal of remote sensing and space science
Eighteenth-century music
Eighteenth-century studies
Eikasmos : quaderni bolognesi di filologia classica
Einkaufspreise der Betriebsmittel = Purchase prices of the means of production = Prix d'achat des moyens de production
Einkaufspresise landwirtschaftlicher Betriebsmittel = Purchase prices of the means of agricultural production = Prix d'achat des moyens de production agricole
Eisen und Stahl= Iron and Steel= Siderurgia
Eisen und Stahl : monatlich = Iron and steel : monthly = Sidérurgie : mensuel / ES, Eurostat
Eisen und Stahl : vierteljährliche Statistiken = Iron and steel : quarterly statistics = Sidérurgie : statistiques trimestrielles / [Eurostat]
Eisen und Stahl : jährliche Statistiken = Iron and steel : yearly statistics = Sidérurgie : statistiques annuelles / [ES, Eurostat]
Eisen und Stahl. Supplement ... = Iron and steel. Supplement ... = Sidérurgie. Supplement ... / ES, Eurostat
EITO : European information technology observatory
EJC Supplements
EJRR: European journal of risk regulation
Ekonomičeskaja gazeta : ezenedel'nik CK KPSS
Ekonomika i matematičeskie metody
Ekonomika i žizn' : ordena trudovogo krasnogo ziameni ̌ezenedel'nik CK KPSS
Ekonomisk tidskrift
Electoral studies. An international journal
Electra omnia web : biblioteca elettronica delle norme CEI
Electric power systems research
Electrical engineering (Archiv für Elektrotechnik)
Electrical engineering in Japan
Electricity information
The electricity journal
Electro- and magnetobiology
Electrochemical and solid-state letters
Electrochemical Energy Reviews
Electrochemical Society's interface
Electrochemistry : a review of the literature published up to ..
Electrochemistry communications
Electrochimica acta
Electrodeposition and surface treatment
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology/ Electromyography and motor control
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology/ Evoked potentials section
Electron spin resonance : a review of the literature published between ... and ..
Electronic commerce research
Electronic commerce research and applications
Electronic design
Electronic engineering
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
Electronic journal of theoretical chemistry
The electronic library
Electronic Markets
Electronic Materials Letters
Electronic news
Electronic notes in discrete mathematics
Electronic notes in theoretical computer science
Electronic research announcements. An electronic journal of the AMS
Electronic resources review
Electronics & communications in Japan
Electronics and communications in Japan (part I: communications)
Electronics and communications in Japan (part II: electronics)
Electronics and communications in japan (part III: fundamental electronic science)
Electronics letters : an international publication
Elektricitet : månedsbulletin = Elektrizität : Monatsbulletin = Energia elettrica : bollettino mensile / ES, Eurostat
Elektricitet : månedsbulletin = Elektrizität : Monatsbulletin = Energia elettrica : bollettino mensile / ES, Eurostat
Elementa. Journal of slavic studies and comparative cultural semiotics
The elementary school journal
Elementary school teacher
The elementary school teacher and course of study
Elemente der Mathematik : revue de mathématiques élémentaires
Éléments de bibliographie sur la sécheresse au Sahel = Elements for a bibliography of the Sahel drought
Éléments de bibliographie sur les pays du Sahel = Elements for a bibliography on the sahelian countries.
Elenco dei comuni al ... / ISTAT
Elettrificazione: rivista generale di elettrotecnica
Elettronica oggi : rivista mensile di strumenti e automazione professionale
Elettronica professionale
L'elettrotecnica : giornale ed atti della Associazione elettrotecnica italiana
Eleusis. Bollettino d'informazione SISSC
Elt journal : an international journal for teachers of English to speakers of other languages
The EMBO journal / [European molecular biology organization]
EMBO Molecular medicine
EMBO Reports
EMC - Anesthésie-réanimation
EMC - Cardiologie - angéiologie
EMC - Chirurgie
EMC - Dermatologie-cosmétologie
EMC - Endocrinologie
EMC - Gynécologie-obstétrique
EMC - Hématologie
EMC - Hépatologie
EMC - Kinesitherapie
EMC - Maladies infectieuses
EMC - Medecine
EMC - Néphrologie
EMC - Neurologie
EMC - Ophtalmologie
EMC - Oto -rhino -laryngologie
EMC - Pediatrie
EMC - Pneumologie
EMC - Podologie
EMC - Psychiatrie
EMC - Radiologie
EMC - Rhumatologie orthopedie
EMC - Toxicologie-pathologie
EMC - Vétérinarie
Emerald emerging markets case studies
Emerald Insight
Emergence : a journal of complexity issues in organizations and management : a publication of the New England Complex Systems Institute
Emergency medicine
Emergency medicine Australasia
Emergency radiology
Emergent Materials
Emerging adulthood
Emerging economies cases journal
Emerging economy studies
Emerging markets finance & trade
Emerging markets review
Emerita : revista de linguistica y filologia clasica / Junta para ampliacion de estudios, Centro de estudios historicos
Emission Control Science and Technology
Emotion review
Emotion, space and society
Empirica. Zeitschrift des österreichischen Institutes für Wirtschaftsforchung
Empirical economics : a quarterly journal of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
Empirical software engineering
Empirical studies of the arts
L'emploi en Europe / Commission des Communautés européenes, Direction générale emploi, relations industrielles et affaires sociales
Employee relations: the international journal
Employee responsibilities and rights journal
Employment gazette / Department of employment
Employment in Europe / Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General employment, industrial relations and social affairs
Employment law newsletter
Employment outlook
Employment relations today
Empowerment in organizations
EMS Magazine
Enciklopedija. Godusartsvo i Pravo
Encomia : bibliographical bulletin of the International Courtly Literature Society
Encyclopaideia : rivista di fenomenologia, pedagogia, formazione
Endocrine pathology
Endocrine reviews
Endocrinología, diabetes y nutrición (english ed.)
