Hortus artium medievalium

Biblioteca: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Deposito 2 (Sezione Lettere)
Modalità di consultazione

Anno Volume Numero Posseduto
2022 - 28 Medieval Humanisms, Medieval Renaissances
2021 - 27 Liturgical Installations and Their Sculpture (4-15 C.). - u-726 HOR (XXVII)
2020 - 26 Luminosa saecla / The Luminous Centuries: Lighting Systems in Churches Between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. - u-726 HOR (XXVI)
2019 - 25 2: Sites of Power in the City and its Surroundings: Topography, Architecture, Functions and Decoration. - Conservato come monografia
2019 - 25 1: A Quarter of a Century of History of Medieval Art in Europe. - Conservato come monografia
2018 - 24 CARE (Corpus Architecturae Religiosae Europeae, IV-X Saec.) – The Meaning and Use of Corpora. - Conservato come monografia
2017 - 23 2: Living and Dying in the Cloister. Monastic Life from the 5th to the 11th Century. - Conservato come monografia
2017 - 23 1: Living and Dying in the Cloister. Monastic Life from the 5th to the 11th Century. - Conservato come monografia
2016 - 22 Mobility of artists, transfer of forms, functions, works of art and ideas in medieval mediterrenean Europe: the role of the ports. - Conservato come monografia
2015 - 21 Performing Power through Visual Narratives in Late Medieval Europe: An Interdisciplinary Approach. - Conservato come monografia
2014 - 20 2: The ®evolution in Christian Religious Architecture and Liturgy / Images of Christianity and the (Re)making of Christian Identity. - Conservato come monografia
2014 - 20 1: IRCLAMA XX / Redefining urban space in late Antiquity and the Middle Ages / Artistic transfers in the Middle Ages. - Conservato come monografia
2013 - 19 Le monachisme insulaire du IVe à la fin du XIe siècle. - Conservato come monografia
2012 - 18 2: Mausolées et églises, Ive-VIIIe siècle. - Conservato come monografia
2012 - 18 1: Corpus architecturae religiosae europeae. - Conservato come monografia
2011 - 17 Spolia in late antiquity and the Middle Ages : ideology, aesthetics and artistic practice. - Conservato come monografia
2010 - 16 Les renaissances médiévales. - Conservato come monografia
2009 - 15 Le sanctuaire et ses aménagements. - Conservato come monografia
2008 - 14 Rural churches in transformation and the creation of the medieval landscape. - Conservato come monografia
2007 - 13 Elites and architecture in the Middle Ages.- Conservato come monografia
2006 - 12 The town in the middle ages. - Conservato come monografia
2004 - 10 La représentation de la mort de l'antiquité tardive à la fin du moyen âge. - Conservato come monografia
2003 - 9 L'édifice culturel entre les périodes paléochrétienne et carolingienne. - Conservato come monografia
2001 - 7 Acceptance or Rejection of Gothic. - Conservato come monografia
2000 - 6 Le siècle de l'an Mil. - Conservato come monografia
1999 - 5 Liturgical installations from late antiquity to the gothic period. - Conservato come monografia
1998 - 4 Between East and West : from iconoclastic movement to the gothic. - Conservato come monografia
1996 - 3 Carolingian and Ottonian age = Les âges carolingien et ottonien. - Conservato come monografia