Journal of public finance and public choice : PFPC = Economia delle scelte pubbliche

Year: 1999     Volume: 17     Number: 2 /3

Authors Titles First page Last page
Pejovich, Svetozar A Property Rights Analysis of the American Welfare State 79 91
Mittone, Luigi The Reduction of Decision Complexity:: Normative Policies and Role of Information 93 119
Cowen, Tyler ; Tabarrok, Alexander The Opportunity Costs of Rent Seeking 121 127
Sutter, Daniel Externalities in the Economic Theory of Regulation 129 136
Balassone, Fabrizio ; Franco, Daniele Fiscal Federalism and the Stability and Growth Pact: a Difficult Union 137 165
Zecchini, Salvatore Italy's Economic Policy in the Age of the Euro 167 189
Trupiano, Gaetana Enlarging the European Union and Co - ordinating Corporate Taxes 191 211