Endocrinología y nutrición (english edition)
Endodontic topics
ENER bulletin / European network energy economics research
Energía : anuario estadístico = Energie : statistisches Jahrbuch = Energia : annuario statistico / ES, Eurostat
Energia. Rivista trimestrale sui problemi dell'energia
Energia, ambiente e innovazione / ENEA, Ente per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e l'ambiente
Energia, ambiente e innovazione / ENEA, Ente per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e l'ambiente
Energia e innovazione : notiziario dell'ENEA : mensile d'informazione sull'energia e sulle nuove tecnologie
Energia e materie prime : rivista bimestrale di politica, scienza ed economia
L'energia elettrica
Energie : jährliche Statistiken = Energy : yearly statistics = Energie : statistiques annuelles / Eurostat
Energie : monatliche Statistiken = Energy : monthly statistics = Énergie : statistiques mensuelles.
Energie en Europe : politique énergétique et tendances dans la Communauté européenne / Coommission des Communautés européennes. Direction générale de l'énergie
Energiestatistik : Jahrbuch = Statistiques de l'energie : annuaire = Statistiche dell'energia : annuario
Energiestatistik : Vierteljährliche Veröffentlichung = Statistiques de l'énergie : publication trimestrielle = Statistiche dell'energia = Pubblicazione trimestrale
Energistatistik : kvartalsbulletin = Energiestatistik : vierteljährliches Bulletin = Statistiche dell'energia : bollettino trimestrale / [ES, Eurostat]
Energy : statistical yearbook = Énergie : annuaire statistique / ES, Eurostat
Energy and buildings
Energy & environment
Energy & fuels
Energy balances of developing countries = Bilans énergétiques des pays en développement
Energy balances of developing countries = Bilans énergétiques des pays en développement
Energy balances of OECD countries = Bilans énergétiques des pays de l'OCDE
Energy consumption in industry
Energy conversion
Energy conversion and management
Energy, Ecology and Environment
Energy economics
Energy efficiency
Energy exploration & exploitation
Energy for sustainable development
Energy harvesting and systems
Energy in agriculture
Energy in Europe. Annual energy review
Energy in Europe : energy policies and trends in the European community
Energy in Europe. Energy policies and trends in the European community = La energia en Europa. = Energie in Europa = Energie en Europe
Energy in Europe. Short term energy outlook for the European community
The energy journal
Energy policies and programmes of IEA countries : review / International energy agency
Energy policies. Czech and Slovak federal Republic : ... survey / International energy agency
Energy policies of IEA countries. Australia ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Austria ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Belgium ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Canada ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries / Denmark. : ... review.
