Anno: 2003 Volume: 21 Numero: 1
Autori | Titoli | Pagina iniziale | Pagina finale |
Karnik, Ajit | Why do Governments Lack "Political Will"? An Explanation from the Transaction Cost Perspective | 3 | 23 |
Coondoo, Dipankor ; Majumder, Amita ; Mukherjee, Robin ; Neogi, Chiranjib | The Performance and Taxable Capacity; Analysis for Selected States of India | 25 | 46 |
Antonelli, Maria Alessandra | Managerial Discretion, Incentives and Governance Rules for Non-Profit Organizations | 47 | 62 |
Tagliabue, Giovanna | A Note on the Relation between Government Expenditure and Receipts in Italy: A Quarterly Analysis | 63 | 79 |