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IFSR Newsletter : the official newsletter of the International federation for systems research
I'M: information market. Published by the Commission of the European Communitie
IA : ingegneria ambientale
IAB-Materialien : der Informationsdienst des Instituts fur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit
IAI informa : trimestrale dell'Istituto affari internazionali
IATSS Research : journal of International Association of Traffic and Safety sciences
IBC : informazioni commenti inchieste sui beni culturali
Iberomania. Zeitschrift für die iberoromanischen Sprachen und Literaturen …
IBM journal of research and development
IBM systems journal
ICAN: Infant, child, & adolescent nutrition
ICES Journal of marine science
Ichthyological research
I.C.I.R.I. bulletin
Iconographia mycologica
ICSID review - Foreign investment law journal
ICU Director
The IDB : monthly news from the Inter-American development bank
IDB America. Magazine of the Inter-American development bank
IDB news / Inter-American development bank
Das Ideale Heim : Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Haus, Wohnung, Garten
Ideazione : i percorsi del cambiamento : rivista di cultura politica
Idee : rivista di filosofia
Ideologie : quaderni di storia contemporanea
IDOC internazionale : documentazione transconfessionale per il rinnovamento religioso e umano
IDS Bulletin
IDS Practice Papers
IDS Research Reports
IDS Working Papers
IEC Norme internationale = International standard.
IEC Norme internationale = International standard.
IEE proceedings- microwaves, antennas and propagation
IEE proceedings H: microwaves, antennas and propagation
IEE Review
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking : a joint publication of the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Computer Society, and the ACM with its special interest group on data communication (SIGCOMM)
IEEE Aerospace and electronic systems magazine
IEEE Annals of the history of computing
IEEE antennas and propagation magazine
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics
IEEE ASSP magazine : a publication of the IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Society
IEEE circuits and devices magazine
IEEE Circuits and systems magazine
IEEE Cloud computing
IEEE communications letters
IEEE communications magazine : a publication of the IEEE Communications Society
IEEE Communications standards magazine
IEEE Computational science and engineering
IEEE computer applications in power
IEEE Computer graphics and applications
IEEE Concurrency
IEEE Control systems
IEEE control systems letters
IEEE Control systems magazine
IEEE design and test
IEEE design & test of computer
IEEE electrical insulation magazine
IEEE Electrification magazine
IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society
IEEE Engineering in medicine and biology magazine
IEEE expert : intelligent systems and their applications
IEEE Industrial electronics magazine
IEEE industry applications magazine
IEEE Instrumentation & measurement magazine
IEEE intelligent systems / [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
IEEE intelligent systems & their applications
IEEE international solid-state circuits conference : digest of technical papers : ISSCC
IEEE Internet computing
IEEE Internet of things journal
IEEE Internet of things magazine
IEEE Journal of biomedical and health informatics
IEEE Journal of electromagnetics, RF and microwaves in medicine and biology
IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics
IEEE Journal of oceanic engineering
IEEE Journal of photovoltaics
IEEE journal of quantum electronics : a publication of the IEEE quantum electronics council
IEEE Journal of radio frequency identification
IEEE journal of robotics and automation
IEEE journal of selected topics in applied Earth observation and remote sensing
IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits : a publication of the IEEE solid-state circuits council
IEEE Journal of emerging and selected topics in circuits and systems
IEEE Journal on exploratory solid-state computational devices and circuits
IEEE journal on miniaturization for air and space systems
IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications. A publication of the IEEE Communications Society
IEEE journal on selected areas in information theory
IEEE journal on selected topics in quantum electronics
IEEE letters of the Computer Society
IEEE Letters on electromagnetic compatibility practice and applications
IEEE magnetics letters
IEEE micro
IEEE microwave and guided wave letters
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters
IEEE microwave magazine
IEEE multimedia
IEEE nanotechnology magazine
IEEE network
IEEE networking letters
IEEE parallel & distributed technology: systems & applications
IEEE pervasive computing magazine
IEEE photonics technology letters
IEEE potentials
IEEE power and energy magazine
IEEE power electronics letters
IEEE power electronics magazine
IEEE power engineering review
IEEE reviews on biomedical engineering
IEEE robotics and automation letters
IEEE robotics & automation magazine
IEEE security and privacy magazine
IEEE sensors journal
IEEE sensors Letters
IEEE signal processing letters
IEEE signal processing magazine
IEEE software
IEEE solid-state circuits letters
IEEE spectrum
IEEE systems journal
IEEE systems, man, and cybernetics magazine
IEEE technology and society magazine
IEEE transaction on big data
IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing
IEEE transactions on advanced packaging
IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems : a publication of the IEEE aerospace and electronic systems society
IEEE transactions on affective computing
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation : a publication of the IEEE antennas and propagation society
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity
IEEE transactions on automatic control
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering : a publication of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society
IEEE transactions on biometrics, behavior, and identity science
IEEE transactions on broadcasting. A publication of the IEEE broadcast technology society
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems : a publication of the IEEE circuits and systems society. I, Fundamental theory and applications
IEEE transactions on circuit and systems. II, analog and digital signal processing
IEEE transactions on circuit and systems for video technology. A publication of the Circuit and systems society
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, regular papers : a publication of the IEEE circuits and systems society
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. II., express briefs : a publication of the IEEE circuits and systems society
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems : a publication of the IEEE circuits and systems society
IEEE transactions on cloud computing
IEEE transactions on cognitive communications and networking
IEEE transactions on communications / A publication of the IEEE communications society
IEEE transactions on components and packaging technologies,
IEEE transactions on components, hybrids, and manufacturing technology : a publication of the IEEE components, hybrids, and manufacturing technology society
IEEE transactions on components packaging and manufacturing technology. Part A
IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology, part c
IEEE transactions on components, packaging and manufacturing technology. Part B.