Energy policies of IEA countries. Finland ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. France ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Germany ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Greece ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Hungary ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Ireland ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Italy ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Japan ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Luxemburg ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. New Zealand ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Norway ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Portugal ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries : review / International energy agency
Energy policies of IEA countries. Spain ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Sweden ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Switzerland ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. The Netherlands ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. The United Kingdom ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. The United States ... review
Energy policies of IEA countries. Turkey ... review
Energy policies of the Slovak Republic : ... survey
Energy policy
Energy prices and taxes : and historical series from first quarter 1978 to first quarter 1984 / International energy agency
Energy procedia
Energy research & social science
Energy research, development and demonstration in the IEA countries : ... review of national programmes / International energy agency
Energy statistics = Statistiques de l'énergie / Organisation for economic co-operation and development = Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Energy statistics = Statistiques de l'énergie / Organisation for economic co-operation and development. International energy agency = Organisation de coopération et développement économiques. Agence internationale de l'énergie
Energy statistics and balances of non-OECD countries = Statistiques et bilans énergétiques des pays non-membres / International energy agency = Agence internationale de l'énergie
Energy statistics and main historical series = Statistiques de l'énergie et séries historiques principales / Organisation for economic co-operation and development. International energy agency = Organisation de coopération et développement économiques. Ag
Energy statistics and main series from 1960 = Statistiques de l'énergie et séries principales depuis 1960 / Organisation for economic co-operation and development. International energy agency = Organisation de coopération et développement économiques. Age
Energy statistics of non-OECD countries = Statistiques de l'energie des pays non-membres / International energy agency = Agence internationale de l'énergie
Energy statistics of OECD countries = Statistiques de l'énergie des pays de l'OCDE / International energy agency = Agence internationale de l'énergie
Energy Storage
Energy storage materials
Energy strategy reviews
Energy Systems
Energy Technology
Enfance. Psychologie - Pédagogie - Neuro-psychiatrie - Sociologie
Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica (english ed.)
Enfermería clínica (english edition)
Enfermería intensiva (english ed.)
Engibank : Engineering and Architecture Database
Engineering : an illustrated weekly journal
Engineering analysis with boundary elements
Engineering and process economics
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence
Engineering computations : international journal for computer-aided engineering and software
Engineering, construction and architectural management
Engineering costs and production economics
Engineering failure analysis : materials, structures, components, reliability, design
Engineering fracture mechanics : an international journal
Engineering geology : an international journal
Engineering in life sciences
The engineering industries in OECD member countries : basic statistics : deliveries of 100 selected products = Les industries mécaniques et électriques dans les pays membres de l'OCDE : statistiques de base : livraisons de 100 produits individuels / [OCDE
Engineering journal / [edited by] American Institute of Steel Construction
Engineering management international
Engineering plastics : an international journal
Engineering structures. The journal of earthquake, wind and ocean engineering
Engineering with computers. An international journal for computer-aided ...
English. The journal of the English Association
English and American studies in german
English education
The English Folk Dance Society's journal
English for specific purposes : an international journal / editors Ann M. Johns, John Swales
The English historical review
English in Education
English journal
English language and linguistics
English literary renaissance
English miscellany : a symposium of history literature and the arts / editor Mario Praz ; associate editors Ronald Bottrali, Edwin Muir
The English reports
English teaching: practice & critique
English Teaching & Learning
English today
Enrollment Management Report
L’enseignement mathématique. Revue internationale /Commission .../
Enterprise & society: the international journal of business history
Entertainment computing
Enti non profit. Guida operativa per associazioni, fondazioni e altri enti pubblici e privati senza scopo di lucro
Enti pubblici : rivista bimestrale
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata
Entomological research
Entomological review
Entomological science
Entrepreneurship & regional development
Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurship education and pedagogy
Entrepreneurship research journal
Entrepreneurship : theory and practice : ET&P
Entscheidungen des Bundesarbeitsgerichts
Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Zivilsachen / [herausgegeben von den Mitgliedern des Bundesgerichtshofes und der Bundesanwaltschaft]
Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts / herausgegeben von den Mitgliedern des Bundesverfassungsgericht
Entscheidungen des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts
Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Zivilsachen
Entscheidungen des schweizerischen Bundesgerichtes : amtliche Sammlung.nTeil.1, Staatsrecht = Arrêts du Tribunal fédéral suisse : recueil officiel. 1re partie, Droit public
Entscheidungen des schweizerischen Bundesgerichtes : aus dem Jahre ... : amtliche Sammlung = Arrêts du Tribunal fédéral suisse : en l'année ... : recueil officiel
Entscheidungssammlung zum AGB-Gesetz : (AGBE) : Band ... : Entscheidungen aus den Jahren ... / von Hermann Josef-Bunte
Environment and behavior : EB
Environment and development economics
Environment and planning : international journal of urban and regional research. A
Environment and planning B: urban analytics and city science
Environment and planning. B, Planning & design
Environment and planning C: government and policy
Environment and planning C: politics and space
Environment and planning D: society and space
Environment and planning E: nature and space
Environment and Planning F
Environment and Security
Environment and urbanization
Environment and urbanization Asia
Environment, development and sustainability
Environment international : a journal of science, technology, health, monitoring and policy
Environment, Space, Place
Environment systems and decisions
Environmental and ecological statistics
Environmental and experimental botany
Environmental and molecular mutagenesis
Environmental & resource economics
Environmental archaeology. The journal of human palaeoecology
Environmental biology of fishes
Environmental chemistry : a review of the recent literature concerning the organic chemistry of environments published up to mid ..
