Anno: 2002 Volume: 55 Numero: 223
Autori | Titoli | Pagina iniziale | Pagina finale |
Scholtens, Bert ; Steensma, Marélie | Stocks and shocks | 347 | 361 |
Bikker, Jacob A. | Cross-sector diversificarion in financial conglomerates: simulations with a fair-value assets and liabilities model | 363 | 389 |
Hochreiter, Eduard ; Rovelli, Riccardo | The generation and distribution of central bank seigniorage in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland | 391 | 415 |
Cebula, Richard J. | A contemporary investigation of causality between the primary government budget deficit and the ex ante real long term interest rate in the US | 417 | 435 |