IEEE transactions on computational imaging
IEEE transactions on computational social systems
IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems : a publication of the IEEE circuits and systems society
IEEE transactions on computers : a publication of the IEEE Computer Society
IEEE transactions on consumer electronics
IEEE transactions on control of network systems
IEEE transactions on control systems technology : a publication of the IEEE Control Systems Society
IEEE transactions on cybernetics
IEEE transactions on device and materials reliability
IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation
IEEE transactions on education : a publication of the IEEE education group
IEEE transactions on electrical insulation
IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility : a publication of the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society
IEEE transactions on electron devices : a publication of the IEEE electron devices group
IEEE transactions on electronics packaging manufacturing
IEEE Transactions on emerging topics in computational intelligence
IEEE Transactions on emerging topics in industrial electronics
IEEE transactions on energy conversion
IEEE transactions on engineering management
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems : a publication of the IEEE neural networks council
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems : a publication of the IEEE neural networks council
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing
IEEE transactions on green communications and networking
IEEE transactions on haptics
IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics
IEEE transactions on industry applications
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine : a publication of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology
IEEE transactions on information theory : a journal devoted to the theoretical and experimental aspects of information transmission, processing, and utilization
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement : a publication of the IEEE group on instrumentation and measurement
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems
IEEE transactions on intelligent vehicles
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering : a publication of the IEEE Computer Society
IEEE transactions on learning technologies
IEEE transactions on magnetics : a publication of the IEEE Magnetics Society
IEEE transactions on medical imaging
IEEE transactions on medical robotics and bionics
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques : a publication of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
IEEE transactions on mobile computing
IEEE transactions on molecular, biological and multi-scale communications
IEEE transactions on multi-scale computing systems
IEEE transactions on multimedia / Publications of the IEEE circuits and systems society, IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Communications Society, and IEEE Computer Society
IEEE transactions on nanotechnology
IEEE transactions on network and service management
IEEE transactions on network science and engineering
IEEE transactions on neural networks / a publication of the IEEE Neural networks council
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering
IEEE transactions on nuclear science
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems / [Institute of electrical and electronics engineers]
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
IEEE transactions on plasma science
IEEE transactions on power delivery
IEEE transactions on power electronics
IEEE transactions on power systems
IEEE transactions on professional communication
IEEE transactions on radiation and plasma medical sciences
IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering
IEEE transactions on reliability : a publication of the IEEE reliability society and journal of the ASQC electronics division
IEEE transactions on robotics and automation : a publication of the IEEE robotics and automation society
IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE components, hybrids, and manufacturing technology society, the IEEE electron devices society, the IEEE reliability society, the IEEE solid-state circuits council
IEEE transactions on services computing
IEEE transactions on signal and information processing over networks
IEEE transactions on signal processing : a publication of the IEEE signal processing society
IEEE transactions on smart grid
IEEE transactions on software engineering : a publication of the IEEE Computer Society
IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing : a publication of the IEEE signal processing society
IEEE transactions on sustainable computing
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy
IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics : a publication of the IEEE systems, man, and cybernetics society
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part A, Systems and humans : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, part C
IEEE transactions on technology and society
IEEE transactions on terahertz science and technology
IEEE transactions on transportation electrification
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics and frequency control
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology
IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems : a joint publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, the IEEE Computer Society, the IEEE Solid-state Circuits Council
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics
IEEE transactions on wireless communications
IEEE wireless communications letters
IEEE Xplore digital library
IEEE/CAA Journal of automatica sinica
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering
IERI procedia
IF. Rivista della fondazione IBM Italia
IFAC journal of systems and control
IFLA journal : official quarterly journal of the International Federation of Library Association
Igiene e sicurezza del lavoro
Igiene e sicurezza del lavoro. Corsi
Igiene mentale. Organo Ufficiale della Lega Italiana di Igiene e Profilassi...
IIASA reports : a journal of international applied system analysis
IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
IIM Kozhikode society & management review : a journal from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode
IIMB management review
IJBK. Internationale Jahresbibliographie der Kongressberichte
IJBK : Internationale Jahresbibliographie der Kongressberichte = International annual bibliography of Congress proceedings / herausgegeben = editet by Wolfram Zeller
Ikon : cinema televisione iconografia : organo ufficiale dell'Istituto Agostino Gemelli per lo studio sperimentale dei problemi dell'informazione visiva (ISPSIV) e del Consiglio internazionale della ricerca scientifica sull'informazione visiva (CIRSIV)
Il Cimento
Il Nuovo Cimento (1869-1876)
Il Nuovo Cimento (1877-1894)
Il Nuovo Cimento (1895-1900)
Il Nuovo Cimento (1901-1910)
Il Nuovo Cimento (1911-1923)
Il Nuovo Cimento (1924-1942)
Il Nuovo Cimento (1943-1954)
Il Nuovo Cimento (1955-1965)
Il Nuovo Cimento A (1965-1970)
Il Nuovo Cimento A (1971-1996)
Il Nuovo Cimento B (1965-1970)
Il Nuovo Cimento B (1971-1996)
Il Nuovo Cimento C
Il Nuovo Cimento D
Il nuovo saggiatore: bollettino della società italiana di fisica
Il progettista elettronico : mensile di elettronica, strumentazione, componentistica, tecnologia
ILAR journal
Illinois agricultural economics
Illinois journal of mathematics : a quarterly journal published by the University of Illinois, Urbana
Illness, crisis & loss
ILR Review. The journal of work and policy
Im Fokus Onkologie
IMA journal of applied mathematics
IMA journal of management mathematics
IMA journal of mathematical control and information
IMA journal of mathematics applied in business and industry
IMA journal of mathematics applied in medicine & biology
IMA journal of mathematics in management
IMA journal of numerical analysis
Image and vision computing
Image: the Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Image understanding
Imagination, cognition and personality
Imaging & document solutions
Imaging Decisions MRI
Imago. Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschafte
Imago mundi: the international journal for the history of cartography
IMF Economic review
IMF economic reviews. Azerbaijan
IMF economic reviews. Estonia
IMF economic reviews. Georgia
IMF economic reviews. Latvia
IMF economic reviews. Moldova
IMF economic reviews. Tajikistan
IMF economic reviews. Uzbekistan
IMF economic reviews. Belarus.
IMF economic reviews. Kazakhstan
IMF Economic reviews. Lithuania
IMF economic reviews. Russian federation
IMF economic reviews. Ukraine
IMF Staff country report
IMF staff papers / International Monetary Fund
IMF survey
IMM bulletin : bulletin of the Institution of mining and metallurgy
L'immagine riflessa : rivista quadrimestrale di sociologia dei testi
Immigrazione : dossier statistico ... / Caritas di Roma
L'immigrazione in Trentino : rapporto annuale ... / a cura di Maurizio Ambrosini e Paolo Boccagni
Immobili & proprietà : guida all'amministrazione e alla gestione degli immobili
Immuno-analyse & biologie spécialisée
Immunologic research
Immunological reviews
Immunology and immunogenetics insights
Immunology letters
Immunology today
Impact : science et société - Impact of science on society / [UNESCO]
Imperium : mensile di politica e cultura
Impianti : sport verde ricreazione piscine attrezzature turismo = sport freizeit bauten = équipement sportif et de loisir = sports recreations buildings
Impianti attrezzature sportive e ricreative : ingegneria dello sport, spazi verdi attrezzati
Gli impianti di depurazione delle acque reflue urbane / Istituto nazionale di statistica, Ministero dell'ambiente
Impiantistica italiana : organo ufficiale dell'ANIMP