Environmental chemistry letters
Environmental conservation
Environmental data science
Environmental development
Environmental Earth Sciences
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Environmental Engineering and Policy
Environmental entomology
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Environmental geochemistry and health
Environmental geology
Environmental geology
Environmental geology and water sciences
Environmental health and preventive medicine
Environmental health insights
Environmental history
Environmental history review
Environmental impact assessment review
Environmental innovation and societal transitions
Environmental law review
Environmental management : an international journal for decision makers and scientists
Environmental management and health
Environmental microbiology
Environmental microbiology reports
Environmental modeling & assessment
Environmental modelling & software : with environment data news
Environmental monitoring and assessment
Environmental nanotechnology, monitoring & management
Environmental papers / Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei
Environmental policy and governance
Environmental policy and law
Environmental politics
Environmental pollution
Environmental pollution (1970)
Environmental pollution series A, ecological and biological
Environmental pollution series B, chemical and physical
Environmental practice
Environmental Processes
Environmental progress
Evironmental progress and sustainable energy
Environmental quality management
Environmental research
Environmental research letters
Environmental review: ER
Environmental science and policy
Environmental science and pollution research
Environmental science & technology
Environmental science & technology letters
Environmental software
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental technology & innovation
Environmental toxicology
Environmental toxicology and chemistry
Environmental toxicology and pharmacology
Environmental toxicology and water quality
Environmental values
The environmentalist
Environmetrics : the official journal of the International Environmetrics Society
Enzyme and microbial technology
EOS : Earth & space science news
EOS-Book + Speciali
EP Europace
Ephemerides du citoyen, ou, Bibliotheque raisonnée des sciences morales et politiques
Ephemerides iuris canonici : periodicum trimestre
Epidemiologia e prevenzione
Epidemiologic methods
Epidemiologic reviews
Epidemiology and infection
Epidemiology and psychiatric science
Epigenetics insights
Epigraphica : rivista italiana di epigrafia
Epigraphica Anatolica : Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens / herausgegeben von Ekrem Akurgal
Epilepsy & behavior
Epilepsy Currents
Epilepsy research
Epileptic Disorders
Epistemologia : rivista italiana di filosofia della scienza
Épistémologie sociologique. Bulletin semestriel publié par le Groupe ... - ...
EPJ direct
EPL. A letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics / published under the scientific responsibility of the European Physical Society
EPMA Journal
Ėpopeja. Literaturnyj ezemesjacnik
EPOS. Revista de filologia / Universidad nacional de educacion a distancia. . .
EPPO Bulletin
Equal opportunities for women and men in the European Union : annual report ... / European Commission, Directorate-general for employment, industrial relations and social affairs Unit V/D.5
Equal opportunities international
Equality, diversity and inclusion: an international journal
Equilibri : rivista per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Equine Veterinary Education
Equine Veterinary Journal
Equity in Education & Society
Eranos : acta philologica Suecana
Eranos : yearbook = Jahrbuch = annales
Erasmus and lingua action, directory= Erasmus et lingua action II. Commissio
Erasmus directory = Répertoire Erasmus / Erasmus ; Commission of the European communities, Task force human resources … = Commission des communautés européennes, Task-force ressources humaines ..
L'erba voglio : servitù e liberazione di massa
ERCL. European review of contract law
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems
Ergonomics in design: the quarterly of human factors applications
ERIC : educational resources information center
Erkenntnis. Im Auftrage der Gesellschaft für empirische Philosophie Berlin …
Ernährung - Wissenschaft und Praxis
Erwerbstätigkeit und Arbeitsuche in Südtirol = Occupazione e ricerca di lavoro in provincia di Bolzano / Landesinstitut fuer Statistik [der] autonome Provinz Bozen, Suedtirol = Istituto provinciale di statistica [della] Provincia autonoma di Bolzano, Alto
Erytheia. Revista de estudios bizantinos y neogriegos / Organo de la. . .
ESA bulletin / European Space Agency
ESAIM. Control, optimisation and calculus of variations. COCV = Controle, optimisation et calcul des variations. COCV
ESAIM. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis = ESAIM. Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique : M2AN
Esercizi filosofici / Università degli studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di filosofia
The ESP journal
L'espace géographique : EG : régions environnement aménagement
e-SPEN journal
L'esperienza poetica : rivista trimestrale di poesia e di critica / diretta da Vittorio Bodini
Esperienze di rieducazione
Esperienze letterarie : rivista trimestrale di critica e di cultura / diretta da Mario Santoro
Esperienze sociali
Esportare. Informazioni per il commercio estero / Istituto nazionale per il commercio estero
L'esposizione di Parigi del 1889 illustrata
L'esposizione italiana del 1881 in Milano illustrata
Le esposizioni del 1911 : Roma, Torino, Firenze : rassegna illustrata delle mostre indette nelle tre capitali per solennizzare il cinquantesimo del Regno d'Italia
L'Espresso. Politica - Cultura - Economia
L'espresso più.
