PAST AND PRESENT : a journal of scientific history

Biblioteca: Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Via S. Croce

Anno Volume Numero Posseduto
2022 - 254 -257
2021 - 250 -253
2020 Suppl. nr. monogr. 15 Mothering's many labours
2020 - 246 -249
2019 Suppl. N. S 14 Global history and microhistory
2019 - 242 -245
2018 Suppl. N. S 13 The global middle ages
2018 - 238 -241
2017 Suppl. N. S 12 Cultures of lutheranism
2017 - 234 -237
2016 Suppl. N. S 11 The social history of the archive
2016 - 230 -233
2015 Suppl. N. S 10 Heritage in the modern world
2015 - 226 -229
2014 Suppl. N. S 9 Cultures of intoxication
2014 - 222 -225
2013 Suppl. N. S. 8 Transnationalism contemporary ...
2013 - 218 -221
2012 Suppl. N. S. 7 Ritual and violence ...
2012 - 217
2012 - 216
2012 - 215 smarrito
2012 - 214
2011 Suppl. N. S. 6 Post-war reconstruction ...
2011 - 210 -213
2010 Suppl. N. S. 5 Relicts and Remains
2010 - 206 -209 + tables
2009 Suppl. N. S. 4 The politics of gesture
2009 - 202 -205
2008 Suppl. N. S. 3 The religion of fools?
2008 - 198 -201 + tables
2007 Suppl. N. S. 2 Rodney Hilton's...
2007 - 194 -197 + tables
2006 Suppl. N. S. 1 The art of Survival
2006 - 190 -193
2005 - 186 -189 + tables
2004 - 183 -185
2004 - 182 No
2003 - 181 No Atteso
2003 - 178 -180
2002 - 174 -177 + tables
2001 - 170 -173 + tables
2000 - 166 -169
1999 - 162 -165 + tables
1998 - 158 -161
1997 - 154 -157
1996 - 150 -153
1995 - 146 -149
1994 - 142 -145
1993 - 138 -141
1992 - 134 -137
1991 - 130 -133
1990 - 126 -129
1989 - 122 -125
1988 - 118 -121
1987 - 114 -117
1986 - 110 -113
1985 - 106 -109
1984 - 102 -105
1983 - 98 -101+ tables
1982 - 94 -97
1981 - 90 -93
1980 - 86 -89
1979 - 82 -85
1978 Supplemento 5 The religionof Gerrard ...
1978 Supplemento 4 Law and lordship...
1978 Supplemento 3 English politics ...
1978 - 78 -81
1977 - 74 -77
1976 - 70 -73
1975 - 66 -69
1974 - 62 -65
1973 - 58 -61
1972 - 54 -57
1971 - 50 -53
1970 - 46 -49
1969 - 42 -45
1968 - 39 -41
1967 - 36 -38
1966 - 33 -35
1965 - 30 -32
1964 - 27 -29
1963 - 24 -26
1962 - 21 -23
1961 - 19 -20
1960 - 17 -18
1959 - 15 -16
1958 - 13 -14
1957 - 11 -12
1956 - 9 -10
1955 - 7 -8
1954 - 5 -6
1953 - 3 -4
1952 - 1 -2