Imports. Australia
Imports. Austria
Imports. Belgium-Luxembourg
Imports. Canada
Imports. Denmark
Imports. EEC
Imports. Finland
Imports. France
Imports. Germany
Imports. Greece
Imports. Iceland
Imports. Ireland
Imports. Italy
Imports. Japan
Imports. Netherlands
Imports. New Zealand
Imports. Norway
Imports. OECD Europe
Imports. OECD total
Imports. Portugal
Imports. Spain
Imports. Sweden
Imports. Switzerland
Imports. Turkey
Imports. United Kingdom
Imports. United States
Imports. Yugoslavia
L'imprenditore : cultura inchieste strategie : mensile della piccola industria di Confindustria
L'impresa : rivista degli amministratori e dei dirigenti d'azienda
L'impresa ambiente : ecologia, economia, tecnologia e diritto
Impresa, ambiente e pubblica amministrazione : rivista di studi giuridici economici e dell'ambiente / [Istituto di studi giuridici, economici e dell'ambiente]
L'impresa banca : rivista del Credito italiano
Impresa commerciale industriale : mensile economico giuridico dell'operatore economico
Impresa e società : lettera di informazioni sui problemi dell'impresa nella società moderna a cura del centro D/G
Impresa & stato : rivista della Camera di commercio di Milano
L'impresa pubblica : civiltà postindustriale
L'impresa pubblica : municipalizzazione : rivista bimestrale della CISPEL / Confederazione italiana dei servizi pubblici degli enti locali
Impresa sociale : trimestrale a cura del Centro studi del Consorzio nazionale della cooperazione di solidarietà sociale Gino Mattarelli
Imprese & città: I & C: rivista della Camera di commercio di Milano
Imprese e storia
Le imprese italiane con 100 addetti ed oltre negli anni ... / ISTAT
Improving college and university teaching
Improving schools
Impulse : Aufsätze, Quellen, Berichte zur deutschen Klassik und Romantik
In forma di parole / [a cura di Rolando Gualerzi e Gianni Scalia]
In iure praesentia : rivista giuridica quadrimestrale di dottrina legisazione e giurisprudenza
In Practice
In pratica : ambiente
In pratica legale : fallimento
In pratica legale : società
In principio : incipit index of latin texts
In session : psychotherapy in practice
In Silico Pharmacology
In vitro cellular & developmental biology - Animal
In vitro cellular & developmental biology - Plant
L'INADEL : problemi giuridici sociali amministrativi previdenziali sanitari : rivista mensile dell'Istituto nazionale assistenza dipendenti enti locali
INAM documenti : notizie documentazione e rassegna della stampa / Ufficio stampa dell'Istituto nazionale assicurazione malattie
In Beton : industrie innovazioni ingegneria investimenti iniziative informazioni / organo ufficiale di Assobeton associazione nazionale produttori manufatti cementizi
L'inchiesta : rivista trimestrale
Le inchieste congiunturali sugli investimenti / Ufficio studi e statistica
Incidenza dell'antico : dialoghi di storia greca
Inclusive Practices
Income and wealth : studies in short-term national accounts and long-term economic growth
Incontri culturali : rivista del Centro internazionale di studi e di relazioni culturali
Incontri linguistici
The Incorporated Statistician
INCOSE International Symposium
Indagationes mathematicae : ex actis quibus titulus proceedings
Indagine sulla lettura dei periodici e dei quotidiani in Italia / Audipress
Indagine sulla lettura dei periodici e dei quotidiani in Italia / Audipress
Indagine sulla lettura dei periodici e dei quotidiani in Italia / Audipress
Indagini conoscitive / Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato
The independent
Index. Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici. International survey of roman law
Index on censorship
Index to current periodicals received in the Library of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Index to foreign legal periodicals
Index to legal periodicals : [cumulation]
Index translationum : repertoire international des traductions = international bibliography of translations
India quarterly : a journal of international affairs
Indian economic & social history review
The Indian economic journal : the quarterly journal of the Indian Economic Association
Indian economic review
Indian Geotechnical Journal
Indian growth and development review
Indian heart journal
Indian historical review
Indian journal of clinical biochemistry
Indian Journal of Clinical Medicine
Indian journal of corporate governance
Indian Journal of Gastroenterology
Indian journal of gender studies
Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology
Indian journal of hematology and blood transfusion
Indian journal of human development
Indian Journal of Industrial Relations
Indian Journal of International Law
The Indian Journal of Labour Economics
Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology
Indian journal of microbiology
Indian Journal of Orthopaedics
Indian journal of otolaryngology and head & neck surgery
Indian journal of pediatrics
Indian Journal of Physics
The Indian journal of political science
Indian journal of public administration
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Indian Journal of Surgery
Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
Indian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
Indian Journal of Tuberculosis
Indian Pediatrics
Indian Phytopathology
Indiana journal of global legal studies
Indiana theory review
Indiana University mathematics journal
Indicateurs conjoncturels de l'industrie. [Istituto statistico delle ...]
Indicateurs economiques a court terme pour les industries manufacturières = Short term economic indicators for manufacturing industries.
Indicatore cartario. Rassegna bibliografica mensile. A cura dell'Ente ...
Indicatori congiunturali sull'offerta turistica / ISTAT
Indicatori del lavoro nelle grandi imprese dell'industria e dei servizi : anni ... / ISTAT
Indicatori del lavoro nelle grandi imprese e retribuzioni contrattuali : dati mensili ... / ISTAT
Indicatori della situazione economica nazionale / Confederazione generale dell'industria italiana, Centro studi Confindustria
Indicatori economici e sociali provinciali / Confindustria, Politiche territoriali e Mezzogiorno
Indicatori economici provinciali / Confindustria, Centro studi
Indicatori mensili / ISTAT
Indicatori statistici
Indicators of industrial activity = Indicateurs des activités industrielles
L'indice dei libri del mese
Índice : (revista de definición y concordia)
EG-Index der Erzeugerpreise landwirtschaftlicher Produkte = EC-Index of producer prices of agricultural products = Indice CE dei prezzi alla produzione dei prodotti agricoli / ES, Eurostat
L'Indice dei Libri CD-ROM
Indice delle decisioni : (al 31 marzo ...) : allegato A alla relazione annuale al presidente del consiglio dei ministri
L'indice penale
Indici del valore delle vendite al dettaglio / ISTAT
Indici del valore delle vendite al dettaglio e movimento dei clienti nelle strutture ricettive / ISTAT
Indici della produzione, del fatturato, degli ordinativi e della consistenza degli ordinativi dell'industria / ISTAT
Indici della produzione, del fatturato, degli ordinativi dell'industria / ISTAT
Indici della produzione industriale, fatturato, ordinativi, consistenza degli ordinativi
Gli indici delle vendite al dettaglio nel ... Numeri indici a prezzi correnti . . . / ISTAT
Indici e dati relativi ad investimenti in titoli quotati nelle borse italiane = Indices and data on investments in quoted Italian securities = Indices et données concernant les placements en valeurs cotées aux bourses italiennes / a cura di Mediobanca
Indizi / [direttore Giorgio Bertone, ... et al.].
Indkøbspriser for driftsmidler = Einkaufspreise der Betriebsmittel = Purchase prices of the means of production
Indo-Iranian journal
Indogermanische Forschungen : Zeitschrift für Indogermanistik und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft / herausgegeben von Wolfgang P. Schmid
Indoor air
Indoor and built environment
Industria : anuario estadístico = Industri : statistisk arbog = Industria : annuario di statistica / ES, Eurostat
L'industria : rivista di economia e politica industriale
L'industria : rivista di economia politica
L'industria dei laterizi : organo ufficiale della Associazione nazionale degli industriali dei laterizi
L'industria della gomma : mensile della Associazione nazionale fra le industrie della gomma, cavi elettrici ed affini
L'industria della gomma elastica : mensile degli elastomeri e degli altri polimeri avanzati
L'industria delle costruzioni : rivista tecnica dell'ANCE
Industria e sindacato. Settimanale dell'Associazione sindacale INTERSIND
L'industria in provincia di Trento : elenco nominativo : situazione al giugno ... / Camera di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura Trento, Ufficio informazione economica
L'industria italiana dei laterizi : organo ufficiale della Associazione nazionale degli industriali dei laterizi
L'industria italiana del cemento : rivista della Società incremento applicazioni cemento (S.I.A.C.) : ufficiale per gli atti della Federazione nazionale fascista degli industriali del cemento, calce, gesso e manufatti in cemento
L'industria nei comprensori della provincia di Trento : elenco nominativo / Camera di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura, Trento
Industria trentina : attività ..
Industrial and commercial training
Industrial and corporate change
Industrial & engineering chemistry research
Industrial and labor relations review / issued quarterly by New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Industrial and technological development news for Asia and the Pacific
Industrial ceramics
Industrial commodity statistics yearbook : production and consumption analysis = Annuaire de statistiques industrielles par produit : statistiques de production et de consommation
Industrial crops and products
Industrial development : global report ..