Esprit. Nouvelle séries
L'esprit createur
Essais. Université d'Aix-Marseille 3. Centre des Hautes Etudes Touristiques
Essays in criticism : a quarterly journal of literary criticis / edited by Stephen Wall and Christopher Ricks
Essays in international economics / Princeton University. Department of Economics
Essays in international finance / Princeton University. Department of Economics
Essential teacher
L'est. Rivista trimestrale di studi sui paesi dell'Est
Est-Ovest. Quadrimestrale di studi sull'Est Europeo
Estate planning
Estetica : studi e ricerche
Estimo e territorio : rivista di scienze ambientali
Estreno : cuadernos del teatro español contemporaneo
Estuaries and coasts
Estuarine and coastal marine science
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science
Estudios clásicos : órgano de la Sociedad española de estudios clásicos
Estudios demogràficos y urbanos
Estudios económicos
L'età del ferro
Età evolutiva. Rivista di scienze dello sviluppo
Ethical theory and moral practice
Ethics : an international journal of social political and legal philosophy
Ethics and information technology
Ethics & international affairs
Ethics, medicine and public health
Ethik in der medizin
Ethnic and racial studies
Ethno-psychologie. Revue de psychologie des peuples
Ethnobiology Letters
Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings
Ethnologie française : revue de la Société d'ethnographie française
Ethnology : an international journal of cultural and social anthropology
Ethnomusicology forum
Ethology and sociobiology
Ethos / redactori: Ioan Cusa si Virgil Ierunca
Etica degli affari
Etica degli affari e delle professioni
Etica ed economia
Etimologija /Akademija Nauk SSSR. Institut Russkogo Jazyka
Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa
Etnologia-antropologia culturale. Rassegna di studi etno-antropologici
ETRI journal
Etruscan and Italic studies : journal of the Etruscan Foundation
Etruscan studies
Étude et gestion des sols
Études balkaniques / Academie bulgare des sciences, Institut d'etudes balkaniques
Études baudelairiennes.
Les Études classiques. Revue trimestrielle de recherche et d'enseignement
Études d'histoire moderne et contemporaine
Les études de La documentation française
Études de lettres : revue de la Faculté des lettres Université de Lausanne
Études durkheimiennes = Durkheim studies
Etudes et documents / Conseil d'Etat
Etudes et memoires. /Université de droit, d'économie et des sciences …/
Études françaises : Revue des lettres francaises et canadiennes-francaises
Etudes germaniques : revue trimestrielle de la Société des etudes germaniques
Les études philosophiques : revue trimestrielle / publiée avec le concours du CNRS ...
Études rurales : revue trimestrielle / publiée par l'Ecole pratique des hautes études - Sorbonne, sixième section-sciences économiques et sociales
Études sartriennes
EuCLR : European criminal law review
EUDISED R & D bulletin
Eukaryotic cell
Euphorion : Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte
Eurasian Business Review
Eurasian Economic Review
Eurasian soil science
EUREG : Europäische Zeitschrift für Regionalentwicklung = Revue européenne de développement régional = European journal of regional development
Euro-barometro / Commissione delle Comunità europee
Euro cooperazione : studi economici europei
Euro Impresa
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
EURO Journal on Decision Processes
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration
The EuroAtlantic union review
Eurobarometer : public opinion in the European union
Eurobaromètre : l'opinion publique dans la Communauté européenne. Trends / Commission des Communautés européennes, Direction générale information, communication, culture
Eurobaromètre : l'opinion publique dans la Communauté européenne / Commission des Communautés européennes, Direction générale information, communication, culture
EuroChoices : agri-food and rural resource issues
Euromed journal of business
Euromicro journal
Euromicro newsletter. International journal of microprocessing and ...
Europa Archiv. Zeitschrift für internationale Politik
Europa domani : economia finanza investimenti
Europa e diritto privato. Rivista trimestrale
Europa e Mezzogiorno : dossier di documentazione comunitaria
Europa e regione
Europa ethnica. Vierteljahresschrift für Nationalitatenfragen. Mit ...
