Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France

Biblioteca: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUP. Biblioteca Universitaria Povo
via Sommarive 5, Povo di Trento

Anno Volume Numero Posseduto
2022 - 175 On the pro-p Iwahori Hecke Ext-algebra of SL2(Qp)
2022 - 174 Constructive and destructive interference in non linear hyperbolic equations
2022 - 173 On Mode p Local-Global Compatibility for GLn(Qp) in the Ordinary Case
2022 - 172 Asymptotic properties of small data solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell system in high dimensions
2021 - 171 On the evolution by duality of domains on manifolds
2021 - 170 Espaces de configuration généralisés
2021 - 169 Hydrodynamic Limit for an Active Exclusion Process
2021 - 168 Stable Formality Quasi-isomorphisms for Hochschild Cochains
2020 - 167 p-adiques et théorie de Hodge p-adique
2020 - 166 The spectrum of a Schrödinger operator in a wire-like domain with a purely imaginary degenerate potential in the semiclassical limit
2020 - 165 Joint et tranches pour les ∞-catégories strictes
2020 - 164 Moduli spaces of flat tori and elliptic hypergeometric functions
2019 - 163 Lifting the Cartier transform of Ogus-Vologodsky modulo pn
2019 - 162 Heat kernel asymptotics, local index theorem and trace integrals for Cauchy-Riemann manifolds with S1 action
2019 - 161 Discrete geometry and isotropic surfaces
2018 - 160 Ergodic properties of some negatively curved manifolds with infinite measure
2018 - 159 Weakly curved A∞-algebras over a topological local ring
2018 - 158 Poisson ensembles of loops of one-dimensional diffusions
2018 - 157 A commutative P ^1-spectrum representing motivic cohomology over Dedekind domains
2018 - 156 Irregular Hodge theory
2017 - 155 Formes modulaires p-adiques sur les courbes de Shimura unitaires et compatibilité local-global
2017 - 154 Brackets in the Pontryagin Algebras of Manifolds
2017 - 153 Factorization of Non-Symmetric Operators and Exponential H-Theorem
2017 - 152 Diophantine applications of geometric invariant theory
2017 - 151 Semisimple Lie Algebras and their classification over p-adic Fields
2017 - 150 The Mathematical Validity of the f(R) Theory of Modified Gravity
2016 - 149 La conjecture locale de Gross-Prasad pour les représentations tempérées des groupes unitaires
2016 - 148 Compactness properties of perturbed sub-stochastic C0-0-semigroups on L1(µ) with applications to discreteness and spectral gaps
2016 - 147 Rolling of Manifolds and Controllability in dimension three
2016 - 146 Global aspects of the reducibility of quasiperiodic cocycles in semisimple compact Lie groups
2016 - 145 Ground state energy of the magnetic Laplacian on corner domains
2016 - 144 Functional calculus for first order systems of Dirac type and boundary value problems
2015 - 143 Critical functional framework and maximal regularity in action on systems of incompressible flows
2015 - 142 A Stability Criterion for High-Frequency Oscillations
2015 - 140 /141 Motifs des variétés analytiques rigides
2014 - 138 /139 Holonomic D-Modules With Betti Structure
2014 - 137 Abstract Analogues of Flux as Symplectic Invariants
2014 - 136 Weyl Law for Semi-Classical Resonances with Randomly Perturbed Potentials
2013 - 135 Microlocalization of subanalytic sheaves
2013 - 134 Persistence of Stratification of Normally Expanded Laminations
2013 - 133 Problème de plateau, équations fuchsiennes et problème de Riemann Hilbert
2013 - 132 One Dimensional General Forest Fire Processes
2012 - 130 /131 Weight Filtration and Slope Filtration on the Rigid Cohomology of a Variety in Characteristic p > 0
2012 - 129 Algèbres de Lie de dimension infinie et théorie de la descente
2012 - 128 Repulsion From resonances
2011 - 127 The overconvergent site. Le site surconvergent
2011 - 125 /126. - Champs de Hurwitz
2011 - 124 Changement de base et induction automorphe pour en caractéristique non nulle
2010 - 123 Projections in several complex variables
2010 - 122 Entropy of meromorphic maps and dynamics of birational maps
2010 - 121 A Fundamental Domain for V3
2010 - 120 Convergence des polygones de Harder-Narasimhan
2009 - 119 Uncertainty principles associated to non-degenerate quadratic forms
2009 - 118 Topological properties of Rauzy fractals
2009 - 117 Creation of fermions by rotating charged black holes
2009 - 116 Faisceaux pervers des cycles évanescents des variétés de Drinfeld et groupes de cohomologie du modèle de Deligne-Carayol
2008 - 115 Theory of Bergman Spaces in the Unit Ball of
2008 - 114 Measured Quantum Groupoids in action
2008 - 113 Groupes de Chow-Witt
2008 - 112 Représentations -adiques cristallines et de de Rham dans le cas relatif
2007 - 111 Foncteurs en grassmanniennes, filtration de Krull et cohomologie des foncteurs
2007 - 110 Nahm transform for integrable connections on the Riemann sphere
2007 - 109 Measured quantum groupoids
2007 - 108 Infinitesimal isospectral deformations of the Grassmannian of 3-planes in R6
2006 - 107
2006 - 106
2006 - 105
2006 - 104
2005 - 100 -103
2004 - 99
2004 - 96 -98
2003 - 95
2003 - 92 -94
2002 - 88 -91
2001 - 84 -87
2000 - 80 -83
1999 - 76 -79
1998 - 72 -75
1997 - 68 -71
1996 - 64 -67
1995 - 60 -63