Industrial development news for Asia and the Pacific
The industrial law journal
Industrial lubrication and tribology
Industrial management & data systems
Industrial marketing management
Industrial metrology : the international journal of automated measurements & control
Industrial policy developments in OECD countries : annual review ... / [by the Industry committee]
Industrial policy in OECD countries : annual review ... / [by the OECD Industry committee]
Industrial production = Production industrielle
Industrial relations : a journal of economy & society
Industrial relations journal
Industrial relations law journal. /University of California/
Industrial Relations Research Association series
Industrial Relations Research Association series newsletter
Industrial research and development news : IRDN
Industrial robot
Industrial commodity statistics yearbook : production and consumption analysis = Annuaire de statistiques industrielles par produit : statistiques de production et de consommation
Industrial structure statistics = Statistiques des structures industrielles / [by the Directorate for science, technology and industry = par la Direction de la science, de la technologie et de l'industrie]
Industrialization and productivity / United Nations Industrial development organization, Vienna
L'industrie de la chaussure et des cuirs et peaux bruts et tannés dans les pays de l'OCDE : statistiques ... = The footwear, raw hides and skins and leather industry in OECD countries : statistics / [par la Direction de la science, de la technologie et de
L'industrie des métaux non ferreux = The non-ferrous metals industry / publié par l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques = published by the Organisation for economic co-operation and development
L'industrie des pâtes et papiers dans les pays membres de l'OCDE = The pulp and paper industry in the OECD member countries / [par la Direction de la science, de la technologie et de l'industrie = by the Directorate for science, technology and industry]
L'industrie sidérurgique : en ... et tendances en ... / étude préparée par le Comité spécial de la sidérurgie
L'industrie textile dans les pays de l'OCDE = Textile industry in OECD countries / [par la Direction de la science, de la technologie et de l'industrie = by the Directorate for science, technology and industry]
Industriekonjunktur : Monatliche Statistiken = Industrial trends : monthly statistics = Conjoncture industrielle : statistiques mensuelles / [ES, Eurostat]
Industrielle Beziehungen / The German Journal of Industrial Relations
Industrielle Produktion : Chemiefasrn, Textilien ... = Industrial production : man-made fibres, textiles ... = Production industrielle : fibres chimiques, textiles ... / [Eurostat]
Industriens Konjunkturindikatirer = Konjunkturindikatoren für die Industrie
Industriestatistik : vierteljährliche Ausgabe = Statistiques industrielles : publication trimestrielle = Statistiche dell'industria : pubblicazione trimestrale
Industristatistik : årbog = Industriestatistik : Jahrbuch = Statistiche dell'industria : annuario
Industristatistik : kvartalsudgave = Industriestatistik : vierteljährliche Ausgabe = Statistiche dell'industria : pubblicazione trimestrale
Industry and development
Industry and higher education
Industry and innovation
Industry week : IW : the management magazine
Induzioni. Demografia, probabilità, statistica a scuola
Infant and child development
Infant behavior and development
Infant mental health journal
Infanzia : orientamenti esperienze discussioni sui problemi pedagogico-didattici e sulla gestione della scuola materna e asili nido
Infanzia anormale. Psichiatria, psicologia, pedagogia, assistenza sociale
Infanzia e adolescenza. Psicodinamica e psicopatologia
Infection and immunity
Infection control & hospital epidemiology
Infection, genetics and evolution
Infectious diseases: research and treatment
Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Infectious diseases newsletter
Infectious Diseases Now
Infinite dimensional analysis, quantum probability and related topics
Inflammation research
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Inflation report / Bank of England
Info Diabetologie
InFo Hämatologie + Onkologie
InFo Neurologie + Psychiatrie
Informatica : an international journal of computing and informatics
Informatica ambiente e territorio : nuove tecnologie per la tutela, la gestione, la progettazione
Informatica e diritto : rivista a cura dell'Istituto per la documentazione giuridica del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche
Informatica e documentazione : notizie sui servizi in linea di informazione e documentazione
Informatica & documentazioneE. Rivista dell'INFORAV
Informatica e documentazione. Rivista dell'INFORAV. Supplemento
Informatica ed enti locali
Informatica per il territorio : quaderni. [IBM Italia]
Informatica 70
Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung
Informatik -Spektrum
Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis
Information and computation
Information and computer security
Information & Culture
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
Information and management
Information and organization
Information and software technology
Information and technology. Newsletter di tecnologia e marketing
Information Bulletin (Society for Latin American Studies)
Information, communication & society
Information development : the international journal for librarians archivist …
Information Display
Information economics and policy
Information fusion
L'information géographique
Information Geometry
L'information litteraire. Revue illustrée paraissant tous les deux mois …
Information management & computer security
Information processing & management : an international journal
Information processing letters
L'information psychiatrique. Revue mensuelle publiée par les médecins des …
Information retrieval
Information sciences. An international journal
Information sciences applications
Information security technical report
Information storage and retrieval
Information systems
Information systems and e-business management
Information systems frontiers
Information systems journal
Information systems research
Information technology and management
Information technology and people
Information technology and the law
Information technology & tourism : applications, methodologies, techniques
Information technology outlook = Les perspectives des technologies de l'information
Information technology outlook. OECD
Information visualization
Information world review. IWR
Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Informationen zur soziologischen Forschung in der deutschen demokratischen …
Informations cooperatives / bureau international du travail
Informations de l'EUROSTAT. /Istituto statistico delle Comunità europee/
Informations pharmacetiques OMS. /Organisation mondiale de la Santé/
Informations sociales
Informator : rivista giuridico amministrativa per il Trentino-Alto Adige
L'informatore agrario. Settimanale tecnico, economico, politico ...
L'informatore librario. Mensile di cultura e informazione bibliografica
L'informatore medico sociale
Informazione filosofica
Informazione radio TV. Studi,documenti e notizie
Informazioni CISEM
Informazioni e documenti. Bimestrale del Centro Studi C.I.S.L.
Informazioni economiche
Informazioni giurisprudenziali
Informazioni per il commercio estero
Informazioni Statistiche : quaderni trimestrali sulla integrazione economica Europea
Informazioni sulla congiuntura. Bollettino mensile per gli operatori economici
Informazioni SVIMEZ
Informazioni SVIMEZ. A cura dell'Associazione per lo sviluppo dell'industria …
Informs journal on applied analytics
INFOTEL: periodico d'informazione bibliografica nelle telecomunicazioni e scienze connesse
Infrared physics. An international research journal
Infrared physics and technology
Ingegneria ambientale inquinamento e depurazione. Quaderni
Ingegneria dell'autoveicolo
Ingegneria ferroviaria. Rivista di tecnica ed economia dei trasporti
Ingegneria sanitaria. /Associazione nazionale di ingegneria sanitaria/
Ingegneria sanitaria-ambientale
Ingegneria sismica. Quadrimestrale tecnico-scientifico
Ingenieur-archiv. Archive of applied mechanics
Injury extra
Inland water biology
Innate immunity
Innovar: revista de ciencias administrativas y sociales
Innovation policy and the economy / National Bureau of Economic Research
Innovations in education and teaching international. The journal of the Staff and Educational Development Association
Innovations in education and training international : the journal of the Association for Educational and Training Technology and the Staff and Educational Development Association
Innovations in systems and software engineering
Innovative food science and emerging technologies
Innovative higher education
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
Innovazione educativa. Bollettino dell'Istituto regionale di ricerca, …
Innovazione educativa. I QUADERNI
Inorganic biochemistry. A review of the recent literature publ. Up to date/.../
Inorganic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry communications
Inorganic materials
Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
Inorganic syntheses
Inorganica chimica acta. Bioinorganic chemistry. Articles and letters
Inostrannaja literatura. Ezemesjacnyj literaturno-hudozestvennyj i obscestvenno-politiceskij zurnal. Organ Sojuza pisatelej SSSR
Inquinamento. Acqua, aria, suolo, rumore
Inquiry. An interdisciplinary journal of philosophy and the social sciences
Inquiry: the journal of health care organization, provision, and financing
Insect biochemistry
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology
Insect conservation and diversity
Insect molecular biology
Insect science
Insect Systematics and Diversity
Insectes sociaux
L'insegnamento della matematica. Rivista mensile del Centro ricerche …
L'insegnamento della matematica e delle scienze integrate. A
L'insegnamento della matematica e delle scienze integrate. B
L'insegnamento della matematica e delle scienze integrate. Bollettino bibliografico
L'insegnamento della matematica e delle scienze integrate. Organo del Centro ricerche didattiche Ugo Morin
Insegnare. Mensile del Centro di iniziativa democratica degli insegnanti
Inserimento professionale dei diplomati universitari. Indagine . . . / ISTAT
Inserimento professionale di laureati. Indagine . . . / ISTAT
L'inserto. Scritti di psicologia alternativa
Insight on Africa
Inspec archive : science abstracts 1898 to 1968
L'instabilità coniugale in Italia : evoluzione e aspetti strutturali / ISTAT
Institute of Employment Rights Journal
Institutional investors : statistical yearbook = Investisseurs institutionnels : annuaire statistique / OECD
Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond
Instructional innovator. The official publication of the Association for …
Instructional science
Instrumenta. Rivista di cultura professionale
Instruments and experimental techniques
Ínsula: revista de letras y ciencias humanas
Insurance. Mathematics & economics
Insurance statistics yearbook = Annuaire des statistiques d'assurance / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
The insurgent sociologist. Department of Sociology University of Oregon
Int'l lis. Supplemento di documentazione e discussione sul diritto giudiziario transnazionale
Integral equations and operator theory
Integrated environmental assessment and management
Integrated journal of agile management
Integrated manufacturing systems
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation
Integration : the VLSI journal
Integrative and comparative biology
Integrative Biology
Integrative cancer therapies
Integrative medicine
Integrative medicine insights
Integrative medicine research
Integrative psychological and behavioral science
Integrative Zoology
L'integrazione scolastica e sociale : rivista pedagogico-giuridica per scuole, servizi, associazioni e famiglie : handicap diversità svantaggio
Intellectual property law review
Intelligence. A multidisciplinary journal
Intelligence : new visions of ai in practice
Intelligent automation & soft computing : an international journal : official journal of World Automation Congress.