Europa Europe
Europa : fatti e idee
Europaforum : mensile di economia e diritto comunitario
L'Europa letteraria : rivista bimestrale
Europa orientalis : studi e ricerche sui paesi e le culture dell'est europeo & bibliografia italiana corrente sull'Europa orientale
L'Europa ritrovata : bimestrale dell'ISCOS sull'Europa centrale e dell'est
Europa selezione : opinioni informazioni documenti
Europa transport : osservazione dei mercati dei trasporti. Analisi e previsioni / pubblicazione a cura della Direzione generale dei trasporti, Commissione delle Comunità europee
Europa transport : Beobachtung der Verkehrsmärkte = observation of the transport markets = observation des marches des transports. Marktentwicklung = market developments = evolutions du marche / herausgegeben von der Generaldirektion Verkehr, Kommission d
Europa transport : Beobachtung der Verkehrsmärkte = observation of the transport markets = observation des marches des transports. Konjunkturerhebung = transport survey = enqǔete de conjoncture / herausgegeben von der Generaldirektion Verkehr...
Europa transport. Osservazione dei mercati dei trasporti. Rapporto annuale
The Europa world year book …
The Europa year book …
Europæa : journal des européanistes = journal of the europeanists
Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift : EuGRZ
Europaeische Zeitschrift für politische Ökonomie = European journal of political economy
Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht. EUZW
Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen
Europarecht. Zeitschriften Archiv CD-ROM
Europe : revue mensuelle
Europe-Asia studies
Europe in figures : Eurostat yearbook ..
Europe sociale
Europe sociale. Supplément ..
European accounting review
European Actuarial Journal
European Addiction Research
European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases
European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience
European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences
European bibliography of Slavic and East European studies = Bibliographie européenne des travaux sur l'ex-URSS et l'Europe de l'Est = Europäische Bibliographie zur Osteuropaforschung
European bibliography of Soviet, East European and Slavonic studies = Bibliographie europeenne . . .
European biophysics journal
European business law review
European business organization law review
European business review
European child & adolescent psychiatry
European clinics in obstetrics and gynaecology
European colonialism in the early 20th century : Political and economic consolidation of Portuguese colonies in Africa, 1910-1929
The European Community ... : annual review of activities
European company and financial law review
European company law
European competition law
European constitutional law review (EUCONST)
European Cytokine Network
European demographic information bulletin
European diabetes nursing
European earthquake engineering
European eating disorders review
European economic review
European economy / European commission. Directorate-General for economic and financial affairs.
European economy. Reports and studies / Commission of the European communities, Directorate-general for economic and financial affairs
European economy. Supplementa A, economic trends
European economy. Supplement ser. B, Economic prospects-business survey results
European economy. Supplement C, Economic reform monitor
European educational research journal
European employment observatory review
European energy and environmental law review
European environment
European finance review
European financial management
European food research and technology
European foreign affairs review
European Geriatric Medicine
European geriatric medicine
European heart journal
European heart journal - acute cardiovascular care
European heart journal - cardiovascular imaging
European heart journal - cardiovascular pharmacotherapy
European heart journal - quality of care and clinical outcomes
European heart journal. Supplements
European history quarterly
European Journal for Philosophy of Science
European Journal for Security Research
European journal of ageing
European journal of agronomy
European journal of applied linguistics
European journal of applied mathematics
European journal of applied physiology
European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology
European journal of archaeology
European journal of biochemistry
European journal of cancer
European journal of cancer care
European journal of cancer part B: oral oncology
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery
European journal of cardiovascular nursing
European journal of cardiovascular prevention & rehabilitation
European journal of cell biology
European journal of clinical investigation
European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases
European journal of clinical pharmacology
The European journal of cognitive psychology
European journal of combinatorics = Journal européen de combinatoire = Europäische Zeitschrift für Kombinatorik
European journal of communication
European journal of control
European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice
European journal of criminology
European journal of cultural and political sociology : the official journal of the ESA
European journal of cultural studies
European journal of dental education
European Journal of Dermatology
The European journal of development research
European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
European journal of economics and economic policies : intervention
European journal of education : research, development and policies
European Journal of Endocrinology
European journal of engineering education
European journal of epidemiology
The European journal of finance
European Journal of Forest Pathology
European journal of forest research
European journal of haematology
European journal of health economics
European journal of health psychology
European journal of higher education
European Journal of Immunogenetics
European journal of immunology
European journal of industrial relations
European journal of inflammation
European journal of innovation management
European journal of inorganic chemistry
European journal of integrative medicine
European journal of internal medicine
The European journal of international affairs
European journal of international law = Journal européen de droit international
European journal of international relations
European Journal of international security
European journal of law and economics
European journal of law reform
European journal of lipid science and technology
European journal of marketing
European journal of mass spectrometry
European Journal of Mathematics
European journal of mechanics. A, solids
European journal of mechanics. B, fluids