Intelligent service robotics
Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management
Intelligenza artificiale
Intensive and critical care nursing
Intensive care medicine
Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
Interacting with computers : the interdisciplinary journal of human-computer interaction
Interaction studies. Social behaviour and communication in biological and artificial systems
Interactions : new visions of human-computer interaction
Interactive learning environments
Interactive surgery
Interactive technology and smart education
Interazioni. Clinica e ricerca psicoanalitica su individuo-coppia-famiglia
INTERCERAM. International journal for producers of technical and advanced ...
Intercultural pragmatics
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences
Interdisciplinary studies in literature and environment
Intereconomics. Review of international trade and development
Interest Groups & Advocacy
Interface: the computer education quarterly
Interface Science
Interfaces. The bulletin of the Institute of Management Sciences
Interfaces and free boundaries. Modelling, analysis and computation
Interlending & document supply
Internal and emergency medicine
Internal medicine journal
International journal of business communication
International abstracts in operations research
International advances in economic research
International affairs
International affairs review supplement
International affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931-1939)
International African bibliography. Current books articles and papers in …
The international and comparative law quarterly. /Society of Comparative …/
International annals of criminology
International applied mechanics
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
International archives of occupational and environmental health
International area review
International area studies review
International Astronomical Union colloquium
International bibliography of anthropology
International bibliography of economics = Bibliographie internationale de science economique
International bibliography of historical sciences
International bibliography of humanism and the renaissance
International bibliography of political science = Bibliographie internationale. . .
International bibliography of research in marriage and the family
International bibliography of social and cultural anthropology = Bibliographie. . .
International bibliography of sociology = Bibliographie internationale de. . .
International biodeterioration & biodegradation
International bulletin of mission research
International bulletin of missionary research
Intenational business lawyer. Journal of the Section on Business Law of the ...
International business review
International Cancer Conference Journal
International capital markets. Developments and prospects / International Monetary Fund
International commerce review
The international communication gazette
International Communication of Chinese Culture
International communications in heat and mass transfer
International community law review
International company and commercial law review : ICCLR
International congress series
International contact lens clinic
International contributions to labour studies
International council correspondence
International criminal justice review
International current awareness services. Anthropology and related disciplines
International current awareness services. Economics and related disciplines
International current awareness services. Political science and related
International current awareness services. Sociology and related disciplines
International Cybersecurity Law Review
International dairy journal
International data privacy law
International Dental Journal
International development planning review
International direct investment statistics yearbook = Annuaire des statistiques d'investissement direct international / OECD
The international directory of business information sources e services
International economic journal
International economic outlook
International economic papers. Translation prepared for the International ...
International economic review
International economics
International economics and economic policy
International emergency nursing
International endodontic journal
International entrepreneurship and management journal
International environmental agreements: politics, law and economics
The International Executive
International family planning digest
International family planning perspectives
International family planning perspectives and digest
International finance
International financial statistics. Supplement series
International financial statistics. Yearbook
International financial statistics : database and browser
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology
International Geneva yearbook
International health
The international history review
International immunology
International immunopharmacology
International insolvency agency
International investment perspectives / OECD
International journal
International journal for academic development
International journal for educational and vocational guidance
International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering
International journal for numerical methods in engineering
International journal for numerical methods in fluids
International journal for numerical methods in fluids
International journal for parasitology
International journal for parasitology: drugs and drug resistance
International journal for parasitology: parasites and wildlife
International journal for philosophy of religion
International journal for quality in health care
International journal for the advancement of counselling
International journal for the semiotic of law = Revue internationale de semiotique juridique
International journal of abstracts. Statistical theory and method. Published …
International journal of accounting & information management
International journal of accounting information systems
International journal of adaptive control and signal processing
International journal of adhesion and adhesives
International journal of adolescent medicine and health
The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology
International journal of advanced robotic systems
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
International journal of aeroacoustics
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
International journal of African historical studies
The international journal of aging and human development
International journal of algebra and computation
International journal of American linguistics
International journal of andrology
The international journal of angiology
International journal of antimicrobial agents
International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
International journal of applied ceramic technology
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation
The international journal of applied engineering education
International journal of applied glass science
International journal of applied linguistics
International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology
International journal of applied psychoanalytic studies
International journal of applied quality management
International journal of approximate reasoning : the treatment of uncertainty in artificial intelligence : official publication of the north American Fuzzy Information Processing Society
International journal of architectural computing
International journal of architectural heritage : conservation, analysis and restoration
International journal of art & design education
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
The international journal of artificial organs
International journal of arts management
International journal of asian management
International journal of asian studies
International journal of astrobiology
International journal of auditing
International journal of automation and computing
International journal of automotive technology
International journal of bank marketing
International journal of behavioral & consultation therapy
International journal of behavioral development
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism
International journal of bilingualism : cross-disciplinary, cross-linguistic studies of language behavior
International journal of bio-medical computing
The international journal of biochemistry and cell biology
International journal of biological macromolecules
The international journal of biological markers
International journal of biometeorology
The international journal of biostatistics
International Journal of Bullying Prevention
International journal of Canadian studies = Revue internationale d'etudes canadiennes
International journal of cancer
International journal of cardiology
International journal of cardiovascular imaging
International journal of career management
International journal of cement composites and lightweight concrete
International journal of chemical and analytical science
International journal of chemical kinetics
International journal of chemical reactor engineering
International journal of child-computer interaction
International journal of christianity & education
International journal of circuit theory and application
International Journal of Civil Engineering
International journal of climatology
International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Research
International Journal of Clinical Metabolism and Diabetes
International journal of clinical monitoring and computing
International journal of clinical oncology
International journal of clinical pharmacy
International journal of clinical practice
International journal of clothing science and technology
The international journal of co-operative management
International journal of coal geology
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
International journal of colorectal disease
International journal of commerce and management
International journal of communication systems
The International Journal of Community and Social Development
International Journal of Community Well-Being
International journal of comparative education and development
The international journal of comparative labour law and industrial relations
International journal of comparative sociology
International journal of computer and information sciences
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery
International journal of computer mathematics