European journal of medical genetics
European journal of medicinal chemistry
European journal of neurology
The European journal of neuroscience
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
European journal of nutrition
European journal of obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive biology
European journal of oncology nursing
European journal of operational research
European journal of ophthalmology
European journal of oral sciences
European journal of organic chemistry
The European journal of orthodontics
European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology
European journal of paediatric neurology
European Journal of Pain
European Journal of Pain Supplements
European journal of pediatrics
European journal of personality
European journal of pharmaceutical sciences
European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics
European journal of pharmacology
European journal of pharmacology : environmental toxicology and pharmacology
European journal of pharmacology : molecular pharmacology
European journal of philosophy
European journal of physics : a journal of the European Physical Society
European journal of plant pathology
European journal of plastic surgery
Europäische Zeitschrift für politische Ökonomie = European journal of political economy
European journal of political research : official journal of the European consortium for political research
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook
European journal of political theory
European journal of population
European journal of preventive cardiology
European journal of privacy law & technologies
European journal of probation
European journal of protistology
The European journal of psychiatry
European journal of psychological assessment
European Journal of Psychology of Education
The European journal of public health
European journal of purchasing and supply management
European journal of radiology
European journal of radiology extra
European journal of Scandinavian studies
European journal of science education
European journal of social psychology
The European journal of social quality
European journal of social security
European journal of social theory
European journal of social work : the international forum for the social professions
European journal of soil biology
European journal of soil science
European journal of solid state and inorganic chemistry
European Journal of Surgery
European journal of surgical oncology (EJSO)
The European journal of the history of economic thought
European journal of training and development
European journal of trauma
European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation
European journal of trauma and emergency surgery
European journal of ultrasound
European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery
European journal of wildlife research
The European journal of women's studies
European journal of wood and wood products
European journal of work and organizational psychology : the official journal of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
European journal on criminal policy and research
European labour forum
European labour law journal
European law journal
European law open
European law review
The European legacy : towards new paradigms : journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas / spondored by the European Cultural Foundation
European legal book index
European management journal
European management review
European Mathematical Society newsletter
European medieval drama
European Neurology
European neuropsychopharmacology
European physical education review
European physical journal - Special topics
European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei
The European physical journal. B, Condensed matter physics
The European physical journal C. Particles and fields
European physical journal. D, Atomic, molecular and optical physics
The European physical journal E. Soft matter
European physical journal EPJ. Applied physics
The European Physical Journal H
The European Physical Journal Plus
European planning studies
European Policy Analysis
European political cooperation documentation bulletin. /Edited by the ...
European political data newsletter. Published jointly by the European ...
EPS : European political science reviews : serving the political science community
European political science review
European politics and society
European polymer journal
European property law journal
European psychiatry
European psychologist
European public law
European race audit
European race bulletin
European radiology
European Radiology Supplements
European research in telemedicine
European review
European review of aging and physical activity
European review of agricultural economics
European review of applied psychology = Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée
European review of economic history
European review of private law = Revue européenne de droit privé = Europäische Zeitschrift für Privatrecht
European review of social psychology
European semiconductor : design, production, assembly
European social statistics. Demography / Eurostat
European social statistics. Labour force : survey results..
European social statistics. Migration / Eurostat
European social statistics. Social protection : expenditure and receipts / Eurostat
European societies : the official journal of the European Sociological Association
European sociological review
European spine journal
European stroke journal
European studies : a journal of European culture, history and politics
European studies review
European surgery
European tort law yearbook
European transactions on electrical power
European transactions on telecommunications
European transport law : journal for law and economics = Droit européen des transports : revue juridique et economique = Diritto europeo dei trasporti : rivista giuridica ed economica
The European Union ... : annual review of activities
European union politics
The European Union review
European university news = Nouvelles universitaires européennes
European urban & regional studies
European urology
European Urology Focus
European Urology Oncology
European urology supplements
European view
European water management : official publication of the European Water Pollution Control Association
European water pollution control : official publication of the European Water Pollution Control Association (EWPCA)
The European work and organizational psychologist
European yearbook in law and sociology
European yearbook in the sociology of law
Europhysics letters / published under the scientific responsibility of the European Physical Society
Europhysics news. Bulletin of the European Physical Society
Eurostat annuario ... : visione statistica dell'Europa ..
Eurostat regional yearbook ...