International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning
International journal of computer systems science and engineering
International journal of computer vision
International journal of computers for mathematical learning
International journal of conflict management
International journal of constitutional law
International journal of consumer studies
International journal of contemporary hospitality management
International journal of contemporary sociology. An international quarterly of
International journal of control
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems
International journal of cooperative information systems
International journal of corpus linguistics
International journal of cosmetic science
International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies
International journal of cross cultural management
International journal of cultural property
International journal of cultural studies
International journal of culture, tourism and hospitality research
International journal of dairy technology
International journal of damage mechanics
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics
International journal of dental hygiene
International journal of dermatology
International journal of development issues
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries
International journal of diabetes mellitus
International Journal of Digital Humanities
The International Journal of Disability and Social Justice
International journal of disability management
International journal of disaster risk reduction
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance
International journal of discrimination and the law
International journal of distributed sensor networks
The international journal of drug policy
International Journal of Dynamics and Control
International Journal of Early Childhood
International journal of earth sciences. GR Geologische Rundschau
International journal of eating disorders
International Journal of Economic Policy Studies
International Journal of Economic Theory
International journal of educational development
International journal of educational management
International Journal of Educational Reform
International journal of educational research. Foundation for Educational …
The international journal of electrical engineering & education
International journal of electrical power and energy systems
International journal of electronic commerce
International journal of emerging electric power systems
International journal of emerging markets
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering
International Journal of Energy and Water Resources
International journal of energy research
International journal of energy sector management
International journal of engineering business management
The international journal of engineering education
International journal of engineering science
International journal of entrepreneurial behaviour and research
The international journal of entrepreneurship and innovation
International Journal of Environmental Research
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
International journal of epidemiology
International journal of ethics
International Journal of Ethics Education
The international journal of evidence & proof
International journal of evidence-based healthcare
International journal of experimental pathology
International journal of expert systems. Research and applications
International journal of expert systems. Research and applications
International journal of family therapy
International journal of fatigue
International journal of feminist approaches to bioethics
International journal of finance & economics
International journal of flexible manufacturing systems
International journal of food engineering
International journal of food microbiology
International journal of food science & technology
International journal of forecasting. International Institute of Forecasting
International journal of foundations of computer science
International journal of fracture
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems
International journal of game theory. A publication of the Institute for …
International journal of gastrointestinal cancer
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
International journal of general systems. Methodology applications education
International journal of geographical information science
International journal of geographical information systems
International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering
International journal of geriatric psychiatry
International journal of gerontology
International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness
International journal of green nanotechnology
International journal of greenhouse gas control
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
International journal of health care finance and economics
International journal of health care quality assurance
International Journal of Health Economics and Management
International journal of health governance
The international journal of health planning and management
International journal of health sciences
International journal of health services
International journal of heat and fluid flow
International journal of heat and mass transfer
International Journal of Hematology
International journal of high performance computing applications
International journal of high technology ceramics
International journal of hindu studies
International journal of historical archaeology
International journal of hospitality management
International journal of housing markets and analysis
International journal of human-computer studies
International journal of hydrogen energy
International journal of hygiene and environmental health
International journal of hyperthermia : the official journal of European society for Hyperthermia Oncology, North American Hyperthermia Group
International journal of imaging systems and technology
International journal of immunogenetics
International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology
International journal of immunopharmacology
International journal of impact engineering
International Journal of Industrial Chemistry
International journal of industrial ergonomics
International journal of industrial organization
International journal of infectious diseases
International journal of information and learning technology
The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion
International journal of information management
International journal of information security
International Journal of Information Technology
International journal of infrared and millimeter waves
The international journal of inorganic materials
International journal of insect morphology and embryology
International journal of insect science
International journal of institutional management in higher education
International journal of intelligent and cooperative information systems
International journal of intelligent computing and cybernetics
International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications
International journal of intelligent systems
International journal of intelligent systems in accounting finance & management
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research
International journal of intercultural relations
International journal of islamic and Middle Eastern finance and management
International journal of Japanese sociology
International journal of laboratory hematology
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
International Journal of Latin American Religions
International journal of law and information technology
International journal of law and management
International journal of law and psychiatry
International journal of law and the family
International journal of law, crime and justice
International journal of law in context
International journal of law, policy and the family
International journal of legal discourse
International journal of legal information
International journal of legal medicine
International journal of lexicography
International journal of life cycle assessment
International journal of lighting research and technology
The international journal of logistics management
International journal of lower extremity wounds
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
International journal of machine tools and manufacture
International journal of man-machine studies
International journal of management education
International journal of management reviews
International journal of managerial finance
International journal of managing projects in business
International journal of manpower
International Journal of Marine Energy
International journal of maritime history
International journal of market research
International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters
International journal of mass spectrometry
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion physics
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes
International Journal of Material Forming
International journal of materials in engineering applications
International journal of materials research (IJMR)
International journal of mathematical and statistical sciences
International journal of mathematics
International journal of mechanical engineering education
International journal of mechanical sciences
International journal of mechanics and materials in design
International journal of medical informatics
International journal of medical microbiology
International journal of medical microbiology supplements
International journal of medical robotics and computer assisted surgery
International journal of mental health and addiction
International journal of mental health nursing
International Journal of Metalcasting
International journal of methods in psychiatric research
International journal of micro air vehicles
International journal of microwave and millimeter-wave computer-aided engineering
International journal of microwave and wireless technologies
International journal of middle east studies
International journal of mineral processing
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials
International journal of mining science and technology
International journal of modern physics. A. Particles and fields,gravitation. . .
International journal of modern physics. A. Supplement
International journal of modern physics. B. Condensed matter physics. . .
International journal of modern physics. C. Physics and computers
International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval
International journal of multiphase flow
International journal of museum management and curatorship
International journal of music education
International journal of mycobacteriology
The international journal of nautical archaeology
International journal of network management
International journal of non-linear mechanics
International journal of nonlinear sciences and numerical simulation
International journal of nonprofit and voluntary sector marketing
International journal of numerical methods for heat and fluid flow
International journal of numerical modelling : electronic networks, devices and fields
International journal of nursing education scholarship
International journal of nursing knowledge
International journal of nursing practice
International journal of nursing studies
International journal of nursing terminologies and classifications
International journal of obstetric anesthesia
The international journal of ocean and climate systems
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology
International Journal of Older People Nursing
International journal of operations & production management
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery
International journal of organization theory and behavior
International journal of organizational analysis
International journal of orthopaedic and trauma nursing
International journal of osteoarchaeology
International journal of osteopathic medicine
International journal of paediatric dentistry
International journal of paleopathology
International journal of parallel programming
International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
International Journal of Pediatric Obesity
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology extra
International journal of peptide research and therapeutics
International Journal of Persian Literature
International journal of pervasive computing and communications
International journal of pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing
International journal of pharmaceutics
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice
International journal of philosophical studies
International journal of physical distribution & logistics management
International Journal of Plant Production
International journal of plasticity
International Journal of Plastics Technology
International journal of play therapy
International journal of police science & management
International journal of political economy
International journal of politics
International journal of politics culture and society
International journal of polymeric materials
International journal of population geography
International journal of powder metallurgy. /American Powder Metallurgy ... /
The international journal of powder metallurgy and powder technology. /.../
International journal of practical theology
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology
International journal of press politics
International journal of pressure vessels and piping
International journal of primatology
International journal of production economics
International journal of production research. [The Institution of production …
International journal of productivity & performance management
International journal of project management
International journal of protective structures
The international journal of psychiatry. Critical evolutions in psychiatry
The international journal of psychiatry in medicine
The international journal of psychoanalysis and bulletin of the International Psychoanalytic Association
The international journal of psychoanalysis
The international journal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy
International journal of psychology. Journal international de psychologie …
International journal of psychophysiology
International journal of public administration
International journal of public health
International journal of public opinion research. /World Association for …/
International journal of public sector management
International journal of purchasing and materials management
International journal of qualitative methods
International journal of quality & reliability management
International journal of quality sciences
International journal of quantum chemistry
International journal of refractory metals and hard materials
International journal of refrigeration
International journal of refugee law
International journal of remote sensing
International journal of research in marketing
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
International journal of retail & distribution management
International journal of rf and microwave computer-aided engineering
International journal of rheumatic diseases
International journal of river basin management
The international journal of robotics research
International journal of robust and nonlinear control
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences and geomechanics abstracts
International journal of rumanian studies. /Asociatia internationala de …/
International journal of rural management
International Journal of Salt Lake Research
International journal of satellite communications
International journal of satellite communications and networking
International journal of science and mathematics education
International journal of science education
International journal of sediment research
International journal of selection and assessment
International journal of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
International journal of service industry management
International journal of Slavic linguistics and poetics
International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services
International journal of social economics
International journal of social psychiatry
International Journal of Social Psychology: Revista de Psicología Social
The international journal of social quality
Intenational journal of social research methodology. Theory & practice
International Journal of Social Robotics
International journal of social welfare
International journal of sociology and social policy
International journal of sociometry and sociatry
International journal of software engineering and knowledge engineering
International journal of solids and structures
International journal of space structures
International journal of speech technology
International journal of sports science & coaching
International journal of spray and combustion dynamics
International Journal of Steel Structures
International journal of stress management
International journal of stroke
International journal of structural integrity
International journal of surgery
International journal of surgery case reports
International journal of surgical pathology
International journal of sustainability in higher education
International journal of sustainable built environment
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
International journal of systematic theology
The international journal of systems, measurement & decisions
International journal of technology and design education
International journal of technology assessment in health care
International journal of technology management and sustainable development
International journal of the classical tradition
International Journal of the Commons
International journal of the economics of business
International journal of the sociology of language
International journal of the sociology of law
International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure
International journal of theoretical physics
International journal of thermal sciences
International journal of thermophysics
International journal of tourism and hospitality research
International journal of tourism management
International journal of tourism research
International journal of toxicology
International journal of training and development
International journal of transitional justice
International journal of transport economics = Rivista internazionale di economia dei trasporti
International journal of transport management
International journal of trauma nursing
International journal of tropical insect science
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
International journal of tryptophan research
International journal of turbo & jet-engines
International journal of uncertainty, fuzziness and knowledge-based systems
International journal of urban and regional research
International Journal of Urological Nursing
International journal of urology
International Journal of Value-Based Management
International journal of web information systems
International journal of wine business research
The international journal of wine marketing
International journal of wireless information networks
International journal of workplace health management
International journal on artificial intelligence tools : (architectures, languages, algorithms)
International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice
International journal on critical infrastructure protection
International journal on digital libraries
International journal on document analysis and recognition
International journal on e-learning
International journal on grey literature
International journal on interactive design and manufacturing (IJIDEM)
International journal on software tools for technology transfer
International labor and working-class history
International labour documentation / Bureau International du Travail
International labour review
International law forum = Forum du droit international
International law quarterly
International law reports
The international lawyer. /Section of International Law and Practice of …/
International legal materials : current documents / [The American Society of International Law]
International library review
International litigation procedure
International logic review = Rassegna internazionale di logica. /Centro superiore di logica e scienze .../
International marketing review
International Materials Reviews
International mathematics research notices
International mathematics research papers
International Microbiology
International migration. Quarterly review of the Intergovernmental Committee …
International migration digest
International migration review. [Center for Migration Studies]
International mining and minerals
International music education : ISME yearbook / International society for music education
International Nano Letters
International nursing review
International ophthalmology
International organization
International organizations and the law of the sea : documentary yearbook
International orthopaedics
International peacekeeping (London)
International peacekeeping (The Hague)
International perspectives in psychology: research, practice, & consultation
International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health
International philosophical bibliography = Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie = Bibliografisch repertorium van de wijsbegeerte
International physics olympiad
International political science abstracts
International political science review
International political sociology
International Politics
International Politics Reviews
International powe generation
International psychogeriatrics
International public history
International quarterly of community health education
International regional science review
International relations
International relations of the Asia-Pacific
International review for social history
International review for the sociology of sport
International review of administrative sciences / [published by the International institute of administrative sciences]
International review of applied economics
International review of applied linguistics in language teaching
International review of applied psychology : the journal of the International Association of Applied Psychology = Revue internationale de psychologie appliquée
International review of economics. RISEC Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali
International review of economics and finance
International Review of Economics Education
International review of education = Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft = Revue internationale de l'éducation
International review of finance
International review of financial analysis
International review of hydrobiology : research on aquatic ecosystems, freshwater and marine environments and their management
International review of industrial and organizational psychology ...
International review of law and economics
International review of mission
The international review of music aesthetics and sociology
International Review of Qualitative Research
International review of research in mental retardation
International review of social history
International review of sociology = Revue internationale de sociologie
International review of the aesthetics and sociology of music / Croatian Musicological Society
International review of the Red Cross
International review of victimology
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
International security
International small business journal
International social attitudes
International social movement research. A research annual
International social science bulletin = Bulletin international des sciences …
International social science council bulletin
International Social Science Council newsletter
International social science journal. /UNESCO/
International social security review / International Social Security Association
International social work
International sociology. Journal of the International Sociological …
The international spectator. A quarterly journal of the Istituto affari …
The International Sports Law Journal
International statistical review. Revue internationale de statistique. A ...
International studies
International studies of management and organization. Strategic management ...
International studies perspectives
International studies quarterly
International studies review
International supplement to the women's studies quarterly
The international survey of family law
International tax and public finance
International theory
International tourism and tourism policy in OECD member countries. Evolution ...
International tourism reports
International trade. The contracting parties to the General Agreement on ...
International trade by commodity statistics = Statistiques du commerce international par produit / OECD
International trade statistics yearbook = Annuaire statistique du commerce international / department of international economic and social affairs, Statistical office = Département. . .
International transactions in operational research
International transactions on electrical energy systems
International union rights
International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction
International urology and nephrology
International water power & dam construction yearbook
International water power & dam construction
International water power & dam construction handbook ...
International Wood Products Journal
International wound journal
International yearbook of education / international bureau of education
International yearbook of environmental and resource economics. A survey of current issues
International yearbook of industrial statistics ...
The international yearbook of rural planning
International zoo yearbook
Die internationale. Zeitschrift für praxis und theorie des marxismus
L'Internationale Communiste. Organe du comité exécutif de l'Internationale C.
Internationale Jahresbibliographie der Kongressberichte
Internationale Politik
Internationale Politik. Special
Internationale Presse-Korrespondenz
Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie
Internationale Revue für soziale Sicherheit
Internationale Schulbuchforschung
Internationale SteuerRundschau. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Internationale und Europäische Steuerrecht
Internationale Zeitschrift für aerztliche Psychoanalyse. Offizielles organ …
Internationale Zeitschrift für angewandte physiologie einschließlich Arbeitsphysiologie
Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse. Offizielles Organ der …
Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und Imago. Offizielles Organ …
Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur
Internationales Handelsrecht
Internationales Jahrbuch für Medienphilosophie
Internationales Jahrbuch für philosophische Anthropologie
Internationales Jahrbuch für Religionssoziologie
Internationales Jahrbuch für Wissens- und Religionssoziologie. International ..