Eurostat yearbook / Eurostat
Eurostat yearbook : the statistical guide of Europe : data 1988- / Eurostat
Eurostatistics : data for short-term economic analysis
Eurostatistik : data til konjunkturanalyse = Eurostatistics : data for short-term economic analysis = Eurostatistiche : dati per l'analisi della congiuntura
Eurostatistik : Daten zur Konjunkturanalyse = Eurostatistics : data for short-term economic analysis = Eurostatistiques : données pour l'analyse de la conjoncture / [ES, Eurostat]
Eutopia : commentarii novi de antiquitatibus totius Europae : rivista diretta da Adriano La Regina
Evaluation and program planning
Evaluation & the health professions
Evaluation in education
Evaluation in education. International progress
Evaluation journal of Australasia
Evaluation review : a journal of applied social research
Evaluation studies review annual
Evangelische theologie
L'événement européen : initiatives et débats
Everyday art quarterly
Evidence-based healthcare
Evidence-based healthcare and public health
Evidencebased cardiovascular medicine
Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal
Evidencebased obstetrics and gynecology
Evidence-based oncology
Evironmental progress
Evolution: education and outreach
Evolution. Periodico tecnico e commerciale della SKF
Evolution and cognition
Evolution and development
Evolution and human behavior
Evolution of communication
L'évolution psychiatrique : cahiers de psychologie clinique et de psychopathologie générale
Evolutionary intelligence
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review
Evolutionary anthropology: issues, news, and reviews
Evolutionary behavioral sciences
Evolutionary bioinformatics
Evolutionary biology
Evolutionary computation
Evolutionary Computation
Evolutionary ecology
Evolutionary human sciences
Evolutionary linguistic theory
Evolutionary Psychological Science
Evolutionary psychology
Evolutionary studies in imaginative culture
Evoluzione dei settori industriali nel ... / Confindustria, Centro studi
L'evoluzione giurisprudenziale nelle decisioni della Corte di Cassazione : raccolta di studi
Evolving Systems
Exceptional children
Excerpta medica. Section 17. Public healt, social medicine and epidemiology
Excerpta medica. Section 17. Public health, social medicine and hygiene
Exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions : annual report ... / [International monetary fund]
The executive
Executive development
Exosomes and microvesicles
Experientia. Monatschrift für das gesamte Gebiet der Naturwissenschaft
Experimental agriculture
Experimental and applied acarology
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology
Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow
Experimental and molecular pathology
Experimental and toxicologic pathology
Experimental astronomy
Experimental brain research
Experimental cell research
Experimental dermatology
Experimental economics : a journal of the Economic Science Association
Experimental eye research
Experimental gerontology
Experimental hematology
Experimental mechanics
Experimental methods in the physical sciences.
Experimental mycology
Experimental neurology
Experimental parasitology
Experimental physiology
Experimental psychology
Experimental results
Experimental techniques
Experimental thermal and fluid science
Experiments in fluids : experimental methods and their applications to fluid flow
Expert reviews in molecular medicine
Expert systems
Expert systems with applications
Explorations in early American culture
Explorations in economic history
Explorations in economic research : occasional papers of the National bureau of economic research
Explorations in entrepreneurial history
Explore : the journal of science and healing
Exports Australia
Exports- Austria
Exports. Belgium-Luxembourg
Exports. Canada
Exports. Denmark
Exports. EEC
Exports. Finland
Exports. France
Exports. Germany
Exports. Greece
Exports. Iceland
Exports. Ireland
Exports. Italy
Exports. Japan
Exports. Netherlands
Exports. New Zealand
Exports. Norway
Exports. OECD Europe
Exports. OECD total
Exports. Portugal
Exports. Spain
Exports. Sweden
Exports. Switzerland
Exports. Turkey
Exports. United Kingdom
Exports. United States
Exports. Yugoslavia
Expositiones mathematicae : internationale Zeitschrift für reine und angewandte Mathematik
Expository times
Exposure and Health
External and intra-European Union trade : monthly statistics
External debt of developing countries : ... survey / [OECD Development co-operation directorate]
External debt statistics : historical data : resource flows, debt stocks and debt service, 1988/1999 = Statistiques de la dette extérieure : données historiques : apports de ressources, encours et service de la dette, 1988/1999
External debt statistics. The debt and other external liabilities of developing, CMEA and certain other countries. . . / OECD
External debt statistics. Main aggregates : the debt of developing countries and countries in transition
External debt statistics. Resource flows, debt stocks and debt service ... = Statistiques de la dette extérieure. Apports de ressources, encours et service de la dette ... / Organisation for economic co-operation and development
External debt statistics. Supplement : resource flows, debt stocks and debt service ... = Statistiques de la dette extérieure. Supplement : apports de ressources, ecnours et service de la dette ... / Organisation for economic co-operation and development
External trade : statistical yearbook = Commerce extérieur : annuaire statistique / ES, Eurostat
External trade : monthly statistics = Commerce extérieur : statistiques mensuelles / [ES, Eurostat]
The extractive industries and society
Extreme mechanics letters
EYSL : European yearbook in the sociology of law
EzA : Entscheidungssammlung zum Arbeitsrecht
Ežegodnik rukopisnogo otdela Puščkinskogo doma

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