Internationales Uwe-Johnson-Forum. Beiträge zum werkverstandnis und materialien zur rezeptionsgeschichte
The internet and higher education
Internet of Things
Internet research
Internet Technology Letters
Internet world. The magazine for internet users
Interni annual
Der Internist
Interpres : rivista di studi quattrocenteschi / diretta da Mario Martelli
Interpretatio Prudentium
Interpretation: a journal of bible and theology
The interpreter and translator trainer
L'interruzione volontaria di gravidanza in Italia / ISTAT
Intersezioni. Rivista di storia delle idee
Gli interventi e i servizi sociali delle amministrazioni provinciali / ISTAT
Intervention. European journal of economics and economic policies
Intervention in school and clinic
Interventional cardiology newsletter
Interventional neuroradiology
Interventions. International journal of postcolonial studies
Intra and extra-UE trade (COMEXT CD-ROM) / Eurostat
Invasive plant science and management
Inventaires des periodiques etrangeres
Inventiones mathematicae
Inventory of marriage and family literature. University of Minnesota
Inventory of population projects in developing countries around the world /.../
Inverse problems
Invertebrate biology
Invertebrate neuroscience
Investigación económica
Investigational new drugs
Invigilata lucernis : rivista dell'Istituto latino Università di Bari
IOP Conference series: materials science and engineering
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science
The Iowa review
IP Global edition. The journal of the German Council on Foreign relations
IPG. International power generation
L'ippogrifo. Politica ed economia dei beni culturali e ambientali
IPPR Progressive Review
IPRAX. Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts
Iran & the Caucasus
Iran Journal of Computer Science
Iran-United States claims tribunal reports
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering
Iranian Polymer Journal
Iranian studies
IRB: ethics and human research
IRBM news
IRER notizie. Periodico trimestrale
IRES CGIL. Bollettino trimestrale. Congiuntura economia e lavoro. [Istituto ...]
IRES materiali. Bimestrale di informazione sull'attività dell'Istituto di …
Iride : filosofia e discussione pubblica : semestrale della sezione di filosofia dell'Istituto Gramsci Toscano
Irish economic and social history
Irish historical studies
Irish journal of medical science
Irish journal of psychological medicine
Irish journal of sociology
The Irish jurist
Irish theological quarterly
Irish University review : a journal of Irish studies / editor Maurice Harmon
Iron and steel = Siderurgie
Iron and steel industry in . . . / OECD = Industrie siderurgique en . . .
Ironmaking & Steelmaking. A joint publication of the Metals Society and the ..
IRRA Newsletter
Irregular serials + annuals : an international directory
Irrigation and drainage
Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Irrigation science
IRVAM informazioni. Quotidiano dell'Istituto per le ricerche e le …
ISA transactions
ISBT Science series: the international journal of intracellular transport
ISCO documenti. [Istituto nazionale per lo studio della congiuntura]
ISIG. Istituto di sociologia internazionale = Institute of International Sociology
ISIG. Trimestrale di sociologia internazionale = quarterly of international sociology
ISIG informazioni
ISIG journal. Quarterly of international sociology = trimestrale di sociologia internazionale
ISIG magazine / Istituto di sociologia internazionale = Institute of international sociology
Iskusstvo kino
Der Islam
Islamic law and society
Islamophobia Studies Journal
Island arc
ISMEA informazioni. Settimanale edito dall'Istituto per studi, ricerche e …
ISO standards
ISO standards handbook
ISPEQUADERNI. Serie studi e ricerche
ISPI economia
ISPI relazioni internazionali
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing. Official publication …
Israel Journal of Chemistry
Israel journal of mathematics. [National Council for Research and Development]
Israel law review
Israel's banking system. Annual survey ... /Bank of Israel/
Israel yearbook on human rights
ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems
Issue: a journal of opinion
Issues and developments in public management. Survey. . . / OECD
Issues in accounting education. [American Accounting Association]
Issues in legal scholarship
ISTAT notizie
Istituto Agostino Gemelli per lo studio sperimentale di problemi sociali …
Istituto studi ricerche informazione difesa. ISTRID
Le istituzioni del federalismo. Regione e governo locale. Bimestrale di studi giuridici e politici della regione emilia romagna
Le istituzioni del federalismo. Supplemento
Istorija SSSR
Istruzione in cifre. Alcuni dati relativi all'anno scolastico . . .
IT - Information technology
IT professional
Ítaca. Quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica
Italia contemporanea. Rassegna dell'Istituto nazionale per la storia del ...
L'Italia dialettale. Rivista di dialettologia italiana
L'Italia e la politica internazionale
L'Italia forestale e montana. Rivista di politica economia e tecnica edita ..
L'Italia in cifre
Italia libera. Organo del Partito d'azione
Italia medioevale e umanistica
Italia multinazionale ... Le partecipazioni italiane all'estero e estere in Italia
L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE . . . / ICE - ISTAT
L'Italia nella competizione tecnologica internazionale. ... Rapporto
L'Italia nella politica internazionale. [Istituto affari internazionali]
Italia nostra
Italia oggi
L'Italia vista dagli altri
Italian Economic Journal
Italian heart journal: official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology
Italian journal of engineering geology and environment : journal of seismic risk, hydrogeological risk, sea waverisk analysis,groundwater research
Italian journal of linguistics
Italian Journal of Marketing
The Italian journal of neurological sciences
The Italian journal of psychology. Sponsored by the Consiglio nazionale ...
Italian journal of sociology = Rivista italiana di sociologia
Italian linguistics
Italian political science review = Rivista italiana di scienza politica
The . . . italian report on migrations
Italian statistical abstract / ISTAT
Italian studies. / The Society for Italian Studies/
Italian yearbook of civil procedure
The Italian yearbook of international law
The Italianist. Journal of the departments of Italian Studies. University of. . .
Italianistica. Rivista di letteratura italiana
L'italiano. Periodico della rivoluzione fascista / direttore Leo Longanesi
Italiano e oltre
Italiano e oltre
Italienische Studien
Italique : poésie italienne de la Renaissance
Italy in figures / ISTAT
Italy today. Social picture and trends
ITCS. International trade by commodities statistics = ITCS. Commerce international par produit
Items / Social science research council
Items & issues / Social science research council
Iter Italicum
Itinerari d'impresa. Management diritto formazione
Itinerari di ricerca storica
Itineraria. Letteratura di viaggio e conoscenza del mondo dall'antichità al rinascimento = Travel literature and knowledge of the world from antiquity to the renaissance
ITLAW. Information Technology and the Law. An International Bibliography
ITNOW. The magazine for IT professional / [British Computer Society]
Iura. Rivista internazionale di diritto romano e antico
Iuridichenskii vestnik
Iuris antiqui historia. An international journal on ancient law
Ius canonicum. Revista del instituto Martin de Azpilcueta Universidad de Navarra
Ius commune. Veroeffentlichugen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Europaeische. . .
Ius ecclesiae. Rivista internazionale di diritto canonico
Iustitia. A cura dell'Unione Giuristi Cattolici Italiani
L'IVA : attualità, pratica e approfondimento
Izvestija Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Serija literatury i jazyka
Izvestija Sibirskogo otdelenija akademii nauk SSSR. Serija istorija, filologija i filosofija
Izvestija so an SSSR. Istorija filosofija i filologija
Izvestya. Mathematics
Izvestiya atmospheric and oceanic physics
Izvestiya physics of the solid earth

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